Category Archives: Career Development

Where Employee Training Fails, Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development (SCfSD) Can Work For Your Company (Flagship Seminar)


This session is designed to be of most value to people who have the power to influence the employee training and development strategy(i.e. decision makers) of an organisation – and other individuals who occupy key leadership positions and/or play supervisory roles.

Possible job titles would include:

Organisational Devpt. Manger
Personnel Director or Manager
Head of Admin/Personnel
Executive Director
Educational Administrator
Head of School(s)
Sectional/Departmental Heads
Team Leader/Lead Facilitator
Direct reports to the above


This seminar shows how to ensure your employees get the skills and experience they need to achieve their fullest potentials on the job. On a more individual level, employees eager to advance their own careers will find this seminar not only inspiring, but also a source of tested and proven ideas, concepts, strategies/advice on how to develop their own skills and use workplace assignments available to them to the fullest advantage.

What I shall demonstrate during this seminar is how to combine a few proven, simple, yet powerful techniques anyone can use to achieve SWP – Superlative Workplace Performances™ such that more frequent (Perpetual) Career Advancement opportunities result.

I’m sure you’ll find attending this seminar a day well spent. You’ll leave buzzing with enthusiasm to apply the techniques and concepts that will be of immediate benefit to you and your organisation. And above all, you will know what to do and how to do it. I therefore hope you decide to attend, and look forward to meeting you at the event.

Why simply being good enough is no longer good enough to cause career advancement

In today’s highly competitive workplace, it’s no longer good enough to merely do what is required of you on your job. Evidence abounds to show that this will not generate the benefits and opportunities that can lead to significant career advancements. To gain those benefits and opportunities, “something more” is needed.

We shall therefore begin the day by considering what that “something more” is for the Ideal Employee and more importantly, what it might be for ordinary, everyday people in an organisation like yours.

How to identify and successfully utilise your career advancement opportunities

All employees will regularly be presented with career advancement opportunities. Different employees will have different ones. The challenge is often HOW to identify and make effective use of them to get ahead in the workplace.

Some employees have more than others – sometimes through deliberate planning and effort. Some are more prepared to “seize” the opportunities than others. But without doubt every employee has them! And as earlier hinted, some even create them. We will see how when we discuss this section.

Using “Brain Training” to give yourself consistent edge at work

Some businesses suffer from what I call “Employee Brain Lethargy”. It afflicts them by limiting their ability to create continuing value in the workplace.

In this session, I will explain what “Brain Training” is, how it is working for people in many successful organizations, and how you could apply it, along with your Self-Development efforts, to gain an “unfair advantage” over others in your workplace.

Case Study – Intelligent use of the techniques

This case study will be a real-life example of how the ideas and techniques I advocate worked successfully for some of my former reports (a different example will be used at each event).

How to utilise the power of Spontaneous Coaching™ (SC) and Going The Extra Mile (GTEM)

SWP = SD (Self-Development) + SC + GTEM

This simple equation explains how an employee’s performance is moved from adequate to excellent and so from satisfactory to superlative. A key element of achieving repeated workplace successes is therefore hidden in the concepts of SD, SC and GTEM.

This session will show how anyone can use SC and GTEM to repeatedly achieve exceptional workplace performances to the delight of decision makers. Also, how SC is used to secure undiluted loyalty, goodwill and cooperation from co-workers and/or reports.

How to use SC to train and develop new employees

Most highly successful people have a personal bias for developing and empowering others around them to achieve their fullest potentials. As the saying goes, “they encourage ordinary people to achieve extraordinary performances”.

In this session, we will consider the key qualities of a Spontaneous Coach™ in the workplace, and the significant challenges to any person wishing to operate as one.

Case Study – Intelligent use of technology

This case study will show how the latest technology (PC/Software, Internet etc) may be used to enable the successful adoption and practice of SD, SC and GTEM. (I will also give significant personal examples from seven years spent in a large, blue chip multinational).

Implementation techniques that ensure your SD strategy will achieve outstanding results

Except they are converted into useful and effective actions, good ideas will be of little (if any) use. A strategy is useless if it cannot be successfully implemented. This session will therefore focus on proven implementation techniques and how they may be employed by any individual wishing to differentiate him/herself through performance.

How the Superlative Workplace Performances lead to significant Perpetual Career Advancement opportunities

This session will show how all the ideas and techniques considered in previous sessions are combined and used to achieve Superlative Workplace Performances which in turn lead to Perpetual Career Advancements.

Action Planning

During this final session, you will prepare a prioritised personal action plan. This plan will ensure that the relevant ideas and techniques learned during the day are used to achieve the maximum impact and success in your workplace.


The seminar will begin at 9.15 am with delegates registration taking place between 8.30 and 9.00 am. It will close at 4.00pm.

Click here to request further details

Achieve Greater Success Using Spreadsheet Automation (Special Service Offer)

As a Data Analyst, Report Designer and Custom Spreadsheet Solutions Developer, I work with clients to develop solutions to boost their productivty. Are you a business user of MS Excel? Would you like to get more of your spreadsheet work done with less effort, in less time, and without loss of accuracy? If YES, consider my 2 step offer below (terms apply).


1. Do you have a workbook that has to be updated regularly with additional data (and/or formulas/functions) such that it gets bigger in size and complexity?

2. Is the workbook becoming slow in opening and during usage – to the extent that your productivity is being negatively affected?

3. Have you had instances when you had difficulty locating data in the workbook due to its large size or complexity?

4. Do you find that only you(or a few others) can competently use the workbook to generate needed reports for your business or company – due to its complexity and the fact that not many employees have the required advanced Excel skills?

5. Would you like to be in a position where most of the routine tasks you currently do in your important workbooks could be reduced to a few mouse clicks, and done via a user friendly Graphic Interface?

6. Would you like to be able to get all your Excel workbook related tasks done in less than half of the time it currently takes you to do them?

7. Would you like a secure multi-user login username and password interface incorporated in your workbook to protect confidential data in it from prying eyes?

8. Are there other output you would like the workbook to generate for your business performance evaluation/decision making, but which you lack skills to build into it?


