Category Archives: Career Development

This Dangerous Mindset Can Derail Your Career

In this write-up,  I highlight a mindset that can literally damage your career advancement prospects in any company,IF you let it get a hold of you. Do you have big career ambitions? Read this article, to learn how to avoid this potential obstacle.

A True Story About A Group of Students

A group of students in a higher institution lived together on campus. They often complained of not having enough money to eat. Yet when asked to emulate their colleagues who made money in the same hostel by being entrepreneurial (e.g. providing barbing services, selling mobile phone batteries etc), they always found an excuse not to do so.

But ever so often they asked certain older persons – who held jobs – to give them money, and got some. But sometimes when told no, they would fume and look accusingly at the person who declined to do so!

One day, one of the older persons got upset and asked them:

“Why do you act as it I owe you money? I’m not your parent for heaven’s sake. We only met here! And how do you think I got the money I have on me? Certainly not by behaving the way you do! Look, if you refuse to emulate your colleagues and start some income earning activity, do NOT come demanding money from me. You refusal to try implies you do not need money. So don’t think you can blackmail anyone by saying you asked them for money to eat and they said NO. If you change your attitude, people will help you!”

By way of interest, this group of undergraduates still have not changed. They are blinded by an irrational entitlement mentality. And that’s likely to hurt them later in life – beyond intermittent hunger pangs!

What I mean by “an entitlement mentality” is thinking that being somewhere entitles you to anything other have, that you want. That’s an unrealistic – indeed childish – assumption to make.

An Entitlement Mentality Can Also Hurt a Person in Paid Employment  – Badly Too

I believe it’s safe to say everyone who works for an employer wants to enjoy career advancement. But getting it – at least in most companies run based on merit – requires proving yourself worthy. Your being there for 10 years will not necessarily qualify you.

Having a great sense of humour, and being liked by everyone (is that even possible…everyone?) – including many of the decision makers, may not make them pick you, if there’s a better candidate.

So to get picked, you must prove to the decision makers that YOU are the best person for the job!

1. It Can Even Make You Blame Others – With Potentially Serious Consequences

Yes. This can happen. An employee with an entitlement mentality may find it hard to accept, if s/he does not get a career opportunity s/he’s been hoping for.

And it can be worse for people who believe that getting along with everyone will get them there. When that does not happen, they may resort to blaming others.

Once you feel someone is to blame, and conclude you cannot change the situation, RESENTMENT could take over. And ANGER may follow closely behind.

These emotions may find a way to show up in your work related behaviour. You could become less motivated, and probably irritable.

If they get wind of it, your bosses could mark you down as a result!

2. YOU Alone Are Responsible For What Happens to Your Career – No One Else

No matter what anyone tells you, only YOU are responsible for whatever comes your way in life: even if people plotted against you and (seem to have) succeeded.

This is because you can never control (or foresee) what others will or will not do to you. Therefore you can only reliably prepare yourself, to deal successfully with challenges that may come your way.

Once you understand this important truth, you’ll appreciate the need to explore ways to improve your ability to do your job. And whenever anything goes wrong (e.g. you don’t get a benefit you want), you will simply see it as a sign that you have more work to do. Period.

Even if you suspect someone of trying to stop you, don’t mentally throw your hands up in frustration. You will NOT be the first person to have such an experience!

If I recall correctly, it’s called “office politics”. You don’t have to play it, but it’s good to understand how it works, and use that knowledge to equip yourself to get around it. That’s not likely to be a wasted effort, because you’ll need that know-how to succeed as you advance your career even further.

NB:  Nobody can stop you. The best they can do is slow you down. Keep that in mind ALWAYS.

REMEMBER: It Will Always Be About What’s Best for the Company

I know I’ve painted a rather unpleasant picture here. But the truth is that these things do happen.

And we need to realise that no one is immune to it. Not me, and not YOU.

It is therefore important to ensure that you regularly remind yourself that YOU – and YOU ALONE – can truly determine how far you go in your career.

Avoid developing an entitlement mentality. No matter how long you serve. Instead, aim to deliver results that will prove you are worthy of the rewards or benefits you seek.

Keep the following TRUTH in mind at all times: For smart and successful employers, it will always be about what’s best for the company, and not just what you – or other employees – want!

NB: If you’re an employer, click here to learn how I can help you get the results you want from your employees. Here’s a French version of the aforementioned flyer (PDF).


FYI: Orchestrated Sabotage Campaign Against This Website

The email (in the screenshot below) is a 419 – that is scam – message being circulated disguised as if it’s from my website email (tayo at

Believe it or not, this one came right into my inbox yesternight – got me wondering why I would send myself an email, till I read the contents…

Click the screenshot below to view my detailed illustration

Click now

This is the 1st bit of proof I’m getting to confirm the suspicions I’ve had that my work online is being sabotaged.

2 days ago, I discovered one of the websites I’ve earned income from had deleted my account without notice*


NB: Just this evening, I got a response from the above mentioned website to my enquiry saying my account had been reactivated. (See screenshot below). So that’s ONE less to worry about. But the big matter of the scam emails above remains…

Click now


Earlier locked my account accusing me of “suspicious activity”.

This has been a serious running battle for me for a while.

A group of people are orchestrating these attacks to stop the obvious growth of my website traffic, and my profile.

These are mostly sponsored attacks. And it’s difficult to trace them

See (below) the links to articles I’ve had to publish on my website each time I’ve been punished for what I did not do as above.

Below the links is a message I included in an application I just submitted to a network. It gives details.



One thing is certain. They can never stop me.

==BELOW: The message I submitted to an online forum in which I had to warn the owners about the above situation==

I need to say this.

I’m having a running battle getting some bad guys off my back with regard to my website and blog. It’s costing me access to income earning and reputation building networks.

