Category Archives: My DN Travel News

Monetizing Your Expertise: Create Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGAs)…that you get paid for by others – 2020 SPECIAL PROMO OFFER [Only 5 Slots]

Create Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGAs)…that you get paid for by others,,,

(1) even on public holidays

(2) even when you have no client projects in hand

(3) even when you’re on annual leave

(4) AND…even when you’re ASLEEP! Just Like I’ve done for YEARS

Signup and you also get a client attracting online presence at to sell your Digital CFGAs from, alongside ANY other solutions you offer.
See REAL LIFE Digital CFGAs I’ve been selling for years at and

READ: How You Can Create Income Generating Assets Without Having a Job or ANY Money! (True Story) at

Interested? Be one of first 5 to signup at




Title: Location Independendent Multipreneur [a Multiskilled Entrepreneur working as a Digital Nomad]

Phone: +234-8033021263 (in Nigeria) OR +229-66122136 (in Benin Rep)

Email: tayo at tksola dot com


Twitter: @tksola


Web: | |

[FUN STUFF] These 10 Jokes Will Get You Laughing No Matter Your Mood!

Take a break and get a laugh.

I found these 10 jokes (and 2 bonus ones) hilarious. Click the link below to enjoy them in a special video slideshow presentation I created on my Youtube Channel.

[FUN STUFF] These 10 Jokes Will Get You Laughing No Matter Your Mood!

Watch at


######## UPDATE#######

The latest issue of my newsletter (PII 184) send out yesterday had repeated broken URLs in it, each time I used the service. So, I’ve setup alternative permanent URLs using the REDIRECT facility on to eliminate that problem.

Now, all you need to do to access the articles whose URLs appear on the photo slides in the article is to REPLACE “” with “” when typing out the URLs shown.

Alternatively simply click the link below to click directly on the updated versions of the slides on my blog:


PII 184: Educate Your Child to Reliably Make Money by Herself, to Meet ANY Needs She Has – Anytime She Wants [HINT: If you are a parent to kids you REALLY LOVE and desire success for, you NEED TO READ THIS!]

QUESTION: What skill, talent or competence has your child exhibited or developed or got – NOW – that you believe can help him/her CONFIDENTLY and COMPETENTLY command income s/he needs – with or without a salary job?

A degree certificate is no longer a guarantee of income via paid employment or otherwise.

We must empower kids as early as possible in life to KNOW how to MAKE MONEY and to NOT need a job, to live independent lives and achieve success in life.

I’ve heard some people recommend not letting kids get too interested in money early on in life. That they should FIRST focus on academic studies and graduate with good grades.


“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” – Robert A. Heinlein


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 23rd December 2019

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 184: Educate Your Child to Reliably Make Money by Herself, to Meet ANY Needs She Has – Anytime She Wants [HINT: If you are a parent to kids you REALLY LOVE and desire success for, you NEED TO READ THIS!]

QUESTION: What skill, talent or competence has your child exhibited or developed or got – NOW – that you believe can help him/her CONFIDENTLY and COMPETENTLY command income s/he needs – with or without a salary job?

A degree certificate is no longer a guarantee of income via paid employment or otherwise.

We must empower kids as early as possible in life to KNOW how to MAKE MONEY and to NOT need a job, to live independent lives and achieve success in life.

I’ve heard some people recommend not letting kids get too interested in money early on in life. That they should FIRST focus on academic studies and graduate with good grades.


“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” – Robert A. Heinlein

Please note: The earlier a person learns about money making the better s/he is likely to be – financially – over time, in life.

Without money, very little works in today’s world.

And it’s important to know that being academically brilliant will not make you good at making money – because schools do NOT teach money making.

How many of your teachers were RICH in the real “money” sense of the word?

If going to school made people rich, schoolteachers would be millionaires.” – Robert Kiyosaki

Your best bet therefore is to DEVELOP the ability to reliably make money by yourself, to meet ANY needs you have, anytime you want.

Robert Kiyosaki calls it BEING ABLE TO PRINT YOUR OWN MONEY.

In case you wonder, I’ve been reading Mr. Kiyosaki’s books since 2000 – and have ADAPTED lots his ideas to suit my unique needs in the peculiar socioeconomic environment of my primary target market in Africa.

The Current Situation

The skills required for personal survival and financial success have changed from what obtained decades ago.

Back then all you needed was to go to school, get good grades and land a good job, with good benefits and you were literally made.

Today, such opportunities are getting harder to find by the day, while more and more people with good grades are joining the hunt for them each year!

