Category Archives: My DN Travel News

Attract Superior Employment Opportunities OR Paid Client Projects [Year End Promo: Learn 1-on-1 or Get my Excel-VB Automation Coaching Club Membership at 65% Discount – Expires Sat 31st December 2016]

In 2002, I quit paid employment to launch my own business providing commercial Excel-VB software development solutions.

The market for this solution was non-existent at the time – in my country, Nigeria. People simply did NOT see what I saw. I got laughed at for YEARS for thinking and daring to SAY I believed I could sell MS Excel workbooks!

The idea sounded ludicrous to them, and quite a number felt they knew as much as I did about Excel, if not more.

But my passion and conviction kept me going, and I carefully identified gaps in the data recording, analysis, report generation fields in various markets, till I narrowed down to those where my solution could make a useful impact people would gladly pay for.

Today, I have a growing base of followers, prospects and clients from within and outside Africa…

Apart from verifiable evidence of client purchases I’ve shared in many true stories on this blog, the fact that professionals in various fields are joining my newly launched Excel-VB club, and referring colleagues and friends to signup as well (following the maiden edition of my FREE monthly Excel-VB workshop) lends credence to my claims.

The above proves that acquiring Excel-VB competence is now being seen as a worthwhile investment in this part of the world, that can boost your competitiveness in paid or self-employment as a professional in your field. This has been the case in developed societies across the world for over 2 decades: we in Africa have been left behind for so long!

If you’re self-employed, your spreadsheet automation competence will give you a seriously unfair advantage over your competitors, and help you deliver MORE value to clients in a way that makes them gladly pay you MORE.

In the phone/email based aspect of my one-on-one coaching, I will give you tips and insights you can use to make this happen.

Click here to read full details of my ” One-on-One MS Excel Heaven™ Visual Basic Coaching Program & Finish With Your Own Custom Excel-VB App You Can Use at Work and/or Sell to Clients!”


I’m on a mission to empower (with a primary focus on Nigeria/Africa):

1. Job seekers/Employees/Career Persons to attract superior employment opportunities by demonstrating that they can boost productivity in the workplace using unique spreadsheet automation skills.

2. Independent Consultants/Self-Employed Professionals/Experts to win over high profile clients, by demonstrating that they can develop cost-saving, performance enhancing custom spreadsheet automation solutions for agreeable fees.

###NB: Some people are either too busy, value their privacy or learn too fast to be satisfied with learning at the speed of a group of people. That’s why I offer this Confidential One-On-One Coaching/Mentoring###

[Year End Promo: Learn 1-on-1 or Get my Excel-VB Automation Coaching Club Membership at 65% Discount – Expires Sat 31st December 2016] – fill/submit the form at the bottom of this page

PII 045: Learn Spreadsheet Programming to Auto-generate Reports from Your E-Bank Statement [FREE App You Can Use]

Persisting Despite Discouragement Is the Key to Succeeding Anywhere

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge

In 2004 (then my third year as a start-up entrepreneur, since quitting paid employment), the CEO of a small business specializing in providing IT solutions, laughed in my face, after I told him I offered custom MS Excel-Visual Basic Software Development Solutions for a fee.

He said “Huh, who’s going to pay you to do that kind of thing?”

It’s important to note here that his reaction, as one who had been in business, on a formal basis, about 5 years before me, had serious potential impact on my state of mind. Especially with regard to how I thought of myself and what I believed I had to offer my target audience in the marketplace.

By dismissing what I said the way he did, my conviction about my concept was challenged and shaken to the root.

“I have never started a company that, at some point, didn’t cause me to have doubts. This must be a stupid idea because no one else is doing it. Why don’t people get it? Maybe there is nothing there” We all have self doubts, but as entrepreneurs we don’t let these thoughts stop us. It is only a sanity check and is a normal thing.” – Fran Tarkenton (Former Football Star/Millionaire Entrepreneur)

Luckily for me however, my 7 year stay in paid employment as one who rose rapidly to success breaking many boundaries in terms of productivity and age of achievement, gave me something to draw on.

It so happened that a lot of my success was directly related to my ability to convince business users in the company across various departments, that spreadsheet automation could make them more productive.

As a result, I was able to use my skills to develop useful real life applications that solved major data handling and report generation problems faced by departmental and sectional heads in the company.

Over time, I gain major career benefits in various forms due to my efforts. It was the insights I gained from doing all that which convinced me that spreadsheet automation solutions could be profitably provided to a larger audience.

Hence my decision to quit my job and do it for a living.

Today, the growing success I enjoy selling my custom apps to buyers within and outside Africa proves I was right.

But I had to start by believing in myself and rejecting the negative suggestions from naysayers I came across as I worked towards success.

At the risk of stating the obvious, success did not come easily or quickly. Out here in Nigeria/Africa, up till now the spreadsheet automation industry is still very young.

Out here in Nigeria/Africa, I continue to struggle to find experts doing what I’m doing i.e. building and selling custom automated spreadsheet apps, IN ADDITION to providing custom development services to individual and group clients.


My story confirms that success achievement requires not just competence, but a willingness to PERSEVERE or PERSIST until one achieves the desired outcome.

This is the truth.

But it’s NOT a truth that people LEARN in school.

Most “teachers” don’t know this truth, so they are unable to pass it on to those they TEACH.

The result is that too many schooled ADULTS fail to understand that their ability to DEAL with and OVERCOME delays, disappointments, setbacks, failures, and other forms of adversity and unpleasantness in life is THE KEY to achieving sustainable authentic success in any area of endeavor.

One word can be used to describe that ability, and that’s “PERSISTENCE”.

And it is more important than ANY academic credentials they may possess or acquire. Indeed, while lack of formal schooling may NOT often be a fatal handicap, a shortage of PERSISTENCE can sentence a person to a life of perpetual failures.

Proof of this can be seen all around us in form of countless highly successful people, with minimal or no schooling, who just STUBBORNLY kept trying again and again and again, each time they fell, until, making intelligent changes to what they were doing, UNTIL they succeeded.

