Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

Extracting Useful Lessons From Travel Experiences (True Stories & Tips)

Have you ever interacted with an unschooled, but widely traveled person? Stop for a moment and think about any such person you know. They often come across as knowledgeable, and self-confident don’t they?

Now, consider an unschooled person whose soccer skills earned him a high paying pro career, in clubs around the world for years.

We know real soccer legends alive today, who went from rags to riches doing just that. So it’s not like my analogy is far fetched.

By the time these people retire, and move on to other endeavours, it is often very difficult to detect that they did not have formal schooling or were poor.


Because during their careers, they mix and relate closely with high profile people from all walks of life, and it rubs off.

Those who start out unable to speak English or French or whatever other language is spoken where they play, gradually pick it up, and eventually become fluent.

The club(s) may arrange private coaching to help with learning to use a bank account, adult education classes in language, or any other area s/he needs.

His greatest education will however come from the regular traveling that will happen.

The posh hotels, round the clock access to cable TV, PC enabled Internet, telecom gadgets he’ll use to communicate while travelling. He’ll quickly learn to use them. And that process can rapidly transform a person, such that even his/her immediate family will marvel at how much he’s changed compared to them.

They’ll suddenly find he knows so much about many things because of the wide ranging experiences.

This is the reason a street soccer player/bus conductor, who left his country to play pro soccer, could retire and return to run for ELECTION into the office of President in his country!

He did not come brandishing a university degree or other qualifications.

Instead, he offered himself based on the achievements he’d recorded as a world class pro soccer star, and the work he’d done via his NGO.

I refer here to none other than George Opong Weah, of Liberia.

It goes without saying that many well schooled persons that could have been considered more "competent" were in his country.

But Weah’s exposure, experiences, and financial success, made him believe (rightly or wrongly) that he could be president!

He had traveled widely and related at topmost levels with world leaders. And it was his soccer skills that earned him those opportunities, not formal schooling.

George knew he’d gotten valuable exposure, and he wanted to use it to help his people.

That’s what travel based education does:

It exposes people to ideas, information, and confidence-building experiences that willing persons can use to make a difference wherever they find themselves.

New Ideas That Result In Progress & Development, Are Sometimes Inspired By Exposure to Travel

Many of us do this: You visit a place and discover they do something in a way that you know can be usefully applied where you’re from.

So when you get back home, you share that idea or solution with others, and it’s adopted.

Without travelling, that idea or solution may have remained unknown to you – and your people!

But not all ideas one encounters during travel, will be "attractive" enough for adoption!

One example: The Use of Gari (Cassava Flour) in Benin Republic vs. Nigeria

Gari is grainy flour made from Cassava.

In Nigeria we use it make a popular meal called Eba (by rapid mixing with hot water). Most homes consume Eba with vegetable stews etc.

People sometimes mix Gari with cold water and sugar, and drink for refreshment.

But here in Benin Republic, back in May 2013, I was shocked to hear undergraduates at the University in Calavi explain that only a person who runs out of money chooses to eat Eba!

To them, unless you’re short of money, you would definitely prefer to eat La Patte (a solid paste, made from Maize flour mixed with hot water) with stew.

That was when I understood why I’d been unable to find a restaurant offering Eba!

It was always “Il ya La Patte”. And I did not like it at all at the time. I do now …which shows how adaptable humans are :-)

Since then however, I’ve discovered a meal called “Agbeni”: a sticky starch paste, a bit similar to Gari in consistency, but NOT the same feel/taste.

But that’s not all that’s different about how people in these 2 neighbouring countries view the same food item…

You see, food sellers in Benin, sprinkle ample amounts of Gari on cooked rice and stew they serve buyers!

When I first saw it, I thought the individual was the one with a "problem".

But later on I many buyers actually requested it.

I must confess that THAT is one "meal" I cannot adapt to!

Gari and Rice simply do not go together…for me anyway.

I explained to my young Beninese friends that in Nigeria where I come from, anyone seen eating such a combination would be seriously laughed at.

They retorted that anyone seen eating Gari as Eba would get severely mocked in their country. Here, they regard it as a poor man’s meal, because they believe it has fewer nutrients than their Maize based meal.

Different strokes for different folks as they say.

The point to note here however is that with travel, you’ll continually encounter different experiences, which will make you more liberal in your views.

We have a proverb in Nigeria, which says:

"Only the child, who has never been to the farm of another person, thinks his father’s farm is the biggest."

This proverb basically points out the "eye-opening" advantages "travel" (i.e. moving OUT to explore areas beyond your familiar environment) can confer.

Now, to even things out, I’ll share a story that illustrates how travelling can also help us discovers similarities between "different" cultures…

An Encounter With a Meal, In Scotland, Which Reminded Me of a Nigerian Delicacy…

During 6 weeks of traveling across the UK on an International Brewing Course (organised by the UK’s Institute and Guild of Brewing in 2000), we were one afternoon treated to a buffet in a Scottish brewery somewhere in Edinburgh, if I recall correctly.

The cooks there served us "Haggis", a meal we were told was made from the internal organs (heart, lungs etc) of animals like goats and sheep.

For those of from Guinness Nigeria and Nigerian Breweries, Haggis was wonderful!

In fact, in my case, it reminded me of a delicacy prepared by my wife’s people – the Igbos – called Isi Ewu (Goat Head pepper soup).

It’s made by crushing and cooking a goat’s head with vegetable, spices and pepper, which is served in a bowl, with the eyes, tongue, ears etc.

We’d been moaning about not having enough meat in our meals.

For some of the delegates from companies in Europe and America who were vegetarians, it was not as exciting as they would have wanted.

Thankfully, they were offered alternatives they liked.

Again, the experience carried lessons for each person who was willing to take them.

I discovered, for instance, that not everyone in the UK ate mainly plant based meals.

…and that some people in the UK also eat internal parts of animals like we do in Nigeria!

Your Child Can Do Formal Schooling, AND Simultaneously Acquire Travel Based Education

Interestingly, one can actually start by traveling within one’s neighborhood, local government/county, state, or country.

So what I propose is not necessarily something you’ll have to put major funds aside for – at least not right away.

Many people live in areas they have never explored. And so when asked, do not even know what people do or how they live around them!

Yet, choosing to take long leisurely walks around, can open your eyes to new discoveries that would elude you, if you stuck to your daily routine to/from work.

If doing that can be so enriching for you, think how beneficial doing it could be for your child!

If you fear for his/her safety, go out together.

Take pictures. Make notes. Point out useful sights, and discuss what you discover.

When you have more time and money, take trips further away from home.

You could go, for instance, to the next town or city.

See if you can stay over at a friend’s, to save money.

If time is short to cover all possible areas you’d like to see on one visit, plan to do return visits.

That way you can even avoid incurring hotel or motel accommodation bills.

After all you won’t be in a hurry as if competing with anyone. It would be just you and your child, spouse or family.

While on the road keep looking and learning. There’s often a lot of useful things to see!

Sometimes you may find it wise to drop your car, and go by local transportation e.g. bus, train or subway, hired taxi etc.

That way you retain energy, and stay refreshed to make the most of the journey.

The best part is, apart from the useful education s/he will pick up. You and your child would forge a stronger emotional bond in the process!

Years later, s/he could build on what you started – and would most likely do it for his/her kids too.

The multidimensional perspective from travel experiences will enable him/her pursue success more effectively.

By the way, there’s historical proof to back up the above claim…

One example: Marcel Bic credited the travel experiences he had with his father, as having given him the creative base on which to invent his revolutionary cheap and popular Bic biro (and other products).

The lives of many other great achievers distinctly reflect a similar trend.

You Can Work With Your Child (or Family) To Develop a Plan and Implement It

I’m working on such a plan for my kids :-)

And a fortunate turn of events here in Cotonou, has helped me start earlier than I thought I would.

Have you noticed, for example, that English speaking who aspire to speak a foreign language, like French, are often drawn to anyone they discover speaks the latter?

I’ve experienced both worlds, as one who speaks French, and is from an English speaking society.

I travel to and from Anglophone/Francophone African nations, and often get approached by people (usually self-employed professionals and working class persons) who say:

“Hi. I noticed you speaking English (or French) and I ‘d like to improve my fluency by chatting with you whenever you have time.”

Usually, they would have over heard me speaking either language on phone, or with someone.

This frequent occurrence led me to produce my Quick and Dirty Guide to English and French.