If you accept me into this forum PLEASE know that I do NOT do any kind of spamming, scamming or illegal stuff online. and now (where I used to earn income as a writer) have recently locked me out of their websites.

I still do not know why – but LinkedIn replied to say they noticed “suspicious activity” in my account.

Just this evening I got a fake lottery email I apparently sent to myself from my domain based email (tayo at!

Then it began to make sense!!

Basically they use my emaill address in place of the name for the sender.

Except for Internet savvy recipients, who think to check the email BEHIND the sender name (which they used my email to replace) most people will conclude the scam message came from my email, click to label it spam – and my website gets whacked by Google and co.

The problem is I don’t know how to stop them from sending those messages out to others – who will naturally think it’s me.

I’m saying all this here UPFRONT to help you decide if you’re comfortable having me on. There are orchestrated attempts being made to destroy my work online.

This is not the first time. I remain focussed on my goals.

And it’s even one of the reasons I relocated from Nigeria to Benin Republic.

Each time this problem has cost me tangibly (E.g. linkedIn and constant-content) I’ve written a blog post about it.

It’s the only form of defense I can think of. If after reading ALL this you’re OK with having me around, I’ll be glad to be a useful contributor to your forum – as (name of ebook) is one reason why I’m still alive and kicking despite the concerted efforts of people who want to pull me down.

Sorry about the epistle.

==End of message I submitted to online forum==


If You Can’t Find Me On Here’s Why


How to Unmask & Defeat Blood-Sucking Vampires!

Why 10 Years On Your Job May Not Mean YOU Have 10 Years Experience!

There are myriads of myths and assumptions that many of us allow to guide our thoughts and actions daily. This write-up highlights an unfounded myth that prevents many employees from actualizing their full potentials in the workplace.

What Is Your Answer to This Question?

(True or False?)

An employee who has spent 20 years on the job will be more competent than one who has spent only 5 years.

The above question is one of a number in a questionnaire I administered to respondents for a 45-page management research paper I wrote in 2001.

The Center for Management Development (CMD) later invited me to deliver a lecture on that paper, to their management and staff. It’s titled “Self-Development as a Tool for Achieving Career Advancement (A Practical Guide Based on Experience)”.

Over 80% of the respondents surveyed fell between the age ranges of 20 to 40 years (Table 3.1).

table3.1.jpg - Over 80% of the respondents surveyed fell between the age ranges of 20 to 40 years

About 72.5% of them held junior management/management support/middle level management positions. (Table 3.14)

About 72.5% of them held junior management/management support/middle level management positions. (Table 3.14)

Over 80% had managerial experience of 10 years or less.

Over 80% had managerial experience of 10 years or less.

And it was interesting to see that the respondents were more or less equally split in their responses (score was 2.9 on an attitudinal scale of 1 to 5, where 3 = neutral, 1 = Strongly Disagree and 5 = Strongly Agree).

The Truth Is However That Your Number of Years On The Job Matters LESS!

In other words, the realistic answer to that question is: FALSE…or Not necessarily.

Quite often it is really determined by the individual and how committed s/he is to diligently improving him/herself on the job via Self-Development.

My time in paid employment provides a good example.

Joining a fast paced multinational in later 1994, I rapidly developed myself to deliver high performance output on a consistent basis.

The company rewarded me with rapid career advancement opportunities. Within six years, I was in senior management capacity, leading others 7 to 15 years older than I was in the company.

What Did I Do Differently From Others?

Basically, I intelligently applied Self-Development techniques to give myself a competitive edge in the workplace. I got ideas from books I read, and also by applying my initiative

Among other things, I actively contributed to progress in different parts of the company – even outside my immediate areas of responsibility.

To do this effectively, I acquired skills (e.g. spreadsheet programming) that enabled me add tangible value to data handling and report preparation processes.

For instance, I developed over 4 automated spreadsheet applications that were formally adopted for management level reporting.

This got me noticed at the highest levels –even as far as the parent company in the UK, where some of my applications had to be sent for conversion from Lotus 1-2-3 macros format to Excel Visual Basic.

The above happened due to the insistence by users of my applications in the brewery when the company changed over from Lotus SmartSuite to MS Office platform.

What Do I Mean By Self-Development?

It’s never wise to assume everyone has the same view of what a concept means. I’ve used the expression “Self-Development” in this article. In my paper, I define it as follows:

“The process by which an individual continually uses her own efforts and resources (and others to which she has authorized access), to improve her ability to achieve personal and/or workplace advancement.”

Wise Words from Zig Ziglar: Don’t Have One Year’s Experience 10 Times!

In addition to what I’ve said above, I offer the following professional opinion for an accomplished developer of human capacity: Zig Ziglar (now late).

His words provide a fitting conclusion to this piece.

That is to say, you will only have 10 years of experience if you make sure EVERY year is diligently spent putting in your best efforts to improve your performance.

Wise Words from Zig Ziglar: Don’t Have One Year’s Experience 10 Times!

Final Words: Suggestion to Company Decision Makers and Recruiters

On a final note, it is my considered opinion, based on the points made above, that companies will be better off NOT asking for “X years of experience” in their adverts.

Instead, they should request for someone with “X Effective years of experience”. The criteria for determining what quantifies the required number of effective years could then be enumerated in terms of what a person vying for that position would be expected to know/be able to do, having spent those X years working elsewhere.

The above approach would enable recruiters accurately identify more suitable candidates for advertised positions, who would normally probably have been overlooked on the basis of the conventional “X years of experience” criteria.

Unruly Employees – An Employer’s Worst Nightmare (3 Tips for Dealing With Them)

I’ve had many discussions with organizational decision makers, about employee behavior over the past 15 years. At first it was as a high performing employee, then later as a service provider.

What frustrates employers often is when some employees act as if the company owes them for doing nothing. Some employees seem to delight in doing things the employer has disapproved of. To make matters worse, they sometimes influence others to do the same.