The quote below underscores what I’ve said above:

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; u1nrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge

[Recommended] Telltale Signs You’re Dealing With an Emotional Manipulator

I’ve written a few articles (see linked below) on Emotional Intelligence, based on my studies of the works of pioneering experts like Daniel Goleman, as well as my experiences making conscious use of what I learned in the real world.

This article (published on LinkedIn Pulse) offers VERY useful insights into the dangers you may expose yourself to, IF you fail to develop the needed social intelligence to identify, and effectively MANAGE emotionally manipulative people in your life. The ability to assert one’s self is key dimension of being Emotionally Intelligent, Quite often, it can determine how well you can go on to achieve long term, sustainable success.

The article linked below offers potentially useful insights you can explore.

Telltale Signs You’re Dealing With an Emotional Manipulator

We all know what it feels like to be emotionally manipulated. It can be extremely effective, which is why some unscrupulous individuals do it so much.

A few years ago, Facebook, in conjunction with researchers from Cornell and the University of California, conducted an experiment in which they intentionally played with the emotions of 689,000 users by manipulating their feeds so that some users only saw negative stories while others only saw positive stories. Sure enough, when these people posted their own updates, they were greatly influenced by the mood of the posts they’d been shown.

Related Articles

1. Why Schools Need to Teach Emotional Intelligence [Hint: Your Success In Life – Academic Ability Matters LESS Than Your Emotional Intelligence]

2. What Being Emotionally Intelligent Does Not Mean

3. Are You A Social Chameleon? (Read This To Find Out!)

4. No. 119: How to Achieve Success in Any Field (True Story)

PII 045: Learn Spreadsheet Programming to Auto-generate Reports from Your E-Bank Statement [FREE App You Can Use]

One of wisest tips on business I ever came across was contained in the quote below:

“Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two – and only these two – basic functions: Marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results, all the rest are ‘costs’.” – Peter Drucker, described as the Grandfather of Modern Marketing (and in my opinion Management)

In this article I offer a FREE copy of a new Excel-VD driven app that I created, to solve a data handling and reporting challenge I had, in reconciling certain financial transactions details with 2 different clients, using an MS Excel bank statement downloaded from my bank’s website.

The thought occured to me that others who use online banking platforms similar to mine, especially in the Nigerian market, are likely to find this app useful.


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 19th December 2016

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 045: Learn Spreadsheet Programming to Auto-generate Reports from Your E-Bank Statement [FREE App You Can Use]

One of wisest tips on business I ever came across was contained in the quote below:

“Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two – and only these two – basic functions: Marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results, all the rest are ‘costs’.” – Peter Drucker, described as the Grandfather of Modern Marketing (and in my opinion Management)

In this article I offer a FREE copy of a new Excel-VB driven app that I created, to solve a data handling and reporting challenge I had, in reconciling certain financial transactions details with 2 different clients, using an MS Excel bank statement downloaded from my bank’s website.

The thought occurred to me that others who use online banking platforms similar to mine, especially in the Nigerian market, are likely to find this app useful.

So I resolved to use it for my annual year end mix of innovation and marketing to hit the ground running in 2017, with regard to my Excel Visual Basic Solutions Development.


Below: The 5 minute demonstration video I recorded for this app. Click here to watch it  in my Youtube Channel.

Below: Screenshot of the single sheet workbook file downloaded from my GTBank online banking platform.



Below: This was modified from what was originally in the downloaded Excel worksheet bank statement downloaded via a query I did in my accounts interface on the bank’s website.



Like I mentioned in yesterday’s preview, I was trying to make some sense of the transactions in my bank statement which I generated from my online banking interface.

I actually wanted a copy of the statement because I needed to review certain entries based on some repeat clients I had transactions with via online banking.

A need arose to trace some particular transactions for two such clients, and there was a bit of confusion and delays in finding the information because each of them had at some point done transfers to me through a 3rd party.

But the 3rd parties had not taken the pains to enter descriptions mentioning who they were making payments on behalf of.

As a result, there were some payments that I could not trace for each client since their names were not linked to them.

 To get started, what you need to do is simply click the IMPORT BANK STATEMENT button. In the case of this copy of the app, I’ve configured it to check for and import ONLY the workbook downloaded from the online banking interface.

This works well and is a safe strategy because typically, the online banking interface query will generate a statement that is saved using your account number as a unique filename identifier.

That means I only have to change the filename it refers to (with path modifications as needed), for this app to work with your own MS Excel based statement downloaded from THIS bank’s website.

If you use any other bank, modifications will simply be made to accommodate whatever differences exist in the data table layout/format, as well as the corresponding reports to be generated.

TIP: For those of you who take up the offer I’m making, you’ll get this app FREE to use for life, with 100% FREE support and upgrades, if you purchase ONE year membership of my Excel-VB club for N5k instead of N13k on or before Midnight of Saturday 31st December 2016.

Back to using the app…

Clicking the IMPORT BANK STATEMENT button loads a prompt informing you the app will first of all delete all existing data in the table, before it commences importation of data from the downloaded workbook.

I put in that procedure in anticipation of instances when you may be importing a new body of downloaded data that’s smaller than the one you just finished working with (For instance you download a 2013 to 2016 statement, after viewing a 2016 statement like I did).

The app imports the statement into the table and leaves the bank statement single sheet web page style workbook open in a separate window, which you can easily switch to, and compare data from.

Notice that even the worksheet tab for the database worksheet bears the same label as the filename.

Now, one of the things I wanted to be able to do, was to find information relating to a series of transactions with some specific individuals, for reconciliation purposes.

To make this easy, I got the app to generate a list of names from the “FROM” and “TO” columns in the data table – eliminating duplicates.

So, you simply click on a name from the drop list, that you want to query and review transactions for, and the app would filter the table’s contents, displaying only those matching your query, and hiding the others.











You then have the option to further query the table using month and year parameters, via drop menus provided.