I realized I could not cope with the requests, so I developed a solution that ensured I could still help people even if I did not have time.

And the solution happens to be one that earns me income at the same time, and also boosts my credibility and name recognition!

My first buyer was a Beninese medical doctor who met me in a Cotonou Cyber Café, and took my mobile number so we could “chat”.

Both of us ended up being too busy to do that, so I told him to buy my guide.

When he discovered he was to travel to an English speaking country, he got in touch, and purchased it!

One day it occurred to me that my audio recordings of 27 common greetings in English and French, on my CDROM guide, could help my kids learn French faster.

Which would better prepare them to join me here in Benin Republic as planned!

So I bought each child an MP3 player, with memory cards, and copied all the audio files to each child’s.

As stated in my Proven 5 Step Formula for Learning ANY Language in 3 Months or LESS, this strategy rapidly improved my French when I started out.

Final Words: Travel Opens People’s Eyes to Opportunities They Probably Would Not See, If They Stayed "Home"!

And that’s why I say it can be so powerfully educative!

What is considered impossible in one society is probably being done and taken for granted in another.

Just today, I sent email to a catfish farm business CEO in Nigeria’s South-South, that illustrates the above point perfectly.

The email shared details of how another catfish farm owner in the South Western city of Ibadan says he’s using lower cost balanced rations formulated, using Gari and Palm Kernel Cakes at higher inclusion levels.

According to him, he’s getting up to 15% weight increases in his table sized catfish.

If I’d not reached out to the man in Ibadan on phone, the CEO in Uyo would not know of this potentially useful idea.

Now the latter can also get across on phone to the former. Or he could even travel down to Ibadan to learn more and possibly put a similar strategy to use on his farm!

In the same way, when a child from a society where something is considered impossible, travels to one where it’s being done, s/he may realize the TRUTH that people’s achievements are shaped, primarily, by their beliefs and their environment.

If s/he remembers that important lesson AFTER returning to his/her society, it could help him/her become a useful exception in society.

S/he would consequently reject limitations accepted by others around her.

As a result impossibilities would NOT exist for him/her, and success would be inevitable!

To Succeed, Extract Useful Lessons from Your Travel Experiences

You arrive in a new country at night, and check into a hotel. Then at 10a.m you meet your business associate, for a meal. You talk business, and then fly out. Get this: You have NOT really “been to” that country!

If your schedule makes doing the above necessary, I do not quarrel with that.

However, when someone says I’ve “been to” X number of countries, I always wonder if the above example describes the visits s/he’s made.

If it does, I would NOT want him/her to give ME travel tips to any of those places!

A Real Visit Will Go Beyond Interacting With An Isolated Group of Associates Based On a Tight Schedule

For instance, you want to make out quality time to see the sights and learn a little history about them.

You also would want to sample the food and drinks, try out their cultural outfits, and follow local news. Or even listen to folk tales while watching locals at work and/or play etc.

You would do the foregoing over a few hours, to a day or a week – depending on how long you’re there.

Doing the above will make you depart with a more accurate impression of that society than if you’d just breezed through!

I Call It Getting “Immersed” In Your Travel Experiences

Take it from me: Apart from yourself, exposing your child to the above kind of travel, can greatly boost his/her real world relevant intelligence, and know-how, in a way that directly leads to exceptional success in adulthood.

I say this based on my years of personal achievement, and from studying the lives of similar others.

For instance, I’m writing this article in a Cotonou Cyber Café a bit far away from Lagos, in my home country Nigeria.

By 1st April 2014, less than 10 days from now, I’ll have been here for a year, since relocating last year .

What I’ve learnt in that time, enabled me develop new strategies that’s taken my work to the next level.

If I had not travelled down here, those eye opening insights would never have come to me!

I Was Privileged to Benefit From Exposure to Travel Based Education Early In Life

And that’s even when the “travelling” was within the city I lived as a child!

In other words, I use the word “travel” in its normal, as well as a simplistic sense.

Basically, I’m saying MOVE yourself to explore the unfamiliar or unknown places, and people, around you!

At the age of 10, I began leaving home and “travelling” about 2 hours from Olodi Apapa area, to Ojo town as a first year student in Government College Ojo (where Lagos State University is today).

At that age, many of my peers walked short distances from home to their school, or their parents dropped them off at their school gates.

In my case, I got to do it all on my own EVERY weekday.

And those experiences shaped me into the fiercely independent person I am today.

The only regret I have about those early days is that I got into a bit of trouble by joining bad company. But looking back, even that “bad” experience further shaped me for later success!

For Over 3 Decades, I’ve Further Explored Benefits from Travel Opportunities of All Kinds…

This interest in travel was a major factor that influenced my decision to engage in competitive sports from the age of 12.

I’d been told it would involve travel at zero cost to me. I went on to play competitive handball, for school, state and university for about 10 years.

Plenty of interesting travelling happened in that time.

My Studies Also Afforded Me Varied Travel Experiences As Well…

I spent 5 years in a secondary school in Kwara State, in North West Nigeria. Then I did one year of Higher School Certificate (HSC) studies in Kaduna (travelling overnight by train from Lagos, between 1986 and 1987).

Then I moved to Oyo state in the South West for 5 years in the University of Ibadan. After that, I spent one year in Niger state’s remote Vatsa village in Nigeria’s middle belt area, observing my compulsory National Youth Service (NYSC).

It did not end there.

After NYSC I got a job with Guinness that eventually saw me being deployed to serve 7 years in their Ikpoba Hill based brewery in Edo State’s Benin City.

During 7 Years of Paid Employment In Guinness Benin, More Travelling Happened…

I made short visits of a day to 3 weeks to places like Port Harcourt, Owerri, Lokoja, Cameroon and Benin Republic.

Those trips were self sponsored.

On certain occasions, during my journeys, I slept overnight at motor parks in places like Lokoja, Owerri, within Nigeria.

One night, in Kumba, a border town on the outskirts of Cameroon, I slept – along with 11 other passengers – in a mini bus from 11p.m till 5a.m.

This happened in July 1999.

The driver told us it was necessary, to avoid bandits who ambushed night travellers on the road. We were headed, at the time, to Douala, from Ekok, a town sharing a border with Nigeria’s Ikom in Calabar.

I spent 6 weeks travelling across England, Scotland, and Wales, and after that, another week in Cameroon. In these latter cases, the trips were company sponsored.

In All the Cases Mentioned Above, I Actively IMMERSED Myself, to Maximize the Experiences I Had

By this I mean that I went out of my way to explore the environment, speak with the people, taste the foods, ask how to say things in the local languages, learn how to cook local meals, and of course make friends.

I did not simply sit back and look out from the window of the car or bus or train.

Instead I resolved, each time, to gain a clear idea of what the place and the people were like.

This habit proved invaluable to me when I ran into people who had been there before – or who were from there.

Within a few seconds of conversation, I often got complimented on my demonstrated familiarity.

In other words,  I learned to appreciate the diversity of people and their cultures, and to welcome it. Nothing breeds tolerance and understanding than being “immersed” in travel experiences like that.

The people you do that to also feel good about meeting you.

And that could make them welcome someone they learn is from your country even more warmly!!

Final Words: The Benefits You’ll Get Are Multi-Dimensional – Here’s One Example…

In 2001, I was discussing with delegates from other countries on the final day of a one week course on Workplace Coaching Conversations in Douala’s Hotel Akwa Palace.

A colleague from Guinness Nigeria had asked what places could be visited over the weekend and I’d offered some ideas based on my 3 week stay in 1999.

A Guinness Cameroon manager expressed surprise that I’d visited Mendong and Oballa, two places he – who lived in Cameroon – had never been to, saying “Tayo, you have really visited Cameroon!

That day, he insisted on having me over as a guest in his home for the weekend with his family.

The course facilitator also suggested since I could speak French and had been there before,  I’d be in the best position to join the Camerooninans in implementing their run of the course!

And that’s just one of many ways travel based exposure can open doors of opportunity for you: you become more INTERESTING to others…an essential quality for success achievement!

PS: The second and concluding part of this series on Extracting Success Boosting Education from Your Travel Experiences goes live tomorrow.

In it, I explain how sports persons use educational benefits of travelling they do while engaged in sports, to succeed in their lives AFTER they retire.

And I’ll also offer tips any parent can follow to help his/her child successfully use travel based education to boost his/her chances of success in life.