If you said "Yes" to even ONE of the above questions, then I urge you to:

a. Click HERE to fill and submit this form NOW(terms apply) and AFTER that..

b.Email me your Excel workbook (replace sensitive data with dummy figures – but ones which will help make sense of formula output PLEASE) to me – via tayo at tksola dot com with the following essential information:

1. Details of what you use your workbook for – For instance data recording, analysis and report generation for business performance evaluation and/or decision making. Where possible please email along with the workbook, samples of reports you normally use the workbook’s data/output to prepare.

2. Specific tasks you carry out in the workbook, that you would like to have automated(if possible) or features/formulas you want re-built to enhance its efficient usage.

3. A clear statement of specific things you expect the demo EXE version of the workbook I send back to you WILL be able to do, that will convince YOU that I have delivered to YOUR satisfaction. This will help me know where to stop, and also guide me to match your expectations.

4. The version of MS Excel you use and with which you created the Excel Workbook you will be sending in for automation.


You can contact me if you have need for clarification on the procedure outlined on this page – or if you would prefer to have a different arrangement setup for your organisation.

For instance you could decide you want me to develop an automated workbook from scratch to eliminate some manual data management and report generation process(es) in your workplace or business. I would be glad to help. Click here to let me know.


a). It is extremely important to ensure you send in your request with responses covering the areas I have specified above(1 to 4) – else I may be unable to start work on your project.

If you do not get a reply e-mail from me, confirming that I will be starting on your project, PLEASE prepare your request again, addressing all 4 areas, then return to this site to re-send it using the Automation Request Form..

b). I strongly recommend that you watch videos of some of my real life applications (e.g these 15 user guide videos of my Poultry Farm Manager) to get a feel for what can be done for you. You could subsequently simply refer to any features in that application when making your own request for automation.

c). My experience so far in spreadsheet programming spanning over the past 2 decades (from before 2002, when I built spreadsheet apps adopted for formal reporting in Guinness – read my resume – click), convinces me that with Excel VB and the Advanced Functions available in Excel, what can be achieved in terms of automation is only limited by what the user thinks is possible.

So, I urge you not to hold back from asking for that extra functionality you would love to have in your workbook!

NEW BOOK: The World’s Future Prosperity Depends on Digital Multipreneurs™

This book is based on a White Paper first published online in January 2006. Tayo has since applied the ideas and strategies described in it to achieve the success he enjoys today as a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others – by providing solutions to buyers within and outside Africa.

As a Nigerian born and raised in Nigeria, Tayo is succeeding by functioning, FULL TIME, as a Location Independent Digital Multipreneur traveling slowly across West Africa.

The implications for the future of many Africans are positive, numerous, and multidimensional – especially as it relates to eliminating the problem of lack of jobs or so called lack of capital to startup businesses!

In this book, Tayo describes a strategy, which properly implemented, can make INDIVIDUALS in any society, achieve their truly great potentials, and then work together with like-minded others to help their respective countries prosper in ways unprecedented.

Towards the end, he includes a “True Case Study” section, featuring specific narratives about his personal experiences and achievements as a Digital Multipreneur serving various markets.

Reading and applying the ideas and strategies described in it, can yield similar results for YOU.

For policy and decision makers in private and public sectors, seeking tested ways to empower multitudes at less cost, and using less effort/money, this book’s contents offer limitless potentials – IF used correctly.

Tayo offers educational talks and coaching programs to support policy makers in making use of the ideas in this book to equip those they lead to succeed by becoming Digital Multipreneurs.

The best part is that even persons in paid employment can adopt this strategy on a part time basis as preparation for retirement, while boosting their income earning capability in the short term!

View the Front Cover…

Click to view larger version of this book's front cover

View the Back Cover…

Click to view larger version of this book's back cover

The book is now on sale at

Visit the link below to send Tayo a message about this book, and the TALK he offers:

To Achieve Web Marketing Success, You Need Persistence

The maiden issue of my first ever newsletter – called the Self-Development Digest – was published on Mon 5th Jun 2006 and it was titled Bad/Embarrassing Experiences CAN Help You Succeed!

Today makes it 8 years since that issue was published. But the newsletter has since evolved into this blog (Daily Multidisciplinary Self-Development Nuggets).

The maiden issue of my first ever newsletter – called the Self-Development Digest – was published on Mon 5th Jun 2006 and it was titled Bad/Embarrassing Experiences CAN Help You Succeed!

Today makes it 8 years since that issue was published. But the newsletter has since evolved into this blog (Daily Multidisciplinary Self-Development Nuggets).

It takes having undiluted passion to keep going, month after month, after month (as happened 8 years ago), and day after day (as happens now), doing something of this sort in a place like Nigeria.

Many who start content publishing (online or off the web) often fail to keep it going this long.

I mean here in Nigeria/Africa. Visit many Nigerian/African owned websites, and you will see what I mean.

Many times, the newsletter issue available for viewing is rarely a current one – and if there is a blog, it will often have irregular or outdated posts. I’ve seen this happen MANY times!

Why is this so?

I believe it’s due to the mental attitude of our people.

We are too focused on getting the benefits FIRST. We want the results we desire to come quickly, and if they don’t we begin to discontinue any tasks or activities we feel cost us too much time, effort or money compared to whatever benefits they bring us.

What those who quit in this manner fail to realize is that most times a little persistence, and diligent refining of our methods and strategies will lead to the results we want.

I am living proof that this is so.

My newsletter subscriber base keeps growing, and I keep getting surprised by the "increasing profiles" of those who choose to join. More and more Nigerian/African professionals, corporate executives and CEOs now subscribe to my mailing list.

In the past, I had mainly people from South Africa, America, Ghana, Cameroon, Singapore, China etc.

But that’s not all – Nigerians/Africans now get back to me – and refer my work to others. As a result, I have discovered websites and discussion forums from that part of the world referring to my websites, and seen traffic coming my way as a result.

Most importantly, people now readily make payments for different products and services I promote via my website.

