Category Archives: My DN Travel News

Nine(9) Sure Signs & Symptoms That Indicate You Need To Adopt Best Practice Systems In Your Business

Quick Take-Away: Best Practice is about continually striving to do better than you did the last time – in any area of endeavour you may be engaged in. I like to refer to Best Practice as “Self-Development (i.e. continuous self-improvement) for Organisations or Businesses”. Do You Operate Best Practice Systems In Your Business? This article highlights nine(9) signs and symptoms which if occurring in your business would strongly suggest you DO NOT, implying that you may need to.

(Published Online: 28th Feb. 2007 – this article has been relocated from the static hmtl page originally at Continue reading

No. 105: Chasing Clients Will Cost You Profits (A True Story)

I returned from Nigeria, where the events described in this write-up took place, 14 hours ago. Sales leads “follow up” – when “over done” – can sometimes erode one’s “credibility”.

Potential buyers start thinking you need them more than they need you. Then insisting on your best fees/prices becomes difficult!

That’s why it’s wiser to make THEM chase YOU instead. This issue of my newsletter describes a subtle strategy you can adopt.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 2nd August 2013


Title: Chasing Clients Will Cost You Profits (A True Story)

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!


No. 105: Chasing Clients Will Cost You Profits (A True Story)

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NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


I returned from Nigeria (where events described in this write-up took place) 14 hours ago. Sales leads “follow up” – when “over done” – can sometimes erode one’s “credibility”. Potential buyers start thinking you need them more than they need you. Then insisting on your best fees/prices becomes difficult! That’s why it’s wiser to make THEM chase YOU instead. This issue of my newsletter describes a subtle strategy you can adopt.

Use “Power Positioning” to Make Prospective Buyers Chase YOU

Business owners who achieve more marketing success rarely chase prospects or clients around. Usually, they get called by prospective and existing clients. Their established reputations and brands makes those who want the solutions they offer, seek them out.

Anyone can achieve this level of marketing competence, but s/he must be ready to develop and nurture it over time. It does NOT happen overnight.

What you need is to carefully articulate the products and services you offer, and actively promote it to the right target audience. You will do this persistently, being sure to constantly specify what sets you apart (makes your solutions superior) to any others your audience may encounter.

You will use an intelligent mix of promotional strategies to achieve this outcome over time.

As Michel Fortin (whose Ten Commandments of Power Positioning FREE ebook I read, and incorporated into my Web Marketing System) says, Power Positioning enables you achieve Top of Mind Awareness.

In other words, people who need what you offer, will believe only you can help them. And will often be very unwilling to look elsewhere!

The obvious benefit to you is that selling to them then simply becomes a simple, stress-free process.

You’re UN-likely to find yourself debating your fees or prices with such persons. More often than not, their conviction is so great they’ll pay whatever you ask them to pay. In fact, they’ll simply say “send me the payment details, and I’ll send the money now.”

I’ve Had This Experience More Times Than I Can Count

And today, the frequency of occurrence increases. Before the one below, just last Friday, I got a web form request titled “Poultry layers feed formulation” from a Ugandan working in Tunisia as a Caterer, regarding my Feed Formulation Handbook. It read as follows:

“Dear Sir/madam,

I’m a Ugandan working in Tunisia and running a poultry farm in Uganda, and I wish to get your feed formulation to improve my poultry.”

While I was still reading the message this person sent from my website, I got a Facebook friend request from him on my Blackberry!

See how this works?

REMEMBER: Selling is a process – and a key part of it is “pre-qualified leads generation”.

Not every enquirer will buy at first contact. So make them “connect” with you (e.g. via giving you their email addresses, names, phone number and making friends with you on social media) for starters.

Then over time, continuously expose them to your marketing information, until they move to “buy-mode”.

In a past article I explained how a prospect (named Dipo) stayed on my mailing list for over 3 years, before eventually buying my handbook and software that he’d originally telephone me about.

Today, we communicate like friends via email and phone, but have still NEVER met face to face, in the flesh!

A Recent True Story That Illustrates The Benefits of Using Power Positioning

One morning, about a year ago, when I was still based in Lagos, Nigeria, a gentleman – Uche – called my mobile line to enquire about my Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. I’d noticed two missed calls from him very late the night before (around 11.30p.m).

We spoke for about 15 minutes. He had seen the video demonstration of (what is now the old version of) my Ration Formulation Software, and also read the article about the handbook I sold with it.

Among other things’ he wanted to know what animals he could compound rations for using the handbook’s illustrated Pearson Square Computation method.

As I gave answers to his questions, he would “grunt” at intervals and say “Hmm…okay…” – then ask another.

Eventually, he told me he would get back to me. I encouraged him to take his time. And he did (or so I thought) – because I never heard from him again.

I relocated to Benin Republic on April 1st 2013. Since then I’ve only visited Nigeria once i.e. between 3rd and 10th of August. While there, I was unable to use my Nigeria mobile line which Uche had called. My provider had disabled the line based on “inactivity”.

So I used my wife’s phone line, till I managed to reactivate mine. But that did not happen until the Monday morning I was to return to Benin Republic :-)

Unknown to Me, Uche Had Been Trying to Reach Me for Months!

I just returned from my second trip to Nigeria yester night (Sunday 1st September 2013) night, around 10pm, from a visit to a client’s farm in Ekiti state.

He had his driver transport me down there on Friday night, and his farm manager put me up in the farm house. We spent the major part of Saturday going around the farm, as I asked questions to get details I needed to build a custom Excel-VB driven Farm Management application for him.

That first night we arrived, I’d discussed with the farm manager until about 1.00a.m in the morning. Just as I was about to go to sleep, I noticed 4 missed calls – and one SMS – on my (now functional) mobile phone line.

They were all from Uche! His text message simply read:

“Good morning Mr. Tayo, please send me your email address.”