Best Practices Boost Farm Employees’ Productivity (3 Tips)

To run your farm business, you’ll engage employees, who will also document records e.g. feed used, eggs produced, stock counts etc. But a farm hand – or even the farm manager! – could (deliberately…or accidentally) make a potentially costly documentation error.

S/he could, for instance, forget to replenish the stock of vaccines to be used for a new batch of chicks.

Or s/he could pilfer them, while indicating in the stocks sheet they are still there.

You may not however, notice such wrong documentation. Until your day old chicks arrive on site, and you’re informed the vaccines rack in storage is empty!

To make matters worse, this incident could occur at a time when you lack funds to quickly buy a replacement.

Or you could have the money, but if happened on a Sunday, the vet shop, may not be open!

What I’m saying, in essence, is that even when you have the money, machines, animals, and other resources in place, THE PEOPLE you work with need to have the right orientation, and attitude, for you to succeed.

The key to success is making sure everything within your direct control and influence, works the way you want them to.

That includes who you work with, and for how long you work with them.

It’s a big subject that cannot be treated in one article.

However, here are 3 key points I’d recommend that every farm owner keep in mind:

1. Avoid Sentiments In Recruiting Employees

The workplace culture that is required for success, does not develop overnight.

You need to nurture and cultivate it.

So, you must bring people into your business, who are ready to commit to working diligently, and with integrity, with you.

Avoid taking on anyone to work in sensitive areas, based on any sentiments whatsoever – not even your closest relatives!

Do away with sentiments – or you’ll most likely regret it.

Look for people with the skills, knowledge, experience and work related attitude you want.

Background checks, smart questions, and practical tests on site can yield useful insights to go on.

If you’re not sure how to go about it, consider getting help e.g. a extension specialist, or experienced farm business owners, with relevant know how etc.

NB: I’d stay away from recruitment agencies, when it comes to staffing a farm in this part of the world: My personal preference based on years of observation :-))

2. Setup a Farm Workplace Organized According to Best Practice Process Management Standards

Very rarely will you find employees functioning optimally without supervision or guidance, to make things work out as expected.

Setting ground rules and guidelines for carrying out work that is required is often the best way to go, if you want good results.

Telarge multinational corporations do this. And they work hard to keep their system effective.

Standards enforcing organizations have certifications they award (e.g. ISO 14,000), to organizational workplaces that meet certain minimal requirements.

Companies that earn such certifications often consistently turn out output to the right standards.

If you want your farm to produce similar results (e.g. reliable output/quality each time), then set up best practice organization of your workplace.

Work Instructions and other tools in a BOPMS™, can help you achieve the above.

They are components of what I call a BOPMS™ for profitable farm business management.

3. Establish and Entrench Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as Farm Quality Control Instruments

Your farm is a business.

To succeed, it must make a profit.

But there’s a problem I’ve referred to in many of my past articles: Too many people get carried away by the fact that buyers are trooping to their farms.

And so they don’t check if the sales happening are yielding them enough profits to GROW their business.

Yet, without profit-based growth, a business will not prosper.

I’ve seen some farm owners selling their products without really having a firm grasp of what it actually cost to produce them.

Catfish, poultry, and pig farmers can be especially guilty of this habit out here.

They fail to do the important preliminary thinkingTo accurately establish systems for tracking – on a daily basis – how much they spend, what they buy, what they use, what they produce, as well as what they earn in sales, while running their farm enterprises.

Yet all they need do is setup a reliable daily record keeping and report generation system, that works with paper based records, which are posted into a PC based Enterprise Information System.

Once that is in place, the farm CEO only needs to ensure his/her employees are taught to use the system correctly.

Don’t get me wrong. I know a lot of farms keep paper records, especially in notebooks.

However, very rarely is any informed thinking used to decide what to record, and what format to adopt in recording it!

As a result, many farm owners end up with disjointed (sometimes duplicated) paper or Excel based records, recorded in a haphazard manner.

And most times such records will be missing crucial data needed for important farm planning/decision making.

Final Words: A BOPMS™ Will Make Running Your Farm Business Easier & More Profitable

Using experiences I gained as a Best Practice Process Management champion in a large manufacturing multinational, I’m helping results focused farm owners develop their own unique solutions to this problem.

Entrenching best practices in every department of a farm business, is FUNDAMENTAL to the long term success of that enterprise.

Beyond setting up farm structures, and purchasing animals and their feeds, a farm owner who wants long term success, with profits, must adopt best practices in all facets of his/her operations.

And this will include recruiting the right people, and training them to function optimally in a best practice farm workplace, that enables them do their work EFFICIENTLY on a consistent basis.

Some farm owners I know express fears about taking the risk of staying away for even one day!

Since when did owning a business translate to losing one’s freedom, I wonder?

By adopting a BOPMS™, you would feel confident staying away from visiting your farm, without worrying that things would go haywire.

When you have:

  1. Farm personnel with the right skills, training, and work related attitude…as well as….
  2. A farm business work environment that provides employees needed systems, tools and resources to deliver the desired output…

…then there’s a good chance that YOU, as the farm owner, can safely be away from the farm, without worrying that you’ll return to find chaos.

This is because you’d still be able to remotely verify the state of affairs, using KPIs that an Enterprise Information System (EIS) component of your BOPMS™ would generate within seconds.

The KPIs are best practice process management tools that you would use to determine the accuracy of the information you’re given by your employees.

And those giving it to you, would know that!

In other words, you’d end up with a team of employees guided to do what you’ve asked them to do – with diligence.

Even when you’re away, they would keep working in alignment with you, to produce the desired output.

If the above is something you’d like to experience in your farm business, click here to book a FREE 15 Minute Phone Consultation on Adopting a BOPMS™ with me.

Dig Your Sales and Marketing Well, Before You’re Thirsty (For Income)!

On May 16, 2011…

Prospect wrote: Hi Tayo, I requested a demo (ExcelVB software) download from your site and your condition was to add you as a (Facebook) friend first. Anyway hope to hear from you…

Tayo Solagbade (Me): Hello P. Thanks for taking the pain. Can you let me know what demo you are interested – and if possible what you are looking to achieve or learn. Look forward to your response.

May 17, 2011 2:41pm

Prospect: Hello Tayo, Thank’s for your quick response. The Demo I requested was the Auto-Cash book. I liked the ease of postings and the reports analysis. Straight to the point. Hope it will help me in my hardware shop. Will also be talking to you about fish farming. I saw you have quite some knowledge in this field. We are also trying to venture here even setting up our site www.<site name removed for privacy>.com.

May 18, 2011 1:00pm

Me: Hi P.

Hate to tell you this, (and it’s a bit annoying that yours is one of those affected), but the Auto Cash Book is one of a few of my apps that got lost when my PC hard drive crashed last year.

I have been carefully checking my backup CDs to see which ones I can recover and so far, I have gotten back my Pond Construction calculator which was requested by another visitor.


You can click to download the auto-generated report.

I’m thinking you might want to download and test drive the General Accounts Manager(GAM), which actually incorporates the Auto Cash Book, with major improvements on the data entry interface.

There really is no problem. If you wish, I can always customize the GAM to include any features from the original auto-cash book that you like.

This is what I do. I believe what is important is that you get a feel for how my apps work.

Let me know what you think.

The download information is as follows:

<download link removed>

[Note to Reader: Send email request to Tayo at tksola dot com with “GAM download” in subject line, and I’ll send link and other details to you]

The zipped folder contains a README first text file with basic instructions for making your copy of Excel ready to work with Visual Basic driven applications like mine.

Better still, you can download this PDF guide I give out to every client once I deliver their application to them:

Note that this app will work in Excel 2007 or higher, however the chart manipulation controls provided in it, which allow the user to view and export a dynamic, scrollable chart, may not function properly.

See the Youtube video for this app at:

The application (once enabled) starts with a custom login screen form. Use the following login details to get in:

Username: <removed>

Password: <removed>

[Note to Reader: Send email request to Tayo at tksola dot com with “GAM login details” in subject line, and I’ll send the username and password to you]

Then you click login. Watch the video, then follow the demonstrated steps to explore using the app. Like I said, it can be customized/modified to suit your specific needs.

My youtube channel showcases vides of other apps I have built for clients at

I can always prepare a detailed, customized PDF user guide for the user, on request.




1. Love what I saw on your work-in-progress website. We need initiatives like this in Africa. It’s the kind of thing that excites me!

2. By the way, I’ve just re-launched my Speaking Service website –, and am now promoting my customizable talks/other learning events on Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas, and others which are reflected on my various websites as well as in my 157 syndicated articles. You might want to take a look.

