Category Archives: Excel-VB Solutions

What is a BOPMS for Farm Improvement? (a Mind Map Based Explanation – By Tayo K. Solagbade) – Video and Text Transcript

lTIP: The mind map based video explanation now offered from this page is actually a re-RECORDING to replace the original version that (strangely) became “Not Found” in my Youtube channel]

Do you run a farm business, or plan to start one? If yes, adopting the ideas below can save you time, effort, and lots of money – in the short, and/or long run. This article is based on transcripts of my video explanation, using a mind map, of key components of a Best Operating Process Management System(BOPMS)™.

At the end, I supply a link to a page where you can request download link access to the full length video. There, you will also find links to over 10 articles that offer more information.

What Does a BOPMS™ Entail – and How Can It Help You?

If you’ve been reading my writing a while now, you’ll know I often advocate adopting best practice systems.

As a result, sometimes I get phone calls from farm owners, especially poultry layer operators. They often want to know what exactly the BOPMS™ I talk about entails.

Some say they’d like to have it done for them.

It has a number of components – see the boxes in the mind map below (3 yellow ones, and 2 uncolored).


Click here to watch a screen shot video in which I use a mind map to explain the Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS)™ for Farm Business Performance Improvement – based on its components [Note that displayed in the mindmap used in the video has since been retired and replaced with]


Basically those descriptions in the boxes refer to the key components of a BOPMS

I came up with the concept myself – based on Best Practice World Class Process Management principles. And what I do basically is to give prospective clients 2 major options, in terms of implementing it.

It’s either they…

1. Develop and Implement an Enterprise Information System (EIS)

This option is a simpler alternative. The 3 yellow boxes are relevant to this option.

a. Process Performance Evaluation and Control

b. Micro Income/Expenditure Calculation

c. Enterprise Information System

It involves having a software based system setup for you, to monitor your farm KPIs i.e. Key Performance Indicators.

You would then use the reports generated by such an application to achieve better farm management planning and decision making.

Typical KPIs for a poultry enterprise, that a good EIS would measure, are described (with formulas stated) in my popular article titled Practical Poultry Farm Business Performance Calculations.

…or they do 1. above AND also…

2. Establish & Entrench Standard Operating Procedures – While Exploring Variable Costs Reduction

On the other hand, you could go the full hog and implement ALL five BOPMS™ components, by adopting the remaining two:

a. Variable Costs Reduction Initiatives

b. Workplace Organisation/Best Practice Management to Entrench SOPs

I have written severally on this in past articles – click here to see a list linked articles you can read (scroll to page bottom).

For those who are interested send me an email, and I’ll send you a list of articles that talk about this in more detail.

You Can Run Your Farm Business Without Tears…and LESS SWEAT!

But basically we’re talking about having an automated system for tracking the performance indices on your farm. This would enable you not have to stay every second on the farm monitoring what your operatives are doing.

To do that you need to have a specific kind of process record form designed, based on the manner in which you run your farm.

So basically I normally have to visit farms to find out how they operate, and then I design a form that enables them capture the relevant records.

The software I then build for them using Excel Visual Basic is called an Enterprise Information System.

So they would – on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis (preferably daily), make entries using the record form I design, into the application/the EIS.

And they would be able to easily determine the performance indicators like Hen Day Percentages, Egg to Feed ratio, Mortality Rates, and Feeding rates (grammes per bird).

Some of these indices can be quite useful in predicting, or anticipating, or proactively determining things that are about to go wrong.

For instance, a drop in Hen Day Production percentages could tell you a lot of things. Depending on how long your birds have been in lay, values should be about 70% or higher.

Feeding Rates should hover around 100 to 110 g/bird: Too low would suggest underfeeding, with consequent impact on egg laying performance. Too high would amount to over feeding, with implied needless waste of feed (reflected in lower number of eggs per bag fed i.e. egg to feed ratio). Neither is good.

When you don’t collect the records on the record forms, and post them into a software that trends them in form of charts, you may not see that.

When you collect eggs and manually record your numbers in a book, such subtle trends will not be readily apparent to you.

I say this based on over 20 years of developing applications for process monitoring and control.

Just last week, I got two farm managers nodding vigorously in understanding, as I coached them to post their data into the application I built for their farm.

As the data for each cage line was punched in, they saw the various KPIs appear. And when we began generating the report tables with charts, the plotted lines per cage and per pen for each day, week, and month we chose gave revealing trends.

This instantly triggered a discussion amongst them, as they tried to come up with accurate explanations of the variances noticed.

One of them saidAh, this software will be quite useful.

I had no need to say more.

The interesting thing is that to some extent, most farm owners can use MS Excel, by themselves, to track the KPIs too.

However, where my apps add value is their use of complex and elaborate formulas and functions, and as well as vba automation.

Then of course there’s the ready-to-print report formats.

But you can always start with the basics. That would be better than doing nothing – which would amount to working blind!

A Word of Warning About GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out

You could have a software that your personnel make entries into.

But how can you be sure data hand-recorded on the forms used to post entries into the software are real or accurate values?

We talk about GIGO when it comes to computers. And never has it been more applicable than when it applies to farm operatives – who can get so busy they “forget” lots of things.

When that happens, some may try to remedy the situation by recording “guesstimates” – which could over time produce unreliable results.

In fact many farm owners often get surprised (unpleasantly) by their farm businesses.

One day the birds are doing very well, laying at 82% HDP. Next day you get a 55% HDP report, and you don’t know what happened in between.

Now, that‘s why you need to have Standard Operating Procedures.

In the Mind map Box Titled “Workplace Organisation/Best Practice Management to Entrench SOPs”, you’ll see I have in red two phrases: “Workplace Instructions” and “Job Descriptions”.

Those are powerful instruments that could be written out, and then training provided for your people to use them to produce uniform output consistently..

Such best practice training – among other benefits – ensures they know the importance of sticking with laid down procedures to achieve the farm’s goals.

There will be things that you will be able to monitor, that will help you determine whether or not your people are doing that.

Of course, no one who is NOT competent to be on your farm, in terms of following the established guidelines, will be allowed to operate in the process.

There’s an aspect of what I’ve said here that has to do with your ability to reduce your costs of operation.

More often than not, you cannot aim to increase the prices at which you sell.

Instead as a smart business owner – especially one running a farm operation – look for ways to reduce your costs of operation.

Specifically, your variable costs.

That means you will develop, and commit – on a long term basis – to looking for ways and means to reduce the cost at which you turn out your farm produce.

And that again has to do with the best practice SOP.

Exploring Variable Costs Reduction Initiatives (Ideas You Can Use)

There are so many ways you can reduce your operating costs.

Now this has to do with teaching your people and yourself how to think up ideas – new ideas and better ideas for running your operations.