There was no name, but I knew it was him, because I ALWAYS “tag” my prospective buyers (by saving their phone numbers/other contact details with special acronyms).

I’ve profited greatly doing this with every prospective buyer who actually gets to the point of discussing PRICE with me. It enables me recall what stage we’ve reached in our sales discussions when next we have to speak.

Each specific acronyms indicates what “sales” stage each person is at.

In Uche’s case, the acronym I saw his number saved under instantly reminded me of our long question and answer session.

So, when I saw his message, I was almost 95% sure I knew why he’d made contact. I was also not surprised that his call/message came around the time of my return to the country.

NB: You may wonder how he knew to call just as I arrived in the country. I’ve written about “strange coincidences” that happen, when people practice the science of getting rich diligently. Read my most recent article on that amazing principle here.

“I’ve been calling your number for so long!” He Exclaimed

I was too busy to get back to Uche due to the tasks I had to do for my visit. So it was only on Sunday morning, that I called him on phone.

He immediately exclaimed “I’ve been calling your number for so long and never got through!”

TIP: Think about the fixed determination he must have had, to keep trying – over months – to reach me. That’s the impact of Power Positioning. It makes them sure YOU have the solution they need.

In Uche’s case, by the time we spoke, he simply said “I need your feed formulation software and handbook urgently. Send me your account number and email address. I want to make the payment first thing tomorrow morning.

I told him I would, and then went out to the farm to take photos and other notes on the farm prior to our departure. Due to some delays, it was only about 2p.m that we eventually began our return journey to Benin Republic.

Uche called me at 3p.m to say he was still waiting for my text message. I explained that the needed information was on my blackberry line which would not be active until I returned to Cotonou.

I eventually sent him the details just after midnight. And just this morning, I replied to the Ugandan as well.

Now, I’ve left it to them to make the next move.

Update (12.07p.m): Uche just called me from Nigeria, as I was proof-reading this article, to say he’s about to make payment. He made a special support request, which I’ve agreed to provide. Isn’t this a wonderful way to sell? I think it is!

Final Words: Power Positioning Will Make More Buyers Choose You Over CompetitorsLike THIS EXPERT!

About 10 days ago, a Saudi Arabia based Nigerian (while visiting Nigeria) requested payment details, after watching the video of my upgraded Ration Formulator software.

He then made the N20, 500 (about $136 US dollars) payment via bank transfer within 24 hours.

48 hours later, I’d sent him the “Feed Formulation Handbook PDF, along with the Ration Formulator Software Excel-VB workbook. This was in addition to the promised “FREE” copy of my 30 page PDF annotated pictorial introduction to livestock feed formulation ingredients.

We’ve only spoken once since then, and he’s promised to let me know if he has any issue making use of it for his feed mill based in his home state.

In all our interactions, I never had to chase any of them with emails or phone calls to take the next step (At the most, I could get in touch to ask “Did you get the xyz detail I sent at your request?”…but no more than that).

They all simply acted based on their own convictions – derived from exposure to my Power Positioning.

You, as an expert who also speaks to earn income, can attract more profitable clients by reading (and adhering to) the Ten Commandments of Power Positioning.

THIS EXPERT has used Power Positioning to make himself a foremost provider of Speaker Mentoring products and services, over 3 decades (Learn more)!

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form – with “Re: Chasing Clients Will Cost You Profits” in the subject line.

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Writing/Blogging [Friday]: normally published Saturdays, but I put it online a day earlier, before leaving for Nigeria.

Parenting [Friday]:
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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

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Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

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For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



Creative Writing Boosts Kids’ Learning

Do your kids write outside school? Come to think of it, maybe I should start by asking if YOU have been writing since leaving school (?) I mean creative writing, and not school related stuff, of course. Do you do any such writing? Does your spouse? Your kid(s)? If you said NO, read this article to learn why it’s – especially – in your child’s interest that s/he can say YES, to that question!

Traditional Schooling Stifles Creative Instincts

If I were to judge from my personal experiences passing through the conventional schooling system, writing was not so enjoyable. Neither was reading. Both tasks were directly linked to the need to earn credits or passing grades to get to the next level in school, or university. And of course to “graduate”.

Exams presented the mother-of -all reading and writing challenges for students.

In my case I was gifted with academic abilities, and did quite well right through my schooling years. But I never really derived pleasure from reading and writing for my studies, or the exams.

I noticed something back then: My deepest interests got stirred whenever I was able to put my own twist to things I had to read or write.

In other words, I discovered pleasure during my schooling years (especially in university) whenever I was able to apply my creativity.

But I knew not all my lecturers were likely to reward my “creative excesses” in this regard.

So whenever I took their tests or exams, I gave them back what they gave me (We joking called doing that, "return to sender" at the time).

But I held on to the extras I’d discovered on my own, to use in the real world.

This mental attitude helped me “protect” my innate creative instincts, from permanent damage in our educational system. I was lucky to emerge without having had my creativity beaten out of me.

Creative Writing Can Help Children Learn Better

More and more in today’s world, it’s become obvious. Creative (fiction and non-fiction) writing has useful benefits to people across all ages.

One key benefit is that it makes the writing process (and reading) more pleasurable.  And humans, being what we are, anything that genuinely gives us pleasure, can get our undiluted attention.

That’s why movies, food…and sex, tend to rate highly for many people. They can stay awake for them, even at the risk of endangering their health :-)

Now, if at an early age people are taught to find pleasure in exploring their minds in creative ways, they could do magic. It’s already happening with kids (like these) whose parents have adopted this approach.

You Can Help Your Child Read/Write Better in Class, By Challenging Her to Write Outside Class

Once again I emphasise that it’s not necessarily strictly school related writing that I refer to here. Instead, it’s helping the child develop a sound writing (and thinking/reading) reflex that’s crucial. Once s/he makes that successful connection, independently applying it to his/her studies will take little or no effort.