It’s so great to see people willing to take such huge leaps of faith – sending money into my account, and then WAITING for 24 to 72 hours to get emails carrying my spreadsheet software, PDF user guides etc that they paid for.

Bello H,. became a subscriber to my mailing list in 2011 and paid N13,000.00 into my bank account from a bank branch in Abuja for my Feed Formulation Handbook and the Automated Ration Formulation Spreadsheet software. 24 hours later, I emailed a zipped folder containing the software and a detailed PDF user guide, with PDF invoice to him. So many other buyers from across Nigeria and some parts of Africa and North America have also followed, and it continues.

There must be something I know – that others who say it does not work DON’T!

Do you need to get word out about yourself/what you do to others?

I urge you to start your own web based newsletter – and also a blog – today.

Make sure you have a professional mailing list management software (I use a FREE one –, that is extremely powerful) to send it out to subscribers.

It costs almost nothing when compared to printing of flyers. Yet it can get you more tangible results. If you need help, click here to let me know.

Web Marketing WORKS right here in Nigeria/Africa, IF you know how!


Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Learn more here


NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

Click here to learn more

NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)


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NEW: Get 2 Real Life Poultry Layer Farm Start-up Business Plans (PLUS Customization)!

Screenshot of the 1,000 bird Poultry Layer Farm Business Plan I prepared and sent to a new client in Nigeria - click to read the article I wrote on it.

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New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Farm Management (& Performance Measurement) for Profits – No. 1 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (57 pages): Farm Business Start-up (Information, Education & Inspiration) – No. 2 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Livestock Farm Business Feed Formulation – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (58 pages): Best Practice Farm Business Marketing – No. 4 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

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Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to download

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NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

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FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

Download above PDF

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

Download above PDF

NEW: Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success

Tayo Solagbade's Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success (Verbatim Text Transcript of Introductory Video)


Click here to view a page I’m adding ALL my products previews/prices/offers to…

More Real-Life Proof that Being an Intelligent Jack of Many Trades (aka Multipreneur), Can Make You Succeed More Often

More Real-Life Proof that Being an Intelligent Jack of Many Trades™ (aka Multipreneur), Can Make You Succeed More Often

In this article, I supply authoritative/real-life references and examples to underscore the fact that intelligently acquiring multiple competencies, that enhance your ability to achieve set goal(s), can be very profitable for an individual or business. If you are keen to find additional evidence to justify adopting Multipreneuring as a strategy for more effectively pursuing any goals you have, then this article is one you MUST read!

To Every Rule In Life, There Will Always Be One (or More) Exception(s)

It is not good to be a Jack of All trades. Well, that’s probably true. But what about being an Intelligent Jack of Many Trades™? The Jack Of Many Trades™ I speak about is what Tom Gorman calls a “Multipreneur” in his book – titled "Multipreneuring: 1) Using a variety of skills and a series of careers to succeed (2) The Hottest Career Strategy For Success In The 1990s – and Beyond" (More about this book below).

Some entrepreneurs who achieved their successes many years ago, believe that the strategies they used back then will continue to work today, and in the future. Well, maybe…but maybe not! Things have changed, and keep changing constantly – a whole lot too.

Considering the rapid pace of technology/information-driven changes occurring today, a strategy that worked five years ago may – or may NOT – be so successful today.

TIP: Depending on the type of venture you embark upon as a new-idea or established start-up, you may need to come to the market place with a variety of marketable skills in order to survive. Those skills will enable you generate additional income streams that can help you maintain optimal levels of profitability during periods when business is slow for everyone due to economic fluctuations or other reasons.

My Multi-Disciplinary Approach To Entrepreneuring

Early on in my start-up days, I adopted what I called a multidisciplinary approach to entrepreneuring due to combined factors of interest and necessity. The latter arose when I found the response to my Self-Development work(Talks, Seminars, and Workshops) at the time, though positive, a bit “slow”.

So I concentrated on creating additional income-earning opportunities using other skills I had (and/or progressively acquired) such as custom spreadsheet solutions development, web design, and freelance writing. In doing this, I was however conscious of the fact that some people would suggest that I was a “Jack of all trades” kind of person. But having always been very versatile, with a natural aptitude for multi-skilling, I was quite convinced that what I had in mind could be done.

At a point, following repeated encounters with people who questioned the wisdom of this approach, I decided to find out if any other entrepreneurs had experienced a similar need to mine.

So, I read book after book on business and Entrepreneuring. I also did a search using the word “Multipreneuring” at

It was especially through the search results I obtained, that I discovered a huge world of Multipreneurs.

I learnt that some were self-employed, while others could be found in paid employment.

a). Take for instance, Ken Gaebler, who about 10 years ago started up three different companies (business incubator, holding company and venture capital). On his website( in March 2003, Ken had an article titled “Entrepreneurial Evolution” in which he explained why he became a Multipreneur by starting up three different companies at the same time.

One reason he gave that struck me as instructive was the idea that if a person’s chances of succeeding in business are one out of three, then it only makes good business sense to start three companies, so you can be sure of making a success of at least one of them. In his estimation, even though there were disadvantages to starting up a business this way, it still made plenty of sense to do it. I could not have agreed more with him!

b). On the net, I also came across Tom Gorman’s book titled "Multipreneuring:

(1) Using a variety of skills and a series of careers to succeed

(2) The Hottest Career Strategy For Success In The 1990s – and Beyond".(Last time I checked, the book retailed for about $11.00 US Dollars on Gorman – himself a Multipreneur – is described as having worked variously as corporate consultant, commercial banker, executive recruiter and writer. This gives the reader further proof that what his book advocates works.

Useful Answers Given By Three Accomplished Persons/Book Authors

a). Herman Holtz (who passed on in Feb. 2001) was widely regarded one of the world’s most successful Independent Consultants with over 3 decades of experience. He was often described as a Consultant’s Consultant. In his book "The Concise Guide To Becoming An Independent Consultant"(John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 1999), Holtz confessed that he had been personally acquainted with certain "exceptional individuals" who had adopted versatility as their answer to the consultant’sneed to specialise.