For instance, a lot of people are exploring using complementary feeding ingredients. Others are exploring using Indomie noodles waste, and even cooked chicken intestines.

But even more promising has been the concept of INSECT BREEDING, especially maggots rearing (See video below)

In particular, Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Farming has proven to be a huge cost saver for farmers. Click images below to learn more.

1. [FLYER] Lower Feed Costs & Boost Your Farm Profits: Get FREE Black Soldier Fly Larva Breeding Startup Ideas

2. True Story: Conversations With REAL  Black Soldier Fly Farmers in Nigeria  [Case No. 1: Ilorin – Kwara State] – Download PDF Audio to Text Transcript

3. “When I started they were laughing at me.” | True Story: Conversations With REAL Black Soldier Fly Farmers in Nigeria [Case No. 2: Onitsha – Anambra State] – Download PDF Audio to Text Transcript

But how do you go about systematically doing that, to achieve lower cost of operation on your farm, therefore achieving increased profits?

Those are things that adopting an intelligent BOPMS – especially the aspect of entrenching SOPs – can allow you to achieve. (Get in touch if you’d to book an session in which I can elaborate on what a full BOMPS project implementation requires).

But if you don’t want that…

If you just want a simple approach to it, that can still help you, look at the 3 yellow boxes in the mind map e.g. Tracking your expenditure and income; having KPIs in place, and using a software to track them in charts and in form of data.

Those would help you go far in monitoring your farm operations and getting the best results.

Final Words

The above is meant to give you an overview of what a BOPMS™ for Farm Business Performance Improvement is about.

If you decide you want to learn more, click here to watch related videos, and read over 10 articles that offer more details.

On that same page, you’ll be able to send your enquiry to me, using a web contact form I’ve setup there.

Good luck!

Master KPI Computation and Interpretation to Boost Your Farm’s Profits [8 Week BOPMS™ COACHING PROGRAM] – FREE FOR INNER CIRCLE MEMBERS



1. Your Business Should Free You, Not Restrict You

2. Adopt Standard Operating Procedures to Succeed More With Less Effort (This Works for Solopreneurs and Large Organisations)

3. Five Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records

4. Practical Poultry Farm Business Performance Calculations

5. Five Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health

6. Five Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices

7. Producing Good Catfish is Important, But Finding Good Buyers is Imperative!,-But-Finding-Good-Buyers-is-Imperative!&id=3209812

8. Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Part 1 of 2

9. Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Part 2 of 2

10. Top 10 Ingredients Used in Livestock Feed

11. PII 015: To Succeed, Your Farm Does Not Just Need a Software – It Needs a BOPMS!

12. PII 020: A BOPMS™ Will Enable You Run Your Farm Business Profitably Even When You’re Away!

13. Master KPI Computation and Interpretation to Boost Your Farm’s Profits [8 Week BOPMS™ COACHING PROGRAM]

Master KPI Computation and Interpretation to Boost Your Farm’s Profits [8 Week BOPMS™ COACHING PROGRAM]

14. Adopt Custom Best Practice Systems to Boost Your Farm’s Output and Profits [TIP: Watch New Mind Map Based Video Explanation of Tayo Solagbade’s Best Operation Process Management System – BOPMS™]

Adopt Custom Best Practice Systems to Boost Your Farm’s Output and Profits [TIP: Watch New Mind Map Based Video Explanation of Tayo Solagbade’s Best Operation Process Management System – BOPMS™]

15. NOW BACK ON YOUTUBE [Watch Part 1 of 3] What is a BOPMS™ for Profitable Farm Improvement? (Mind Map Explanation By Tayo Solagbade)

NOW BACK ON YOUTUBE [Watch Part 1 of 3] What is a BOPMS™ for Profitable Farm Improvement? (Mind Map Explanation By Tayo Solagbade)

16. PII 015: To Succeed, Your Farm Does Not Just Need a Software – It Needs a BOPMS! [TRUE STORY]

PII 015 [TRUE STORY]: To Succeed, Your Farm Does Not Just Need a Software – It Needs a BOPMS!

Attract Success by Leaving Others Better Off Than When They Met You (2 Tips)

FACT: In business, and life in general, doing what this title proposes is sure to lead you to attract long term recognition and success to yourself. I employ it in dealing with every person I encounter – both online, and off the web. I strive to do it no matter how brief our interaction is. And I continually reap useful progress as a result.

This article offers 2 ways you can do the same thing and reap similar or better rewards.

1. In Business – Give Potential Clients Value Even When They Have NOT Hired YOU

This can be hard to remember, and do. I say this from experience. But I urge you to invest time and effort in doing it. Believe me, it works!

When searching for buyers for your products and services, do NOT focus on what you want (You’ve heard – or read – that before I’m sure!).

Instead, actively explore ways to immediately add value to prospective clients – using what you know, or can do.

Specific example: I always give practical ready-to-use ideas on web marketing to potential clients during discussions or meetings we have. I even create marketing resources (e.g. downloadable PDF they can give away to capture subscribers, or generate leads).

There is magic in this. Psychological magic.

It makes you look bigger in their eyes, because you come across as having so much that you confidently and readily give free samples without fear of loss.

They’ll often be impressed by your willingness to give of yourself in that manner. And that can actually attract or influence them to buy your products or services, or tell other about you.

But even if no apparent benefits seem forthcoming, do it anyway.

It will pay off eventually.

2. In General Life – Add Tangible Value to Others Even If You Have NOTHING to Gain

If you’re like me, with a passion for what you do, your personal and work life are probably difficult to separate :-)

But all the same, distinctions exist. Sometimes you’ll have to relate with people you do not consider potential buyers of whatever you sell.

Always realize that everything you do still links back to building credibility for yourself. So, explore non-manipulative strategies to turn others into your raving fans and advocates.

We all know that people generally prefer to buy from persons they know – and trust.

By aiming to leave everyone you meet better off than when you found them, you effectively build a reliable store of goodwill for yourself.

Sooner or later, you will harvest the rewards – sometimes including positive gains in your business.

One Specific Example (A True Story)

Years ago, while working in a large multinational, I used my spreadsheet programming skills to create an automated MS-Excel-VB driven application, for use by a senior colleague in the engineering function.

It enabled him produce his complex graph based engineering reports within minutes, instead of the hours it normally took him.

I did it without his asking, while off duty from shift brewing.

Some years later, I quit the company to become self-employed. Among other services, I offered spreadsheet programming services to potential company clients.

One day I got a lengthy email from this former colleague. He had moved to a well known multinational oil service company in a top position.

He wrote asking me how much it would cost to build, for him, a similar application to the one I’d built back when we worked together.

In that email, he wrote something as follows (not exact words):

“Tayo…I know you can help me with this because I’ve seen your Midas touches from when we were together in (company name)”.

NB: If I had not used my skills to add value to him years before, it’s unlikely he would have developed this deep level of trust and confidence in my capabilities.