For you, the priority will be to gently, and subtly, use incentives of all sorts to stimulate your child’s interest in writing something for you (and others) to read.

Stories often work best.

Tell him/her to come up with a different version of a story that s/he read or heard.

It could even be based on a real life movie you both watched. One that you noticed really caught his/her interest.

It May Take Time, but Keep at It, and Your Child Will Benefit

Make the gentle suggestions every now and then. Note however, that if my personal experiences, and observations from working with my own kids are anything to go by, you’ll get ignored for quite some time.

But, if you keep asking, you’ll be rewarded sooner than later, with a few scribbles on a page. When that happens, give encouraging feedback, and offer pointers on how s/he can improve.

Remember: Not everyone arrives fully formed with writing skills. So, exercise considerable patience. It’s not his/her prose that matters at this stage, but the story “ideas” s/he comes up with.

Coach him/her to present those ideas more articulately. Over time, s/he will become more proficient.

Your child may not go on to become a professional writer through this experience. The process is however very likely to boost his/her ability to read/write both in – and especially out – of the classroom.

And that would prove a useful combination of skills in adulthood.

Writing In Different Genres Succeeds (If You’re Made for It)

(NB: My posts on writing/blogging normally go live on Saturdays, but I’m publishing this a day early). Do you do "cross-over" writing (that’s how I like to think of it!)? In other words, do you write in multiple genres?

If yes, you likely know you’re one of very few. Most of the advice I’ve encountered from “experts” has tended to support specializing in a particular writing genre. According to them, doing otherwise would amount to spreading yourself too thin, to be effective.

Hmm, I would say, not necessarily. It depends on who is doing it!

For Some, Being Multipreneurial Brings Out The Best In Them (& Makes Them MORE Useful to Society)

Despite reading and hearing from people who know, for years (even when I was in paid employment), I’ve never been able to fall in line. I’ve never been able to endure sticking with one genre. Or “one” anything. I simply cannot help myself. It’s a compelling urge.

You see, I think I have a demon in me that won’t let me NOT put my entire wealth of unique abilities to use. I actually believe most human beings have similar multiple inborn abilities. But many choose to suppress them in favor of one or a few, to avoid freaking others out.

Who wants to be seen to have 8 arms (figuratively and literally speaking) when everyone else has only two? “Not me!” is what most easy going people would say or think :-)

If simply willing the unwanted arms into hiding was possible, they would do it. If not, they’d probably get rid of the six extra arms by surgical means!

For me however, I’ve been patient enough to discover that my multipreneurial tendencies – more often than not – help me make the world around me better.

We cannot all be the same. I do not want to be like – or better than – anyone. I just want to be the best of ME, and help others willing to do the same in the process!

Since arriving here in Benin Republic, I’ve continued relating with new/old clients, locally, as well as back home, and even abroad, in the different areas I offer products. And I’m getting referrals, and repeat projects from high profile clients. I’m living my dream – despite starting up through very humbling circumstances. You can too, if you do not limit yourself.

Two Writers Who Inspire Me With Their Ability to “Cross Over”

1. Wole Soyinka

Yesterday (28th August 2013), I read an announcement – on Facebook – for commencement of preparations for the Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature.

The organizers have always made the awards open to writers from all genres, because Soyinka himself writes in all.

Not surprisingly, the level of interest from writers from various genres in Africa is far from small. Starting with 87 entries from 8 countries in 2005 (the first year), the biennial competition has seen 204 entries from 10 countries in the 2nd edition, 336 entries from 11 countries in the 3rd edition, and 402 entries from 26 African countries in the 4th edition.

Possibly in order to ensure balance in assessing writing from different genres, from this year on, each edition is focused on a particular genre.

For instance, the 2014 edition will consider Drama (for which Soyinka is most renowned). 2016 will be for Poetry and 2018 for Prose. In 2020, the competition will consider essays on Politics, Freedom, Human Rights and Human Conditions, Leadership etc.

As can be seen from the above list, Soyinka’s writing cut across all those genres. Yet he did well enough to be reckoned with internationally. No wonder he won the Nobel Prize for Literature!

Virtually all African writers from every genre can enter for the Soyinka award today (to have their works considered for a hefty $20,000 US dollar prize!), because he chose not to limit himself to writing in one genre. He simply followed his instincts, drawing inspiration from his environment.

I think all participating writers should thank him for doing that. The organizers should also thank him as well.


Because Soyinka’s versatility has made their award appealing to a wider audience of writers than they would normally have gotten, had they stuck to a single (or a few) genre(s): FACT.

2. Roy Stevenson

Professor Soyinka ability to effortlessly write across genres will always inspire me. But being a freelance writer, I can relate even better to Roy Stevenson’s achievements.

I’ve never met, or even spoken to him. Not even via email.

Yet I aspire to be like him. This is a guy who makes (at least in freelance writing) the world turn around on it’s head.

I first saw his name on a promotional page, which AWAI linked from an email offer (titled “Open Auditions for Travel Writers”) they sent out.

Read the introduction on his writer website. It clearly indicates just how versatile, and accomplished he is at writing stories for many different genres, and niche magazines.

It’s true that the copy on his website is designed to make him look good. But one cannot argue with facts either.

This guy gets a lot of his writing published (over 800 articles!) in more than TEN(10) very different genres! Examples include wine and beer, running and triathlon training, military history, film festivals, and even classic vehicles!

With respect to the title of THIS article you’re reading (right now), the last sentence in the second paragraph on Roy’s home page speaks volumes. It basically states that his achievements show freelance writers that they can get published in multiple genres and publications. Just like he does.

And his clients feel he does them a world of good (see link below).