So if someone tells me there was a transaction in 2014 March for a certain amount, I can use the above menu driven query items to easily locate relevant references to him/her.

Worst case scenario – if the information s/he supplies does not turn up matching records, I can simply do a blanket search with his/her name from the menu, and ALL records linked to it will appear, from which we can then review and decide the way forward.

At any point during your query based review, you have the option to click the PREVIEW button to see the pre-print view of the filtered table contents.

If you have a PDF creator installed, like I do, you will be able to generate PDF versions of your final table version – if you do not wish to print on paper. This PDF option may come in handy should you wish to send the scenario generated to a 3rd party without having to share the entire bank statement’s contents with him/her.





Another thing to note is that the totals for DEBIT and CREDIT columns are updated dynamically using functions that recalculate to reflect the displayed contents.

This is quite useful because it saves you from worrying about recalculating the totals for the scenario you generated. Watch the way the totals change as the various menu items are clicked in the video demonstration.

When you’re done with querying the table, clicking the SHOW ALL button will return the table to its default display state, with all data visible.

Now, clicking the MENU button loads the floating Main Navigation Menu button.

On the Main Menu’s left 4-tabbed panel, the 2 middle tabs allow you to access 2 key summary dynamic reports generating interfaces.

  1. The Single Year Scenario: Allows you to generate a table of summaries with corresponding charts in bar and line formats. I created this interface to review trends on a month by month basis for a chosen year. Again, a PDF version of each scenario generated can be created and emailed to a 3rd party without needing to share the entire body of data.

Tip: Notice the auto-generated headers inserted into the print-ready page by the app, which personalizes the report with the owner’s name and other details

  1. The Single Month Scenario: Here you want to drill down through the data for a particular month of a particular year, on a daily basis. My purpose here was to see if I could establish any useful trends and relationships between the periods reviewed, towards making useful decisions or deductions.






What I’ve done is to put in dummy data, to protect privacy of myself and those I transacted with. So what you see in the video and screenshots are NOT real values.

Tip: Now one of the things I had to do in this table was to cater for differences in numbers of days for some of the months, like February (Which has 28 or 29 days depending the year), and other months like November, September, June and April, which have 30 days, unlike the rest with 31 days.

The table’s TOTALS dynamically hide and display the last few rows for EACH month, as the month name changes, so that when February is clicked, no data from March appears in the table, regardless of the number of days it has, in that year.

This is a major time end effort saving format.

***The AUTO FIT button is used when a cell has generated entries are displayed as hash (####) signs due to inadequate cell width. Clicking in any cell in the column and clicking the AUTO FIT button will activate the auto size function, resizing the cell to allow proper display of the contents.

It goes without saying that what I have done with this app was simply basic level data handling for report generation. Nothing complex in terms of real financial analysis.

And that’s because my immediate need for basic information drove this app’s creation. But that’s why I want to bring others on board, especially financial experts and other serious business users, so they can learn Excel-VB coding as they use the app. I can help (and/or coach them) to do a LOT more.

Over the past decade, serving as an Excel-VB Solutions Developer, I have worked with many CEOs and financial consultants in various markets/industries, and I know they all have various tasks they use MS Excel to manually carry out on their business financial data – especially those found in their bank statements.

Indeed virtually any income earning adult in today’s society makes use of a bank account and is therefore likely to understand the potential benefits of being able to relate to his/her financial data using MS Excel, in the manner I have demonstrated with this app.

My vision is to empower interested business and other users of MS Excel, with Excel-VB coding competence to enable them do what I have done here, in terms of solving a data handling, analysis and report generation problem, to meet their peculiar individual needs.

Typically, any self-employed professional, marketing experts, HR Executives, and financial experts in paid or self-employment, and indeed any business owner or working adult with a need to use MS Excel, will find learning a little MS Excel-VB automation quite a handy skill to possess.

But if you cannot spare the time, maybe someone you know, or who works for you can learn it and then help you with it.

That is why I offer YOU this app, with FREE lifetime support to use it for your own purposes, if you sign up for ONE year membership of my Excel-VB Automation club.

All you need do is pay the promo signup fee of N5k, and I will send you the app, with details of your membership benefits, including the 50% discount you get on ALL my products and services as a member.

This offer remains valid until Midnight of Saturday 31st December 2016, when the fee will revert to N13k, the Standard membership fee.

NB: Current club members interested in getting a FREE copy of this app can do so by paying the N5k fee, instead of the standard N13k fee, to renew their membership for another year.

Click here to contact me if you have questions or require clarification.

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2. Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*






Why “Cheap” Is Unlikely to be “Hip” (A Client Blindly Demanding Low Fees May Likely Hurt You)




[Coming Tomorrow] You Need this Custom Spreadsheet App to Accurately Analyze Your Bank Statement

THE FARM CEO (Issue 69): Importance of bank reconciliations for your farm business, Automate Your Farm Records Keeping For Profitable Farm Planning, [Coming Tomorrow] You Need this Custom Spreadsheet App to Accurately Analyze Your Bank Statement

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement

Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.

Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to

SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

Home |About | Contact | SD Nuggets™ | Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS | Web Marketing Systems | Freelance Writing | MS Excel® Heaven™ | Cost-Saving Farm Biz Ideas

THE FARM CEO (Issue 69): Importance of bank reconciliations for your farm business, Automate Your Farm Records Keeping For Profitable Farm Planning, [Coming Tomorrow] You Need this Custom Spreadsheet App to Accurately Analyze Your Bank Statement

This week’s non-password protected issue of the Farm CEO newspaper features articles on theme of farm accounts automation and reconciliation. ending with a preview of a new app I’ll be launching in tomorrow’s issue of my Performance Improvement Ideas newsletter.

1. Importance of bank reconciliations for your farm business

No other accounting procedure will do more to ensure the completeness of the cash farm records than reconciling book and bank accounts.