But at the same time, in today’s technology enhanced world, we see proof that anyone – with minimal schooling – who can quickly acquire new skills to create/add tangible VALUE that others gladly pay him/her for can become financially successful.

The Problem

Sadly, many people today, continue to send kids to school to get education that prepares them for the world that existed decades ago in which graduates aimed for employment in factories/industries.

As a result their kids undergo formal schooling (aka academic/knowledge based education), but do not have life/survival skills when they graduate.

“It’s only after you have left school and, in adulthood, gained a bit of distance, that you can be fully aware of the gaps in your education.” – Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett in this excellent article.

How I got my wake up call.

1. I graduated top of my class with a degree in Agric. Extension

2. Then I got into paid employment with a multinational brewer as a Graduate Trainee where I saw hands on competence mattered more for success than certificates.

3. Then I quit paid employment to run my own business in the real world (aka University of Hard Knocks)…where I repeatedly saw people with less formal education than mine get AHEAD of me – some mocking me.

It took me many years of perseverance and self-education to LEARN how to survive in the real world.

But I gradually learnt how to do it – by developing my own unique combination of skills to solve real life problems for others.

Today I use self-taught spreadsheet programming and web marketing/freelance writing skills to deliver custom Excel-VB spreadsheet software as well as a growing range in multidisciplinary information products – in addition to other unique solutions that earn me repeat income from clients locally and internationally.


ONE BIG LESSON I LEARNED is that “Education differs from Schooling:

The truly educated person knows how to apply knowledge s/he acquires to achieve a useful end that others value enough to pay him/her profitably for.

This is why Henry Ford was described as a man of education despite the fact that he had no formal schooling. He employed the greatest engineering minds and made them work together to achieve the feat of building the automobile engine for a car that could be purchased by the masses – even though they had all told him it was impossible!

The Alternative Education Model i Propose for Adoption by Smart Thinking Parents Who Love Their Kids

Today I recommend parents design custom education for their kids that combines DAILY Formal Schooling with Real World Relevant Life Skills Acquisition Training

This is what I am doing for my kids.

I’m exposing them to academic education combined with practical, real world relevant skills based education.

And I insist on as close to 50:50 content as possible i.e. 50% academics versus 50% practical vocational skills training content.













[RELATED] Is Your Child Learning For School Or For Life?

What standards of success are you setting for him/her?

Be careful so you do not end up preparing him/her to fail in life.

Take him/her out into the real world so s/he can CHOOSE a real-world relevant COMPETENCE to acquire that will ensure s/he does not get “kicked around” by those who are better “real-world educated”.

I say this from painful personal experience.

A hands-on approach to life is crucial for survival especially in the face of rapid and unexpected changes in today’s world. Click here to continue reading


1. PII 132 – NOT Being A Conventional Parent: A Proven Parenting Success Secret [True Stories + Ideas You Can Use] – Part 1 of 2


3. PII 150: Stop Ancient Schooling: Your Child’s Success Depends on Her School’s Teaching Method [VIDEO: Jack Ma says “We need to stop training our kids for manufacturing jobs”]

4. PII 115: To Kill Unemployment, Treat People With Vocational Skills With EQUAL Respect (and Remuneration) as Those With University Degrees! [True Story – Remi, a Lagos Based Entrepreneur, Shows Sapele Youths How to Make Ankara Bags and Shoes]

4. [RECOMMENDED] Education that can’t create jobs is useless –Ngige

5. PII 066: There’ll be No Need to Force Kids to “Finish” School If They See MORE Formally Schooled People Doing Well Financially [Hint: 9 Questions That Indicate How Conventional Schooling Shortchanges Learners]

6. PII 112: A Well Schooled Person May NOT Necessarily be Well Educated [Excerpt from Tayo Solagbade’s “Schooling is a Means to an End and NOT an End in Itself” – Includes Excerpts from Tayo’s Letter to Lagos State Deputy Governor]

7. TRUE STORY: An Invitation from The Ministry of Youth and Social Development to Discuss My Paper Titled “Schooling Is a Means to an End and NOT an End In Itself”

8. [BPP] This 2016 Viral Video Sues “School” for Killing Creativity, Individuality and being Intellectually Abusive

9. Two Videos Every Parent Should Watch With Her Child to Ensure S/he Gets The Right Education

10. Bayo Adeyinka Shares his Frustration from Interviewing 50 “Graduates” of Nigerian Tertiary Institutions |Femi Ogedengbe – Nollywood Actor Turned Security Guard in USA Identifies Types Of Nigerian Leaders & Followers Responsible for Her Retrogression

11. [Workshop for Kids – by a Kid] Build Your Own Battery Powered Toy Bike!