Roy says he has “diverse interests and experiences” plus he “enjoys writing in many genres.” I just love how he put that. It so perfectly describes how I feel about my own multidisciplinary writing :-))

Qualities Required for Successful Multidisciplinary Writing

How do these guys do what they do? What makes it possible for Roy, in particular, to write – seemingly effortlessly – across a wide variety of genres, when others cannot…and some even say it’s not possible?

What makes him able to do so, often times better than those who focus on one or a few genres?

There are clues one can easily pick up from what those he serves say. I’ll use what editors said in their testimonials, and comments by Visitor’s Bureaus, to list a few that showed through:

1. He has a passion for diverse subjects. He comes up with great story ideas and builds them attractively.

2. He is disciplined, very thorough…and prolific (over 800 articles published speaks top level “productivity”!)

3. He knows how to get the information he needs – by research, interviews and site visits.

4. He knows how to present imageries via professional photography often handled by his wife (Linda Popovich) – who is herself well accomplished in Freelance Photography – to convey fuller meaning to readers.

5. He is very skilled at communicating, and following up.

6. He knows how to write without jargon, breaking down the information for non-technical readers’ comprehension.

7. He knows how to strike a delicate balance in his writing, to meet the needs of readers, and at the same time address the concerns of editors and visitor’s bureaus.

8. He’s also good at selling his ideas to editors and clients – making most of his pieces pre-sold. The result is that they often get top feature spots, and wide readership – to the delight of all!

No wonder he gets so many rave testimonials. Roy’s multidisciplinary writing is a blessing to many!

NB: Anyone who wants to achieve similar results to Roy’s a multipreneurial freelance writer, will find doing the above worthwhile.


I “enjoy” writing – daily – on six different categories on my multidisciplinary blog. In addition, I also greatly enjoy writing stories for clients on different subjects e.g. audiology, real estate, law/legal matters, medicine, hospitality and entertainment, interior design, water treatment and purification etc.

Working this way makes every project feel like a brand new adventure. Never boring :-)

But I’m not the only one who benefits. My clients equally reap useful multiple rewards from having me around.

I recently helped a new client convert his static html website (for his farm, which is located in South West, Nigeria) to a dynamic/database driven Joomla! version.

When I finished work on the website, he hired me to develop a custom Excel-VB software to manage the farm (His driver will be transporting me to the farm, in Nigeria today – 30th August 2013 – so I can conduct a preliminary farm "situation analysis". We return to Benin Republic tomorrow).

A few days ago, I pitched (via email) the idea of using many amazing true life stories he’d told me, as an article series e.g. for his online business promotion via the website and social media.

As you can see from the email below, he instantly bought into the idea – and even thanked me for proposing it!

==========I sent the email pitch (below) to him just before going to bed========

From: tayo at spontaneousdevelopment dot com
cc: tayo solagbade at gmail dot com
To: (Name removed for privacy)
[Email/PDF title removed for confidentiality)
27th Aug 2013 23:17

Hi Sir,

The attached is an example of an article series I believe we can use to

1. promote you farm online to attract interest from your target audience.

2. Start rapidly building name recognition and credibility for you as a farm business expert, who aspiring farm owners/prospective retirees would GLADLY pay to consult!

Like I told you, it’s web marketing strategies like this, that make people like the Nigerian based in Saudi Arabia pay N20,500 to buy my PDF handbook and software for feed formulation.

I believe we can create valuable information products in physical book form, DVD videos and audios as well as PDF based on your wealth of knowledge and information on your farm.

With proper use of writeups like the attached, made available on your website, people will gradually discover what you offer online.

Then as you continue the web marketing, you’ll build this new aspect of your farm business into a passive income generating arm.

I suggest you read thru the PDF draft to decide if you’d like to adopt this strategy of web marketing I propose.

My thinking is that it would be best to start it now, ahead of your formal disengagement, so that it will have begun working for you with the search engines.

What’s more, we could even work to have the first information product ready for SALE, by end October.

Just my thoughts,


==========The client’s reply/acceptance (below) came first thing in the morning========

To: tayo solagbade at gmail dot com
From: (Name removed for privacy)
Your PDF write up
28th Aug 2013 06:58


This is a wonderful idea. I never thought you could succinctly capture my story this way.

After all, I am beginning to think its the best way to go because there still many untold story in try mind that could profit others and impact them positively.

We will keep it all the way. Thanks very much.

Looking forward to having a robust working relationship with you as we journey together forward at providing food and other products that would be pocket friendly.


(Name removed for privacy)

It goes without saying, that if I had stuck to my web design/excel software development services alone, this new opportunity would never have materialised.

If You Feel Like IT, Don’t Hold Back: Write On As Many Genres As You Find Necessary

IMPORTANT NOTE: I’ve never met Roy or Soyinka. Neither have I ever communicated with either of them. They are also not aware I’ve written this article featuring them , and I will NOT be telling them. I’ve used Soyinka as an example for obvious reasons (he’s a Nobel Laureate in Literature!); and Roy, because AWAI rate him very highly as a Top Instructor: which means he must be really successful as a freelance writer!

YOU (and I do mean YOU, reading this article at this very moment) CAN become another “Roy” or “Soyinka"…or better!

Something inside you could be telling you that, right now. Don’t ignore it.

Imagine if Roy had chosen only one or two, and turned away others who enquired after his services in their preferred genres? Imagine if Professor Soyinka had chosen to stick with just one genre?

Would the world have enjoyed as much benefit as it has today, from them?

I doubt it.

Indeed, as a multidisciplinary writer myself, I argue that those who follow this path can often use it to test and refine their writing in each genre. Over time they may find one that yields the best rewards.

In the process, they’ll also improve their proficiency in the other genres, often to a level comparable with that of those who specialize exclusively in them.

And the world would be a better place because they did so.

Click here to view larger image

When Off Duty, Stay Off Duty?