Click here to continue reading…

2. ‘Automate Your Farm Records Keeping For Profitable Farm Planning

In this article, I explain the importance of establishing and maintaining reliable farm records keeping systems as it is a crucial requirement for successful planning & profitable management of your farm business. As they say, if you do not record it you cannot measure it. And if you do not measure it, you cannot control it. Which is the same thing as saying you cannot plan for it. In essence, I am saying that keeping detailed and accurate farm records  is a crucial requirement for effective and profitable farm planning.

Your Farm NEEDS Diligently Kept Records

Click here to continue reading…

3. [Coming Tomorrow] You Need this Custom Spreadsheet App to Accurately Analyze Your Bank Statement

Each time a New Year approaches, I always work hard to hit the ground running with a new and different concept, product or soliution.

This time around what I’ve come up with happened really by accident. A problem I had making sense of the MS Excel based bank statement I downloaded from the online banking interface for one of my accounts.

Click here to continue reading…

[Coming Tomorrow] You Need this Custom Spreadsheet App to Accurately Analyze Your Bank Statement

On the 31st day of this month (December 2016), it will be exactly 14 years since I quit my high paying job as Technical Training and Development Manager with Guinness Nigeria, to (among other goals), pursue my dream of developing custom automated spreadsheet software for a living.

I’ve since made MAJOR progress, establishing my own unique range of custom spreadsheet apps used by high profile clients within and outside Africa. So much so that today I earn passive income selling my apps remotely via the web, without needing to meet face to face with clients.

Each time a New Year approaches, I always work hard to hit the ground running with a new and different concept, product or soliution.

This time around what I’ve come up with happened really by accident. A problem I had making sense of the MS Excel based bank statement I downloaded from the online banking interface for one of my accounts.

Below: Screenshot of online banking interface, with download of MS Excel statement in progress.



The data was in too basic a format for me to find the information I needed, and trend it to arrive at useful deductions.

Below: Screenshot of downloaded copy of January to December MS Excel based statement I generated from my online banking interface on 15th December 2016. 


Today I generated one covering 1st January 2012 till date, which I successfully used to test the new app I built. It worked superbly. Details, including screenshot of generated table and chart based summaries in tomorrow’s issue of my PII newsletter.

It was while I was crawling around in confusion in the downloaded spreadsheet version of my statement for 2016, that I remembered I possessed MS Excel-VB automation skills.

And that meant I could do something about the problem I had with the data I was looking at!

My desire to use the data for my planned purposes drove me to build an app to do what I want with the statement.

Then when I began using the finished app, it occurred to me that others who also use online banking interfaces to generate their bank statements would probably find this app useful.

So, I decided I would use it as my new “product” going into the new year.

Below is the description of the app, that I’ve put in its about window.

This Custom Automated Excel VB Driven Entreprise Information System(EIS) was built by Tayo K. Solagbade, for SDAc’s Creative Business Solutions(CB Solutions) arm, using MS Excel® Visual Basic. It allows even a PC novice quickly and effortlessly import bank statement data from an MS Excel based workbook downloaded from his/her bank’s Internet Banking platform. Using in-built cystom automation tools the user is then able to generate tabulated and charted reports.

Tomorrow, the Monday issue of my weekly Performance Improvement Ideas (PII) newsletter, will go out.

In it, I will provide detailed descriptions and screenshots, as well as a step-by-step video demonstration of how the app works.

Then I will end with an introductory promotional offer of the app. Members of my Excel Visual Basic Automation Club will get a heftier discount.

Stay tuned – in a few hours, the details will be LIVE.


Below: Screenshot of the data auto-imported from the MS Excel-based bank statement downloaded from my online banking interface


[PS: This post is a precursor to tomorrow’s special issue of my Performance Improvement Ideas (PII) newsletter, which will feature full details of this new product to be announced via a special promo offer]

Why “Cheap” Is Unlikely to be “Hip” (A Client Blindly Demanding Low Fees May Likely Hurt You)

“But Tayo, somebody did this same thing for me last year for ten thousand naira: why is what you call a promo offer so much higher priced? In this period of recession, all I want to hear are low prices”.

Prospects and clients have said stuff like the above to me in the past, with regard to my Web Marketing System development service offers. Most times they did it in a bid to beat down my fees to what they felt was “reasonable”.

I have however always been one to focus on finding clients with a good fit. Anyone too focused on paying a low fee regardless of value to be had, was/is NOT good for me. So I learned to tactfully offload such individuals, by asserting myself without offending them.

What follows below are excerpts from the text transcript version of an audio response I sent to one such CEO – an example of how I do the above.

You must be able to look at solutions other people offer you, compared to what someone like me is offering in terms of using the web for business promotion.

We need all to find customers. Every person who is in business is not joking around. You and I are looking for buyers for what we sell. Your purpose in marketing is to find somebody that will pay to buy what you are selling.

It’s stating the obvious, but I’m emphasizing it because I want you to understand what I’m offering to do for you from that perspective.


That’s what is needed…!!

So, it’s not theory. We are looking, for example, at you saving money using this proposed solution, with regard to your business marketing, so that you can increase your profit margins.

How much is it currently costing you to get people to buy from you? This has to do with your Cost of Sales/Cost of Customer Acquisition.

If you are able to cut down your above mentioned cost, by 25% for example, that implies you’d have increased your profit margin by the same amount. In essence the amount of money you put in your pocket or the amount you retain in your business, will increase by 25%.

So THAT (i.e. reduced marketing/sales costs) is one immediate benefit you are likely to reap from implementing a Web Marketing System I will setup for you, if you use it the way I recommend.

It will enable you focus your time, effort and energy to doing the things that matter the most.

The second thing is that you want to attract people that are more likely to be willing to pay you what you want them to pay to buy from you,

So, the second benefit of the WMS, is that you will have a system, which even when you are sleeping, will be capable of influencing people who fit the above description to find you, and ultimately make contact with you.

In other words, there are 2 things to look forward to in this regard:

This system will make them find you, AND then it will make them arrive ready to do business with you, 80% of the time, on your own terms.