May 18, 2011 1:56pm

Prospect: Hi Tayo, Thanks so much. I am going to try it and give you a feed back. You have so much goodies to offer I know now I have to stick around you. Thanks again – Patrick

May 18, 2011 2:02pm

Me: Many thanks for the kind comments, P. Wish you well. Cheers

At 4.00a.m on 18th March 2014 (3 Years later!), he returned to post a request on my wall (see below):

March 18, 2014 4.00am

Screenshot: At 4.00a.m this morning, a chap who’d had a Facebook chat session with me, a year ago, about buying my Payslip Generator (or learning to build it himself), returned to post a request on my wall

So I posted a comment asking him to send his phone number to me. About 12 hours later, he responded by posting his phone number.

Why did I not just respond to his request? Why did I need to call him?

Well, past experience has taught me to verify that I’m not dealing with misguided persons who go around making phony enquiries and playing mind games on website owners. Considering that he had not gotten back to me since 2011, I felt a need to connect with him to be sure he was for real, and also to see if I could get a better idea of what exactly he wanted.

At 10.30a.m, I called him using my mobile line, and we spoke like old friends, for about two and half minutes.

By the time I was done, I came away feeling it would be okay to respond to his enquiry. This is not to say I’m sure he will eventually make a purchase. It’s just that I got the feeling that he is indeed a serious minded fellow with a real interest in what I do. To me, that’s great, because I am keen to build relationships with prospects, till they get to a point that they trust me like they would a friend, and eventually feel comfortable doing business with me.

I ended the call by telling him I would send details in response to his enquiry, by email. Below is the text of the message I sent him via Facebook:

March 18, 2014 9:34pm

Me: Hi Patrick,

It was nice speaking with you today

The advanced Excel-VB driven Pay slip Generator sells for N50K as is (I just add your company name, logo, and help you transfer your records from your Excel file into the app – at NO CHARGE).


If you need major modifications made, I can customize it for a fee that starts from N50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand Naira) upwards – depending on scope of work to be done.

Payment options:

1. <Removed for privacy>

2. GT Bank

This will probably be a more convenient alternative for you.

You now have GT Bank in Kenya at:

See other GT Bank East Africa subsidiaries at:

Find my GT Bank account details below:

<account details removed for privacy>

You can convert the Naira value to USD using

Email me the transaction details if/when you pay, so I can check.

Once your payment is confirmed, I’ll email you the app, with a detailed screenshot PDF user guide. The app will be personalized with your name and other details (including your photo, if you send it in).

Hope this helps, and do let me know if you need further details or require clarification.

With kindest regards.

Tayo K. Solagbade

Interestingly, it was while doing a response to him via Facebook message, that I saw the transcript from our previous correspondence.

That was when I realized that I’d mixed him up with a chap who connected with me on Facebook over a year ago, to make detailed enquiries about my Payslip Generator. That other person was a Nigerian. This gentleman is from Kenya!

Thankfully, I noticed my error on time. Otherwise, I’d intended to posted this link in my response, as a reminder that I’d given him the information he requested before! And he would have wondered what on earth I was talking about!

In essence, I’m saying I get many enquiries, and engage in many different conversations with enquirers regularly.

And this can sometimes make one mix up names and details, as almost happened above. So, one needs to exercise some caution.

However, a good side to this is the fact that you know you’re actually working towards a possible sale!

What I wish to emphasize though, is that these opportunities only keep coming the way they do, because I do NOT stop doing what I’m doing.

And that is consistently putting up useful new content in creative ways, to attract those who need my products and services!

This is what makes potential buyers notice me, and go out of their way – even jumping through hoops I put up – to get access to me.!

But What Do I Do It Exactly – and How?

Well, I use what I call a Web Marketing System. Read my 3 part article series that explains what it’s about, and why it is useful.

I’m getting increasingly better results every year.

And that’s what convinces me it’s an effective tool for digging your Sales and Marketing well, to effectively quench your income thirst forever!

If you need help putting yours in place, or you would like to learn how to do it yourself, email tayo at tksola dot com with your name, phone number, country, and request details.

How To Deal Effectively With Risks & Uncertainties To Ensure More Consistency In Your Farm’s Performance

As a Performance Improvement Specialist, with a bias for Farm Research & Extension Advisory Services provision, I encourage farm CEOs to adopt what I call a BOPMS™ i.e. a Best Operating Process Management System™ for Profitable Farm Management.

When implemented correctly, a BOPMS™ can – among other benefits – enable competent handling of the many RISKS and UNCERTAINTIES that plague our socioeconomic environments in Nigeria/Africa…AND which can lead to the demise of ill-prepared businesses.

This article discusses specific pro-active steps you can take, to minimise the impact of sudden and unexpected occurrences, that frequently occur in our prevailing socio-economic environment.

Implementing them can ensure that your farm business maintains reasonable consistency in output – and profitability.

FACT: Your Farm Is Prone To Risks & Uncertainties

A farm enterprise, like any other business is prone to risks and uncertainties occasioned by changes that may occur in the socio-economic environment it operates. Price fluctuations for example occur/affect all businesses but are more difficult to manage or accommodate in farm business planning and management.

Similarly, increases in wages “approved” via government policy/announcement cannot be easily absorbed in agricultural ventures. This is because the farmer will rarely – if ever – be able to increase his/her price to match the increase in labour so as to maintain his/her profit margin.

Some Examples Of Risks & Uncertainties That Can Affect A Farm Biz

1. Production Uncertainties

Weather changes and disease outbreaks can negatively impact on a farm’s performance. The problem is that the farmer typically may not be able to directly control them. For instance a disease outbreak from another farm may eventually spread to his/her farm. If s/he has taken precautionary steps (e.g. vaccination etc) the damage can be minimised. Weather changes are less easy to plan for however.

2. Price Changes

 Sudden or unexpected changes in farm input and output prices tend to occur often in our economy. And they are particularly difficult to manage. This make farm planning more difficult to practice. Examples are wage increases, transport fare hikes, fuel price changes etc.

3. Government Actions & Policies

The farmer may not get notified early enough of a new government regulation that directly affects his/her farm business BEFORE he enters and commences a new season’s production run! Examples of such policies include guaranteed minimum prices, ban on import of certain essential inputs (e.g. feeds or feed materials) etc.

The farm owner will need to take crucial farm planning and management decisions within the framework of all these actions and policies by government – a very challenging task I dare say, especially in these parts!

4. Actions of Other People

Agriculture is practised by a growing proportion of Nigerians – even now in urban areas. Most of them however operate on small holdings – which are shared amongst a few. The challenge is that if a farmer diligently plans and manages various aspects of the farm and his/her neighbours do not, s/he would effectively be wasting his/her time.

5. Other Risks & Uncertainties

Water shortages, power failure, and other limitations especially caused by poor utilities/infrastructure as is common out here introduce another dimension of risks and uncertainties for the farm business owner to contend with.

Steps You Can Take To Deal With Risks & Uncertainties

The above listing is NOT exhaustive.

It however underscores the need for every farm business owner, to set up SYSTEMS to deal effectively with risks and uncertainties, if the farm’s performance is to be profitable and sustainable.

I offer a few ideas you can use, below…

1. Set definite objectives for your farm business

Decide what exactly you want the farm’s output to be and identify any of the above mentioned “obstacles” that could prevent attainment of that goal.

2. Draw up plans to pursue the objectives

You could for instance decide to start with a hatchery and two grow out ponds and then gradually add more ponds over time till the full capacity of 10 grow out ponds is achieved. This will allow you to gradually build your material and human resources to manage the enterprise in the face of various risks and uncertainties.

3. Implement your plans

There is no point setting objectives and drawing up plans if you do not decisively IMPLEMENT and follow them up to achieve the intended results. A farm business owner needs to make up his/her mind to follow through with whatever plan is decided upon – making needed changes/adjustments as the need arises.

4. Introduce Checks & balances

In our environment, pilfering and deaths resulting from disease outbreaks or accidents occur with some regularity if no checks and balances are put in place. That’s why you will need to entrench diligent record keeping of mortalities (deaths), wastes and losses that occur DAILY and analyse/trend those records to get a ‘feel” for what is “normal”,so that you can promptly detect unusual signs that could point to naughty practices by farm hands or even outsiders who break in.