We eventually had two meetings and followed up with emails and phone calls. Although he was eventually unable to get funding to pay the fee I quoted, it was still a useful experience for me.

This was because our discussions had given me an insider view, of areas in which I could add value to companies in the market place.

I went on to use that knowledge in winning projects from 2 medium sized hospitals later on.

Final Words (Watch Out for Wolves!)

What I’m recommending in this piece is simple.

Aim to get even people who DO NOT buy from you, to be grateful or glad that they met you. You can do this using abilities (or knowledge) you have, that can be of use to them.

Make doing this a habit, and many good people will love having you around. They will sometimes even go out of their way to help you, should the opportunity to do so arise.

Be careful however. Don’t let yourself get exploited while doing this. There are always wolves out there!

It may take some work, but for best results, you MUST learn to use your gut level instinct to identify WHO to offer yourself to in this way.

Not all those you meet will be sincere. Some insincere people will try to exploit your “generosity” to get you to work for them without (decent) pay.

The truth is however that such people will rarely be hard to detect – especially if YOU are sincere.

Just pay attention to your sixth sense. Listen carefully to YOUR FEELINGS, and you’ll know!

3 Ways Speaking a Foreign Language Can Make You Succeed More Often

Speaking a foreign language can help you in paid employment as well as in business. I have had the unique priviledge of experiencing the amazing benefits derivable from being able to speak a foreign language, on both sides of the fence.

Below I outline 3 powerful rewards you can expect to reap repeatedly, from being able to speak a foreign language:

1. Unsolicited Support/Assistance – Often When You Least Expect It

There’s nothing quite as exciting and fulfilling as having obstacles that most others are unable to surmount literally get removed from your path by total strangers.

And that, simply because they discovered you can communicate in their language!

Be it in your country or abroad, there will be times when what you seek may seen impossible to get.

Then suddenly you hear the person in charge answer a phone call, or speak to a colleague in a foreign language that YOU, unlike others present, can understand.

Suddenly you realize there’s a chance you can connect with her (or him) on a different level.

And things go beautifully from then on.

The others, lacking similar abilities, are left wondering how you pulled that off!

This has happened to me, more times than I can count.

Out here in Benin Republic, my ability to communicate in French has endeared me to many who meet me.

For instance, finding rented accommodation like I did, at a quarter of the going rate happened not because I’m an expert french speaker(far from it!), but because (as many tell me) they appreciate the work I’ve done (and continue to do) to improve myself.

It apparently inspires those keen to learn english to keep at it.

Indeed, the relentless manner in which many have approached me to teach them to speak english like I speak french, is what made me create my Quick & Dirty Guide To English Language for French Speakers…and to French language for English speakers!

Above: Screen shot of the cover/introduction page - click to download free guide workbook and audio file

2. Greater Opportunities for Friendship & Learning

While acting as Production Manager for a 5 week period in 2001, I initiated a series of trials to see if brewhouse output could be improved by increasing the quantity of “grist” (milled maize and sorghum) loaded into the old model mash filters used in the brewery.

Now this was not something that could be done arbitrarily.

Certain loading capacity calculations needed to be done to ensure the best possible results were obtained.

The problem I faced in implementing my idea was however that I could not find anyone who could give me reliable details of the formula for estimating loading capacity for the kind of grist we used.

The manufacturer – Meura, a Belgian company – originally built the plant to handle malted barley based grist(as you may know, French is spoken in Belgium).

But luckily for me, I remembered that a technical representative of the company had flown in few months before I got nominated to act as Production Manager.

At the time, I was his host in my office as Training & Techniaal Development Manager(TTDM), and while chatting he’d discovered I could speak, read and write French.

From then on, our relationship stopped being formal. By the time he left I’d learnt a lot about the filters and how they worked.

And that was why when my surprise nomination to act as Production Manager came up, I readily explored ways to use what I’d learned to improve the filters’ performance.

Realizing that I did not have enough information to competently modify the loading of the filter, I decided to write to my friend.

Starting my email in French (first paragraph) with pleasantries, I made my request known.

24 hours later, a reply arrived from a colleague of his, who explained my friend was away on leave.

But he went on to supply the exact filter loading formulas for our grist type, which they had derived based on extensive trials.

It was just what I – and any Production Manager – needed!

Little wonder that the substantive Production Manager (upon his resumption from leave) and other managers in the technical function, requested copies of that formula as soon as I announced that I had it, in a post secondment report I published after successfully completing my acting assignment!

As you can imagine, the above may probably never have happened if my French speaking skill had not enabled me get closer to the Meura rep.

3. A Foreign Language Gives You a Uniquely Powerful Competitive Edge

Again I say this from experience. Personal experience.

Living and working in a society where a very great majority of people do not speak French or any other foreign language confers a unique advantage on those who can.

And if you can also read and write in that language, your chances get even better.

In a past article, I shared the story of how I got massive career boosting recognition at senior management level while attending an international workshop in Hotel Aqua Palace, Douala Cameroon.

The short conversation I had with the expatriate Managing Director of Guinness Cameroon, in the hotel bar, took place while other delegates from Nigeria, Cameroon, Tanzania, Kenya, etc looked on.

After that event, many positive things immediately began happening to me: Click here to read that article to learn more.

Final Words

Think about all I’ve said above, and you’ll see I’m right.

Why not get started on the path to learning a foreign language today?

If you’d like to learn english or french, my new workbook guide (with audio) can help you: Quick & Dirty Guide To English Language for French Speakers
…and to French language for English speakers! – Click to download free guide workbook and audio file

Why You Need a Web Marketing System (WMS) – Part 3 of 3

This is the third and final part of “Why You Need A Web Marketing System (WMS)” – a 3 PART EDUCATIONAL SERIES. This installment ends with links to other articles that describe key components of a WMS. It’s titled “A Passion for What You Do, Will Help You Use A Web Marketing System to Get New/Repeat Business At Close to Zero Cost”. (Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here).

A WMS enables a business dramatically reduce marketing expenses, while increasing marketing reach and impact. In this final article, I explain why a business owner NEEDS undiluted PASSION to successfully use a WMS to acquire those benefits.

The key message here is that to get the best results from using a WMS, you must be in a business you thoroughly love!

Many People Fail To Follow Their Passions in Business

The phrase “having a passion for what you do” is one that I first came into contact with as a young manager in Guinness Nigeria Plc. This was in October 1994, when I was recruited along with 11 others as a new set of Graduate Management Trainees.

This happened after a rigorous selection process that ended with a grueling selection board discussion session, involving shortlisted candidates.

I believe strongly, that my exposure to best practice operations in that company, made a tremendous difference to my ability to function as a human being, at the highest levels of performance possible.

And I believe honestly that the culture of striving for excellence perpetually, which was promoted within that organization, helped me to really discover who I was, and to go after anything I want in my life.