The above implies you want to find potential buyers in bulk. You want people, whether they are within or outside your immediate area, to buy from you in bulk.

So, whatever will help you find these people in larger numbers, with a greater degree of frequency and bring them to you, when you are just doing things that I recommend you do, using the system I setup for you, is something that definitely will NOT require an investment as low as ten thousand naira!

What I do is “value pricing” i.e you evaluate the potential worth of the solution I offer, based on the expected benefits you are to reap – mainly financially. That ensures both parties enjoy a win-win outing!

Like I tell clients and prospects all the time – the solutions I offer are designed to be pocket friendly/affordable, but NEVER cheap.

However, I use a low risk entry pricing strategy, – like this 12 month FREE Web Marketing Support Service – to give selected potential clients a taste of what I offer. What I do for this group of CEOs is then used to showcase to others I approach, what they stand to benefit if they signup.

It’s never wise to let people “commoditize” services they offer you.. Especially not Web Marketing solutions.

Trust me. I say this for over a decade of hard won experience that serves me well today, as a web marketing professional.

I did not study IT. I’m an Agricultural Extensions Services graduate., but believe me, what I do in terms of the way I used the web has put me way ahead of 80% of those who possess degrees in IT, in this part of the world. 

In addition I’m very unique in terms of the way I use the web, especially because I don’t use paid advertising. And yet I make sales to buyers within and outside the African continent.

The irony of it all is that I get these great results by using a marketing weapon or instrument that costs me only a fraction of the total income I earn annually from using it.

If you look at it from that perspective, you will understand  that what I want to do for you has nothing to do with what someone else may have done for you. Or indeed what s/he may be offering to do for you, at some cheap rate…and it certainly cannot be done for ten thousand naira.

Then the question to ask is:

Does this interest you? Would you like to be able to operate the way I just described?

I refer to a situation in which you get to lower your marketing costs and at the same time, almost simultaneously, boost your marketing reach and impact.

That is a situation in which people who are ready to buy from you (at least 80% of the time) will discover and come to you, on their own, even if they never knew about you before, and yet be willing to do business with you on your terms?

That’s how over 80% of my clients found – and connected – with me. No one told them about me: They discovered me online, via my own WMS. The foregoing probably applies to you READING THESE WORDS right now.

Every time I have a sales conversation – and I’m having them almost every day now – it’s amazing the results I get most times.

I have so many stories to tell in this regard – and some have been shared in my past articles (like this one – click here to read). This is because this system I use works by building on your past successes – it continues to grow.

That’s the beauty of Web Marketing the way I do it.

You will continue to leverage previous encounters. Your activities online are going to be reported by Google in a manner that enables more and more people to find you, or as long as you remain authentic.

So the WMS – as I conceive and implement it – is not for crooked or lazy people. It’s also not for marketing fraudulent offers. Instead it’s something that’s for authentic providers of solutions, whether product or service.

In summary therefore, my WMS offer at any time will be designed to empower the client willing to make the required investment, in a way that ultimately delivers the desired benefits, while at the same time equipping him/her to carry on competently using it, independently of me, after I’m done.

Does that interest you? Click here now, let me know how I can help you.

Can You Deliver RESULTS When Failure Is Not An Option? [Hint: Are You A “Choker” Or A “Big Match Player”?]

[Tip: This post is a Content-Repurposed version of a 2012 issue of my (now defunct) Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter. Even though the example used is based on public speaking, the ideas shared can be successfully applied in any other areas of endeavour]

In The Real World, Things Can Go Wrong – Sometimes Badly Too!

Even after we have done everything we think possible, to prepare ourselves for a speaking or project outing, one or more unexpected negative developments can still occur.

And it could affect upset us so much, that when we get on stage  (or client premises), the speech (or job) we have prepared well for before the D-day, might not come out as desired.

Possible Occurrences That Could Make You “Upset” – Before You Give A Speech or Do a Client Job

I discuss a few possible examples below. It goes without saying that there are  many others you may be faced with.

Know that the tips offered here can be applied to good effect in dealing with them as well.

1. BEFORE you have to go on stage :

Some years ago, I had to deliver a talk about 1 hour after I had engaged in a verbal (and near physical) exchange with my wife. It was so bad, that I left home late, and only managed to stop fuming minutes before I was called out to speak.

That took some major doing…but the tips I offer here made it possible!

Still another possibility:

You get some bad news via a phone call or SMS about a business deal, that’s fallen through. Let’s say you had been so sure you would win the bid. Imagine how deflated you would feel. 

Now what if this news got to you, say 30 minutes before you had to step on the podium to deliver a speech titled “Nothing Is Impossible” to a group of startup entrepreneurs. How convincing do you think your delivery would be?

Depending on your temperament, it can be quite difficult to avoid letting your bad mood spill over to your interactions with other people.

Think about the times you have been upset by someone at home. Were there instances when it happened just as you were on your way out of the house? If yes, how well were you able to handle yourself in relating with others, when you got to work, or whatever your destination was?

2. When You Are Already On Stage &/or Speaking:

Imagine that just as you are about to start (or while you are) speaking, someone shouts an embarrassing comment insult at you from the audience e.g. a heckler. If s/he hits a nerve or sore spot you have, your reaction could be anger, resentment.

In a separate article, I shared the story about how I flopped at the National Finals of a competition for young managers, because I could not find a particular (transparent) slide I wanted to use.

A Story That Illustrates One Way To Give A Speech When You Are “Upset”

Imagine having to give a speech just after UNEXPECTEDLY losing an election (for public office or otherwise). This situation actually played out in a movie I watched recently. A young US congressman had maintained an intimidating lead in the opinion polls, over an older candidate widely regarded by the public as no match.

But just 24 hours to the election day, a photo published on the front page of a national daily showed the young congressman carrying out a very naughty prank on colleagues when he was in college, caused uproar. There was no time for his team to react. He got roundly defeated in the elections by the other guy, even in his own state.