According to him, one such individual boasted up to twelve(12)! different resumes. Depending on the specific requirements for different consulting project opportunities he identified, he would simply send in the most suited resume! The best part for me : Holtz testified that NONE of the resumes used by these individuals gave false testimonies of their ability to competently perform widely differing tasks for their clients at a professional fee.

b). James Cook in his book "The Start-up Entrepreneur", apparently also appreciated the reality that frequently faces start-up entrepreneurs(though he did not use the term “Multipreneuring”), when he stated that most entrepreneurs are unlikely to find success by sticking to a single venture or line of business till they succeed. In fact he warned that the startup entrepreneur may find need to change the direction in which s/he continues often, possibly with each failure recorded, assuring however that those who persevere will inevitably succeed.

To buttress his point, Cook provided interesting historical details such as the fact that Henry Ford originally intended to make a tractor, while Edison first invented a telegraph machine (in 1962). From my internet research into the life of Thomas Edison, I can also add that he followed the telegraph machine with an Electric Vote Recorder which was a commercial failure – making him vow he would not waste time inventing things that no one wanted.

c). When Robert G. Allen wrote about "Multiple Streams of Income", he did not exactly say people had to become Multipreneurs. But he implied it – because he was challenging people to reduce the risk arising from depending on one income source(which could be disrupted at any time) by spreading their sources of income generation from one to many.

Discovering The Term "Multipreneuring"

Ironically, even though I was already functioning as one when I was starting up, I training services delivery organisation was to “educate” me about the proper term for what I was doing, as one who “wears many hats”. After listening to me talk about my multi-disciplinary approach, he asked me what one word I believed could be used to describe me based on all that I had told him.

When I had finished rambling about being an “Educator/Information Broker bringing useful Self-Development information to people of various backgrounds/needs”(I did not have an elevator speech at the time), he said “I have one name that I think describes you very well in terms of what you do, and which I want you to start using from today”. He then asked for my pen and wrote on a sheet of paper, exactly as follows: “Tayo Solagbade is a MULTIPRENEUR.” That was the first time I saw the word!

Multipreneurs In Business(Why Are More And More Companies Diversifying?)

In business, I would define a Multipreneur as an individual who intelligently combines a variety of (sometimes self-taught) marketable skills to earn income as the opportunities present themselves in the market place.

Have you noticed the trend over the years? Many well known and established businesses, have gradually begun to "add" other specialties to the menu they offer their customers.

Then there are those that have always been biased towards having multiple competencies, and are now being vindicated for being that way.

A good example of the latter is General Electric – who, as if determined to ensure critics do not dismiss it as a "coincidence" use the tagline "What GE does and makes touches everyone". THAT’s a Multipreneurial company! And they have been extremely successfully in their Jack Of Many Trades approach – which is why Jack Welch achieved the legendary status he did for providing leadership that made it work.

There was a time when SONY as a company was not considered a force to reckon with in the digital/Internet world. Most people never even "saw" a role for the company to play in that arena. Thankfully for the company, its leadership was a ‘thinking" one: they "saw" into the future, and knew that to gain greater access into people’s homes as an entertainment manufacturing company, they needed to use the cheapest and most far-reaching marketing resources available.

The Internet was unique in that it offered all the convenience, and affordability they sought to take advantage of – while it provided an excellent medium through which to launch a new breed of products that today has captured a larger audience than they could ever have imagined.

The success of Sony’s Playstation is but one example.(Then of course there was the move, before Playstation, into Laptops manufacturing with the Introduction of the VAIO series).

An Intelligent Jack Of Many Trades does NOT acquire new competencies impulsively or for the sake of it.

S/he (whether as individual or company) will define a clear vision, and will then consider what option(s) for pursuing it successfully are available. A decision about the most appropriate line(s) of action to adopt is what eventually, among other things, would necessitate developing new competencies that complement each other towards accomplishment of the ultimate goal or vision.

Everything Sony has done as a company has further strengthened it’s ability to make in-roads into people’s home as a provider of entertainment resources. By adopting new approaches that recognise changing technology and especially the Internet, Sony has been able to not only keep the interest and attention of old customers but also expanded its customer base to capture increasingly younger people – those excited by the world of computer gaming software, Internet technology, Virtual reality etc. The result has been phenomenal market place success – internationally.

Any company that wants to enjoy continued relevance, and sustainable long term success(like those I mentioned above), will need to think in multipreneurial terms daily, else s/he will become obsolete.

A close look at the trend of mergers and acquisitions, and the broadening of products and services offerings by many companies today suggest that the leadership of many businesses already appreciate the importance of thinking this way.

It is my opinion that entrepreneurs in the 21st century and beyond, will need to – intelligently – operate adaptable entrepreneurial ventures that can generate multiple sustainable income streams for themselves. Only by so doing, will they be able to effectively cope with the unpredictability of the fast-changing, technology-driven markets of their societies now and in the future. In other words, through Multipreneuring, they will be able to cushion their businesses against negative turns that might result from unexpected changes in demand for some of their key products and/or services over time.

Multipreneurs In Paid Employment

We also have people in paid employment who are Multipreneurs. Like their self-employed counterparts, they often “wear many hats”. I describe them as individuals who intelligently combine their(sometimes self-taught) skills in a variety of related fields to deliver desired results(often beyond their job requirements) to employers. The reality (do a search on the net with “Multipreneur” and see what you get) is that today’s businesses/employers need such people more and more.

Companies are trying to find and retain individuals who are versatile and able to carry on a variety of tasks efficiently. As I said in my article titled “How to make yourself UNRETRENCHABLE”, any employee who can demonstrate, repeatedly and convincingly, the ability to competently do the job of two(2) or more people will make it less likely for his company to want to let go of (talks less retrench) him/her.

In the brewery where I once worked, multi-skilling (a process where each staff was progressively trained to be able to operate every single plant/machine in a manufacturing process) was a very important part of staff training and development.

This method made it possible to optimise production output regardless of unexpected absenteeism, retirements, transfers etc. Depending on the areas of work, and the organisational skills of the duty Shift Manager, one operator/staff could be made to competently operate two or more machines during such “tight” periods.