They arrive late and leave earliest. While at work, they fool around at every opportunity. And they always have a perfect excuse for not coming through on assigned tasks. As a result, running the business becomes a daily nightmare for the employer. She can’t get consistent results from her employees!

Then at the end of the year, these same people turn up expecting to get rewarded equally along with others!

Ironically, certain employers, being the nice guys they are, never know how to say no. So the cycle of EMPLOYER abuse continues. The employer finds herself depending more and more on the diligent staff to pick up the slack introduced by the poor performers.

The diligent staff consequently get worn out over time, and may even quit – especially if they feel they are not being adequately compensated!

How Does An Employer End Up With Unruly Employees?

1. Recruitment Mistakes

It’s possible the employer failed to ask the right questions during recruitment and interview. Or maybe the wrong criteria were used to decide who to employ. Sometimes employers take on people out of pity, due to family pressures or out of a need to save on wages paid. In the process, some square pegs end up in round holes.

People who have no business being in the company get in. And having gotten in, the impression they get from the faulty recruitment process is that the employer wants people like them. So rather than modify their behavior, they simple act true to type.

Do you have a carefully thought out recruitment procedure mapped out? One that ensures only those who fit into your company’s unique culture get in? If NO, get started now – before you bring in wrong people. If they are already in, see steps 2 and 3 below.

2. Absence of Rules & Guidelines

Most people have a natural instinct to be naughty. It’s the presence of rules, regulations and guidelines that often make them keep their excesses in check. Remove those, and you’d be amazed at the transformation some of your employees would undergo! It’s the same in general society. Take out the police and traffic lights, chances are people will misbehave.

Does your company have clearly defined and easy to understand guidelines for employees to abide by? Do you have (or can you prepare) an employee code of ethics and conduct? Make sure it spells out your expectations of employees. Make consequences of wrong doing clear. Allow no ambiguities.

3. Lack of Enforcement

Most important probably, is the issue of enforcement of laid down rules and regulations. People can be mischievous – especially employees. When they learn there are dos and don’ts, the unruly ones may test you to see how willing you are to enforce them. The way you respond will determine how seriously they treat your rules.

If you take prompt action to enforce your rules, a silent message will be communicated to them and they’ll fall in line. It goes without saying that some will be more stubborn than others. So it will ultimately be a test of your resolve. If you stand firm, you’ll eventually get conformance from all of them.

You may have to fire anyone who behaves in a manner that merits such punishment. Be firm about this. It is non-enforcement of laid down rules that makes certain employees become difficult to handle – and a problem to the company.

Final Words: Set Your Company Up So Employees GET IT All The Time!

The most difficult resources to manage in any enterprise are human beings. We are such a complex and complicated mix of many variables. To get the most from your employees, put systems in place to guide their behavior.

That does not mean you have to stifle them. Allow them freedom to do their jobs with creativity, and initiative, but always make sure there are controls to prevent undue excesses.

It is also in your best interest to study your employees to discover what makes them tick, as individuals and as groups e.g. their interests, preferences etc.

This knowledge will guide you in managing them better over time. On a final note, if you let unruly employees get away with disruptive behavior, you set a bad precedent.

Good ones will over time conclude there’s no point being that way. And they’ll either join the club of bad guys, or move to another company that upholds the values they cherish.

In the long run your company will suffer major loss of productivity. Keep in mind that good employees are not easy to find these days. Many of the best people today are starting their own businesses. You therefore want to hold on to the good ones you have for as long as possible!

ON-DEMAND LEARNING EVENT: Getting Your Employees to Consistently Deliver the Results You Want

Flyer Download Option 1: Click here to view ENGLISH VERSION (PDF)

On-demand seminar - Getting Your Employees to Consistently Deliver the Results You Want

Flyer Download Option 2: Click here to view FRENCH VERSION (PDF)

Telechargér: Obtenir de vos employés qu’il délivre Constamment un résultat que vous voulez au travail!

Why You Need To Know A Little Bit About Every (or Many) Things

New/Different experiences afford you a multidimensional perspective. When others admire you for your ability to do certain things well (e.g. you’re good at many sports), there is a tendency for you to get carried away if you are not careful. Many people in their workplaces have earned themselves recognition and respect for their expertise in their areas of specialisation.

But what about those things you don’t know how to do well?

True, some schools of thought today emphasise that people focus on improving on their strengths. There is however the possibility of negative returns setting in, if weaknesses or inadequacies are not checked before they get out of control – which does happen.

Robert Kiyosaki speaks about the need for people to be less of "specialists" and more of "generalists" if they want to live successfully in today’s world. An article I downloaded from Michael Angier’s encourages the reader to “Know a little about everything”.

The trouble is that oftentimes people fail to realise they need to get to know other areas of work/life outside those they are already familiar with (i.e. their “comfort zones”).

Ironically, doing this is often to their advantage, since they better understand how others do their work, the problems they face etc.

Now you might wonder why I suggest that you get to know about other people’s jobs and work-related problems.

It’s simple really. How would you feel if someone outside your area of specialisation engages you in conversation and displays – among other things – a sound understanding of your job – especially the constraints you face in doing it daily?

I know I would feel drawn to such a person – because it would mean she has taken time to study and understand the kind of work I do! So if or when we have to work together, it would be easier to explain aspects of my work to her (call her Ms X).

In fact, if I subsequently run into another non-specialist who does not “understand”, I am likely to invite Ms X to help me explain in non-technical jargon! By implication, if a person wants to do her job better, and be better appreciated by colleagues she needs to deliberately seek new and/or different experiences.

One way to do this as illustrated earlier is to consciously embark on a progressive (informal) understudying of other departments she has to interact with in doing her work.