12. We Need Schooling Systems That Transform Learners Into Real World PROBLEM SOLVERS!

13. A Formula Schools Need to Teach But Don’t [Reason Why Brilliant Students Struggle In the Real World]

14. Teach Your Child to be Brave Despite School

15. We Make Our Own Things™ [Hint: Why You Should Too!]

16. Empower Your Child to Develop Market Relevant Income Generating Competencies [True Story]

17. Graduation Day at the 2 week Cosmetic Makeup and Gele Tying Workshop [Re: Empower Your Daughter to be Her Own Boss With Minimal Resources Via Vocation She Can Build on to Excel]

18. [PHOTO SLIDESHOW] 9 Year Old Oluoma Plaits “Evelyn King” Hairstyle for 12 Year Old Temiloluwa On Sun 28/10/2018

19. [2016 TEDx VIDEO] To Truly Succeed, Black Women Need to Wear Their Natural Hair! -Verbatim Text Transcript of presentation by Cheyenne Cochrane, an Ambassador for the Natural Hair Movement

DOWNLOAD the infographic below:

1. PII 158: How My Farm Business Support Center Can Help Farm Owners Achieve Superior Results at Low to Zero Cost [3 Common Challenges It Will Address]

2. PII 155: Make Money Building & Selling Custom Excel-VB Software to Profitable Niche markets [Join my MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation club to Start Learning HOW]


Connect with me using any of the following:

Phone: +234-8033021263 (in Nigeria) OR +229-66122136 (in Benin Rep)
Email: tayo at tksola dot com


This talk is based on an educational weekly email series I created exclusively for members of my Web Marketing for CEOs club.
It provides experience based ideas, tips and insights for use by any persons engaged in business, who wish to achieve low to zero cost business marketing reach and impact by leveraging the the power of PC and Internet Technology.
It is NOW available in a specially bundled MP3 Audio and PDF Book package that can be downloaded online or accessed offline on a DVD delivered to you.
Attendees of THIS LIVE talk however get instant membership of my Web Marketing for CEOs club (N50k value – includes FREE weekly coaching via Private Facebook and WhatsApp groups) + FREE download link to the ebook/audios.
Standard FEE for Talk – N100k


Get 1 Year Web Marketing Saupport: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*










PII 183: FREE DOWNLOAD – Rabbit Farming Literature and Livestock Feed Formulation Information You Need to Succeed [4 ZIPPED FOLDERS – 24MB]

 Click the link provided below to send me a message if you’d like to receive the following:

1. The download link to 4 zipped folders containing 24 MB of learning resources I compiled on every area of Commercial Rabbit Farming.

Like I said, the materials were mainly compiled for Rabbit rearing and feed formulation – and sent to a Rabbit Farm CEO client based in Accra-Ghana, after he bought my Excel-VB Ration Formulator software and the accompanying Feed Formulation Handbook.

However some of them apply to livestock feed formulation in general – including Poultry.

PII 181: [VIDEO] Make More Money by Integrating Rabbit Production Into Your Farm Business – True Stories From Africa
2. A mobile friendly version of the above mentioned Trailer Video on Rabbit Farming in your email inbox – that you can watch offline.

Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 16th December 2019

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 183: FREE DOWNLOAD – Rabbit Farming Literature and Livestock Feed Formulation Information You Need to Succeed [4 ZIPPED FOLDERS – 24MB]

If you’ve been following my writing on Best Practice Farm Business Management for a while, chances are good that you know I strongly advocate adoption of Integrated Farming – especially one that includes both Rabbit and Catfish farming by Farm business here in Nigeria/Africa especially.


Because integrated farming enables you achieve multiple streams of income via a diversified range of farm based products (and even services) you can offer.

In addition, it gives you multiple opportunities to use by-products on aspect of your integrated farm enterprise as input in anther aspect – rather than having to throw it away as waste.

A good example is the use of Rabbits droppings for making feed for fish etc.

Also the urine for rabbit is highly valued and widely used as a nature friendly and very potent soil fertilizer due to its richness in NPK – Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium – key active ingredients required for fertilizing the soil, but without the negative impact of chemicals that happens when chemical fertilizers are used.

If you have not watched the trailer video I published in my YouTube channel showcasing real life Rabbit Farm CEOs discussing their experiences succeeding in Commercial Rabbit Farming, click the link below to watch NOW in my YouTube Channel.

PII 181: [VIDEO] Make More Money by Integrating Rabbit Production Into Your Farm Business – True Stories From Africa

Click here to send me a message if you’d like to receive the following:

1. The download link to 4 zipped folders containing 24 MB of learning resources I compiled on every area of Commercial Rabbit Farming.