5. Forecast likely price and output for the future 

You will find it useful to periodically do “what if” analyses to determine how price or output changes you anticipate in the future will IMPACT your farm’s performance. This activity is often enhanced when an automated forecasting software tool is available. Click here to learn how I can build a custom software to do something like this for you.


You as the farm business owner must ensure your mind is finely tuned to market trends. You need to stay alert to price changes in the market – know when they are lowest and when they are highest and use this knowledge to guide your farm planning and decision making.

For instance it makes sense to plan for your broilers to be ready for sale towards a festive occasion when people usually buy such birds in large numbers, otherwise you may find yourself left with unsold stocks which keep getting fed – very expensively!

That’s why it is said that the EDUCATED farmer is the one who knows the DIFFERENCE between January and July as it pertains to making income.

This article is an educational commercial about an aspect of the Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS™) that SDAc’s CB Solutions can help you setup for your farm business.

In the BOPMS™, major emphasis is placed on the need to streamline operations(via best practice initiatives) in a manner that allows easy integration of PC automation to reduce time, effort and resources needed PLUS increase output and accuracy in the entire farming process,so that the business becomes MORE profitable. Click here to learn more.

NB: The original version of this article was first published online HERE on 1st June 2007 (i.e. a static html page, on Tayo’s Cost-Saving Farm Biz Ideas website).


1. What is a BOPMS for Farm Improvement? A Mind-Map Based Explanation by Tayo K. Solagbade (Video and Text Transcript)

2. Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas: Order a BOPMS!

No. 133: To Succeed, Find Correctly Motivated Buyers

Why do people who buy YOUR services do so? Do you know? In this article, I explain why knowing the answer to that question, is the key to your long term selling success, as a service provider.

The insights I share can make you more effective in selling your services for the long term, IF you apply them.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 17th March 2014


Title: To Succeed, Find Correctly Motivated Buyers

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

Have You Downloaded Your Gifts?

Ten Ways Self-Development Bible

As a subscriber to my mailing list, you get to access over 10 potentially useful books and reports.

Click here to view the download page:

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Can’t find it? No problem. E-mail me via tayo at tksola dot com and I’ll send you another. Not yet a subscriber? Click here to signup.

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 133: To Succeed, Find Correctly Motivated Buyers

Why do people who buy YOUR services do so? Do you know? In this article, I explain why knowing the answer to that question, is the key to your long term selling success, as a service provider.

The insights I share can make you more effective in selling your services for the long term, IF you apply them.

Societies Differ In the Value They Place on Specific Types of Solutions

This applies to both products and services, but more to the latter in my experience.

A person can easily make a living as a chiropractor in the USA. But s/he could literally starve trying to sell the same service in my home country, Nigeria.

Unless s/he’s smart enough to find enough of the few people who value such a service e.g. expatriates from societies where such a service is valued. Most Nigerians, even wealthy ones, would NOT pay worthwhile fees (if at all they show any interest) for such a service.

Possible exceptions would be instances when they see it as an opportunity to show off, or prove they belong to a prestigious social class.

Now that, could catch the money spending attention and interest of some who can afford it.

They would typically be people who buy to prove a point, and not because they need the service. They are people who sometimes spend to avoid being outdone by others. Crazy? Maybe. But it’s true!

Which brings me to the issue of buyers’ motives…

Let Me Illustrate With a Personal True Story

One morning, a few years back, a real estate expert I’d interacted with over a series of months, initially by phone and later in person, called me up.

After we’d exchange pleasantries, he said:

“Look, I need you to come down so we can finalize and get started on building my website. I really need it now. When can we meet?”

For me, I had been a bit surprised. He’d always spoken as if he considered having a website a waste of time. So when we met, I asked him why he suddenly decided he was ready to use a website.

His reply confirmed his ego was still in the driving seat of his decision making. For me, that was NOT good!

He said “Come, let me show you this website” motioning for me to come to his side of the table, and look at his laptop screen display.

There I saw a beautifully designed real estate website with pretty pictures of properties for sale. It had all the bells and whistles installed. You know the type :-)

I said “Is this the kind of website you want?”

“No. I want something better!” he replied, looking at me as if to say “How can you even ask me that?”

Then he added “Do you know the guy who owns this site, started out only few years ago. Last time we met, he was not doing anything special. But if he can own this kind of website, then I must have mine, or people will start thinking he’s bigger than I am!”

As he said those words, I knew it was potentially one of those nightmare projects that would never go well. So, I offloaded him gently, by pushing my fees higher than normal, to a point I knew he’d balk at :-)

Over time, I’ve found that in my part of the world, farm business owners tend to be the most authentic of clients one can find. Most times their motives are based on the need to get real results – otherwise their investments go down the drain. And so, most times they take you seriously when they hire you.

A Web Marketing System (WMS) Will Increase Your Chances of Getting Found By Buyers with the Right Motives

It has been my experience that buyers with the right motives, tend to be fewer in number. For that reason you need to use more rigorous marketing strategies to find and attract them. This is why depending mainly on face to face, networking and “connections” to promote your service is not wise.

And that’s why I recommend using a combination of strategies.

At the core of your marketing arsenal, should be the intelligent use of what I call a Web Marketing System (WMS).

It does not give results overnight.

But done right, it will help GROW your name recognition and credibility as an expert at what you do.

I’m living proof of that fact …and I offer some recent examples to illustrate that fact:

This past weekend, I got a web contact form enquiry from a business owner from Barbados (a first…see below), for my Feed Formulation Products.

Screenshot: I got a web contact form enquiry from a business owner from Barbados

I also received a phone call from a UK based Nigerian, who told me he was just reading one of my articles, and wanted to know how to pay for my Ration Formulator™ software.

Then at 4.00a.m this morning, a chap who’d had a Facebook chat session with me, a year ago, about buying my Payslip Generator (or learning to build it himself), returned to post a request on my wall (see below):

Screenshot: At 4.00a.m this morning, a chap who’d had a Facebook chat session with me, a year ago, about buying my Payslip Generator (or learning to build it himself), returned to post a request on my wall

Earlier in the week, I’d gotten a call from a Farm CEO based in Uyo, who confirmed he’d received the Feed Formulation learning package I’d sent him via DHL, following his payment.

Those are just a few examples. A number eventually result in actual sales. Some are good friends with me today, even though we’ve still never met.

There’s ONE main reason total strangers reach out to me, REPEATEDLY in the ways described above.

And that’s because I’ve used my WMS to put out credibility boosting information about the solutions I offer – in various formats (e.g. Ezine articles, Youtube videos, ebooks and free download resources of all kinds) – using a variety of channels (e.g. my website, on Facebook, Twitter, PInterest etc).

And this is not something I just did once, and sat back to enjoy benefits from.


I’ve been doing it regularly for years. That’s the key: doing it over and over – but adding new content CREATIVELY.

That increases the mass of useful information linked to me, that’s relevant to what buyers with the right motives want. And so they get in touch.

Use Careful Observation, Combined With Critical Thinking, to Detect Buyers with the Right Motives

Why do companies hire Motivational Speakers to address their employees for one to a few hours? Why do meeting planners for trade associations invite experts-who-speak to deliver their trademark programs to their members?

Ideally, they want such speakers to help their members/employees perform better. Rarely would bias or favouritism be allowed to influence the process of choosing the RIGHT speaker for their event.

The reality in the real world I’ve had to offer speaking services as a Self-Development and Performance Improvement Specialist, has however tended to be a bit different.

You see, as a multipreneur, I offer a variety of solutions to different target audiences.

However, as stated above, I’ve found Farm Business Owners to be the most profitable group. So in line with the Pareto principle, I spend at least 80% of my marketing time/effort reaching out to them.

In whatever free time I have left, I try to connect with other groups. And I periodically make sales.

But between 2002 and 2005, my early start-up years, I’d not gained the above insights.

So I wasted (based on hindsight now) a lot of effort on marketing my Self-Development and Spontaneous Coaching™ learning events.

My objective was to get invited as a speaker and trainer in organisations.

What I discovered was that many (please note: NOT all) of the decision makers had different motives for engaging learning service providers.

Quite often, only people who were willing to play certain games (mostly unethical), or those who knew someone (who knew someone!) up “there”, got hired.

As a result, I found that I got repeatedly ignored.

Yet, I knew I could add value to many employees and their companies with my ideas. So I began putting them on the web via articles, special reports, a flagship Workplace Performance Improvement seminar offer, my Self-Development Bible etc.

Today, that strategy has paid off in some ways.