If she is tactful in going about it, colleagues in those offices would be flattered by her attention, and interest, and readily put her through on whatever she wishes to know.

Final Words

Ultimately, what would happen is that Ms X would have an insider’s perspective of issues in each department she has to relate with, when doing her own work.

Many times this will enable her become more efficient in interacting with such departments to get information etc for her work. It could also prevent her from crying “wolf”, for instance, when there is none – saving her considerable embarrassment!

Perpetually seeking new or different experiences will afford you a multidimensional perspective of issues at work and/or in life. It will also equip you to attract plenty of goodwill, and make you a more interesting person to be with. At some point, all of that will translate into tangible success in many forms, for you.

FREE DOWNLOAD: An Automated Data Transpose Workbook That Helped An Insurance Company Finish a Report In Minutes, Instead of Days (YOU Can Build Something Similar)

This is a little workbook I created to eliminate the tedious manual work that had to be done – daily – by employees of an Insurance Company in Lagos.

Typically, data from an auto-generated text file (see "PRINT15.txt" file in this download package) containing life insurance data of employees of a client company had to be re-arranged from a complex horizontal format to a three-field (Age, Term, Rate) vertical/column format (so as to prepare for use in a software application used by the insurance company).

To do this, an employee of the insurance company would import the text file into Excel; then copy and paste individual rows containing the needed information from the resultant worksheet into the appropriate column in a blank worksheet containing three labeled fields – using the transpose command.

Not only was this process time-consuming, it was also prone to much error especially, if there was much data to be treated. I proposed automating the entire process using
Excel VB to them. They agreed. The result is this "Auto Data Transpose" workbook. Click the preceding link to download it now.

How To Use The Auto Data Transpose Workbook

What this small application does is to automated the task carried out manually by the staff of the company mentioned above. The end result is presented to you in form of 3 columns of data extracted from the imported PRINT15.txt data.

1. Unzip the ”” – 56KB – (click here) folder to your desktop.

Two files will be in it: a text file (PRINT15) containing data to be transposed and a workbook (AutoDataTranspose.xls) into which data will be transposed – and in which the code that makes this happen resides.

The text file (PRINT15) containing data to be transposed

2. Open the AutoDataTranspose.xls workbook.

IMPORTANT NOTE : If a Security Warning that reads “Macros have been disabled" appears just above the formula bar (on the extreme left), you will need to click the OPTIONS tab next to that messsage. A dialog box bearing two radio buttons will appear. Click on the bottom placed radio button (labelled "Enable this content"), and click OK. If you do not follow this process when that warning appears, the automation in the workbook will NOT function.

MS Excel Security Warning that reads “Macros have been disabled

The automated workbook has a set of command buttons at the top of the worksheet viz: “Import”, “Fill Blanks”, “Transpose” etc.

3. Click the “Import” button on the “Main” worksheet  and use the “File-Open” dialog that appears to locate the “PRINT15” text file in the above unzipped folder. Then use your mouse to select it, and click “Open”.

Click the “Import” button on the “Main” worksheet and use the “File-Open” dialog that appears

The program will import the data in the PRINT.txt file into a new worksheet and name it “Import Data”.

4. Next, click “Fill Blanks” on the “Main” workshert. The progam will switch to the “Import Data” worksheet. All the blank cells next to data will be populated with zeros (this is necessary for data transpose to occur without error).

5. Now click “Transpose”(this freezes the screen, to make the procedure faster – you don’t see the copying and pasting happen) to initiate the Data Transpose procedure. Notice the message displayed in the status bar at the bottom left.

6. Wait till the process’ end is indicated by a message box prompt appearing. Click “Remove Zeros” to have blank rows quick-deleted.

The transposed data will be displayed in the “Main” worksheet.

The above process will all take place within a few minutes – compared to the hours/days (including inadvertent errors) it would take to do it by transposing manually.

I encourage you to try browsing through the data in the “Import Data” sheet, to get a feel for how much work would be entailed in transposing the data manually in Excel.

Final Words

It is quite possible that certain data handling tasks you do in your workplace may require a similar approach to what I’ve demonstrated above..

Don’t risk straining yourself, and making avoidable (and potentially costly) errors. You can prepare, and thoroughly test, an automated workbook like the one showcased in this article to do it all for you, saving you time, effort and cost.

It goes without saying that you will have to prepare your automation to suit the format of the source document for the data you wish to handle.

In other words, the automated workbook I’ve provided here is meant for use in executing a specific task routinely carried out in the Insurance company I created it for.

It is very unlikely that another insurance company would be able to use it “as is” – except of course it uses your source data arrived in the exact same kind of format.

This automated transpose workbook is meant to provide you a practical example or case study that can be used as a guide to developing similar solution for use in your company.

If you need further help doing that, get in touch using this contact form.

Look Out for More Excel-Automation Case Studies Like This

I’ll be creating more Excel-VB custom automation case studies like this in future. My key purpose is to give career persons a quick and dirty guide of how to use MS Excel to make their work lives easier – while simultaneously adding value to the companies they work for.

I did just that during my time in paid employment, and it made me an extremely successful employee in a relatively short period of 7 years.

Take it from me – what you learn from interacting with me on this subject can boost your career advancement prospect significantly.


Self-Development Academy’s Excel Heaven™ is the FIRST provider of Preprogrammed and Custom Spreadsheet based solutions in Nigeria. We offer Workbook Auditing/Optimisation and VBA Automation; Custom Spreadsheet Software Development; Sales; Job-Based Spreadsheet Coaching; and Consulting/Advisory Services on effective application of spreadsheets for business use.

See video demos at

Visit our Excel Heaven mini-site at :

NB: Our Custom Automated Excel Visual Basic applications are provided as-is
with no warranty of any kind. We also cannot assume responsibility for any programs provided here, or for any advice that is given since we have no control over what happens after our code or works leave us.