Like I said, the materials were mainly compiled for Rabbit rearing and feed formulation – and sent to a Rabbit Farm CEO client based in Accra-Ghana, after he bought my Excel-VB Ration Formulator software and the accompanying Feed Formulation Handbook.

However some of them apply to livestock feed formulation in general – including Poultry.

2. A mobile friendly version of the above mentioned Trailer Video on Rabbit Farming in your email inbox – that you can watch offline.


DOWNLOAD the infographic below:

1. PII 158: How My Farm Business Support Center Can Help Farm Owners Achieve Superior Results at Low to Zero Cost [3 Common Challenges It Will Address]

2. PII 155: Make Money Building & Selling Custom Excel-VB Software to Profitable Niche markets [Join my MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation club to Start Learning HOW]


Connect with me using any of the following:

Phone: +234-8033021263 (in Nigeria) OR +229-66122136 (in Benin Rep)
Email: tayo at tksola dot com


This talk is based on an educational weekly email series I created exclusively for members of my Web Marketing for CEOs club.
It provides experience based ideas, tips and insights for use by any persons engaged in business, who wish to achieve low to zero cost business marketing reach and impact by leveraging the the power of PC and Internet Technology.
It is NOW available in a specially bundled MP3 Audio and PDF Book package that can be downloaded online or accessed offline on a DVD delivered to you.
Attendees of THIS LIVE talk however get instant membership of my Web Marketing for CEOs club (N50k value – includes FREE weekly coaching via Private Facebook and WhatsApp groups) + FREE download link to the ebook/audios.
Standard FEE for Talk – N100k


Get 1 Year Web Marketing Saupport: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*











Continue reading

[ARE THESE STORIES TRUE?] Has Jumoke The “Bread Seller-Turned-International Model” Gone From Grace To Grass again?

Below – Screenshot of a News Report Headline that should bother EVERY right thinking Nigerian.

This is the second time I’m seeing a news headline on this truly alarming development in the life of breads-seller turned International Model – Jumoke Orisaguna – whose grass to grace story inspired millions and who, in my considered opinion PERSONIFIES Nigeria’s equivalent of THE AMERICAN DREAM.

Read my 2016 article: Is Olajumoke the Bread seller-Turned-Model Getting a Fair Deal?

Has Jumoke The Bread Seller Gone From Grace To Grass again?


Not to Above Screenshots: After following her phenomenal rags to riches rise to fame, and observing how various vested interests were literally falling over themselves to get a piece of all that she was generating (media exposure, money making opportunities etc). an uncomfortable thought occurred to, and began to nag insistently at me…until I gave in to the impulse to at least write about it. So, on 26th February 2016, I published the blog titled “Is Olajumoke the Bread seller-Turned-Model Getting a Fair Deal?” Well, today 10th December 2019, I’m reporting headlines suggesting that most of the concerns I raised in my 2016 article about Orisaguna being a candidate ripe for exploitation may have been valid after all if the news report dated 9th Dec 2019 on the page shown below is anything to go by.

This story should NOT be true. What it describes should never happen.

And if it is TRULY HAPPENING to this lady, I make bold to say EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US will be guilty of letting her down, and making Nigeria look AVOIDABLY bad – if we let it continue to its inevitable bad ending!

Forget the “lack of formal education” excuse. Too many people abound right here in Nigeria, who are doing quite well inspite of a lack of formal schooling – by leveraging their unique and God-given talents, with the right SUPPORT.

A good example is Nike Okundayo who has no formal education but lectures at Harvard, other top varsities – as  world renowned expert in her specialized vocation textile crafts

I gave several other examples in my 62 page paper titled “Schooling is a Means to an End and Not An End in Itself  – which incidentally features Orisaguna herself.

Read PII 112: A Well Schooled Person May NOT Necessarily be Well Educated [Excerpt from Tayo Solagbade’s “Schooling is a Means to an End and NOT an End in Itself” – Includes Excerpts from Tayo’s Letter to Lagos State Deputy Governor]

If this story (and others linked below) is/are true, then NIGERIANS as a people are once again proving through this Lady’s life that they lack EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE and actively engage in using and dumping anyone at the slightest opportunity.

The professionals who guided this young lady knew the dynamics better than she did. Why let her stay in a 5 year rental if there would be no support to renew it.

Would it not have been better to gift her a place of her own, no matter how small?

What about her social life?

Uncontrolled exposure to sophisticated interpersonal relationships with people in a world filled with people nursing predatory instincts can change the meekest person into a totally different personality overnight.