Having a passion for what you do, is crucial to your ability to excel. I think a lot of people  fail to get involved in vocations and businesses that they have a passion for. And that explains why some of such people so readily settle for cutting corners, in trying  to achieve their business goals.

When you have a passion for what you do, you will not have a problem continuing to strive, till you achieve your intended business goal. And you will prefer to do so with integrity.

Only a Lack of Passion Will Make You Accept To Give a Bribe to Succeed In Business

Imagine if somebody tells you, as a Fashion Design expert, that you need to grease his palm, to make him submit your designs for consideration by a panel of decision makers.

Maybe they need an official designer for an international event – and you want that exposure.

If you accept to bribe that person, it shows that you don’t know who you are. Don’t start a business you only enjoy doing because of the money. Once the incentive of income disappears, you’ll find it hard to persevere with honesty and integrity.

Without a passion for what you do, you cannot know who you are. A lack of passion will make you willing to accept any conditions given you by others – even if that means cutting corners.

So let me put it the other way around. When you venture into a line of business that you see other people seemingly making big money from, without knowing what fundamentals will help you succeed in it, you set a trap for yourself.

This is because you do not have a passion for it. When things get tough you’ll crack under pressure. And things do get tough: in every area of life, in every line of business, there will always be hard times.

Without passion, you will find it difficult to keep going during hard times, because the inner drive will not be there.

You’ll start looking for quick fixes and short cuts. And that’s when you become crooked. And when you become crooked, your work will likely become crooked, because then it’s no longer about quality, it’s about surviving!

If You Will Struggle To Continually Think Up New/Useful Things to Say to Promote Your Business, Don’t Bother With a WMS

So, when I talk about using a WMS, as a complementary alternative to spending money wastefully, in traditional media like newspapers, TV and radio, especially as a small business person, that’s what I mean.

You’ve got to first of all be passionate about what you do. That way you will not have a problem adopting this alternative method, because this alternative method requires that you have no difficulty whatsoever, continuing to do the necessary things to make it work.

If you’re going to have a problem thinking up new ideas to talk about, in relation to what you offer your potential customers…

If you’re going to have a problem thinking up a new topic to write about, that will be used in promoting your work to potential customers…

…Then don’t bother trying to use a WMS!

Just go back and keep looking for money to pay the newspapers and the TV stations and the radio stations.
Then you sit back and wait for magic to happen. God help you. Hopefully, magic will keep happening. And hopefully, there’ll always be big money for you to spend on it.

Also, hopefully, you’ll also have enough profits to make it worth your while :-)

Final Words – A Web Marketing System Will Keep Your Marketing Going (Even When You Sleep) Till You Succeed

However if you want to be able to beat your chest that you get business on merit, and that the value you deliver is actually what gives you the patronage you are able to show off, then I believe this is the time for you to consider using a WMS.

If you have a passion for what you do. If it’s something you wake up at 8am and are ready to jump into the streets and get started doing it all over again like you did yesterday, last week, last month or last year…

If it’s something that you don’t mind keeping at, even when you’ve not had a meal, since morning, and you’re working on it till 12 midnight and never get tired…

If it’s something that you never get bored with…

…then you can use a WMS to succeed in your business marketing.

This is because it is your passion that will help you make your WMS give you the results you want i.e. MORE sales leads or potential customers!

What you have just read is final part of a 3 part series titled “Why You Need A Web Marketing System (WMS)”.

Part 1 of 3: Why You Need To Change The Way You Find Buyers for Your Products/Services

Part 2 of 3: Understanding How (Routine/Repeated) Use of Paid TV, Radio & Print Media Short Changes YOU

Part 3 of 3: Why You Need a Web Marketing System (WMS) – Part 3 of 3


There is a lot more you need to know. This series is available as a keynote speech, a half-day or full-day workshop – or request for audio/video version.

You can also contact me if you would like me to send you a report that breaks down what a WMS comprises, and how to get started with yours within the next 24 hours. E-mail tayo at tksola dot com with “Re: Why You Need A Web Marketing System” as the subject.

Further Reading: Components of a Web Marketing System (WMS)

The articles listed below describe key components of a Web Marketing System that I always recommend that my clients adopt for use. Read them and apply what you learn to started with yours.

1. Potential Benefits of Promoting Your Business Online Via Articles, Newsletter & Facebook Marketing

2. You Cannot Beat Competitors If You Keep Doing The SAME Things They Do!

If you need help or ideas at any stage, consider taking up an email or phone consultation with me. Or signup for a one month coaching session. Fill and submit this form, using “Re: WMS” as “Subject”

Why You Need a Web Marketing System (WMS) – Part 2 of 3

This is part 2 of a 3 PART EDUCATIONAL SERIES. This installment is titled “Understanding How (Routine/Repeated) Use of Paid TV, Radio & Print Media Short Changes YOU ”. (Click here to read Part 1). If you run a business in Africa, the ideas offered in this series can help you. Any 21st century African business that depends more on paid traditional TV, Radio and print media for business promotion, is wasting money. Indeed, if you’re not using the ideas on offer here to find new clients and customers, YOU ARE LOSING PROFITS. I elaborate below…

Invite Me To Speak: If you’re reading this after 31st March 2013, I would have begun travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur. If you’re in West Africa click here to invite me to speak to your members or group on this topic.

In this 2nd part, I use a real life example or analogy to illustrate how the typical traditional media organization asks business owners to pay to share their expertise. This is an arrangement that benefits the media house, but rarely helps the small/medium businesses.

A Real-World Relevant Analogy

Consider this. A typical newspaper outfit. They come to you and tell you: Oh Look, We’re doing this special thing. We’re going to feature your company in our newspaper. We give you half a page,  one page and you get to give us a little speech or talk about something you do, or share your expertise in our medium, and potentially you have the opportunity of getting read by millions of our wonderful readers all over.

And so you ask them: Right, if I do this, what’s in it for me?

And they say: Oh, you’re going to get read by so many people and they’re going to call you. And all of that.

You ask them: And I’m going be the one that supplies the content?

And they say: Yes of course, you put in your content, basically anything you want. If you want an editorial, we’ll let you do that. And so on.

Then you say: Well, that’s nice. That sounds good. When do we get started then?

And they say: Oh, there’s one thing: you’ve got to pay.

That stops you dead in your tracks.

You ask: Oh, I thought I was going to share my ideas and expertise. And I thought that would be in exchange for exposure through your medium?

They quickly reply: Well you see, everybody else pays to use our medium. This is the way it works. We’ve got to charge you because that’s really the marketing space or slot we have.

So you ask: Okay exactly how much are we talking about here?

They reply: From N200,000 (i.e. $1,500).

You say: What? That much – even though I’m offering my expertise?