Depending on the kind of work you do in paid employment, this can be a tough question to answer. In Dr. Ben Carson’s “Gifted Hands”, he provides vivid insights into the many long hours and years of sacrifice that he and members of his team often gave, to save lives.

And We’re All Grateful That They Do Often Choose to Do So…

Isn’t it strange that we accept medical professionals straining their family relationships, to save our lives? Don’t we value time off from work, because we cherish time with our families?

Aha…see how one sided our thinking can be…!

Whenever I hear people say “TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday)” or write it on their Facebook walls, I often smile to myself and recall my days as a shift brewer in Guinness.  

Back then, you could be off duty and still be at work, AND not see anything wrong with it. Most of us were so tuned in to helping the “TEAM” win, that we readily pitched in, sometimes without being asked.

We only needed to see that extra hands (or heads) were needed, to make this decision on our own. Very rarely did a boss (at least in my department – Production/brewing) have to read us the riot act to get us to come in and help.

What Made Us That Willing to Give Up Our Legitimate Rest Time?

Looking back I realise it was not just bachelors or unmarried team members who offered themselves in this manner. Virtually everyone in our department had the attitude.

And it started right from the boss we had.

He led by example. Every day we saw that he gave the job his all – came in early when necessary and left late. He even took over brewer duties if a brewer fell ill or had to be away at short notice.

And on night shifts, if you were not careful, he could make you look like he was the one on site, and YOU were the one at home…with his keen awareness of work progress at key points in the process!

An unfortunate young brewer once fell asleep on night shift, only to get a phone call from our boss. When asked how things were going, he spontaneously responded using estimates based on information that he’d obtained before nodding off.

Unfortunately for him, that night, most things that could go wrong had, just around the time he’d fallen asleep! To make matters worse, the boss had – as was his habit – called the other sections to get an update, BEFORE calling to speak with the brewer.

That phone conversation did not end too well for the brewer that night! But the experience taught him to stay on top of his job, even on night duty.

More importantly, it made him respect his boss the more, and to strive to emulate him (By way of interest, this writer, was that brewer).

We Were Like a Well Trained Athletics Relay Team

The challenging atmosphere created by our boss captured our collective imaginations. Even when off duty, we rarely had problems stopping by to see how work was progressing, towards the week or month’s goal.

For instance, it was not uncommon for team members on their way to an outing with family members, to park their cars outside, and “say hello” to the person on duty.

Conversations would often revolve around how close we were to meeting the week’s brewing target, and other performance issues. Those who could not come round physically would call in by phone.

This made the person on duty understand that everyone expected him
to give it his best shot.

If you’ve done shifts before, you know it’s like running a relay race. Every person must do his best to sustain or improve on the work tempo, to ensure the target is met, or exceeded.

And if one person has a bad run today, the rest of the team do what they can to recover whatever ground has been lost. As much as possible, the blame game is avoided.

Of course we did not live in a perfect world where no conflicts occurred.

They certainly did!

But we had a sound system that kept us focussed on what really mattered: working together to achieve the team’s goal.

Final Words: Establishing Team Spirit Will Make People Willing to Do What Helps The Team

Now I know what I’ve described here is more relevant to shift workers.

However, when you really think about it, people who work 9 to 5 jobs are also on a kind of shift. In fact, back in the breweries, we had some chaps on what we called the DAY shift, covering that time span :-)

That means all that’s really needed is to establish a harmonious working atmosphere. And a good leader, who acts as a catalyst, can make that happen.

Like our boss – Greg – did.

Members would key in, and do their bit – without complaining – even if they have to give up free time.

Little wonder that it was during his time that our department achieved some of the most impressive output performances ever.

I will also add, that working under him proved one of the most useful development periods of my career.

In my humble opinion, the above benefits make adopting a similar approach to his worthwhile.

Mutual Benefit Proposition for Sponsorship (Low Cost Microbrewery Drinks Production from Peels of Pineapple & Other Fruits)

[mpoverlay]By Tayo K. | | COTONOU, 22ND AUGUST 2013 @10:00a.m

Your organisation needs to market/sell your products, while building brand loyalty and long term repeat customers. What I propose below can positively influence your target customers, while also advancing your marketing objectives.

NB: See download link to a FULL PDF version of this paper (plus details of a Business Plan Presentation), at the bottom of this page.

What I Propose

That you sponsor formal Microbrewery production startup of a natural drinks range I created (fermented and non-fermented) using waste peels from Pineapples and other fruits, abundant in Benin Republic (and possibly Burkina Fasso).

Photo taken of a non-fermented vesion of my home-made Pineapple based drink

The prduction process I’ve developed, for creating different recipes/forms (e.g. concentrates, “dried tea” etc) is to be patented. Continue reading

Many Great People Were Laughed At Before Succeeding

If you’ve ever been laughed at in public, you know it can hurt badly. When I was much younger, I readily took offence if people laughed at me, or my ideas. Today, I’m completely immune to laughter or mockery directed at me . How? Because I’ve found it can never stop me achieving my intended purpose!

Only Shallow/Empty People Laugh At Others

I’m not talking here about situations when you and others poke healthy fun at each other. In such situations, no one ever leaves feeling stupid, having been used as the butt end of other peopels insensitive jokes.

Two common examples…

a. Someone can take privileged information s/he has about a failing or shortcoming you have, and tell others about it in a comical manner. Just for the fun of it…!

b. That’s one. Another can happen with complete strangers. These are often egotistical, all knowing, but secretly insecure individuals. They get their kicks from putting others down, and typically feel threatened when they encounter another person with obvious potential.

When you’re still in your formative stages, such persons may seek ways to keep you down.

Knowing that most people dread being made fun of, they readily reach for that weapon. How you respond to that will determine how far you go in pursuit of your dream.

Kick The Fear of Getting Laughed At: Many Great People Had to Do That to Succeed

I say ignore them. In fact I advocate laughing along with them, then making sure you LAUGH LAST!