And when you add money and fame to the mix, the result can be quite disastrous.

This lady was bound to make mistakes. Including the issues she had with her husband. But her handlers must be told that THEY FAILED HER and they need to take action now to save her, otherwise ALL OF NIGERIA WILL HAVE TO BEAR THE SHAME if we let her fall back from grace to grass.

After all she will not be the first person in the world lacking formal schooling to get the kind of break she did.


Was she given any life coaching (e.g how to stay grounded and not let fame get to your head and CHANGE you from your real self)?

I doubt it – especially given what has reportedly happened between her and the father of her kids.

Did she get tips and support on how to invest money she got paid? (I’ve read she’s been working her plan to have her own business etc – so hopefully she’s on the right path there).
Who was checking to ensure she got paid right?

Was any coaching given to the husband on how to build himself to support his wife?

What were the professionals she worked with doing?

Who was looking out to get her new modelling opportunities and contracts?

It would seem most people just came in to take what they could and get out!

How this lady and her family end up MUST become a NATIONAL PRIORITY.

Otherwise our version of the AMERICAN DREAM could – figuratively speaking “die” an embarrassing death!


Related Articles:


Life no longer rosy for former bread seller, Olajumoke Orisaguna



3. Bread seller turned model Olajumoke Orisaguna in financial and relationship crises

PII 182: Should You Start a Poultry Broiler Farm Business? Critical Success Factors You Need to Seriously Investigate [AUDIO PODCAST]

1. Are you planning to invest your money in starting up a Poultry Broiler Farm Business?
2. Have you concluded that all you need to do is get hold of a business plan and you’ll be well on your way?
3. Do you have a prospective investor you have to discuss with about his/her intention to invest in Poultry Broiler Farming?
4. Would you like to get practical experience-based ideas to make a better informed decision about whether or not Poultry Broiler Farming would be a profitable and fulfilling business to invest your hard earned money in?

Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 9th December 2019

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 182: Should You Start a Poultry Broiler Farm Business? Critical Success Factors You Need to Seriously Investigate [AUDIO PODCAST]

Hint: This podcast was produced exclusively for members of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas Club, as well as members of my Inner Circle, and the few among my clients who are members of my Club Zero elite group. Normally they would have received the audio podcast directly via their WhatsApp groups. However, as a gesture of goodwill, I decided to make it available for FREE download access online by any interested persons – as a gesture of goodwill, in the spirit of the season. I hope you find it useful. Please share freely.
1. Are you planning to invest your money in starting up a Poultry Broiler Farm Business?
2. Have you concluded that all you need to do is get hold of a business plan and you’ll be well on your way?
3. Do you have a prospective investor you have to discuss with about his/her intention to invest in Poultry Broiler Farming?
4. Would you like to get practical experience-based ideas to make a better informed decision about whether or not Poultry Broiler Farming would be a profitable and fulfilling business to invest your hard earned money in?

If you said YES to one or more of the above – especially if the proposed farm business is to be located in Nigeria in particular, or Africa in general, then you may find it beneficial to listen to this Audio Podcast.

Too many people venture into Poultry broiler farming business based on hearsay, about how much money can be made from sales of the market ready table sized birds.
Often times they are not told about (or fail to give enough attention/preparation) to the work that needs to be done to get the birds to that point. And more importantly, they often fail to think of how get MONEY  – with tangible profit margins – into their pockets from the process.
The result is that the business ends up failing to their surprise.
In this audio, I highlight Critical Success Factors You Need to Seriously Investigate to determine whether or not it would be wise to invest in a Poultry Broiler Farm Business. Click here to download and listen to it NOW.

DOWNLOAD the infographic below:

1. PII 158: How My Farm Business Support Center Can Help Farm Owners Achieve Superior Results at Low to Zero Cost [3 Common Challenges It Will Address]

2. PII 155: Make Money Building & Selling Custom Excel-VB Software to Profitable Niche markets [Join my MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation club to Start Learning HOW]


Connect with me using any of the following:

Phone: +234-8033021263 (in Nigeria) OR +229-66122136 (in Benin Rep)
Email: tayo at tksola dot com


This talk is based on an educational weekly email series I created exclusively for members of my Web Marketing for CEOs club.
It provides experience based ideas, tips and insights for use by any persons engaged in business, who wish to achieve low to zero cost business marketing reach and impact by leveraging the the power of PC and Internet Technology.
It is NOW available in a specially bundled MP3 Audio and PDF Book package that can be downloaded online or accessed offline on a DVD delivered to you.
Attendees of THIS LIVE talk however get instant membership of my Web Marketing for CEOs club (N50k value – includes FREE weekly coaching via Private Facebook and WhatsApp groups) + FREE download link to the ebook/audios.
Standard FEE for Talk – N100k