Take the example of my 10 item customisable Employee Workplace Morale Survey Quiz (approx 23.5KB).

I call it the “Employee Morale Gauge (available as an MS Excel workbook). I wrote an article based on it, titled “Are Your Employees Happy & Satisfied with Their Jobs? (A Ten Item Quiz That Can Help You Find Out)“.

In 2008, it was republished – with my permission – by India’s ICFAI University (with Sangeetha K. as author) in their 252 page journal titled “Employee Morale: Concepts and Cases” now on sale here(see item 14).

The article/10 item quiz has also been purchased by the Human Resource Development Manager of a US company, and at least one company in the UK currently offers it as a download for clients on their website.

Few Organisation in My Local Market Have Ever Shown Interest…Strangely (?)

Apart from speaking at the Centre for Management Development in 2002, and a few other gigs, I got little success as a speaker in my local market.

On the few occasions I got hired, I knew upfront before the decision came. I was basically able to sense that the decision makers wanted results.

They wasted no time on mind games of any sort! (See below)

Screenshot: Email correspondence from a decision maker to me regarding my invitation as guest speaker to the Annual Entrepreneurial Lecture at a Centre for Entrereneurship Development for a higher institution in Lagos, Nigeria

But such opportunities were too few and far between.

So I gradually shifted towards serving farm owners more.

With the progress I’ve so far made, I’m now working on learning resources (e.g. my Practical Feed Formulation and Compounding Home Study Video Package ), and events.

Examples: My 4 to 6 hour Feed Formulation workshop, and keynote speeches on Best Practice) for Farm Business Owners groups and associations.

Final Words: Use a Similar Strategy to Succeed as an Expert-Who-Speaks

Form the habit of asking probing questions.

NB: I paraphrased Burt Dubin in that preceding sentence. He recommends getting decision makers to tell you what results they expect to see AFTER you are done (he teaches his students specific questions to use).

Then use careful observation (trust your gut instincts!), to intelligently choose who you invest time and effort in promoting your services to/respond to enquiries from…

…and HOW far you go to do so.

That way, you’re likely to pick the right clients to serve cost-effectively, and efficiently in terms of time and effort.

The best part is, you’ll be sure of not only getting well paid, but also getting great reviews, that you can use to promote yourself to others.



“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”

In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.

Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt's Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets

So, with with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Have a great week :-))

Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

He earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus


Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

Showmanship Strategems

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Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

more information

Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

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With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

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Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information


Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read
Click to read article titled: 'Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive'...and ONE other. Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur. 


Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed FormulationDownload above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Tuesday]:


Self-Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:


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Need Help to Raise Money for Your Farm Business?

On 2012-04-17 at 23:15:18, Obinna N., a Mechanical Engineer with a well known multinational oil company wrote me saying: “i have a plot of land and i have just raised 2 million naira to start cat fish farming please i need to succeed, i need your help in every way possible thanks”

But I Never Saw That Message UNTIL this Morning: 2 Years Later!

I was reviewing entries in my website contact form enquiries database (some call it "Data Mining"), when I noticed his words.

To this moment, it baffles me that I actually missed such an emphatic message.

And I felt particularly bad, that despite the tone of the message, I’d not been able to reply the author.

So, I placed a call to him from my mobile phone this morning, and when he picked up, we had the following conversation:

I said “Good morning. My name is Tayo Solagbade. Am I speaking with Mr. Obinna N.? “

He replied (in a guarded tone) “Yes. How can I help you?”.

“Do you remember visiting in April 2012, and then coming to my Farm Business ideas website ( from there, to send me a message about a catfish farm you planned to start?” I asked

His tone softened as he said “Yes I do.”

I went on “Did I ever get back to you with a reply at all?”

“No, I don’t believe you did.” he answered.

At that point, I told him how I’d just noticed his message for the first time, while reviewing my website contacts database.

I then asked if he had been able to start the business as planned.

He confirmed that he had, adding that the farm had 12 ponds, but that he’d so far only been able to stock 8 of them.

In response to my subsequent query, he confirmed that he’d been raising the catfish to table size, in the 8 ponds.

For the remaining 4 ponds, he told me he was trying to raise funds towards stocking them.

He also mentioned that he had started a hatchery, but for now engaged the services of an external resource person, to do the hatching for him.

He however added that he had plans to learn to do the hatching himself  in the near future.

Speaking with him, I sensed that this gentleman was very serious minded about the venture he had started.

And that made me resolve to offer what little help I could, to help him progress towards his goals.

So I told him I knew a financial consultant who might be able to help him with raising funds that he needed.

I however emphasized that I was making no promises whatsoever, that this person would succeed in getting him the needed funding.

He said he would be interested in finding out what the person could do for him.

So I told him I’d send more details in an email later on.

I also noted that I would include other information I felt he might find useful.

About 1 hour ago, I sent him the promised e-mail message.

After doing that, it occurred to me that many other farm business owners, could find what I’d told him useful as well.

Some might even wish to gain access to the contact details of the financial consultant I sent him.

That’s what made me decide to publish excerpts from that message as part of THIS blog post.

If you’re a farm business owner, and after reading what follows below, would like me to send you the two JPEG images of the financial consultant’s business card, and flyer, just get in touch with me via tayo at tksola dot com.

NB: If you have NOT someone previously made contact with me as a farm business owner, I WILL require you to FIRST of all call me on +229-66-122-136, so I can ask you a few questions.

===Email Message Excerpt Begins===

Dear Obinna,

Re: Your Request of 2012-04-17 at 23:15:18 On My Website

Our phone discussion about one hour ago refers. It still baffles me that I never saw your web contact form request (see my email), but it was great to learn you’ve started, and are doing fairly well.

I’m also glad that I can offer some information that may prove useful towards helping you take your business to the next level. Especially regarding raising funds to stock your remaining ponds.


See JPEG images of Mr. Adeniyi E.’s complimentary card and flyer attached to my email.

I’ve known him since April 2007, when he convinced Mr. Temitayo F., (his boss, at the time, and MD of ….Hospital…in …Lagos) to engage my services.

Over the years, we’ve gotten quite close, especially in the process of helping him and his team, make use of my Payslip Generator software, in preparing salaries for over 100 staff of the hospital.

I got to witness the results of how he REPEATEDLY, helped the company raise funds from their hospital’s bankers (and how he used their cash flow income to successfully pay it back!), by leveraging his inside knowledge and expertise as a seasoned auditor, and financial expert.

Indeed, when he departed to start his consulting on… he left them a brand new ambulance (purchased via yet another bank facility he helped the hospital secure), as a parting gift!

In 2008, he even helped me setup an accounts system, for a manufacturing client I built a custom production management software for in Surulere.

This is what informs my confidence in referring you to him.

However, like I have told you, understand that you MUST do your own DUE DILIGENCE, and also take responsibility for the outcome of your choosing to act on the information I supply.

NB: I have NOT spoken to Mr. Adeniyi E., about you. I assume you’ll let him know I gave you his details. But if you want me to speak with him first, let me know. It would be my pleasure :-))


Below, I offer links to articles I’ve written, that I believe you may find useful (some are published as Guest Posts on a popular ago-business website –

A. To prepare your farm towards getting a loan/grant facility.

B. To pursue ways to cut your feeding costs.

C. To setup a sound farm operations data recording and report generation system to aid timely, and cost effective planning/decision making.


1. Five Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health

2. Five Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices – By Tayo K. Solagbade

3. Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Part 1 of 2 – By Tayo K. Solagbade

4. Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Part 2 of 2 – By Tayo K. Solagbade

5. Why You Need a Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS) for Your Farm Biz

6. To Succeed, Make Working in Your (Farm) Business More Attractive to Employees

7. Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series – Now Available!


I wish you well in your venture, and do let me know if there is any other way I can be of service :-))

With kindest regards,


===Email Message Excerpt Begins===

Final Words: Do You Need Funding For Your New, or Existing Farm Business?

If yes, I feel a need to point out that you’ll need to have good farm operations and financial records.

Without those, it will be near impossible for any funds source to accurately evaluate your business for eligibility. All farm operations or production data must be diligently recorded daily, for all aspects of your business.

That is what your financial adviser will refer to, in order to help you prepare a loan package.

If you’ve not been keeping accurate and regular records, you need to start now, before you seek funding support.

And that’s why the articles I listed in the above message, about the need to adopt Best Practices in your farm business, are important.

Make time out to read them.

One of them even explains Five Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health.