In fact, whenever the time came for staff promotions and/or secondments to be decided, one of the key considerations was the multi-skilling ability of the individuals being considered. All other things remaining constant, an individual with the best multi-skilling matrix would get picked to lead a team in an area. It only made good sense to do this, since this person would then be competent to not only supervise operating staff, but also facilitate on-the-job training for newcomers in virtually any areas of the process s/he managed.

In a precursor to this article titled How To Be A Jack Of Many Trades™, And Why It Can Make You Succeed More Often! , I described my personal experiences as a Multipreneurial Employee in Guinness between 1995 and 2001.

I also went further to give examples of Multipreneurs in sports, politics, and entertainment – pointing out along the way, how the reader’s early schooling experiences, in many ways, has already prepared him/her to be a Multipreneur – though s/he may not know it!

In the final part of that article, I outline "Steps To Becoming An Intelligent Jack Of Many Trades™(or Multipreneur)" ending by elaborating on specific ways by which multipreneuruing can make anyone can succeed more often at work and/or in life.

Click here to read the full text of the article I referred to, and learn more about why it pays to be a Multipreneur, if you want to succeed more frequently(and for the long term), in the increasingly unpredictable and fast-changing societies of the 21st century and beyond.


Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Learn more here


NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

Click here to learn more

NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)


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NEW: Get 2 Real Life Poultry Layer Farm Start-up Business Plans (PLUS Customization)!

Screenshot of the 1,000 bird Poultry Layer Farm Business Plan I prepared and sent to a new client in Nigeria - click to read the article I wrote on it.

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New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Farm Management (& Performance Measurement) for Profits – No. 1 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (57 pages): Farm Business Start-up (Information, Education & Inspiration) – No. 2 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Livestock Farm Business Feed Formulation – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (58 pages): Best Practice Farm Business Marketing – No. 4 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

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Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to download

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NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

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FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

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FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

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NEW: Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success

Tayo Solagbade's Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success (Verbatim Text Transcript of Introductory Video)


Click here to view a page I’m adding ALL my products previews/prices/offers to…



No. 171: To Achieve Your Goals, Stop Hesitating!

“I have succeeded in whatever I have undertaken because I have willed it. I have never hesitated, which has given me an advantage over the rest of mankind.” – Napoleon 

On 2008-06-06 at 01:48:46, Ben Oshionya wrote (from Port Harcourt) via my website request form:

“I am excited by this website. You seem to be doing a lot of good to farmers, Tayo. Keep it up. I ran into this website during my search for feed formulation information. Hope I have come to the right place.”

Since 2006, when I launched my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas website –!) – I’ve had countless farm business owners, support experts and enthusiasts, contact (and/or buy from) me.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 8th December 2014


Title: To Achieve Your Goals, Stop Hesitating!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS newsletter is published online on the “reincarnated” version of my Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog. I continue to put finishing touches to the content. If you encounter ANY bad/dead links, and you can spare the time, email them to me via tayo at tksola dot com. Thanks in advance :-)

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 171: To Achieve Your Goals, Stop Hesitating!

“I have succeeded in whatever I have undertaken because I have willed it. I have never hesitated, which has given me an advantage over the rest of mankind.” – Napoleon

On 2008-06-06 at 01:48:46, Ben Oshionya wrote (from Port Harcourt) via my website request form:

“I am excited by this website. You seem to be doing a lot of good to farmers, Tayo. Keep it up. I ran into this website during my search for feed formulation information. Hope I have come to the right place.”

Since 2006, when I launched my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas website –!) – I’ve had countless farm business owners, support experts and enthusiasts, contact (and/or buy from) me.

The day Ben sent his message, I was in a manufacturing client’s office in June 2008, training the accounts officer to use the Manufacturing Business Manager app, I’d just finished building.

But I did not own a Blackberry at the time, and so did not see the message immediately. Instead it was when he called me on my mobile line to ask a few questions about my Feed Formulation Handbook and software bundle offer, that he told me he’d sent a web form enquiry.

Our conversation proved to be quite interesting, especially when he asked me for details of a bank account he could make payment to. He’d complained that the bank I’d stated payment details for in the auto response he got to his enquiry did NOT have a branch close to his farm’s location – which was far away from the city. So, he wanted to know if I had an account with any of the other more popular/well established ones.

At the time, I had not yet setup the kind of elaborate system I now have, that enables me receive payments from both within and outside Nigeria/Africa. For I did not have my other account details on me at the time. Back then the online banking system was not in place.

When I was not forthcoming in my responses, he said:

“Tayo, I don’t understand you. The products you offer are such that will definitely attract the serious interest of many farm owners. How can you not make proper arrangements to ensure they will have no difficulties sending you payment? Unless you’re telling me you do not wish to get paid, the way you’re operating makes no sense. Please let me know how I can send you money to buy the products in your email response. There are so many banks in Nigeria today, with branches that I can reach more easily than the one for the bank you use!”

That proved to be a wake up call for me.

You see, up till that point, I’d not had anyone complain about the SINGLE payment option I’d provided on my website. Ben’s feedback made me sit down and THINK carefully about how to make it EASIER for intending buyers to send me payment.

It occurred to me that if he’d not been someone with conviction, my inability to offer him an immediate alternative could have made him develop doubts or second thoughts about buying.

And that could have led to a last minute loss of that sale. Luckily for me, Ben was a true entrepreneur, in terms of his mental attitude. He knew what he wanted and had convinced himself I could provide it. That sale went through, and since then I’ve made many others – via a variety of channels, both on and off the web.

Between June 6th when Ben made that call and June 21st when he called me from Port Harcourt to confirm the package* had just been handed to him, we had exchanged many phone calls and text messages as we explored options to get him the product.

*Note: The package he got comprised a physical copy of the Feed formulation handbook + Autorun CDROM containing the Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator software, as well as Acrobat PDF copies of the handbook + manual and 5 others. You can get details HERE!.

My experiences over the years have taught me that people considering making a purchase will often be in a phase where they are trying to be sure they do not throw their money away.