Get 1 Year Web Marketing Saupport: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*


3 Foolproof Strategies to Successfully Avoid Getting Scammed – True Stories [AUDIO PODCAST] | Includes Tried and Tested Ideas to Detect & Choose Good Over Evil


[BPP-PhotoStory] Sisters-With-Skills: A Day Out With 2 Multi-Skilled Sisters (13 and 10 years old) Who Combine DAILY Formal Schooling With Vocational Skills Training


Economics of Aquaculture Production, Video- Succeed In Your Livestock Farm Biz (Feed Formulation Series), Manual on Catfish Hatchery & Production, Why Agriculturists Need to Be Agro-Entrepreneurs to Prosper, Starting a Biz While Working Full Time [Get Password to Read THIS Archived Issue No. 04 of my PDF Farm CEO Newspaper of 29th June 2015]



Continue reading

Economics of Aquaculture Production, Video- Succeed In Your Livestock Farm Biz (Feed Formulation Series), Manual on Catfish Hatchery & Production, Why Agriculturists Need to Be Agro-Entrepreneurs to Prosper, Starting a Biz While Working Full Time [Get Password to Read THIS Archived Issue No. 04 of my PDF Farm CEO Newspaper of 29th June 2015]

[TIP: Download and read archived Issue No. 04  of my PDF Farm CEO Newspaper (published 29th June 2015) shown in the screenshot below Be sure to follow the instructions given for opening the document with the password provided]

Here’s a preview of Issue No. 04 of THE FARM CEO Weekly Newspaper…

[PDF] Economics of Aquaculture Production P.1

[VIDEO] Why You CAN Succeed In Your Livestock Farm Business (Feed Formulation Series) P.2

[PDF] Manual on Catfish Hatchery & Production P.2

[URL] Why Agriculturists Need to Be Agro-Entrepreneurs, If They Want to Prosper P.3

[PDF] Starting a Biz While Working Full Time P.3

Your Questions Answered P.3
Get FULL access to the above and more in YOUR COPY of this issue 04 of THE FARM CEO newspaper

DOWNLOAD and read THIS issue of the Farm CEO for tried and tested ideas that work better.

NB: has been retired and, the default subdomain URL restored for optimal SEO.


All members of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas Club) group received – when they first signed up by purchasing a Farm Support Solution from me – a zipped folder of past issues of my PDF Farm CEO Newspaper sent to them FREE.

But some of those PDFs (about 7 or so) require passwords to open them.

It’s been difficult getting back to you individually, with the passwords, so I’ve decided to post ARCHIVE editions of the newspaper on here and supply passwords for those ones that require it.

Click HERE to download Issue 04 published and broadcast on 29th June 2019.

It is password protected.

When the password entry dialog box appears, copy and paste (leaving NO spaces before or after the letters) the password provided to open it.

NB: I took the screenshot you see above, BEFORE and AFTER I used the password. Just so you know I confirmed it works.

If however you need help, let me know and I will be glad to give it.



tfc04-cover - Here's a preview of Issue No. 04 of THE FARM CEO Weekly Newspaper...

PS: If you are not a member of the Farm CEO Ideas club, and would like to receive the password to open this PDF newspaper, click here to send me a message.

[BPP-PhotoStory] Sisters-With-Skills: A Day Out With 2 Multi-Skilled Sisters (13 and 10 years old) Who Combine DAILY Formal Schooling With Vocational Skills Training

[UPDATE at 7.00p.m 27/11/2019]: Removed “Fri” from list of days the girls attend Hairstyling training. They actually rest on Tuesdays and Fridays. BUT if they miss their normal days, they have to make it up by going to work on those rest days. Also added 2 new articles – see items 18 and 19]

LAGOS- NIGERIA @12 Noon, Wednesday 27th November 2019: Photo-Story – Yesterday (Tuesday, 26th November 2019), I took my girls (13 and 10 years old) out to lunch – picked them up from school with a change of clothes. The ten photos below describe how we spent our day. 

By way of interest, the 13 year old recently got selected by the school administration to represent them in a Hair-styling Competition where she will also teach other kids.

The girl has been excited – understandably. She came to tell me 2 days ago, asking for money to buy the attachments and other stuff she’s been told will be required at the event.

I’m super excited too, because I know this opportunity will cement their interest in the vocation.