3 Ways Speaking a Foreign Language Can Make You Succeed More Often

Speaking a foreign language can help you in paid employment as well as in business. I have had the unique priviledge of experiencing the amazing benefits derivable from being able to speak a foreign language, on both sides of the fence.

Below I outline 3 powerful rewards you can expect to reap repeatedly, from being able to speak a foreign language:

1. Unsolicited Support/Assistance – Often When You Least Expect It

There’s nothing quite as exciting and fulfilling as having obstacles that most others are unable to surmount literally get removed from your path by total strangers.

And that, simply because they discovered you can communicate in their language!

Be it in your country or abroad, there will be times when what you seek may seen impossible to get.

Then suddenly you hear the person in charge answer a phone call, or speak to a colleague in a foreign language that YOU, unlike others present, can understand.

Suddenly you realize there’s a chance you can connect with her (or him) on a different level.

And things go beautifully from then on.

The others, lacking similar abilities, are left wondering how you pulled that off!

This has happened to me, more times than I can count.

Out here in Benin Republic, my ability to communicate in French has endeared me to many who meet me.

For instance, finding rented accommodation like I did, at a quarter of the going rate happened not because I’m an expert french speaker(far from it!), but because (as many tell me) they appreciate the work I’ve done (and continue to do) to improve myself.

It apparently inspires those keen to learn english to keep at it.

Indeed, the relentless manner in which many have approached me to teach them to speak english like I speak french, is what made me create my Quick & Dirty Guide To English Language for French Speakers…and to French language for English speakers!

Above: Screen shot of the cover/introduction page - click to download free guide workbook and audio file

2. Greater Opportunities for Friendship & Learning

While acting as Production Manager for a 5 week period in 2001, I initiated a series of trials to see if brewhouse output could be improved by increasing the quantity of “grist” (milled maize and sorghum) loaded into the old model mash filters used in the brewery.

Now this was not something that could be done arbitrarily.

Certain loading capacity calculations needed to be done to ensure the best possible results were obtained.

The problem I faced in implementing my idea was however that I could not find anyone who could give me reliable details of the formula for estimating loading capacity for the kind of grist we used.

The manufacturer – Meura, a Belgian company – originally built the plant to handle malted barley based grist(as you may know, French is spoken in Belgium).

But luckily for me, I remembered that a technical representative of the company had flown in few months before I got nominated to act as Production Manager.

At the time, I was his host in my office as Training & Techniaal Development Manager(TTDM), and while chatting he’d discovered I could speak, read and write French.

From then on, our relationship stopped being formal. By the time he left I’d learnt a lot about the filters and how they worked.

And that was why when my surprise nomination to act as Production Manager came up, I readily explored ways to use what I’d learned to improve the filters’ performance.

Realizing that I did not have enough information to competently modify the loading of the filter, I decided to write to my friend.

Starting my email in French (first paragraph) with pleasantries, I made my request known.

24 hours later, a reply arrived from a colleague of his, who explained my friend was away on leave.

But he went on to supply the exact filter loading formulas for our grist type, which they had derived based on extensive trials.

It was just what I – and any Production Manager – needed!

Little wonder that the substantive Production Manager (upon his resumption from leave) and other managers in the technical function, requested copies of that formula as soon as I announced that I had it, in a post secondment report I published after successfully completing my acting assignment!

As you can imagine, the above may probably never have happened if my French speaking skill had not enabled me get closer to the Meura rep.

3. A Foreign Language Gives You a Uniquely Powerful Competitive Edge

Again I say this from experience. Personal experience.

Living and working in a society where a very great majority of people do not speak French or any other foreign language confers a unique advantage on those who can.

And if you can also read and write in that language, your chances get even better.

In a past article, I shared the story of how I got massive career boosting recognition at senior management level while attending an international workshop in Hotel Aqua Palace, Douala Cameroon.

The short conversation I had with the expatriate Managing Director of Guinness Cameroon, in the hotel bar, took place while other delegates from Nigeria, Cameroon, Tanzania, Kenya, etc looked on.

After that event, many positive things immediately began happening to me: Click here to read that article to learn more.

Final Words

Think about all I’ve said above, and you’ll see I’m right.

Why not get started on the path to learning a foreign language today?

If you’d like to learn english or french, my new workbook guide (with audio) can help you: Quick & Dirty Guide To English Language for French Speakers
…and to French language for English speakers! – Click to download free guide workbook and audio file

Why I’ve Told LinkedIn to Delete My Profile (Talk About Trying to Give a Dog a Bad Name to Hang It)

UPDATE: Isn’t it just amazing? I sent the request for support to delete my profile at 13.05pm on 19th April 2013, and after failing to reply my previous email sent more than 24 hours earlier, I get a response confirming my request has been carried out at 13.11pm on the SAME day.

An amazingly quick reply from - a record judging by my experience with their support department - funny they should do this in response to my request to have my account deleted...LOL!

Wow! Talk about SELECTIVELY speedy response. Oh, by the way, she also added: “If you change your mind, just let us know”. Sigh…what a pity!!!


It’s unfortunate, but this post has to happen – because the guys at seem unprepared to be fair and impartial in their dealings with me – for whatever reason. I’ve never been shy about voicing my opinion. And the last thing ANYONE can ever succeed in doing is put me down or intimidate me. Those who have had dealings with me know this for a fact. I also have a habit of going out of my way to help others I discover to be on the receiving end of any form of abuse, or unfair treatment.

As I type these words, I have not heard from them with regard to my request for details of the “suspicious activities” they claim they noticed in my account.

How difficult can it be to specify EXACTLY what it was they saw that was a violation of their terms of use?

I have asked them, they have not replied. I thought it had to do with the discovery I made this week – see below – but in the response they gave me, it is apparently not. Yet, they will not tell me what it is I did wrong.