But your friend – maybe he is more familiar with these things – tells you: Oh yes, that’s the way it’s done really. You see it’s a national newspaper, and you’re going to get a lot of exposure.

So, You Agree. And You Pay.

And they put this beautiful write-up you’ve done in the Monday edition (Monday being the day that maybe a lot of people like to look at real estate, and you are a real estate expert. So they tell you it’s going to get by a lot of people who are passionate about real estate).

Problem number 1:

On Monday, the paper comes out, and it’s about 150 pages thick. And your write-up? Yeah it’s in the real estate section alright. The challenge is that the average reader on a Monday is busy, and probably won’t have enough time to flip long enough to find that page – except he knew about it ahead of time, and was looking forward to it.

Problem number 2:

By the end of that day – I would say 10pm, some would say 12 midnight. The point is, by the next morning, the Tuesday edition is out: Your N200,000 would be gone!

The truth is more often than not, you’ll probably get a handful of phone calls or emails – if at all you get any responses to your ads that is.

It doesn’t make any sense!

What I’ve found out is that apart from a few leads which mostly fizzle out eventually, all you end up with are bragging rights that you had the means to place an ad in that kind of medium. But your target audience more often than not could not care less, if it does not add value to them!

If you’re a big company, there’s a budget for it, and you do have the cash flow to cope with it – probably because of your size, you get a lot of customers. And so, maybe it won’t matter much, you won’t feel the pinch and the returns would be tangible.

But if you’re a small, medium or micro business owner, the last thing you want to do is give that kind of money to advertising or marketing in a medium that has a shelf life of 24 hours! That’s just too volatile.

I say this from years of personal experience struggling and falling flat on my face for years, actively exploring cost-effective ways to get high impact long term marketing exposure, to the right people that are interested in my products and services.

Instead, You Need To Think Smart!

$1,500 can do a lot of things for you for a much longer period of time, and you’d be able to measure the returns. And those returns more often than not would pay for the money you spend in marketing in that way.

I have just done this analysis to help you put in perspective, the way you spend your money on traditional advertising or marketing media in your local market.

You want to give yourself an opportunity to reach out to as many people as possible, so as to find those who would be willing to pay the kind of money you want for your quality products and services.

I’m placing deliberate emphasis on quality because I’m assuming that the person reading this now is the kind of person that is not involved in selling anything that is substandard…or low quality…or cheap.

In order to benefit from the ideas I offer here, you’ve got to be somebody that has, on offer, products and services that command respect, and that appeal to people who are discerning in their tastes, and in their preferences.

If you’re not someone like that, you’ll not be able to use the ideas I offer here. But if you are someone like that that, then what I’m saying I’m sure will make sense to you. For every naira you spend, you must seek to extract at least an equivalent return in terms of marketing reach and impact – marketing mileage you achieve.

There is a Better Way to Do It

The channels of radio, TV, newspapers, flyers, bulk SMS and all that, can work in conjunction with, and can be complemented, by this other method that I’m talking about.

I cal it the use of a Web Marketing System. I will explain it in detail in my next article. This article you’ve just read was written to demonstrate, in practical terms, how the current and more familiar marketing and advertising media cannot really help you to cost-effectively achieve the kind of reach and impact you need in an economy where money is not as available as it used to be.

People are getting more reluctant to spend and need more reasons to do so, therefore making it more difficult for the man who wants to sell products and services to find customers. Therefore, everyone needs to be smarter.  The WMS enables you to be smarter in spending your money, and smarter in getting returns, tangible returns, that add to your ability to make sales. That’s what a WMS does for you.


What you have just read is part 2 of a 3 part series titled “Why You Need A Web Marketing System (WMS)”.

Part 3 follows tomorrow (I’ve decided to dispense with the plan to publish according to the weekly schedule, so readers can find all 3 parts close together).

Part 1 of 3: Why You Need To Change The Way You Find Buyers for Your Products/Services

Part 2 of 3: Understanding How (Routine/Repeated) Use of Paid TV, Radio & Print Media Short Changes YOU


Part 3 of 3: Why You Need a Web Marketing System (WMS) – Part 3 of 3


There is a lot more you need to know. This series is available as a keynote speech, a half-day or full-day workshop – or request for audio/video version. You can also contact me if you would like me to send you a report that breaks down what a WMS comprises, and how to get started with yours within the next 24 hours. E-mail tayo at tksola dot com with “Re: Why You Need A Web Marketing System” as the subject.

3 Ways Travelling Can Prepare Your Child To Succeed (Features Pix of a Cameroonian Michael Jackson :-)

Picture below is of a guy I named “Cameroonian Micheal Jackson”...Your child is likely to see unique and exciting sights like those in the pictures below, if s/he travels and explores beyond the world she already knows.

This enterprising chap was doing an impressive version of Michael Jackson’s moon walk in Douala’s Marché Mokolo (Mokolo market). Hundreds gathered to watch him for over 10 minutes. I’m not a dance expert, but I think he did a great job of it!

Pix 4. Cameroonian Micheal Jackson!

Marcel Bich (now late) was the manufacturer and cofounder of the cheap, disposable Bic pens, razors and lighters. I once read an interview in which he revealed that travelling with his father really provided him an education that schools could never have given him. This insight apparently served him well – considering that he built great wealth, by creating cheap but highly desirable products.

1. Travel Helps You Demystify Life In General

In 1982, as a 12 year old, I began playing competitive handball for my secondary school and over time got invited to the state team (but always got dropped before most major competitions!). This was in Ilorin, Kwara state.

Moving to the university in Ibadan in 1987, I secured, from my first year a regular first team shirt on the varsity and hall teams. As you may know, travel to and from competition in different places happens a lot in sports.

It was during these formative years that I developed my passion for taking photographs and traveling.

When I eventually became a brewer in Guinness Nigeria, Benin City, most of my colleagues knew that about me. After completing my 3rd night shift in a row (earning 3 days off), I would take off on a trip to a state I’d never visited before, just to see what it was like. I was restless and hungry to explore and discover and learn. I still am.

At 3.00a.m in the morning I’ve walked the streets in different cities during my crazy travels as bachelor (mostly when I was off shift duty, or when I was on annual leave).

I once travelled by night across the border from Ikom in Nigeria to Ekok in Cameroon. Then I took another bus headed for Douala. But we had to stop (and sleep in the bus!) at 1.00a.m in Kumba. Then at 5.00a.m when the driver said it was safer, we resumed.

While in Cameroon, I moved around Douala and Yaoundé on foot and by car – mixing with the locals, to practice my spoken French, in the hope of becoming fluent. My hosts sent me to stay with a family friend at Mendong – a rural community – where I got a real feel for something close to the village life there. It was exciting (see photos below).

I ate local meals like Bobolo (solidified rubbery cooked starch meal made into long fingers) with roasted fish, as well as Achu (a delicacy made from Cocoyam, popular with the Akum people).