It all seems like yesterday, but they’ve actually been apprenticing now for over 2 years, starting back in 2017, when they attended a 2 week long intensive Vocational Skills Training on Cosmetic Make Up and Gele Tying, after which they chose to have me enroll them for hair-styling training at Mushin.

Graduation Day at the 2 week Cosmetic Makeup and Gele Tying Workshop [Re: Empower Your Daughter to be Her Own Boss With Minimal Resources Via Vocation She Can Build on to Excel]

A year later they enrolled to apprentice at another stylist’s shop closer home.

The rest is history – as they are now competent doing various styles – and take turns to work on each others hair to do whatever hairstyle their school announce for each week.

Their boss recently told me the older girl is now able to take on paying customers without supervision.

No. 1 of 10:

Here we were getting close to our destination, then I remembered I wanted photos of them wearing these African prints I bought for them on Victoria Island,on my way to the Immigration (Passport) Office at Ikoyi.


No. 2 of 10

Selfie at the same landmark as in Photo 1 of 10. They still did not know where I was taking them. A busy school day had them looking a bit tired. By the time we got to our destination, they came alive…and I teased them about it…LOL!


No. 3 of 10

So here, they’re about to place their order inside a Domino’s Handmade Pizza outlet at Ogba. Before we arrived here though, we’d actually stopped over for about 30 minutes at a Shoe-making Training School within the same area, where I had discussions with the CEO about available courses.


No. 4 of 10

In this photo they are paying much closer attention to the choices described on the menu…after I made it clear to them that I would NOT be helping them make sense of it. Instead I challenged them to imagine I was not there and get the sales attendant to clarify any aspects they did not understand.


No. 5 of 10

Here they review entries for the order they placed, as well as the POS payment made using my card on the auto printed slips handed to them by the sales attendant. I actually insisted they study both printouts and asked them questions to be sure they understood them as well as the debit alert to my phone.


No. 6 of 10

It’s been a while since I last gave them this kind of treat. This time around it was an opportunity for me to REWARD them for sticking with the intensive regimen of combining schooling (8a.m to 2.30p.m) with Hairstyling Training (4.30p.m to 7.30p.m on Mon, Wed & Thur + 10.30a.m to 7p.m on Saturday).


A. [PHOTO SLIDESHOW] 9 Year Old Oluoma Plaits “Evelyn King” Hairstyle for 12 Year Old Temiloluwa On Sun 28/10/2018

B. [2016 TEDx VIDEO] To Truly Succeed, Black Women Need to Wear Their Natural Hair! -Verbatim Text Transcript of presentation by Cheyenne Cochrane, an Ambassador for the Natural Hair Movement

No. 7 of 10

We chatted about the choices on the menu…and tried to analyze the price paid based on what they were given. They chose a MEDIUM PIZZA that came with FREE FRENCH FRIES and one bottle of FREE DRINK. I asked if they wanted to buy an extra bottle. They declined. I learned why later!


No. 8 of 10

I requested the help of a gentleman sitting at a table next to us. The bright lighting made it quite hard to take good photos. I knew this from taking the first set of photos. Our friend had to change positions quite a bit like I did, to get the best shots.


No. 9 of 10

Well, the smart young ladies waited till we left Dominos and had stopped at Chicken Republic to buy a take-away pack of jollof rice, moin moin and fried chicken for their 5 year old brother, Then they got me to buy them snacks worth 2 bottles LOL!


No. 10 of 10

The gentleman I approached to help us take the p;hotos did a great job taking multiple shots from different angles,to minimize negative impact on bright lighting coming through. FYI: We tried using my Life Book on their FREE WIFi but got a browser message: ONLY MOBILE DEVICES ALLOWED.



1. PII 132 – NOT Being A Conventional Parent: A Proven Parenting Success Secret [True Stories + Ideas You Can Use] – Part 1 of 2


3. PII 150: Stop Ancient Schooling: Your Child’s Success Depends on Her School’s Teaching Method [VIDEO: Jack Ma says “We need to stop training our kids for manufacturing jobs”]

4. PII 115: To Kill Unemployment, Treat People With Vocational Skills With EQUAL Respect (and Remuneration) as Those With University Degrees! [True Story – Remi, a Lagos Based Entrepreneur, Shows Sapele Youths How to Make Ankara Bags and Shoes]

4. [RECOMMENDED] Education that can’t create jobs is useless –Ngige

5. PII 066: There’ll be No Need to Force Kids to “Finish” School If They See MORE Formally Schooled People Doing Well Financially [Hint: 9 Questions That Indicate How Conventional Schooling Shortchanges Learners]