Now what’s that about I ask???

Ever since I wrote my post titled “If You Can’t Find Me On, Here’s Why…” last month, I have patiently waited to hear from them about removing the restriction placed on my profile. This was after I’d sent the the copies of my passport as requested within 48 hours of receiving their email.

Guess what? A few days ago, I wrote to inform them I noticed I’d received a surprising email update via my olufeltks at yahoo dot com email address from

As you will notice in the screenshot below, I noted that that was an account I’d opened over 10 years ago, and never used. It was therefore surprising that I was getting updates on it – it did not even have ANY data on the profile page!

Asking them to delete that old profile, I noted that the updates for that account and my real account at tayo at could have both been coming into my blackberry (since I setup my smartphone to receive mails from them).

I told them it was possible that was what they saw as “suspicious” activity in my account – since I may have clicked on a link on it accidentally before making this discovery that the notification was for a different address. Having said that, considering I’ve been using my blackberry with for over a year now, I expect a problem would have come up BEFORE now if the old account had been sending me messages like this.

The way I see it, this only began recently – possibly last month. I am VERY careful in dealing with such notifications – which is why in my first post on this last month, I was able to detect the scam LinkedIn notifications that I displayed in it.

Note that I also mentioned in my email to them, that in the 10 years since that profile was created I had NOT logged in even once – I did not even know it still existed and even if I tried I would be unable to recall the password.

More importantly, I only began trying to use LinkedIn for business about 3 years ago – via tayo at spontaneousdevelopment dot com

What really got me ticked off was the reply I got from the LinkedIn rep. She wrote back confirming she had deleted the yahoo! email based profile as I requested and then proceeded to REPEAT the same message they had originally sent me about the “suspicious” activity they claimed to have noticed in my real account.

What was worse, she then requested that I send a scanned copy of my passport to them: something I’d done and inserted screenshots of in my post dating back to 19th of March!

To cap it off, I’ve NOT heard a word from her since I sent an immediate reply. In that reply, I forwarded a copy of the mail I’d sent with the passport on 19th March, asking why she was AGAIN requesting me to send it, without even acknowledging the one I’d sent before!

Not one word from her up till this moment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When I sent that first email on Monday 15th April telling them about the 10 year old profile, I got (as I have always gotten) an autoresponse confirming the email reached them). But when I sent my second email in which I pointed out that I got autoresponse confirmation when I sent in copies of my passport on 19th March, and that I was sure it reached them, guess what happened? THE AUTORESPONSE FOR THAT EMAIL NEVER CAME TO ME!

The Yoruba’s would say “Ejo eleyi oni owo ninu O!” Translated contextually, that means: “There’s more to this than meets the eye!

As you will find from reading the screenshot copies of the 2 emails I sent them this week, I made it clear that if I did not hear from them, by today 19th April 2013, that this matter had been resolved, I would want them to delete my profile PERMANENTLY from their website.

This post is therefore meant to notify visitors to this website not to henceforth bother clicking on the share icons provided. I’ll be exploring ways to get rid of it. But in the meantime, please do not bother clicking on it.

One thing I’ve learnt from using the web is that it’s NEVER smart to put yourself in a position where others can dictate what happens to you. That’s why smart people don’t set themselves up to be messed up by the next Google algorithm overhaul.

In my honest opinion, I believe these guys made up their minds I was guilty without even trying to verify if that was so. They took action without regard for the impact it would have on my image as a person promoting myself and my products for others to buy from me.

That’s unfortunate. Like they say in my language (Yoruba), there are many routes that you can follow to get to the market:

I no longer wish to follow the LinkedIn route. Period.

Below: Screenshots from the emails exchanged with the representative this week:


My first email to linkedin support on Monday morning 15th April (it was still 14th April in the US - hence the date and time you see - Click to view larger image


The LinkedIn autoresponse to my first email to linkedin support on Monday morning 15th April - Click to view larger image


Linkedin support reply - Click to view larger image

My reply - Click to view larger image

My 2nd reply email forwarding the from 19th March containing my passport images  - Click to view larger image

Final Words

Did you notice that in her first – and only – response above, she said she looked forward to my response in order to further assiste me.

Well, like I said  above, when I responded this time around, protesting that I had proof that my email bearing image copies of my passport had reached them last month, no autoresponse came, and she has not replied since.

This is exactly what happened last month (see my first post on this), when I sent the passport images the first time. They never replied – even though I go the autoresponse. And they still did not reply when I wrote a follow up 2 weeks later , to which I also go an autoresponse. A screenshot copy of that follow up email is provided  my first post on this issue.

Like I said above: Ejo eleyi oni owo ninu O!

I’m done here :-)


Educational Commercials Will Boost Your Marketing

If you are a business owner, or someone responsible for sales and/or marketing in the company you work, the information provided here can help you. This article is based on a suggestion I recently sent as an email message to a solo entrepreneur.

I ended up making it so long and detailed that I’ve decided to publish it as a blog to help others. It offers ideas for taking your marketing to the next level by creating Information Products – especially special reports called “Educational Commercials”. I hope you find it useful.


It all began when I read a interesting post by the entreprenur about the powerful health enhancing qualities of products he sells. It struck me that he would most likely have more details/insights to offer on that subject that would interest many people and possibly make them want to buy.

So I wrote the lengthy message below to him. I now invite you to read the same message as if it’s meant for you. It offers valuable insights and tips.



I’d like to make a suggestion to you regarding the products/services you promote using your social media profile.

Don’t wait till people get in touch or come to you to tell them, and many others who may likely need to know.

When you stay on your profile, posting brief descriptions and benefits, you can only say so much.

You need to be able to say more to get people from the state of mind in which they are just curious, to one in which they begin to seriously consider buying from you.