Those are Financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be used by investors, or financiers, to decide whether or not to award your farm business, the funding you seek.


Update: Saturday 15th March 2014 Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Workshop

Around 12 noon today, Ekere A., a Farm CEO in Uyo called me on my mobile, here in Cotonou, to confirm that DHL just delivered the Feed Formulation learning package I sent to him.

I’d had to constantly liaise with DHL (via their website tracking system and by phone) from Tuesday, when I sent the package from their Allen Avenue office in Ikeja.

Right up till this morning, when I called their Uyo office to confirm when it would be delivered to him.

It was a relief to have him call and confirm receipt.

My vision is to do my best possible to help EVERY person who connects with me achieve his/her expressed goals as it relates to solutions I offer.

What follows below is a description of what I’ve decided is the best way forward with respect to the above:

Yesterday, I also spoke with Akpos C. U. a Warri based Poultry Farm Biz owner who paid to attend the workshop, because he intends to start his own feed mill soon.

He purchased the software and handbook last year, and we’ve been in constant touch since then.

On several occasions he has called to ask my opinion on alternative ingredients he could use in his ration formulation.

Sometimes I would compile information and email to him.

On Jan 24th this year, I came to Lagos to train Steven E. a Farm CEO who traveled down from Umuahia.

When Akpos C.U called me about 2 weeks ago, he expressed the desire to attend a practical training in feed formulation.

I then told him of the recent session with Steven E. and how Steven had request to meet with me again, because some areas were still not clear to him.

Akpos said he was interested and I promised to get back to him.

I had also been in touch with Uchenna A., a Farm CEO in Abakaliki. He bought the software in early 2013.

But had been having problems using it, and my discussions with him revealed he also lacked a sound understanding of the science of feed formulation.

So I recommended he attend a practical session – noting that I had others who were looking to do the same thing.

We discussed twice after that, and he expressed interest in coming down to Lagos for the workshop.

My purpose was to get Steven, Uche, Akpos and 3 others Farm CEOs who’d shown interest, to meet during the training, and possibly share ideas/contact details so as to support one another after the event.

However my visit to Nigeria last weekend revealed that contrary to my expectations, the ripple effects of the fuel scarcity were still being felt.

So when Ekere A. stated that he would prefer to have materials sent to him, it occurred to me that I could do that for others, by preparing a package that includes the home study video series.

When I mentioned the home study package option to the others, they chose to go for it. Who could blame them?

It promised to save them time and cost, as well as STRESS.

However, this option does NOT in ANY way deny you access to the LIVE workshop. In fact, it GUARANTEES you FREE access…

That’s right.

Every buyer of the home study pack, as long as s/he can get down to the venue, on the date/time that will be be announced, will be granted FREE access to my LIVE practical workshop training on feed formulation and compounding.

In other words, buying the package does NOT deny you access to my live workshop whenever I hold one.

All I would want is to have at least 3 or more participants at a go, to make it easy on myself. But my passion is to help as many people as possible gain the competence they need.

Yesterday, Akpos and I discussed the prevailing situation with regard to lingering effects of fuel scarcity in his area, and Lagos. I told him how others had expressed similar sentiments, that things were not yet back to normal, and how some had opted to purchase the home study pack.

We then agreed to put things on hold for a week or more, while I send him the home study video package.

The idea is to let things get back to normal, and we can then re-group to have the workshop at a new date, when fuel scarcity, and attendant problems, would not be an issue.

So that’s where we are now.

I’m currently preparing the home study video package for those who made payment.

Let me re-emphasize.

The workshop has been postponed, until such a time that I verify that attendees will not experience undue stress trying to travel down/move around Lagos, to attend the event.

I’d wrongly assumed things would have returned to normal in Nigeria, with regards to fuel availability, by the date fixed.

Sadly, it’s turned out not to be so.

While we wait, you may wish to consider purchasing the home study video package, and learn in the comfort of your home.

See details at:

Remember: As a buyer of the home study package, you become eligible to attend my LIVE Practical Feed Formulation workshop FREE.

To contact me, send email via tayo at tksola dot com

NB: The above post is based on a broadcast just sent to ALL subscribers on my website mailing list.

Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series is Now Available!

It’s taken a LOT OF HARD WORK, but I knew it would be worth it.

This is because I get to offer many busy Farm CEOs who’ve contacted me” a viable alternative to traveling down to attend the forthcoming LIVE workshop in Lagos, Nigeria.

And it’s a better option compared to even holding a webinar online – considering that in this part of the world, Internet connectivity is generally poorer and also expensive.

On my part, this home study package now makes it unnecessary for me to go through the hassles of managing the logistics of preparing for live workshops etc.

Indeed, I’m sure many people will appreciate being able to watch/listen REPEATEDLY, as compared to attending a live event and not being able to recall all that took place etc.

Now, to ensure maximum value is derived by buyers, I’ve decided to offer a COMPLETE package with this home study video series.

The fee for the complete package is NOW N50k(Up from N25k on 10th April 2014 at 05:30).

But all members of my Farm Biz Ideas club, enjoy a lifetime 40% discount on my products and services.

That means they only pay N30k (Up from N15k on 10th April 2014 at 05:30)..

So, each buyer will get a parcel delivered via courier (or s/he can pick it up), containing the following:

A. The FULL set of home video CDs that run for approximately 4 hours.

I use EACH page of the handbook as a basis for providing detailed explanation and instruction, on the theory and practice of Feed Formulation/Compounding.

BELOW: One page flyer I’ve created to announce this On-Demand Feed Formulation for Farm CEOs Workshop (

One page flyer for On-Demand Feed Formulation for Farm CEOs Workshop

Read: On-Demand Feed Formulation for Farm CEOs Workshop [Hint: FREE Entry for Owners of Tayo Solagbade’s Feed Formulation Handbook & Software]!

B. One printed/spiral bound copy of your personalized version of the Feed Formulation Handbook.

C. A CD ROM containing the following:

1. Your personalized copy of the 70 page PDF Feed Formulation Handbook.

2. Your personalized copy of the latest 2014 version of the Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator software, which auto computes ration formulas using the Pearson Square technique described in my Feed Formulation Handbook.

NB: This new version is actually a distributable EXE version which does NOT require enabling of macros, and is tamper proof. I’ll soon have a video put on my Youtube channel to demonstrate. It works in MS Excel, but behaves like a full fledged software application. All past buyers – regardless of whethere they buy this home study video series get it FREE.

3. Your personalized copy of the detailed PDF user guide for the Ration Formulator

4. Your personalized copy of my 30 page PDF introduction to livestock feed formulation ingredients.

5. A copy of my PDF report titled “10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation”

6. Each buyer also gets a limited trial version of my Poultry Farm Manager software

7. CDs containing 8 video tutorals/demonstrattions of how to install and use the software

(NB: See list of the tutorial videos for users of the software, and what they demonstrate below)

7. Lastly, a PDF invoice covering the payment you made and listing the items delivered to you.

This extended version of the Ration Formulator stores 3 FORMULAS for easy retrieval (*Space for 7 EXTRA feed ingredients now provided in the table). And it allows you to export them into a separate worksheet outside of the application. I’ve sent it out FREE to every past buyer who requested it.

As a FULLY paid buyer, you get ALL future upgrades FREE. Your payment makes you a member of my Farm Biz Ideas club, so you get a lifetime 40% discount on ALL other products and services.

Read full details of what you get as a member of the club at:


Eight (8) Demonstration Videos For Using the Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Below is a screenshot showing the videos as they will be found in the “video demonstrations” folder on your CDROM.

Below is a screenshot showing the videos as they will be found in the "video demonstrations" folder on your CDROM.

Below, I offer short descriptions of what each video demonstration is about.

What to do to Watch the Videos

When you click the “Watch Videos” button on the CDROM’s autorun menu, click the name of the video you want, to watch it.

Video 1 – enabling_macros

How to Open the Ration Formulator in MS Excel

Video 2 – login_update_feed_ingredients

(Posting the names of your feed ingredients and their nutrients composition into the software’s nutrients composition table)

Video 3 – ration_formulation

How to Use the Ration Formulator to derive a balanced ration formula – part 1

video 4 – ration_formulation2

How to Use the Ration Formulator to derive a balanced ration formula – part 2

video 5 – 2013-FREEUPGRADE Version

Features of the new, free upgrade version introduced in January 2013

Video 6 – 2013-FREEUPGRADE Version

Space Added For 7 Extra Ingredients, in free upgrade version introduced in January 2013

Video 7 – Copying the files to your PC

Demo created for Yakub – a past buyer. Useful for others

Video 8 – copying data from MS Word to Feed Ingredients Nutrients Composition Table in the software

Demo created for Yakub – a past buyer. Useful for others

What to do to Watch the Videos

When you click the “Watch Videos” button on the CDROM’s autorun menu, click the name of the video you want, to watch it.