That insight has guided me over the years to offer as much information as possible to help them overcome that mental barrier. Judging from the growing range of places I now have buyers/users of my various products in and out of Africa, I believe I’ve succeeded in addressing that challenge to a great extent.

However, despite one’s best efforts, what I have come to realize is that some people will still struggle to take that final step to buy. It’s not peculiar to me. It’s something that happens in all societies. Having said that, the truth remains that sending payment to me, as a Nigerian poses its own unique challenges for most prospective international buyers who discover the solutions I offer.

I have stated in past articles that about 80% of this blog’s traffic comes from outside Nigeria/Africa – and over 90% of my Excel Heaven Spreadsheet Automation Facebook page fans from from Asia, America, and Europe. Very few of them are black or African!

The power of my Web Marketing System is such that it makes many from developed socieites reach out to me to find out how my my Excel-VB driven Poultry Farm Manager software costs, using my website contact form, without realizing I am NOT based in the same part of the world as they are.

Many times I get enquiries from people who contact me only to express surprise (sometimes shock) when my response indicates where I am based.

In one recent instance, a Farm CEO based in the USA, sent me a phone number on which I could call to speak with him, after I replied that I needed to ask him a few due diligence questions before responding to his enquiry about price.

When he picked the call, I started by telling him I was a Nigerian based in Cotonou, but that I periodically visit Nigeria. His surprised response was “Nigeria?!” – and I said YES.

I went on to ask him all the questions I had, and then asked if he wished to ask me any. He replied that he had none, and that he would expect my email response to his enquiry about the product’s price etc. I sent him that response within 24 hours of the call. That was about 2 weeks ago.

I’ve gotten no response from him since then. I cannot be sure why. It could be due to his NOT being sure about the risk…or it the price is outside his budget.

What I have done, however, is to ensure I am NEVER found wanting as regards delivering what I promise.

So, for those who have had the courage to take that crucial leap of faith, I’ve gone out of my way to ensure I over deliver. Indeed, I plan to send EVERY single one of my 2014 buyers a special end of year gift offer, as my way of thanking them. And that email offer will also announce a new price regime from my product and services.

That special End of Year offer will be dispatched to ALL subscribers to my mailing list on Friday 12th December 2015. Watch out for it!

IMPORTANT NOTE: ANYONE who already got a formal offer from me for ANY of my products/services will NOT be eligible to take up this offer. Also, every one of such offers WILL expire by 31st December 2014.)

Final Words: Those who achieve their dreams are often those who rarely hesitate, and who take the greatest risks!

One thing I like about the business owners I mentioned, like Ben, is that IN SPITE of the risks (what with the news we hear daily of people our here who ask you to pay into their account, and never get back to you!), they still went ahead to contact, and send me payment, to get the product(s) they wanted.

In life, those who get what they want – and therefore succeed – are often those who are willing to take a risk …people who do NOT HESITATE (like Napoleon said in his quote below).

“I have succeeded in whatever I have undertaken because I have willed it. I have never hesitated, which has given me an advantage over the rest of mankind.” – Napoleon

I also happen to be like that. Many close to me have accused me of being too willing to trust people – sending payments to purchase products/services I decide I want. Sometimes I’ve ended up being duped. Most times however, I’ve ended up better off. In all cases, the experiences have served to make me smarter for the future!

That’s why today, I am achieving successes on and off the web, that VERY few people from my part of the world, are known for.

As 2015 approaches, I continue with the same attitude, and I KNOW it’s going to take me to even greater places for MANY more years to come.

If you want to make the most of yourself, take it from me: You NEED to adopt a similar attitude!

Learn about Burt Dubin’s speaker mentoring products (books, audios etc) below…

If you need help purchasing ANY of Burt’s products (like “Presentation Magic”), call me on +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic, my base) or +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)  or email

Have a great week :-))



“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”

In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.

Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt's Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts
(PDF…Click!) - Invite me to here!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to

Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organisations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting,

freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organisations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods

and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, and then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy Limited.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes his Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS

newsletter(which he uses to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus


Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

Showmanship Strategems

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Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

more information

Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

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With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information


Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read


NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)


Download above PDF


NEW: Get 2 Real Life Poultry Layer Farm Start-up Business Plans (PLUS Customization)!

Screenshot of the 1,000 bird Poultry Layer Farm Business Plan I prepared and sent to a new client in Nigeria - click to read the article I wrote on it.

Download above PDF


New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Farm Management (& Performance Measurement) for Profits – No. 1 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


New Ebook (57 pages): Farm Business Start-up (Information, Education & Inspiration) – No. 2 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Livestock Farm Business Feed Formulation – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


New Ebook (58 pages): Best Practice Farm Business Marketing – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

Download above PDF

Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

Download above PDF



Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Learn more here


NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

Click here to learn more

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

Download above PDF

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

Download above PDF

NEW: Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success

Tayo Solagbade's Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success (Verbatim Text Transcript of Introductory Video)


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:


Self-Development/Parenting [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging/Entrepreneurship [Saturday]:

Writing/Blogging/Entrepreneurship [Sunday]:

Want me to write for you? Click here to send me a message


[Hope for Nikel] Let’s help Nikel Lakise (Patrick Meninga’s Friend) to Beat Leukemia

Most regular readers know that Patrick Meninga is the popular US based blogging expert whose blogging strategy I adapted (in 2012) to make this blog succeed: and we’ve since become friends. Yesterday, Patrick emailed me this link (, about a care-giver colleague he says he’s worked with for 5 years:

It’s about Nikel Lakise’s story of battling with Leukemia. As soon as I read it, I decided to share it, as one of several ways I plan to play my part in helping her get the help she needs.

The linked page describes several different ways by which anyone can help Nikel – even YOU!

Click here to learn more. Let’s join hands to build a team of Hope for Nikel to beat Leukemia!

Why You Need to Mix Things Up Periodically – Even in Business (Hint: There Are Many Ways to Get Results You Want)

Even though you use the web for marketing, it PAYS to periodically connect with “humans” offline e.g. via phone and face to face. BUT not with intent to sell. Doing so once got me invited – in May 2012 – as Guest Speaker at Yaba College of Technology’s Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture in Lagos.

