Category Archives: My Ideas for Making Nigeria Better

Sometimes the Only Thing We Know About Our Fathers Is What Our Mothers Tell Us – D L Hughley

This is a Fathers Day Special episode (published last night) of my DIARY OF A BATTERED MAN (DOABM) – and in it I react to two videos, and a series of Eleven Real Life Confessions of Grown Kids About Their Parents.

If you find it useful, remember to share with others you believe may benefit as well.

Happy Fathers Day!

Click HERE to watch the video now.

Violent/Abusive People Are NOT Born: They Are MADE! My Reaction to #YourViewTVC’s “Does Provocation Justify Domestic Violence?

This is Part 1 of a 2 part series with the theme: A Root Cause We Often Miss -Which Can Help Us Nip Domestic Violence in the Bud.

In this 2 part presentation, I react to the episode of #YourViewTVC’s  Talk Show titled “Does Provocation Justify Domestic Violence” published on Nov 12, 2020.


“This new generation wanna breakthrough without suffering, mentorship!”: Sonnie Badu Scolds Youths

Listen to My Reaction to Sonni’s Advice to the New Generation

Sonnie Badu Shares 3 Secrets to REAL LASTING Success

Watch the video and listen to my reaction/commentary (Featuring Les Brown’s “Message to Young People”) via CLICK HERE.

Strange Pawpaw Tree Shows Root Cause of Nigeria’s Domestic Violence (DV) is a “People Profiting from Victims’ Pains” Culture

Nigeria’s DV problem has become a pandemic. And the reason why it’s that way is that we have developed a culture of PROFITING from PAIN.

I call it P4P for short.

In this video, I use the analogy of a Pawpaw tree with a peculiar fruiting behaviour to illustrate my point.

TIP: In Nigeria if your “abuser” is able to get those you complain to, to accept “money” or “favours”, you’re VERY likely – except in rare cases – to lose out (& even suffer secondary abuse at THEIR hands!) no matter how much proof you have.

Watch this video to learn more, as I explain why this happens, why it is the root cause of what is now a pandemic of sorts today – and what can be done to stop it.


[DVAM] Two Life Changing Stories of Domestic Violence You Need to Hear: Sharing My Story on “Relationship 360” – 99.3 FM Nigeria Info

On Sat 12/3/2022 I shared my story as a Male Survivor (& Mrs. Olaide Kayode-Omosebi as a Female Survivor) of Domestic Violence on the “Relationship 360” Show at 99.3 FM Nigeria Info Radio Studios Lagos/Nigeria.

Click to watch the 5 minute video trailer I created for this loaded episode of “Relationship 360” with Olumide Omosebi (CEO, Gnosis Help Initiative).

Wait till end for URL to the full recorded video version published by Olumide on Instagram.

Win REPEAT Sales…Mailing List Dbase Mining: Farm CEO Buys my Poultry Farm Mgr & Returns to Buy Church Records Mgr App

Ever heard of Mailing List Database Mining?

Play this video to listen as I explain, using a true story.

The ideas I offer here can be successfully adapted for use by any interested persons, using a little creativity regardless of your field of interest or specialization.


[VIDEO VERSION] Amazing Story! Biafran Scientists Innovated CHEAP Animal Feed (During the Civil War) Using FREE Ingredients Part 1 of 2

*Originally recorded on 4th September 2016…

In this podcast (Part 1 of 2), I:

a. Share my hands-on experiences gained in Profit Making Commercial Poultry Farm Business Management in which practical Feed Formulation and Compounding Strategies were actively utilized to achieve massive savings in costs by the Farm Research Foundation I belonged to.

b. Begin a historical analysis of the circumstances that drove Biafran Scientists during the Civil War to innovate for Livestock Feed Formulation in unprecedented ways.



If Things Are Not Going Well For You, Check YOURSELF: The Problem Could Be YOU!

PREVIEW: If the world keeps giving you ZERO (i.e. it does not give you the results you want e.g success etc), the ideas I share in this podcast may prove helpful to you.


Farming/Eating 70% Protein Grasshoppers in Israel, China, Uganda & Nigeria: Lessons for Farm CEOs

How An Israeli Insect Farm Courts Scientists, Industry & Celebrities to Sell It as a “NEW MEAT”!

Farm CEOs need to understand: YOU have to develop marketing passion if you want to make more sales. And you have to be willing to think out of the box.

Apart from discussing the massive potentials of this “New” type of (Insect based) “Meat”…this podcast highlights Smart Product Marketing Lessons from an Isreali Farm Business engaged in selling it, that Farm Businesses EVERYWHERE can learn!

Play this video to listen to this podcast and learn more.


Email to request download link to the PDF list of 11 resource URLs featured in this video.