Many people with great ideas are terrified of voicing or implementing them because of this fear of getting laughed at. As a result, they choose to do nothing.

They rationalise that it’s safer. to go through life not having any embarrassing failures on record for people to recall and laugh at. Some even convince themselves that they are better off that way.

Then when they see someone else emerge victorious – despite failing and being laughed at (in some cases for years!) –  they feel resentment, and even say “That should have been me!

I find that attitude quite funny.

Why resent someone who refused to let fear hold him/her back from pursuing a valued life goal?

Whose fault is it that you let the threat of people’s laughter cower you into giving up on yours?

You have only yourself to blame IF you let that happen to you!

It Is More The Norm, Than The Exception, for People to Fail/Get Laughed At BEFORE They Make It

That’s why James Cook (author of ”The Startup Entrepreneur”, a New York Times bestseller) said:

”If your ideas draw doubt or scorn, you are in good company!”

There’s an emotional/psychological process people needs to pass through, to discover success. Exposure to failure, which often attracts laughter from others, has been shown to accelerate that process.

Know therefore, that if you truly want to achieve great success, you must get used to being laughed at. That’s because you may have to fail now and then.

And when you do, there’s a good chance others will laugh at you.

But it never killed anyone. Get it?

The interesting thing is also that even though they laugh today, it does not mean they’ll always do so. Indeed, those same people will turn around to wildly cheer you, IF you persist and eventually succeed. They’ll completely forget they ever mocked you, or told you “it’s not possible”!

Strange…but true.

Therefore focus your energies on learning the lessons you need to succeed. Soon enough, you’ll be laughing last, while those who laughed at you, celebrate you!

History Is Replete With Examples of Great People Who Got Laughed At Initially: Study Them For Inspiration

I’ve compiled a list of links to get you started. When you learn that even the legendary Beatles, and Steve Jobs, failed before succeeding, you ‘ll know getting laughed at for failing can’t stop you!

1. Famous People Who Found Success Despite Failures

2. 15 Rich & Famous People Who Were Fired Before They Became Successful

3. Why the Best Success Stories Often Begin With Failure – Smithsonian

4. Failure Before Success: Even Famous People Fail

5. 9 Things to Think About Before You Give Up

6. 72 of the Best Success Quotes – Daring to Live Fully

No. 104: Your Audience Needs Truth – Not Flattery

When a public speaker tells an audience of struggling business owners that “evil spirits”, and “enemies from the village” are the reasons they fail, s/he sets them up for longer spells of avoidable hardship! (NB: This issue of my newsletter features a priest, who – for 3 decades now – has provided world class Agri-business know-how to the world, from A-F-R-I-C-A!).

Telling them they’re doing nothing wrong, may win you their applause initially. But it may not endear you to many, if long afterwards they find their circumstances remain unchanged.

No one denies that there can be spiritual dimensions to life situations. It however takes more than spiritual awareness to make a success of business.
You need Savoir faire (i.e. real world relevant know-how)!


No. 104: Your Audience Needs Truth – Not Flattery

Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter
Date: Monday 26th August 2013
Title: Your Audience Needs Truth – Not Flattery
Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade
Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view
Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011):
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Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!


No. 104: Your Audience Needs Truth – Not Flattery

**** **********
NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out:
Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)

When a public speaker tells an audience of struggling business owners that “evil spirits”, and “enemies from the village” are the reasons they fail, s/he sets them up for longer spells of avoidable hardship! (NB: This issue of my newsletter features a priest, who – for 3 decades now – has provided world class Agri-business know-how to the world, from A-F-R-I-C-A!).

Telling them they’re doing nothing wrong, may win you their applause initially. But it may not endear you to many, if long afterwards they find their circumstances remain unchanged.

No one denies that there can be spiritual dimensions to life situations. It however takes more than “spiritual awareness” to make a success of business.

You need “Savoir faire” (i.e. real world relevant know-how)!

A Priest Delivering Real-World Relevant Agri-business Know-How In Africa For Over 3 Decades

Father Godfrey Nzamujo is founder and catalyst of the world famous “Songhai” Integrated Agricultural Farming Centre (recognised by the UNDP). I consider him an excellent role-model for African experts.

Nzamujo is a Nigerian born Dominican priest with an engineering degree. His Porto Novo, Benin republic founding centre is now over three decades old. EVERYTHING there is recycled in a zero-waste system.

What’s more, trainees who graduate from it are taught “entrepreneurship” on top of time tested farm practices. This helps many go on to establish PROFITABLE farm-based ventures.

No wonder the Songhai model is being rapidly adopted by serious minded African governments!

I understand the most recent high profile visit – this August of 2013 – was from the President of Liberia herself (Ellen Johnson Sirleaf), in whose country a Songhai model centre already exists!

I doubt Father Nzamujo ignores the spiritual responsibility of being a priest in running his center. Yet his center’s success shows that he also does not neglect exploring better ways to run it more profitably.

In other words, he has been able to stike an intelligent balance that enables him achieve both goals.

Telling Songhai About Web Marketing Systems Development & Pineapple PEEL Based Drinks Production (My Story)

Sometimes what we may want to hold back from voicing truths we know need to be said. Maybe to avoid offending or upsetting those we speak to. Yet, to really add value to people, you must say what needs to be said.

I practice what I preach, and the following narrative offers an example of how.

I visited Songhai on Thursday 25th July 2013, and met (for the 2nd time in 4 months) Leonce Sessou – a key member of the team.

By the time I departed that day, a bottled sample of my Pineapple Peel-based drink, with copies of my "Tasters Feedback forms" was on his table. He said he would arrange for other members to taste the drink and fill the form.

In case you’re wondering, up till then, Songhai only produced pineapple juice from the core of the fruit for sale in bottled form.