Pix 1: Eating Achu with my host’s wife

(NB: I made these digital copies of the original photos from my 1999 visit to Cameroon using my Blackberry Camera before leaving Lagos last week. The phone’s video and picture recording has been acting funny since then. At the bottom of this post is the ONLY picture I took that I’ve been able to retrieve since getting here. It keeps giving an error message. I’m looking at downloading all my data and formatting the memory card. Gremlins…?)

Pix 1: Eating Achu with my host’s wife

On my return journey to Nigeria (having no funds) I was forced to travel across the Atlantic Ocean for 12 hours, under heavy rainfall, from 7pm till 7a.m. Along with many others the means of transportation was a large rickety motor powered boat!

2. And It Opens Doors to New Friendships, and Exciting Opportunities

Anytime I run into Cameroonians, we usually hit it off instantly because they are often pleased to hear me speak so knowledgeably about areas some told me they’d never been.

For instance, while in Yaoundé, I went on a trip to a place called “Oballa” where I attended a convention organized by a youth group supporting the Cameroonian president. I did it just on a whim. But it was a journey that took some hours from the city. When I returned at 10pm, my host was amazed to learn I’d gone that far. She’d never been there!

Pix 2: Standing in front of country house in Mendong

Pix 2: Standing in front of country house in Mendong

Looking back I sometimes wondered if I had not gone too far – but the thrill I felt from seeing what others simply talked about based on hear say, convinced me I had not. That exposure also taught me some people voice opinions about things they do not know.

When you travel – and you stay open minded (especially if you start at a young age) – you develop a flexible view of the world. Your views and opinions become more balanced because travel exposes you to the variety that the world has to offer.

It helps you realize that your small corner of the world is just that – your tiny little corner! Outside it, a much bigger world exists that for the most part operates very differently from the perception you have of your world.

Pix 3: One the road to Kumba – an SUV was stuck in the mud (imagine that!)

Pix 3: One the road to Kumba – an SUV was stuck in the mud (imagine that!)

Pix 3: One the road to Kumba – our bus was also stuck in the mud (I'm the one in the black T-Shirt looking back at the camera

Like I revealed in my article about my journey across the Atlantic Ocean in 1999, I was to reap the rewards for my efforts at learning French the hard way in 2001. Guinness Nigeria selected me along with four senior managers to attend a one week International Coaching Conversations Facilitators’ Workshop held in Hotel Aqua Palace in Douala.

During that week, my colleagues would witness me speaking French with the expatriate Managing Director of Guinness Cameroon, who later announced to them that he was impressed. What’s more, during the course, when the possibility of having facilitators from Nigeria come over to collaborate with those in Cameroon.

The expatriate female course coordinator from the UK noted that if anyone from Nigeria was most prepared to play that role, it was me. I was already familiar with the place, the people and the language.

It goes without saying that going back in Nigeria, my senior colleagues with whom I attended the course regarded me differently. One actually announced that my achievement had made him resolve to learn French as well.

It did not end there. Maurice Diekem, a manager with Guinness Cameroon, would – at the end of the course – invite me over to his home and hosted me from Friday till Sunday. He took me round town in his SUV, to meet friends – and even arranged for me to visit those I’d stayed with when I
visited two years earlier.

And that’s what travel can do for anyone who indulges in it!

3. Your Creativity Is Stimulated By Exposure to a Variety of Worlds

Well travelled people – especially those who did it from when they were young – tend to be open-minded, and creative. My personal experiences indicate that extensive travel offers powerful educational benefits useful for achieving personal advancement.

Indeed many well schooled people who do little or no travel, will often be at an instant disadvantage when pitched against less schooled, but well travelled counterparts. I’ve actually seen this happen repeatedly in real life.

Exposure to a variety of experiences can be most enriching. Human beings learn best from experience. And when you have an opportunity to travel to different places, you get the unique privilege of seeing the way things are done in different climes.

Your brain gets greatly stimulated from discovering that different societies achieve the same goals using different methods. It makes you realize that beyond what the smartest people in your world know or think, there are equally smart (if not smarter) people in other places who know better ways to do the same thing!

The problem is when a society comprises mostly people who know no other ways of living, few, if at all any of them, will believe things can be done differently.

If progress is to happen, it starts with people thinking differently from the way they always have.

You/Your Child Can Travel Through Others – But it’s Best To Do It Yourself!

With the help of Tim Ferris, and others like him, many people are able to fulfill (to some extent) their dreams getting exposure to other worlds. The Internet itself makes that possible in many ways.

You could possibly do that – especially if your work and personal responsibilities leave you little room to do otherwise.

However, for the sake of your kids, you might want to do more.

I say this because ultimately, the best way to really do this would be to get out of your comfort zone and go where you’ve never been. And find ways take your family with you.

Get away from the safety nets you’ve put in place for yourself. You need to be willing become vulnerable all over again – like you once were as a baby – so you can learn to walk (figuratively speaking) all over again.

By the time you’re done, you’ll find you have a totally new, much smarter perspective of life and what it’s really about.

You may not even have to travel far. There are places within your country or region you can explore which will greatly enrich you.

Final Words: Let Your Kids Become Well Rounded Personalities

Some people only know the routes leading to and from their homes, office, church, clubs and other venues in their immediate neighborhood. You can do better than that.

This is especially important for your kids. Let them grow up to be well rounded personalities that others would enjoy interacting with for their balanced perspective and depth of insights.

Travel based education will give them that.

So, why not let them have that in addition to the normal schooling you’re giving them?

One Last Thing…

By way of interest, I still do the travel thing as often as I can. This time as an entrepreneur.

In 2005, I visited Ghana on an exploratory business trip for 2 weeks.

And this month (April) I launched a new plan to do it at a higher level – as a Location Independent Entrepreneur (who earns income from both online and offline activities).

Right now, I’m writing this from my hotel room in Cotonou, Benin Republic. I arrived here Monday 1st April 2013, and will be exploring opportunities to travel slowly across West Africa, over the months that follow.

Click here to read full details of what I’m offering to do to help Africa based professionals and business owners improve their ability to succeed.


Who knows…if you’re a decision maker in West Africa, you may wish to invite me to give one of my No-Fee talks to members of your group or organisation (?) I already have exciting stories of my experiences to share with audiences. I’d love to hear from you(click)!

Pix 5: Framed hand crafted map of Benin Republic bounded by neighboring West African states – displayed in the reception of a hotel.

Pix 5: Framed hand crafted map of Benin Republic bounded by neighboring West African states – displayed in the reception of a hotel.

Why A True Entrepreneur Cannot Fail

“There is no such thing as an entrepreneur who failed. Only one who gave up.” – James Cook, author of the Startup Entrepreneur.