Once the results were in, he excused himself, and retired to the men’s room to rehearse his speech. He had previously prepared a speech to cater for (what was then) the unlikely possibility of his losing the elections. Faced with the reality that he had indeed lost the elections, he walked round the men’s’ speaking out the words to himself.

When he finally got on stage, he delivered the speech as is, but later added stuff NOT on the script. He told the audience for instance, how some of what had said about his personal philosophy was not really true, and had been added to the speech on the advice of experts and consultants.

He went on to say a lot more, which amounted to “Standing Psychologically Naked Before The Audience” – to paraphrase “Burt Dubin” – creator of the Speaking Success System™. The audience loved it, and the media raved about his speech, saying it was likely to make voters back him in larger numbers in the next elections.  Three years later, he ran again – and won.

What the congressman in the movie did was simple.

He used the setback of losing the election, as a psychological stepping stone to launch him into the future he desired. By refusing to let his loss UPSET him, and instead creatively adapting his prepared speech to “re-sell” himself to the voting public, he succeeded in making them overlook his college prank, and won them over towards his future campaign


You can do the same:

I would be the last person to say this will always be easy to do. But if one is to merit being called a “Professional” it becomes imperative that s/he be prepared to act like one, by developing the competence to effectively manage your moods, so as to ensure you deliver satisfactory performances, whenever you have to speak before an audience.

Before Speaking, Put AWAY Whatever Upsets You In “Little Mental Boxes”

One could infer that the congressman described above, probably applied a variant of this approach for his purposes.

In using it, I force myself to APPLY what I once read, about putting ANY worries one has, into separate little boxes in different corners of one’s mind

This is the method I use and it has repeatedly enabled me bring my feelings under enough control to ensure I have a good outing.

Indeed, it has enabled me function optimally in my interpersonal interactions in both my personal and work lives for over 2 decades now. In certain instances, close associates ( who are aware of potentially disturbing issues I’m dealing with) have accused me of  unmasking a “steely” or “unfeeling” side!


Doing so helps you free the larger part of your mind, from the potential distractions that dwelling on the upsetting experience could cause.

But you don’t stop there. Later on, when at the right place and time, you can re-open any of your worry boxes, and reflect on ways to eliminate their contents, without the conflicting psychological pressure of thinking about giving a coherent speech!

Believe me – this worry/mood management technique has worked for me, for many years now. And it has enabled me go out daily during many dark periods of adversity, to deliver outstanding presentations to individual and group audiences.

Many of the clients I won during those periods would NEVER believe me, if I told them the psychological circumstances under which I won them over back then.


My message, in essence, is that in order to increase your chances of succeeding, when you speak to others, you really need to develop the capacity to manage your moods, under ANY circumstances. Even when you are upset, train yourself NOT to show it. You will be amazed at the level of deliberate self-control and mastery that you can achieve.

The ability to do this, will equip you to deliver compelling performances more often, regard.

One positive implication of being able to function in this manner is that clients and/or audiences will come to perceive you as someone who can be DEPENDED upon to DELIVER when it matters.

When they need a speaker at short notice, for instance YOU will naturally come to mind ahead of other possible candidates!

Final Words: Will You Be A “Choker” Or A “Big Match Player”? WILL YOU be Able to Deliver RESULTS When Failure Is Not An Option ?

Reflect carefully on this question, especially as it relates to serving your clients, who will be depending on you to bring the expertise they believe you have, to bear in the event that a problem arises.

In the real world, things may not always happen to plan.

Sometimes they will go badly wrong. When that happens, you ability to stay firmly in control of yourself will determine how you end up performing as a speaker – or indeed as an expert in your chosen field!

In sports, people who are able to deliver under pressure are usually referred to as “BIG MATCH” players

Those who always seem to cave in as they get closer to high pressure, psychologically tasking game situations in Golf, for instance, are called “Chokers”.

So, which do you want to be called, in the mind of your clients, and/or audience members?

A BIG MATCH player or a “Choker”?

The preferable choice is obvious. But to be able to manifest the attributes that will get you thought of in that manner, you MUST work on yourself, and develop the CAPACITY to absorb the shock from events or experiences that could upset you.

You can start from today – right in your home, with the kids, your spouse and relatives – maybe the annoying brother, sister or mother-in-law? Or that difficult colleague or business partner at work etc.

Promise yourself that you will NEVER let anything they do upset you to the point that you actually transfer it to another social environment you have to be in later on. Learn to leave it behind in a little worry box in one small corner of your mind.

Keep doing it for long enough, and you WILL become able to speak IMPACT-FULLY, to ANY audience, even when someone just (tried to?) upset you!

Making Your Own Stuff Can Save YOU Money & EVEN Make YOU MORE! [True Story: Learning Home Based Footwear Making With My Kids – Photos]

One of my key objectives as a Best Practice Parenting Advocate is to challenge parents to coach their kids to make deliberate purpose driven INCOME EARNING skills acquisition a way of life.

Virtually no any area of endeavor or vocation should be exempted. As long as there is interest on the part of the learner, and the activity itself is value adding, ESPECIALLY in terms of income earning potential, as well as personal development benefits, you should encourage them to go for it.

It’s a slow – and necessarily messy process (especially when one is dealing with teenagers), but worth it in the long run, as it MATURES them in line with real world requirements quite effectively.

The best practice parenting articles I share on this blog provide ample evidence of the fact that I practice what I preach. 

This is why our home is always in a constant state of perpetual activity!

So many of my best practice parenting articles shared on this blog offer insights into the MANY exciting real life skills development projects we have successfully converted into semi-formal (and soon to be formalized) money making (and/or money saving) micro business enterprises.

Examples include our range of no-oven charcoal stove baked cakes, cookies, chin-chin, bread, African-Style-Pizza and Pineapple-Peel (Yes, the PEELS)-based drinks. See links at the bottom of this post, to detailed articles I’ve written about some of them – photos inclusive.

The ability to make the above foods and drinks now enable the kids make their own birthday cakes and other refreshments.