Quite often, you’ll be better off connecting offline with people to boost your name recognition, and credibility as an authority at what you do.

I do this all the time, and every now and then, and it wins me the expected results. Sometimes it ends up winning me income earning opportunities even though I did not start out with that in mind.

The above is why I recommend mixing it up every once in a while. Don’t just stick with one way of doing things. Change things up after a while, and you may be pleasantly surprised by what happens.

Note however that you must truly go out with an honest intent to serve or help others. Really make up your mind that you WILL give of yourself without being bothered about whether or not those you give to, choose to reward you in any way.

I do not know what you do. But I offer an example of what I do, below, so you can use it as a basis of deciding how to go about doing it for yourself.

Yesterday, while waiting to meet with an old client who hired me to setup a blog on his website, with articles I’ve ghostwritten for him, I flipped through the pages of a popular newspaper, and came across a interesting column on using Email Signatures.

The author was a young lady, and she did a great job of it.

After reading it I checked the contact details she provided and noticed her office address was just a walking distance from my client’s office, in the Allen avenue area of Ikeja, in Lagos-Nigeria.

When I left my client’s office, just before making my way to Guaranty Trust bank, I stopped over at the address, and used the lift to reach the 4th floor she’d supplied.

However, it turned out that she was not around – the attendant at the serviced offices firm told me to try calling her on phone.

This morning, around 10:30a.m, I called and spoke with her on her mobile line. Our conversation went well, and she expressed an interest in getting to know more about me, and the ideas I proposed, which she found interesting.

I promised to send her URLs to a few resources, in an email later on.

Below are excerpts from that email, which I have now dispatched to the email address displayed on her column. I share them here to help any persons interested in adopting this strategy for their own purpose. If you need help getting started, click here to let me know..

Hi <name removed>,

It was great speaking with you earlier today.

Like I told you when I called, I believe VERY MANY business owners in our part of the world are shortchanging themselves in the way they use their online presence.

By this I mean NOT just their websites, but the other web based resources they periodically make use of in a bid to promote the products and services they offer.

Your write-up in the <newspaper name> in which you shared tips for using an Email Signature told me you possessed insights that indicated you would appreciate the bigger picture of web marketing that I paint for clients I work with.

As I said, I am NOT trying to sell anything.

Instead, my purpose for reaching out to you (and others I’ve connected with in the past) is to point out other complementary tools, techniques and strategies that can be used in an integrated self-sustaining manner to generate a continuous stream of quality pre qualified prospects/leads, that one can convert to buyers/sales.

To address your request for details about me, I’ve included links below to some of the generic resources I use in my work…

1. Below is a link to an article on my blog that offers prospects insights into what I mean by a Web Marketing System (WMS):

2. Click the link below to view a 2 page PDF that uses a mind map to provide an overview of who I am, and what I do – with links to related resources including a resume that describes my background from a past life over a decade ago, in paid employment.

3. Here’s a link to a PDF speaker-one-sheet for a talk I’ve recently begun offering, following my observation that so many CEOs still do NOT get it:

Click to download - PDF Speaker One Sheet for Tayo Solagbade's ONE HOUR TALK titled 'Spend Less Money & Time to Make Customers Find & Contact You, Even While You Sleep!'

The contents of the PDF highlight additional ways I advocate more business marketing decision makers THINK, and ACT if they want to reduce their Cost Of Sales/Cost of Customer Acquisition (COCA) – which is a useful way to BOOST PROFITS without needing to raise prices of one’s products/services.

Okay, , that’s all I have…just my humble suggestions of possible perspectives you can adopt in informing and educating your readers to make more successful use of the web for their businesses.

As I noted when we spoke, I’m hoping you’ll find something useful in the materials relating to web marketing that I’ve referred you to, that may help you better articulate other ideas you decide to share with your column’s readers.

The results I get from using this approach, at zero cost, convince me many African business owners are denying themselves TOO MANY zero cost opportunities to make the most profitable use of the Internet access and websites they PAY good money for.

If you have any queries or need clarifications, let me know.

With kindest regards,



a. By the way, I should add that I came up with most of my own ideas/concepts from YEARS of trial and error trying to apply what I learnt from studying some of the top web marketing minds in the world.

What I now call a Web Marketing System is the condensed version of what I found worked for me, as a business owner in Africa’s peculiar market, dealing with Africa’s peculiar buyers (whose web based buying behavour is VERY different from that of counterparts in developed markets/economies.)

To achieve the above, I had to become comfortable with BREAKING the rules and coming up with my own ways of getting the results I wanted. It is, for instance, why my signature is often VERY long (I have several signatures, for different target audiences).

I mention the above because of the tip you gave in your write-up, about the length of an email signature. The one I’ve used here is the generic version that goes out with ALL my website contact forms’ auto response messages.

b. Once again, I must emphasize that there are no strings attached to this offer of mine. I’m NOT trying to sell anything to you. You do NOT even need to mention me. What I hope to see is MORE information and education being given out to readers from informed columns like yours, so that more African businesses can get better results using PC and Internet technology.


What’s The Future Of Spreadsheet Automation?!

I build custom Excel-VB driven software used by a growing number of individuals and businesses within and outside Africa.

Over the past decade in particular, I have successfully tailored the solutions I offer to SUIT the local environment we have, in my part of the world (Africa). And I did it in a way that appeals to many results-focussed business users who are enthusiastic about using Information Technology to IMPROVE the way they work.

It is therefore only natural that such existing clients – and the prospective ones I approach – should wonder about the continuing relevance of the platform I use for developing and maintaining the solutions I provide them.

This matter has become even more important since the first version of Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO)/Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA). The first version has since been improved upon – and continues to get better.

Discussions have raged among active members of the VBA community about how this new resource from Microsoft affects Visual Basic for applications (VBA) and its usefulness to end users.

Here’s my take on the whole matter…

For those who believe the "entry" of VSTO/VSTA" marked the end of VB for Excel, here’s some advice: Don’t count on it.

The debates have continued even as Microsoft continues to roll out newer/richer featured versions of the new platform.