Leonce confirmed that the large amounts of waste peels they produced, was only used for composting.  I knew this, and that was why I visited, to tell them how to make MORE PRODUCTIVE use of the peels.

When I explained how I make my drink using the waste pineapple peel obtained FREE from vendors, he told me and that they would invite me to show their team how to convert theirs to drinks as well.

Other areas of collaboration were also discussed – such as web marketing. 

But How Did Leonce Know I Could Help Them With Web Marketing?

Well, four (4) months earlier, in my very first week in Benin Republic, I’d dropped off a proposal for Father Nzamujo. In it I offered to provide in-house Digital Information Publishing and Web Marketing coaching. This was to boost their ability to earn online income from their wealth of information.

Like I said on my Facebook post on this, contributing to the Songhai project is a dream I’ve nursed since 1987, as a 17 year old undergraduate of Agric. Extension Services in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

I first learnt about the founder – Father Godfrey Nzamujo – around that time when the African Farmer magazine I subscribed to, reported that he won the "Hunger Project Award".  I’ve closely followed Father Nzamujo’s progress since then. And that helped me identify solutions that would interest them.

But it’s not all about me making offers…

I also want to learn from them. It’s not easy to find large scale rabbit rearing operations that are profitably run. Songhai has one – and to finish a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide I’m working on, I’m hoping they’ll grant me access to take photos, and interview them.

To Tell Accurate Truths, Study Every Client/Prospect’s Unique Situation to Get to Know Them Well

When you visit a doctor for consultation, you expect him/her to tell you the accurate truth about your state of health – and what to do to correct or improve it.

Luckily for us, most doctors do just that.

As an expert in your field, you are a “doctor” of sorts, for your client.

To succeed, you’ll need, just like a conventional doctor, to tell them accurate truths about their situation, and offer viable solutions.

Doctors will often examine your medical history, case files etc, in addition to conducting their own tests, before giving you an opinion on your ailment – or state of health.

Burt Dubin – a seasoned mentor of highly paid international speakers – recommends undertaking detailed examination of EACH client’s unique situation.

Apart from doing independent background research, he explains that you can request interviews with key members, to identify burning issues. From those you interview, you would ask for names of another set of persons you can interview. And so on.

Your purpose would be to sample opinions (on burning issues) that cut across relevant strata in the organisational hierarchy.

You would then develop your material around possible hot buttons you identify, and come up with viable ideas, solutions, and action plans to go with them.

By the time you deliver your program, your audience members are likely to feel you’ve competently addressed virtually all their concerns.

Final Words: Not Telling Your Audiences Accurate Truths, Can Make Them Conclude You’re Incompetent!

Some experts think giving “generic” talks (recycling same content with different client names on progam folders!) to their client audiences will always be adequate.

They forget that clients depend on them to come up with unique insights to improve their performance.

Such lack of commitment eventually hurts an expert guilty of it.

If another expert turns up and tells them the truth, with solutions, they’ll conclude the previous expert did not because s/he was incompetent!

In reality however, that expert could actually be competent, but s/he may have let fear keep him/her from telling them the truth.

Unfortunately, few – if any – clients will be willing to believe that by then!

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form – with "Re: Your Audience Needs Truth – Not Flattery" in the subject line.

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more. 

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of "speaking success-ville" – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the "flight", the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

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Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF

If You Really Want Success, Lack of Money Won’t Stop You

Success in freelance writing – or indeed any other area of life – requires passion, backed by effort, commitment, diligence – and most importantly, relentless persistence. Except you want to cheat – your way to success (and some do!), the foregoing are a reality you must face.

But what if you lack money?

This article explains how the earlier mentioned qualities, combined with creative thinking, can still get you to your preferred destination.

When a Rich Person Says S/he’s Broke, It’s Rarely The Same Thing As What a Poor Person Means!

In other words, lack of money is often relative. It’s important that we always keep this in mind.

In the past I’ve had wealthy clients who paid hundreds of thousands for social pleasures like parties, holidays etc, right before my eyes.

And at the same moment they told me my fees, which were a fraction of those expenses I saw them make, were too high – offering to pay half or even less. When I suggested we wait till they had enough money to pay the fees I could accept, they insisted I start work, and that they would pay later.

The few times I ever accepted to do that taught me never to do so again. Getting them to pay up the difference was almost like trying to get the proverbial Camel to pass through the eye of a needle!

But in every single case, I did get my money.

Afterwards however, for such individuals, I simply adopted a 100% advance payment option – with 5 to 10% discount, if s/he accepted. Since they knew I was competent, those who truly needed it paid up.

In essence, I’m saying that we may not all mean the same things when we say we have no money!

So, What Do YOU Mean When You Say You Have No Money?

This is a function of how important your dream is to you.

Do a little hard thinking to see if there are areas you currently spend money that you can put on hold for now, to channel money from there to your goal.

I have done that many, many, many times – and at different levels.

For me, when it comes to pursuing my goals, I can be merciless with myself. I’m always prepared to get as along with as little as possible until my purpose is achieved. This mental attitude enables me get results when most other people would have thrown their arms up in frustration.

Believe it or not, I once went 48 hours without eating any food (drinking only water) – just to have enough money to continue working at a café, over a weekend. A client payment had failed to come in, and funds I was expecting had not arrived. I could have rightfully chosen to suspend my work online, but I felt too strongly about my work to do so!

That’s what it means to have heart i.e. so much love and passion for what you do, that you’ll endure any hardship to keep going!

Some Have Asked Me: Tayo “How do you do it?”….”What keeps you going?”

But even as I explain, I often see from the looks in their eyes, that most people would rarely accept to “punish” themselves (that’s how they see it) that way.

They however do point out0that I obviously get great fulfillment and joy from doing what I do. This could explain (at least in part) periodic observations by long term acquaintances, that I seem not to be aging :-)

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Interesting, for a guy who "flogs" himself so mercilessly…to NOT look stressed, worn out or over worked?!