There will always be good and bad times in life. But during hard times, the mind can play tricks on you. The successes you’ve achieved before could even begin to look ordinary. Negative remarks about your situation can really deal your self-belief a blow. Especially, when they come from those close to you. What will YOUR story be? This article offers insights to help you intelligently persist in pursuit of your dream.

Carry Yourself with Confidence at All Times

Anywhere you go, display infectious enthusiasm in relating with others. The confidence you have in yourself should show in the way you carry yourself, and also how you speak.

No one will believe in you if you cannot show that you believe in yourself!

Therefore keep your chin up at all times – even when things are bad (in your estimation). Be proud of yourself for having the guts to do something meaningful with your life.

“Without enthusiasm, one cannot be convincing. Moreover, enthusiasm is contagious and the person who has it, under control, is generally welcome in any group of people.” – Napoleon Hill

When You Refuse To Give Up, People Will Talk About You – Get Used To It!

When you persist in pursuit of your dream, you’ll be around longer. That means more people will get to know about you – and what you’re trying to do. And if you keep acting with confidence and enthusiasm, you’re bound to attract scrutiny from people who feel intimidated by your unwavering self-belief and faith.

That’s why I believe one of the best signs that you’re making progress is when people start talking about you. And they may not always have nice things to say!

“Talk good about me, or talk bad about me. So long as you’re talking about me, it’s all good”.

I’ve heard/read the above saying in varying forms over the years. And I’ve found it to be true. So, don’t let it bother you.

Tuface Idibia and M.I did a song together that I love for its lyrics. Especially the part that goes thus:

“If nobody talks about you, then you are nobody.”

And they’re right.

Think about it, if you did not matter; if you were not making an impact that was being felt, would they devote their time and energy to talking about you?  The fact that they’re doing that means you matter. And it also suggests what you’re doing directly or indirectly challenges them in one or more ways.

Quite often I’ve found that those who talk about me, sometimes with malicious intent, are those who see that I’ve carried on in spite of myriad setbacks. They see that I’m never going to stop. That probably explains why some have even plotted/schemed with others to bring me down. No exaggeration here.

That’s the way of the world. You need to understand that everyday that you get up to go after your goals, you WILL prove such people wrong. And some are bound to be driven to try and redress that imbalance.

How far they will go, will depend on how desperate they are, and the nature of checks and balances existing in the society you operate.

But one thing is certain. No matter what they do, as long as you never give up, your success is inevitable.

Keep that it mind. And you’ll never fail. Period.

Get Coaching Support

If you’re passing through a difficult phase and need guidance to enable you persist intelligently signup for my Performance Improvement coaching.

You’ll learn how to use every period of adversity you experience as a stepping stone to the next level of success you desire. And suddenly, you’ll find yourself welcoming adversity anytime it makes an appearance, because you’ll be confident of your ability to overcome it to get where you want to go!

Click here to learn more about how I can help you.

Now That YOUR Website Is Up, What Do You Do Next?

NB: This original version of this article was first published online on 2011-11-04 (November 2011) on my 9 year old domain (now defunct).

I visited the venue of the “Getting Nigerian Businesses Online”(GNBO) 5 day event (at Grandeur Events Centre at Billings way, Oregun) on day 2 – Tuesday 1st November 2011 – and was intrigued by the turnout of Nigerian business owners to take advantage of the offer:

The packed venue was a reminder of the fact that PEOPLE love freebies!

Due to other commitments I did not however plan to stay long.

I quickly made enquiries about stages involved in getting the promised FREE websites up (so I could pass the details on to interested others), and learnt the only payment required was for domain registration.

That made sense, since Google’s hosting came FREE. The customised system used by the providers is based on Google’s FREE wizard driven SITE BUILDER interface.

Before I left, I struck up a conversation with one CEO who was leaving, after having setup up his site. In the course of our discussion, I asked him:

Now that you’ve gotten YOUR website up, what next?…What will you say on it?…How will you do promote it?…Are you going to be placing adverts on TV, Radio, in papers, or on Facebook, Google?

Guess what? He thought I was “blowing grammar!”Needless to say our discussion did not last long. Hmm, I guess NOT everyone sees what is possible. Some people are just OK doing what others are doing.

I started building websites FREE for clients over 3 years ago, because I understood this often overlooked, but crucial point.

Many prospects often asked me in surprise “But why do you build websites free? How then do you make money?

I always pointed out that advancements in web technology now equip ANYONE, including 5 year olds, to build dynamic/database driven websites with a few clicks, and without ANY technical knowledge.

An example is Joomla! – a powerful open source Content Management System used by millions to build websites. Yet another is WordPress. So, what I do is get clients to pay me for content copy writing, and custom automated web marketing systems development.

Sadly, many web professionals out here failed to “get it”, and suggested that I built sites FREE, only because my design skills were poor.

In reality however, I never waste my time doing much design. Way back in 2007, I began offering to do it FREE – using 3rd party customizable templates and themes for clients.

If a client insists on a particular aesthetic appearance that I cannot fit into my FREE design offer, I encourage him/her to engage someone to get it done to his/her “tastes”.

But I emphasize that s/he make sure to provide usability features and functions I specify, to enable me develop and implement a Web Marketing System that works – using the finished website design that is handed over to me.

With this GNBO FREE offer (promoted via TV, Radio, Print media and online) to millions in their target market, I’m certain that not a few of those short sighted developers will be having nightmares right now.

For me, many GNBO beneficiaries are now potential Web Marketing clients I can approach!

To make money, you need to make salesBuilding a website is only the FIRST step in the process.

Making your website BRING you potential customers should be your focus.

If you don’t have a plan for making that happen (a plan that should ideally influence the building/design of the site itself), your website will be a DRAIN pipe for your money. Period.

Now That Your Site Is Up, I Propose You Take (At Least) The Steps Below

These are basic components of a plan I would recommend. You can learn about other components, by reading other articles I have written on business marketing.

1. Your Website Content:

This should ideally happen during setup. But it’s never too late. Your site’s content should be response generating i.e. compelling enough to make some visitors contact you, or respond to your offer(s). Evaluate your content. If you can’t do it yourself, hire a competent specialist to give you a CONTENT CRITIQU! E. S/he can help you re-write it, should that become necessary. If you need help, call me.

2. Your Mailing List:

You NEED to generate sales leads, that you can follow up. If setup right, your website should periodically HARVEST contact information of potential customers, into your website mailing list. Mailing list software with signup forms abound.

Many hosting providers offer single click installation of these tools. Offer freebies on your site, to entice visitors to leave their names, emails, phone numbers etc. Over time, you will be able to MINE this data, to achieve financially rewarding responses.

3. Your Follow Up:

2 ideas readily come to mind here.