So, instead of having to go buying them, they simply purchase the flour and other items needed and then settle down to bake ALL they need.

What’s more, when friends and relatives are celebrating we now simply decide what to make and give to them as gifts, instead of thinking of what to buy and where to get it.

Now that we’ve added footwear making to the  mix, the kids have yet another option in terms of what they can give as gifts – EACH of them being what they can produce in a custom manner that does NOT exist in the marketplace, making it unique and therefore more likely to be appreciated by the recipient!

This article is meant to serve as a wake-up call to as many readers as possible

I feel compelled to use the insights I’ve so far gained, from the years of progressively implementing my best practice parenting vision for my OWN kids, based on a careful reflection on my personal experiences in life, to offer guidance to other parents – and indeed adults in society.

Not too long ago, I wrote a heartfelt piece in which I passionately appealed to parents and adults in society involved in education, to UNDERSTAND that schooling is MEANT to be a means to an end, and NOT an end in itself.

So many people in so many societies do NOT understand this truth and as a result, they continue to go about their “schooling” wrongly.

They do it in a way that denies them exposure to the RIGHT kind of education needed for them to survive, and indeed FLOURISH, in society as competent income earning responsible adults.

The recession we’re currently experiencing in Nigeria, as well as globally have thrown up this inadequacy in our schooling through our reactions towards it.

Those who lost jobs keep going out looking or new jobs – even accepting lesser pay, just to earn income. Those who lack jobs keep walking the streets, certificates in hand looking for jobs – sometimes even accepting to be grossly underemployed, taking on menial jobs, just to earn a living.

The irony is that while all the above happens, most of these schooled people fail to notice the elderly women on Lagos Island’s Balogun, and Akpongbon areas who for decades have operated high volume commercial trading businesses, dealing in fast moving consumer goods, DESPITE lacking formal education.

I used to smile, back in 2004, while still trying to find clear direction as a startup entrepreneur, at the paradox of the situation in which well dressed lady bankers would arrive in chauffeured official cars, to pressure the “Mamas” about the need to put their money in the bank.

Lacking formal schooling, and knowledge of conventional banking benefits, the latter routinely kept their money at home or in other non-bank storage locations.

This, despite the fact that the amounts they handled that way ran into the millions. The bankers knew this and saw massive opportunity to be had  in making the “Mamas” their clients.

As I said, whenever I saw the suited banker scurrying after the “Mamas”, I always smiled in silent amusement…

My amusement came from the obvious irony of the fact that the bankers NEEDED the money of illiterate big time traders who learnt to make money without attending school.

Yet in real life, in an economy that works, it is bankers who should ideally put their knowledge of money making at the disposal of business owners, with financial support where needed, so the latter can make money or make it more profitably!

This brings me back to my point about the schooling we get.

We often complete formal schooling without having real life competence in money making endeavors of any sort.

Instead most times we just emerge with lots of theoretical knowledge and the pieces of paper that confirm we passed those time limited exams.

Unfortunately, life does not give exams that we can sit down and pass the same way, using just what we read.

Instead, life demands that we demonstrate proficiency in something that adds tangible, measurable value and impact to others.

Anyone unable to find a way to function in that manner after completing his/her schooling and entering society is likely to struggle, to make him/herself get taken seriously. Especially as it relates to commanding income payment, from others.

This is the reason why unschooled people with exceptional abilities to do things others are willing to pay for, tend to end up rich, while schooled people lacking similar competence struggle in the same field.

Compare MANY graduates of music, who ventured into music making as a career, with Tu Face Idibia who never even studied the subject, yet is renowned for his music making prowess across Africa, and you’ll see what I mean.

It goes without saying that you can come up with so many more examples within and outside your own society.

This is why I argue that learning to DO THINGS that matter, especially in a way that makes others willing to pay you, is crucial to success in life.

Now, since most schooling available in our societies tend not to focus on giving learners exposure to develop the ability to do that, I believe EACH person must go get it for him/herself.

That’s what I am doing for my kids through my Personal Achievement Coaching for Kids (PACK) ™ program that I formally launched on a pilot scale with them in 2014.

One of its key objectives is to make the participants imbibe the mental attitude of constantly seeking to “Make their own stuff”.

Like I said earlier, it has to become a way of life. Like it is for me, the outcome will be the ability to function regardless of your seeming situation in life.

Even when you have no money, you will be so good at doing things that matter, and LEARNING new ones as needed, in a manner that equips you to get what you need at any point in time.

Anyone who functions that way will be effectively unstoppable.

I am able to conceive this model because it is based on my personal experiences having to succeed in spite of myriad potentially crippling limitations I’ve overcome during my startup years, to get where I am today.

My story, as told in many articles shared online over the past 10 years provides ample evidence that the claim inferred in my business motto is truly accurate i.e. “Acquire Self-Development Skills. Create The Future You Want™!”

That’s been the secret of my “unstoppability” since I started my journey to authentic long term success.

And it’s the secret I’m sharing with my kids in a very practical way.

As usual, I offer some examples of proof that I practice what I preach – this time, from the “Home based Custom Footwear Making” projects we’ve been making real progress with.

Below: A pair of leather slippers I purchased from a Cotonou based footwear maker in May 2016


Below: About 7 months later, they were worn out, and I’d discarded them. But when our new project on shoe-making began, I realized I could use the slippers to practice. This is the new slipper alongside the cover I removed from the old slipper.


Below: The new pair of slippers that I made using the soles from the old slippers



Below: First attempt by my 17 year old at  making a pair of rubber slippers



The Motivation:

Unreliable, yet costly footwear often on offer from local vendors. The alternative tended to be purchase of imported used shoes. I did not like that. So I formed a habit of doing shoes and clothes shopping for my kids whenever I returned home from Cotonou.

However, over time my bulky bags drew attention of custom officers at the border, who insinuated I was trading in shoes/clothes I brought. Then they informed me of duties imposed on certain items (e.g. shoes), which I should have paid.

That discovery got me thinking.