To make that happen I suggest instead that you create useful resources that they can discover on their own, which will tell them most of what you would normally tell those who come to you.

Don’t use the generic marketing and sales flyers and brochures supplied by the maker(s) of the products you promote. Their style of communication is too direct.

The minute people see them, they’ll know they’re about to be sold on something!

Instead you need to offer resources they will instantly perceive as offering information or news that is truly helpful.

I refer to the need for you to create your own unique range of information products to inform and educate people about your theme or area of focus (e.g. health, wellness, self image, fitness) as a means of achieving greater and more impactful name recognition/marketing reach.

I offer an example of a strategy you can put to work, by yourself, starting today, below:

Why not write a special report (PDF) branded with your name, photo of you and your product? It won’t be an advert. Instead it would serve as what I like to call an “Educational Commercial”.

In it you would offer tips (for instance, on preventing and managing high blood pressure) that in themselves would be useful to the reader, even if she did not have your product.

At relevant points in the report, you could make “non-salesy” references to the different benefits that your product offers.

Note that it’s important to be subtle in doing this. It’s an aspect of a strategy called “Marketing Without Advertising”.

Click here to view one of the many “Educational Commercials” that I use to promote Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Products and Services to experts working across Africa to get an idea of how this is done.

Basically, you will find creating zero cost custom marketing resources like these useful for the following purposes:

1. Establishing yourself as an authority in your area of business focus.

2. Achieving what is called “Top Of Mind Awareness” (TOMA) in the consciousness of members of your target audience.

3. Saving time in explaining to enquirers how you can help them.

For instance you could include detailed responses in your PDF report, to Frequently Asked Questions you’ve answered from enquirers in the past.

That way next time you get enquiries from someone trying to decide whether or not to buy, you would then be able to simply email her/him a copy of your branded educational commercial, and let it do it’s magic!

As a result of the above you won’t have to waste quality time answering the same questions asked by people just curious.

You would instead be free yourself to attend to those people who are closer to making up their minds, having gotten answers to their queries by studying the various resources you would have prepared.

4. Generating & Nurturing Sales Leads:

This is where it gets really useful for YOU.

Make sure your report is well prepared with information your readers/potential buyers consider valuable.

Also include an invitation for them to subscribe to your email newsletter mailing list, this would enable you effortlessly build a phone number and email addresses database of “Pre-qualified Prospects”.

You can then follow up with them by sending more useful tips and information, possibly in form of articles or other special PDF reports.

To do the above without stress, you will need to use a web based automated email marketing system.

One you can start with is

I currently use the FREE version for the weekly Speaking Ideas Newsletter I send out to subscribers, to promote Burt Dubin’s products and services (along with mine) – see

It also has paid options you can adopt if/when your needs require advanced features.

If you do the above, I anticipate you’re likely to quickly build up a library of useful reports, articles & presentations.

They would ideally be in digital form (PDF, Power Point, Video, Audio online/on DVD etc).

It would however be wise to make them print-ready so you can print on paper and photocopy to give out at networking meetings or other events.

Having said that I strongly advice that you lean towards asking persons who indicate interest in your relevant products/services, to give you permission to email the URL (or download/view links) to them to answer questions they ask you, and/or as a gift from you to them.

Sometimes that can evolve into a quality sales lead for you. And you’d have their email address to follow up with them.

Can you see how having an Educational Commercial with useful information gives you a legitimate excuse to ask people to give you their contact details?

It makes it so easy to attract – and convert – potential buyers.

I Use It All the Time. And it Really Works.

Indeed, just yesterday at an exhibition fair, I got 2 purely French speaking exhibitors of artificial aquariums at the Universite D’Abomey-Calavi, here in Benin Republic to eagerly offer me their email addresses (within 2 minutes of my speaking to them in my shaky French).

They did this in order to get the URL to the Educational Commercial for my Self-Cleaning Natural Aquariums.

Basically, what I did was to ask them if their aquariums on display could keep the fish alive if their electrically powered air pump/oxygenators suddenly failed.

I pointed out this was a real possibility, noting that in my country, Nigeria, people sometimes do not have electricity from the power company for months on end.

As a result, most people use generators for alternative power supply.

In such a situation, not many would be willing to keep their generators running (and therefore guzzling expensive petrol) in order to ensure aquariums are oxygenated. And even when willing, some would not be able afford it.

The smart alternative, I told them, would be to build and offer aquarium systems that do not require artificial oxgenation.

In other words, find a way to replicate the balanced ecosystem we see in (especially non-salty) natural water bodies that sustain aquatic life (e.g ponds, rivers, lakes) in our glass aquariums.

Then I explained the scientific principles that make it possible, showing the photos of such aquarium systems I built and kept that way for over 2 years.

I also told them how I have been paid to setup similar systems for school clients to use in explaining the role of the Nitrogen cycle and other naturally occurring processes in keeping fish, snails and other life forms alive in balanced ecosystems.

Before leaving, I subtly suggested that they consider inviting me to speak to deliver my one hour talk on this subject to their members.

The talk is titled “Why Natural Aquariums Never Turn Green & How They Can Be Used As Powerful Aids for Teaching Science & Art Subjects”.

Who knows what opportunities will emerge from that simple 2 minute exchange in the weeks to come!

In case you’re wondering…This Strategy Enables Me (& Can Help YOU) Kill Many Birds With One Stone. Here’s how…

For instance, I have a 5 page report I sell on the differences between Natural & Artificial Aquariums.

With the help of a bilingual consultant friend I’ll be preparing a French version for sale to attendees of my learning events out here.

Also as you can imagine, one or more persons could request training to learn how to build my kind of aquariums…

Or they could even place order(s) for me to build one or more of my custom Natural Aquarium Systems.

The possibilities are almost limitless!

BUT to succeed in doing all the above, for the long term, you would be better off operating from YOUR OWN website as you Business Home on the web.