Launch a branded website newsletter, and an Article Marketing campaign. Use your mailing list software to send messages at decent intervals to subscribers – intelligently making product/service offers and announcements in those broadcasts, every now and then. Keep at it long enough, and you’ll notice MORE subscribers and opportunities to close sales will come up.

Ignore Nay Sayers: Adopt A Custom Web Marketing Plan & Make It Work For You

“Where everyone thinks alike, no one is doing any thinking” – Anon

Sometimes it’s just NOT smart to follow the majority.

If there’s someone who KNOWS the importance of being different, and who used it to get AHEAD, to the benefit of himself, and MILLIONS of people worldwide, it’s SIR RICHARD BRANSON.

Here’s what he recently had to say about ANOTHER person who CHANGED the world, by THINKING differently….


“Sometimes, pursuing your vision means that you will have to ignore others’ warnings and even jeers…As you pursue your own entrepreneurial vision, take heart if building your company involves (confronting) obstacles and ignoring your critics.

Pursue your passion; admit when you encounter something you are not good at, and either delegate it or find a way around it (even Jobs hired great professionals to lead public relations efforts, and he famously formed alliances with Apple’s competitors, IBM and Microsoft); and when things go wrong, pick yourself up and keep going. This is an adventure that takes courage and conviction.

Throughout his life, Jobs encouraged everyone he worked with to “Think different.” It is advice I have taken to heart. He meant entrepreneurs; he meant you…”

Richard Branson (Branson on Sunday), “Steve Jobs, an entrepreneur who thought differently.” Sunday Punch, October 30, 2011


Final Words

Back in February this year, I wrote an article on a similar theme. I hope you find it a useful read:


Contact me if you need further details or need any clarifications.



UPDATE: This article republished today (12/05/2024) as a PDF.


  1. Click HERE to watch the video trailer




Anytime you announce a plan, idea or intention you have, and someone says it’s impossible, be very careful in paying attention to him/her.

It does not matter who the person is.

In my experience, the fact that you conceived your goal or dream, is often a strong indication that you can achieve it.

That’s why I personally never listen to nay sayers.

It’s almost like many are programmed to act that way, meaning they often do very little reasoning to decide when to say something is impossible!

When Conceiving Your Goals Or Dreams, Reject Impossibilities

I hate the word “Impossible” with a passion. It’s been thrown at me so many times from my days in secondary school up till as recently as yesterday afternoon.

What I find most annoying, is the fact that those who use it often do so with no personal experience against which to measure the accuracy of what they say!

Yet they throw their opinions around with misguided confidence.

Sadly, some unsuspecting individuals take such advice to heart and give up their dreams or valued goals, only to live the rest of their lives feeling miserable.

The Human Mind Is More Powerful Than Most People Know

Yes. Your mind is a very powerful asset given you by the creator.

Napoleon Hill apparently understood this truth when he said “Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve.”

But most people do not believe the above truth. And that’s why many underachieve throughout their lifetimes.

You Can Do The “Impossible” – If You Believe You Can!

The above is not an idle claim.

History is replete with examples of people who recorded achievements that had previously been considered impossible.

And that’s why I dislike that word so intensely. By dictionary definition, it means something that cannot happen or that cannot be done.

A Few Quick Examples Of How The Impossible Has Been Made Possible In The Past

1. Roger Bannister:

Before Bannister did it, generally accepted wisdom subscribed to by well educated, intelligent and “reasonable” people was that it was IMPOSSIBLE for a man to run a mile under 4 minutes.

Today, many men do it effortlessly. And women do it too!

2. Fred Smith:

When Smith came up with the concept of overnight delivery in a term paper submitted to his professor, the latter said it was a nice idea, but that it would never work.

And he gave compelling reasons based on his “expert” knowlege to justify his position.

Smith was smart enough to realise that his professor could not be right about everything.

So he followed his instincts instead.

Today, many of us are better off because Fred Smith chose to ignore wise counsel about the impossibility of his concept(on which Fedex courier was established.)

3. Usain Bolt:

I read somewhere that the speeds attained by Bolt during a race, are illegal for cars in certain countries.

I would add that great sprinters from 10 years before Bolt, would insist that the amazing times he’s clocking today are impossible for any human to attain!

Two Personal Examples

In my case I’ve successfully done what many told me was impossible, more than once.

Here are 2 examples you can reflect upon.

1. Zero Cost Print Book Publishing:

While visiting a neighbouring West African nation some years ago, I told the leader of a group of writers that it was possible to get a book published in print at zero cost.

I could see the doubt on his face, as he challenged me to produce a printed copy of mine to show him.

A few months later, I’d ordered and received my first ever copies of my Print On Demand published book, and sent one across through a friend(Chris).

Chris later wrote me an email telling how many people who had seen my new book refused to believe it was written and print published by an African like them (me).

That reaction was a bit understandable due to the realities facing writers in these parts.

But at the same time it’s that kind of mental attitude that holds such people back from making timely and productive use of new opportunities as they appear.

2. Low Cost Browsing On Your PC Using A Blackberry Smartphone as A Tethered Modem:

Yesterday, while visiting the Ikeja Computer village, I got into a discussion with a young phone repairs apprentice.

When I told him my Blackberry had replaced my Starcomms wireless Internet modem for browsing on my laptop, he got interested, and began asking questions, including how much he could pay to learn how to do it from me.

As we chatted, one of the more experienced phone repairs engineers overheard and walked over to listen closer.

Suddenly he said “Oh, that idea of using a Blackberry as a modem is impossible. We’ve tried it and it does not work!

For some reason, the young apprentice ignored him, and went on to pay me the discounted “quick coaching” fee. Today I took him through the steps for setting up the smartphone for use as a modem.

And he saw that it worked. So much so that he’s decided to acquire a smartphone for use as a modem on his netbook.

That’s not all.

He also agreed to have his photo taken for use with an audio testimonial he provided.

It is also my intention to do a video interview in which I’ll ask him more detailed questions and also let him further share his impressions about how effective it is to use a Blackerry smartphone as a tethered modem on a PC.

I’ll be posting the video on this page via Youtube.

In a Cyber Cafe along Awolowo way, Ikeja at 7.30pm Nigerian time. Analyne Amadi after I'd finished showing him how to browse using a Blackberry as modem on my Laptop. We'll be meeting again to setup the netpad he's holding to do the same.

Above: In a Cyber Cafe along Awolowo way, Ikeja at 7.30pm Nigerian time. Analyne Amadi after I’d finished showing him how to browse using a Blackberry as modem on my laptop. We’ll be meeting again to setup the netpad he’s holding to do the same.

Final Words

If the young apprentice had listened to that nay sayer, he would have missed out on the above benefits.

And that’s why I believe a person who wishes to really excel in achieving her dream in life, should eliminate the word “Impossible” from her vocabulary.

That way when you encounter it, it would have little or no meaning.

And your dreams and goals would be safe from premature death!