6. PII 112: A Well Schooled Person May NOT Necessarily be Well Educated [Excerpt from Tayo Solagbade’s “Schooling is a Means to an End and NOT an End in Itself” – Includes Excerpts from Tayo’s Letter to Lagos State Deputy Governor]

7. TRUE STORY: An Invitation from The Ministry of Youth and Social Development to Discuss My Paper Titled “Schooling Is a Means to an End and NOT an End In Itself”

8. [BPP] This 2016 Viral Video Sues “School” for Killing Creativity, Individuality and being Intellectually Abusive

9. Two Videos Every Parent Should Watch With Her Child to Ensure S/he Gets The Right Education

10. Bayo Adeyinka Shares his Frustration from Interviewing 50 “Graduates” of Nigerian Tertiary Institutions |Femi Ogedengbe – Nollywood Actor Turned Security Guard in USA Identifies Types Of Nigerian Leaders & Followers Responsible for Her Retrogression

11. [Workshop for Kids – by a Kid] Build Your Own Battery Powered Toy Bike!

12. We Need Schooling Systems That Transform Learners Into Real World PROBLEM SOLVERS!

13. A Formula Schools Need to Teach But Don’t [Reason Why Brilliant Students Struggle In the Real World]

14. Teach Your Child to be Brave Despite School

15. We Make Our Own Things™ [Hint: Why You Should Too!]

16. Empower Your Child to Develop Market Relevant Income Generating Competencies [True Story]

17. Graduation Day at the 2 week Cosmetic Makeup and Gele Tying Workshop [Re: Empower Your Daughter to be Her Own Boss With Minimal Resources Via Vocation She Can Build on to Excel]

18. [PHOTO SLIDESHOW] 9 Year Old Oluoma Plaits “Evelyn King” Hairstyle for 12 Year Old Temiloluwa On Sun 28/10/2018

19. [2016 TEDx VIDEO] To Truly Succeed, Black Women Need to Wear Their Natural Hair! -Verbatim Text Transcript of presentation by Cheyenne Cochrane, an Ambassador for the Natural Hair Movement

3 Foolproof Strategies to Successfully Avoid Getting Scammed – True Stories [AUDIO PODCAST] | Includes Tried and Tested Ideas to Detect & Choose Good Over Evil

Verbatim Text Transcript Preview Excerpt:

I want to share a formula I use to decide whether or not to get involved in any activity at all – depending on how I think it might turn out.                

I think it’s very important for people to have rules or a checklist that enables them to know whether or not it would be wise for them to do something or not do something – especially when that thing has to do with, or gives them some reason to be apprehensive about whether or not it would be, maybe illegal or dishonest or something negative. You know, when you’re not sure.

When you’re in that decision making state, where you’re looking at what you want to do and you’re not sure whether or not it would be right to go ahead with it, and you want to make up your mind.

Click HERE (or below) to download rhe full audio (<3MB) and listen offline.


[RECOMMENDED] Incredible Story of Professor Andrew Haruna: Vice-Chancellor of FUGA and Former Shoemaker

I came across the interesting story of a Vice-Chancellor who started out in life as a Shoemaker and was naturally drawn in to read more (Who wouldn’t be?)

I must say though that the full article is a bit lacking for depth (rather sketchy details), but the moral of the true story is still compelling.

Which is why I shared it to my wall on Facebook.


But I made the point in my Facebook post, about a massive opportunity the Shoemaker-turned-VC is missing to use his achievement to influence a badly needed modification of the Learning Solutions Menu on offer in the University System. Read my comments below:

“Great achievement. But why BE CALLED FORMER SHOEMAKER?

If I were in his shoes, I would have employed few reliable hands to take my shoemaking business to the next level.

This argument becomes easy to relate with when one considers the
GLARING FACT that increasingly larger numbers of “graduates” unable to find work years after leaving school are enrolling in footwear making (and other vocational) schools springing up

Take it from me. Just last week I was in the office of the CEO of a popular footwear making training school – who told me he quit paid employment as a Chartered Accountant with a firm to focus on his shoemaking business because he discovered he earned more than twice his salary.

More significantly, he noted that over 95% of people he trains in his bags and shoemaking school are graduates who got tired of looking for jobs…or of doing jobs that did not reward them satisfactorily – especially in terms of what they earned.

It is therefore my considered opinion that this Shoemaker-turned-Professor is missing a MASSIVE opportunity to change the narrative of University education as it relates to its real-world-relevance.

Indeed if he is smart, he will setup a shoemaking course (or even a Faculty of Practical Vocational Studies) that his university’s students will be encouraged to enroll in.

It’s amazing that this opportunity could have been missed by him – and those who saw him evolve to become who he is today!!!”