I had seen some shoe maker shops in Lagos, with show glasses displaying handmade shoes. I thought to myself: “What stops us from making (at least some) of our own stuff that we need daily e.g. footwear like shoes, slippers etc”

Summary: The Key to Lasting Progress and Authentic Success In Life Is A Problem Solving Mentality!

Every time I’ve implemented a new addition to what I can do, it’s been the direct result of a PROBLEM I wanted to solve.

Indeed, life itself, including money making, is all about finding solutions to problems. The problem could be yours or that of another person. Providing the solutions can either save you money or make you money.

And that is in addition to helping you make more productive use of your time and effort.

So, I began discussing the idea with my kids.

I have 3 teenage boys and they tend to set the mood for how well any idea will sell in the home, to their siblings. Since I understood how to “sell ideas”, and I knew EACH child’s personality and interests quite well (do you know your kids that well?), I had little difficulty getting 2 of the boys’ interested.

Within a month, we’d begun downloading and watching all sorts of home study videos on shoe-making from experts around the world.

Then each time we went out, we looked around for shoe-making shops and supplies stores.

Long story short, today, we’re in our 3rd month of trying our hands at shoe-making, and the results continue to get better.

The kids now make and wear their own rubber and leather slippers, as do I. We also salvage parts from old damaged footwear (shoes. slippers) lying around the house, to make new ones we then wear. See photos below for examples.

Today, not only do the kids (especially the 3 boys) now make some of their own footwear, they also know how to use various tools to FIX bad ones (for themselves and others).

The finishing of the items we make in this area still needs improvement, understandably, but we’ve improved to the point that some are good enough for casual outings already.

If you still don’t get it, this means we no longer spend money buying some kinds of footwear, neither do we pay to have our footwear mended by cobbler’s except in rare instances. It goes without saying that THAT is a smart way to live through a period of economic recession, like that happening now!

Now, it is only a matter of time before we settle on a range we can offer to others as gifts and for sale as well. Yep – that is where we are headed with this.

This kind of exposure is a crucial complement required for ANY formal schooling a person goes through, if she is to arrive adulthood and society with real world relevant competence.

Related Articles

1. [VIDEO] Build Your Battery Powered Toy Bike From Scrap [Case Study: Personal Achievement Coaching for Kids™]  – Read the article here (see screenshot images from the video)

2. We Need Schooling Systems That Transform Learners Into Real World PROBLEM SOLVERS!

3. PII 041: Avoid Intellectual Laziness, Learn How Things Work…to Achieve Success [Hint: A Culture of Making Your Own Things is Key to Individual/National Development – See Photos of Home Made Ankara Slippers and Shoes Inside]

4. Vocationally Skilled Population – Key to African Development!

5. [Workshop for Kids – by a Kid] Build Your Own Battery Powered Toy Bike!

6. Spend Time With Your Family to Create Products You Can Serve to the World As a Team

7. PII 011: You Need to Coach Your Child to be Resourceful in Life [Watch video of 12 Year Old Building Battery Powered Toy Power Bike from Scratch]

What You Need to Build Battery Powered Toy Bike From Scrap [Highlight Video by 13 Year Old – Personal Achievement Coaching for Kids™] presents “What You Need to Build Battery Powered Toy Bike From Scrap [Highlight Video by 13 Year Old – Personal Achievement Coaching for Kids™] ”

This 13 year old makes battery powered toy bikes from sweet sticks and electronics scrap!

[Case study from my “Personal Achievement Coaching for Kids (PACK)™ Program”]

Click here to watch the highlight video on my Youtube channel

*********Below are Screenshot Images from the Videos – High points during the video******


This 13 year old makes battery powered toy bikes from sweet sticks and electronics scrap!


He gets the rotor to drive the toy bike from damaged electronic devices, like THIS old DVD player.


He uses old microphone battery discarded in church  (or buys new one for N100) to power the rotor.


He improvises with matches & basic tools to apply ideas he got from a 3 min video by a US based expert


Fitting the rotor into the rear wheel made from 2 plastic coke bottle covers.


Joining the wheel to the bike frame


Fitting bike’s handle bars – made from discarded sweet sticks


All parts now fitted….


Initial test run…Adjustments to eliminate wobbling will be done till OK


Close-up of motorized bike wheel in motion


His name is Chika…& we intend to help him refine this toy bike’s finishing, so he can sell it.



LIKE this video and share it to inspire others. 



Email chika at to request his 4 part video tutorial on how to build your own battery powered toy bike


A LIVE demonstration workshop by Chika is available for  groups of kids On-Demand [Email chika at tksola dot com]


© Copyright 2016 SDAc’s Creative Business (CB) Solutions | | +234-803-302-1263 | +229-66-122-136


Video recording by: Chukwuemeka

Video Editing by: Tayo

Music by: Ville Nousiainen





He gets the rotor to drive the toy bike from damaged electronic devices, like THIS old DVD player.

He uses old microphone battery discarded in church (or buys new one for N100) to power the rotor.

He improvises with matches & basic tools to apply ideas he got from a 3 min video by a US based expert
Test running the rotor

Fitting the rotor into the rear wheel made from 2 plastic coke bottle covers.

Joining the wheel to the bike frame.
Fitting bike’s handle bars – made from discarded sweet sticks
All parts now fitted….
Initial test run…Adjustments to eliminate wobbling will be done till OK
Close-up of motorized bike wheel in motion

His name is Chika…& we intend to help him refine this toy bike’s finishing, so he can sell it.
Hear him: Now I have made my HW (battery) powered motorcycle. Thanks for watching. Bye!
LIKE this video and share it to inspire others.
Email to request his 4 part video tutorial on how to build your own battery powered toy bike

A LIVE demonstration workshop by Chika is available for groups of kids On-Demand [Email]

Video recording by: Chukwuemeka

Video Editing by: Tayo

Music by: Ville Nousiainen

© Copyright 2016 SDAc’s Creative Business (CB) Solutions | | +234-803-302-1263 | +229-66-122-136