Below: Screenshot of the autorun CDROM containing the Ration Formulator, and videos, sent to a Farm business CEO buyer in Uyo, Akwa Ibom.

Screenshot of the autorun CDROM containing the Ration Formulator, and videos, sent to a Farm business CEO buyer in Uyo, Akwa Ibom.

Below: Screenshot of shipment tracking report for the parcel I sent to the Farm business CEO buyer in Uyo, Akwa Ibom. As at 9a.m this morning (Thursday, 12th March 2014, it arrived their Portharcourt office.

Screenshot of shipment tracking report for the parcel I sent to the Farm business CEO buyer in Uyo, Akwa Ibom. As at 9a.m this morning (Thursday, 12th March 2014, it arrived their Portharcourt office.

From what I was told when making the order at their Allen office in Lagos on Tuesday at about 1p.m, it should arrive at the destination this p.m. I’ve already sent word to him to that effect.


If you need details about how to order my new Feed Formulation and Compounding Home Study Package, get in touch with me via tayo at tksola dot com.

To Achieve Success, Protect Your Client Relationships

Yesterday I spent about 2 hours in the accounts section of a medium sized hospital client company (in Ikeja, Lagos), who have been using my Excel-VB Driven Payslip Generator since April 2007.

They had called me while I was in Cotonou about 3 weeks ago

The app, according to the department head, was giving negative NET PAY values, when they tried generating Personal Income Tax Summaries from the 2013 data.

That information was needed by the auditors who were visiting.

I asked them to send me a copy of the workbook app, but someone inadvertently sent me the PDF printouts generated from the app.

Despite my best efforts, I was unable to get a clear idea of what they meant.

Eventually, we agreed that they go back and use their old manual Excel workbooks, to prepare at least the January and February records for the auditors.

I promised to stop over whenever I came into the country to help resolve the problem, so they could finish off the summaries for the remaining 10 months of 2013.

They asked when that was likely to be.

I told them that having just returned from another visit to attend my father’s 80th birthday anniversary celebration, I did not expect to come down for at least another month or two.

I was not to know I would get consecutive requests from farm CEO clients, for access to learning resources on Feed Formulation!

Neither did I imagine that those requests would result in my offering a workshop event that some would promptly send payment in for!

Anyway, I had to come in to Lagos on Saturday night, so as to check hotel room rates on behalf of a prospective attendee who’d sent his payment.

My plan had been to return on Sunday evening.

This was so I could complete preparation of a pack of my printed handbook and CDROMs containing my Ration Formulator, video demos, the PDF handbook and other e-books. They were to be sent by DHL to a Farm CEO in Uyo, who had sent in payment for that purpose.

But a lot of unexpected developments ended up making me stay on till today, Tuesday.

One of them was my discovery that the small generator used by my family in my home in Lagos, was due for servicing. It worked, but not very well. I realized if I did not get that done, it would stop working in a week or two.

But going around for two hours on Sunday turned out to be a waste of time.

None of the generator mechanics was open for business. Who could blame them? Everyone needs a rest!

So, we managed to use the generator again for the day. Then on Monday (i.e. yesterday) morning, I had it dropped off at the mechanic’s place.

Having done that, my plan was to visit the ATM to cash some money, then pick up the generator (usually takes 30 minutes to an hour for servicing to be done on it) and drop it off at the house, so I could be on my way back to Cotonou.

But that was not to be.

The ATM I used at Zenith bank’s branch at Berger took my card, asked me all the right questions, then made some noises and ejected the card without giving me the N5,000 cash I’d asked for.

Puzzled, I put my card back in and checked my balance, only to find that it was less by N5, 000!

That was a first for me.

It was apparently a common occurrence however, because when I called one of the guards outside the bank, he simply asked me to relax.

“The money will soon  be credited back to your account. But just to be safe, I suggest you get to the branch your account is domiciled and lodge a formal complaint” he confidently assured me.

So, I went down to Allen Avenue and there I was assured the guard was right.

“Don’t worry, the money will be back in 24 hours.” the lady at the Customer Service section told me.

In the meantime, I took the cash I needed from the banking hall and left.

Just as I got out, I remembered my promise to the hospital client. They were located just about a 10 minute walk from where I was.

Recalling how important the tax summaries were to them, I knew I had to show up.

So I did. And they were thrilled. For 2 hours we worked on the problem while sharing jokes and discussing current affairs e.g the recent fuel scarcity crisis.

Eventually we discovered an expense column inadvertently hidden, with entries, caused the negative NET PAY values.

While I was there, anyone not familiar with our relationship would have assumed I also worked in that department.

The best part is the Accountant who first hired me to develop the app in 2007, left to start his own consultancy few months back. Yet the other team members still relate normally with me.

For both parties it’s always been a win-win.

My point? Our relationship is a very close one, in which both parties relate to one another with mutual respect and consideration.

And that’s why it’s lasted this long: all of 7 years. Other clients who failed to allow a similar relationship to be forged, left me no option but to tactfully withdraw!

After I left the hospital, the thought popped into my head that the ATM incident which forced me to come all the way down to Allen Avenue, instead of zooming off to the border as I’d planned, was indeed a blessing in disguise!

That was not all.

About an hour later, the CD/DVD writer drive on my laptop failed to work, when I tried burning CDs to send with the handbook via DHL to the buyer in Uyo (I’d seen a DHL office at Allen avenue and decided to sent the pack from there).

Once again, the thought occurred to me that my inability to leave due to the ATM glitch, had indeed been a blessing in disguise.

If I’d already returned to Cotonou, I would have had to return to Nigeria’s computer village in Ikeja, to replace it…because the few computer shops in Cotonou that I’ve been to tell me they get their supplies by travelling down to Nigeria.

And I’ve found that apart from a better price, and quality, we have more skilled and knowledgeable PC repair chaps in Nigeria, than in Cotonou.

So yesterday, at around 7p.m I got the drive replaced with a new one, and endured 2 hours of traffic hold up to get home by 9p.m.

Then I sent a phone text message to the Farm CEO in Uyo telling him what had happened, and that I would send the package from DHL this morning.

I did the above to keep him in the loop, by letting him know what progress I’m making with regard to fulfilling the order.

Lastly, before I left Lagos, I picked up the generator from the mechanic, and tested it at the house, for my people to use.

Then, having freed myself from worrying that I left anything undone, I travelled back to Cotonou, and made my way to a cafe at 10.20p.m.

That’s where I’m typing these words right now :-))

Final Words: No Matter What Goes Wrong, NEVER Let Your Clients (Relationships) Suffer

My message in this article is that quite often what appear to be bad experiences usually have some useful benefit accompanying them.

But one will only discover those benefits if s/he CALMS down, does NOT fret or worry or panic, and strives to make progress in spite of the adversity.

That’s what I’ve learnt to do over the years, and it has very often led me to achieve multiple instances of success, by using my difficulties as stepping stones.

I apply this philosophy without fail in handling all my affairs with my clients, and business associates.

No one wants to hear excuses or listen to complaints. When people engage you to do a paid job for them, they expect to get value for their money, And they expect you to be forthright with them. No sharp practices, no stories.

One example: The Farm CEO in Uyo that I mentioned above, paid N10,000 to have me send him the package via DHL from Cotonou.

However, due to the problem that made me stay back in Lagos longer than I planned, I decided to prepare the pack and send it from DHL’s office in Allen Avenue. This was so as not to lose time and delay delivery to his farm and resort premises in Uyo.

By the time the package was weighed and the fee applied, I only had to pay appoximately N4,000.

So, that meant the buyer had a N6,000 balance remaining from the N10,000 he’d sent me for use as courier fee.

I promptly sent him a message stating the foregoing, and that I will call him to find out how to get the money back to him.

That is the right and sensible thing to do. And it can only inspire more trust and confidence in you, in the mind of your client.

You can do the same. Keep a positive mindset always, no matter what happens to you. And always deal with integrity with your clients.

They will reward you with more business, and even referalls, for doing so.

I’m living proof that this is so!