A recent article I’ve written on the above explains how doing this can protect you from losing the fruits of your hard labour without warning.

Read it at

If you need help making use of the above ideas, I offer a coaching support service you can take advantage of.


Going The Extra Mile, Can Make You A High-Flyer At Work!

This is another in a series of articles I have committed to writing, to help career persons in paid employment. If you aspire to climb high, as fast as possible, up the corporate ladder, in the organization you work for, this article can help you. I outline practical steps you can take to set yourself up to succeed as quickly as possible – based on real life successes I achieved as a high performing employee in a multinational corporate organisation.

First, You Need To Understand the Formal Rules & Requirements

When you think about it, you’ll realize that most of what a person needs to get ahead in life is an understanding of requirements and rules. It’s the same thing in paid employment as well as elsewhere.

In sports for example, you need to know what rules guide the playing of a particular sport, so you do not go against them. It’s the same thing in paid employment. You must also understand what is expected of you – to qualify for a promised reward from the organization e.g. a salary, bonus, commission, promotion etc.

Talk to your boss. Read the company handbook (if available). Talk to experienced hand, the Human Resources department etc. Once you know the requirements and rules, you can then devise a plan(s) of action that you can use to excel based on those set conditions.

Next, Find Out What the Unwritten Rules and Requirements Are

There are sometimes unwritten rules and requirements, based on an established work culture and/or past occurrences.

Accepted alternative ways of doing things that may not be formally documented. If you are not familiar with them, it could hurt your ambitions. Sometimes it pays to know what you can get away with – or tested ways of getting things done, and what not to do.

Identify those knowledgeable about such workplace subtleties. There are people like that everywhere. They have exceptional social skills. What the French call Savoir Faire (know-how). They often have their ears to the ground about what’s worked – or has not.

Spending time with people like that can open your eyes to opportunities you probably would never discover otherwise. You would be able to make use of that information when needed.

Street-wisdom is important. No one can be perfect, but it’s best to learn as fast – and often – as possible, to increase the chances of success. Knowing the unspoken rules and requirements, and how to make the most of them is one way to acquire street-wisdom.

True Story: How Ignorance of an Unspoken Rule Can Hurt Your Ambitions

As a young brewer, my senior colleagues who had been on the job five or more years before I joined often regaled me with entertaining anecdotes. One especially instructive one was about a young brewer whose boss asked him to perform an unauthorized procedure in the production process. This was to recover lost time and achieve the target output.

Being a greenhorn, the brewer naively implemented the instruction without requesting a written instruction to that effect. Unfortunately, everything that could go wrong did. It was a mess that cost the company a handsome amount in hours lost and product damage.

But during the investigation, the brewer’s boss bluntly denied ever instructing him to go against standard procedure. The young man literally broke down in tears, surprised at how his boss had disowned him. Luckily, the management decided to let him off with a warning, since he was new on the job.

Five years later that brewer would always warn new brewers to insist on a signed memo from their superior in the event that they face a similar challenge.

Now that is an example of an unspoken rule that could determine your success or failure in the workplace.

Also, Know the Company You Work For, and Be Clear About Your Role in It

By “knowing the company” I mean getting to know who the decision makers at different levels of hierarchy are. Your boss, and his/her boss, and the next, until you get to the top.

Each of these people will communicate his/her desired result, typically derived from a need to achieve the company’s goal, to his/her subordinate(s). At some point, the desired result will be translated into specific tasks for people at your level.

So long as each person does his/her assigned bit, the overall company goal will often be accomplished.

Once you gain this understanding, it will be easier to appreciate the role you have to play in the entire scheme of things in your position of responsibility. It is the lack of understanding of how the role they play, fits into the big company picture, that makes many employees fail to take their jobs as seriously as they should.

This limited insight also prevents them from seizing opportunities that appear, to proactively introduce improvements that would help the company excel.

Go the Extra Mile to Know A Little Bit About Other People’s Jobs & Help Them!

Just as is the case in life, the key to becoming a high flyer in an organisation, is to possess real world relevant competencies, which enable you deliver results your company wants.

So once you’ve taken the steps outlined above, the next smart thing to do is to go out and get as much exposure to varied workplace experiences as possible.

If you know you really want to excel, to be a really high flyer in your company, do this with resolute tenacity, and integrity.

Do it every day, and at every opportunity you can get. Learn everything you can about how others do their jobs, and then actively explore ways to help them do better whenever you can.

Those who are sincere, especially those who benefit from your efforts ,will appreciate you. Eventually, word will get around about your versatility and passion for being a great team player. People often like a team player who can be useful in many ways to them.

There will always be the cynics and critics who see only the negative side of what you do. Ignore them. Snide remarks, nicknames etc…those will only last for a while.

Once you begin to achieve your goals, those same people will show unmasked admiration for you – and some may even ask you “How did/do you do it? What’s your secret?

Question: Can This Plan Work?

Answer: Yes. It worked for me. I became a high-flyer, gaining company wide recognition for my achievements, within 3 years of joining a large multinational corporation – using the steps outlined above.

After another 3 years, I had achieved career advancements that put me well ahead of others ten years my seniors on the job.

If I could do it, then so can you.

TIP: Click here to view details about my past life in paid employment. The link opens into a new window – scroll down the right column to About Tayo…In a previous life. You can request my full PDF resume using the form).

On that page, you will also see scrolling testimonials from others that I coached (even after leaving the company) who wrote to thank me for the progress they made by applying the strategies I taught them –which I’ve described in this article.

And if you want, I offer customisable talks and coaching programs on-demand to interested groups and organisations. I’m currently in Benin Republic as part of a slow trip across West Africa. If you’re a decision maker, you can invite me over to your country, to speak to members of your team. Click here to learn more.

If I (and they) could do it, then so can you :-)