My experiences tell me the answer is in discovering your purpose i.e. what matters to you more than money. Then going after it!

That equates to adopting a “minimalist” existence, where/when necessary, in order to achieve what’s important to you.

I understand some call it being “Zen”.

Whatever name we give it, the reality is that all over the world, the global economic crisis is TEACHING more of us that it’s the wise way to live.

Those brought up in developed societies with the “Get it now and pay later!” mentality, are now adopting more prudent lifestyles. Couples are opting to share one vehicle to cut down on gas. More nature friendly ways of living are being adopted to save on power bills.

People are (wisely) giving up owning stuff, and sticking with the most essential… :-)))

Even more interestingly, many are relocating to Asia, and even Africa, to live – and work – more conservatively.

So, when you say you lack money to pursue your goals, have you considered making similar changes in your life?

This is about coming up with practical ideas about living smarter; to better pursue your goals.

But What If After Checking, You Find You Still Have No (or Not Enough) Money?

If that happens, first get this thought imprinted in your mind…now: YOU alone determine what stops you!

“Lack of money” has happened to some of the greatest people ever to walk the earth.

You’ve most likely heard or read their stories (If you haven’t, start with Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”).

How did those great people overcome that potentially crippling obstacle?

The quote below, from Jim Rohn, offers an answer:

“Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.” – Jim Rohn

In other words, they each settled on a goal they were passionate about achieving: People with "empty hearts" would not have been able to do that!

Those great people then did plenty of real world relevant “thinking” about how to get money (and ultimately “grow rich”) by solving other people’s problems: People with "empty heads" would not even make the effort!

NOTE THIS: They often did not get results overnight. Instead, when success delayed, they persisted – with unflinching faith.

Many authentically successful people have confirmed the above process is what it (i.e. achieving success when you lack money) all boils down to.

If you think adopting it would a waste of your time, then authentic success might just elude you – because you’ll most likely succumb to cutting corners, when success delays in coming.

Wise People Disagree With Tact

A facebook friend – Dauda Ayodele – recently shared a status update posted by a friend of his. It featured responses posted by two groups of people to the same potentially provocative statement.

One group (which I’ll call “A”) was from a society in which freedom is highly cherished. Not just freedom of speech or movement, but also of religious affiliation, and sexual preference or orientation.

The other group (which I’ll call “B”) belonged to a society that is – for the most part – split between two main religions – Islam and Christianity. And most times, adherents of each faith believe they owe God a duty to diminish the ranks of the other movement at any cost.

This makes the relationship between them like that of cats and dogs. Constant bickering tends to occur whenever people from both faiths meet. You can therefore imagine what happened when the die-hard Christians amongst them read the statement that suggested the Bible was a collection of half-truths!

That Provocative Statement Triggered a “Facebook War of Words”

Basically, the statement challenged the authenticity of the Bible, stating that research findings contradict its claims.

Specifically, it began by calling “anyone that believes in the biblical stories” – a “joker”! It then asserted that science offers no confirmation that snakes spoke during “prehistoric times”.

It also claimed key figures like Moses probably never existed, since no archaeological proof of their existence has so far been found!

And t here was more. Enough in fact to make the blood of most overzeloius or fanatical believers boil. And that apparently happened judging from responses posted in the coments by people from Group B!

In case you’ve not yet done so, click here to read the original post – complete with the two contrasting groups of comments.

It can be seen from the responses, that members of both groups apparently held strong opinions about the subject, and actively chipped in their points of view. It was however the massive contrast in the “tones of conversation” in the 2 different groups, that made the entire post worth giving a closer look.

You see in one group, people gave their views, including relevant details to support their claims. Even in disagreeing with one another, care was taken by discussants to be polite and friendly.

In other words, they were prepared to – and some did – agree to disagree on the matter.

Sadly, in the other group, right off the bat, insults were hurled like missiles at the person who “dared” to post the “blasphemous” statement. Among other things, he was told “Satan” was using him. And that he would be punished for even daring to question the authenticity of the bible.

Then amongst themselves they engaged in bitter exchanges. The conversation rapidly degenerated, and one person even promised to delete the person who posted the statement.

All this because of a statement someone posted?

If truth be told, many of those in group B can LEARN a lot about tolerance and self-restraint, from Tibet’s exiled leader, the Dalai Lama – who is neither Christian nor Muslim!

Even When You’re Wronged, Seek Redress With Tact (If You Must) – Or Respond With LOVE!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not endorsing anyone casting aspersion on another person’s faith or religion. What I am saying instead is that people need to REMIND themselves to STOP and think, before acting.

I recall reading a sign someone made and went around selling to Bible believing Christians in Nigeria. It simply read “What Would Jesus Do?”…and that phrase was formed into an acronym: WWJD.

It is my considered opinion that ALL who truly practice Christianity, and who feel strongly about protecting it, need to emulate Jesus, who they follow. We all know Jesus would never resort to insulting another. The admonition he gave his disciples even when evil was directed at him, was to ALWAYS act in love.

“Forgive them, for they know not what they do”.

“Love your enemies”.

These phrases were said in a simple manner by Jesus. Yet the action they require one to carry out requires tremendous power to do.

Little wonder many who claim to follow Jesus’ teachings today often miss it!

(NB: if you’ve been reading my writing for a while, you’ll know I do not do religion. So this is not some sermon).

To you reading these words, I say this: Understand that you will meet many with different beliefs, and biases, differing from yours.

It is the way the world is. People will always differ. Apart from Islam and Christianity, so many other religious movements exist.

It has always been so. Get used to it!

In places like America, most practitioners of a religious faith, learn to get along with non-believers.

And in many cases they adapt to conversing competently, to the point that they can disagree without being disagreeable.

You would be wise to develop the ability to do that as well – and coach your child to do the same.