One TRUTH that remains clear to all objective "viewers" is that except it wishes to commit financial suicide, Microsoft will continue to ensure VB for Excel functionality in newer versions of MS Excel it releases.

I can attest to this being true because the Hotel, Restaurant & Bar Manager software I built for a client was developed to run on MS Excel 2007 and higher versions. All I did was to ensure its backward compatibility with lower versions down to MS excel 2000.

The fact remains that many small businesses and departments in large corporations will continue to NEED the kinds of quick/easily developed and deployed solutions that VB for Excel allows.

Of course, with VSTA getting better, more use is likely to be made of it, but I believe it remains critical that POWER still be left in the hands of end users as has been the case with VBA if maximum user benefits are to be derived.

I say this because it is highly inconceivable that corporate IT departments will EVER have time to cater for different departments’ needs – in terms of developing rapid custom software solutions – on the scale that VB for Excel solutions allow.

I first wrote the original article on which this piece is based, back in April 2008 i.e. six years ago.

To arrive at the conclusions I stated in this piece, I tapped into my own experience based insights, and also reviewed discussion threads involving some prominent members of the VBA community.

They included professionals who have built custom Excel-VB driven software used by some of the world’s largest corporations, including Microsoft itself!

Today, in 2014, everything I said remains VERY relevant.

If you’d like to know more, I recommend you Google "Is VSTO/VSTA intended to replace VBA?"


The Secret to a Worry-FREE Life: Never Let Your Problem Give Birth to Babies

“Either do wrong or feel guilty but don’t do both. It’s too much work.” – Anonymous

A number of factors can cause a person to worry. Examples include financial difficulties, problems in the family or workplace etc. Sometimes we become so worried or pre-occupied by certain things that we inadvertently let them affect our behaviour or performance elsewhere.

This is not only avoidable, but also often potentially harmful if not quickly checked. Let me illustrate with the following analogy.

Let’s say Mr. A has financial problems, which have caused – among other things – a strained relationship between him and his wife at home (not an uncommon occurrence!).

Let’s assume his wife is a full time housewife, and as such does not currently contribute income towards the upkeep of the family.

When things fail to improve over time, Mr. A begins to worry about how he will cater for the family. So, he goes to work with this problem weighing so heavily on his mind that the "quality" of his workplace performance drops noticeably. His boss (Ms B) who had been proposing to senior management that Mr. A be considered for a promotion tries repeatedly to get him to improve, but to no avail.

When eventually Senior Management signals approval of Ms B’s proposal regarding Mr. A, she is no longer so sure he will be able to deliver in his present state of mind. His performance has not improved, and she is worried that it might do him more harm than good to get promoted to a higher, more demanding position at this time.

In summary, Mr. A ends up losing a long awaited opportunity for significant career advancement.

This happens because he allowed the discouraging developments in one aspect of his life to spill over, and negatively impact on another TOTALLY DIFFERENT aspect.

What makes this more tragic is the fact that Mr. A failed to realise that sustaing his good workplace performance could have led to a promotion
or salary increase etc that would possibly have helped with his financial problems!

And even if it did not help his finances, he would at least have still been rated highly by his boss and senior colleagues.

Don’t Let Your Problem Give Birth To Babies!

Please note my emphasis on the singular: Problem …NOT Problems.

"Keep EACH and EVERY problem you have in its place. Don’t let it sneak out through the back door and jump into other areas of your life. Make sure it always has to ask for your permission to do so. And like you would do with your child when trying to stop him/her doing something wrong, be ready to ALWAYS
tell it NO, when it asks. Problems can be very naughty, and without staying alert to this reality about them, just ONE of them could literally mess up your day, week or entire life!
" – Tayo K. Solagbade

The way I drive home this point during my talks is this:

Why should you let the fact that you had an unpleasant experience at home turn you into a "grouch" or incompetent person at work? What is the point of starting off with ONE problem (whether gigantic, big, small, tiny or even microscopic) in your home, and letting that negatively affect your ability to do your job and relate with people you meet when you leave home?

Why let it spill over to other areas of your life that could otherwise go on normally if you made conscious effort to control yourself? Doing that does not help you in anyway. If anything, you actually worsen your predicament because your problem, eventually multiplies itself (i.e. gives birth to – what can be VERY – fast-growing "babies"!) so that you upset other people, or do other things wrong, and get yourself even more worried!

Jim Rohn once said, “Wherever you are, be there”.

Jim Rohn’s “Wherever you are, be there” to me, means leave that domestic problem at home, and face your job at work squarely or be yourself wherever else you go soon as you leave home.

Do your job and relate with others as well as you would have – or even better than – if you did not have a problem at home. (This requires a lot of mental discipline and effort, but you will find it is well worth it).

When you get back home, you can thencontinue trying to resolve the home front problem. That way, you will be able to lead a normal life in all other areas of your life and eventually, that could even help you focus better to sort out the problem on the home front – and vice versa.

Fail to do this, and your problem will assume multiple dimensions since you will allow it spill over to, and negatively affect other aspects of your life.

If someone upsets you before you leave work, quickly put aside your feelings of hurt, anger etc once you leave there, and ensure you’re FULLY yourself again by the time you get home.

What If Someone Runs Into Your Car? (Based On A True Story)

If your car gets run into on your way to work, or to give a lecture or attend a meeting etc, ensure you get a grip on yourself BEFORE you arrive at the venue. Going there with a scowl or frown on your face will not be a new or unusual achievement.

Instead, arrive there smiling and looking at ease with yourself. Only mention what happened maybe at the end – probably if someone sees the car and asks.

Or maybe someone asks why you were late. By the time you narrate whatever transpired as a result of the accident, you are likely
to gain the respect of your listeners, because they will marvel at your apparent ability to put such an experience aside and still give a good showing at the event!

And just in case you’re wondering about the "car accident" example, I’ll have you know that this happened to me during my last few weeks as an employee in Guinness Benin Brewery back in late 2001.

What follows is a narrative of the experience as I told it in my management research paper on Self-Development titled "Self-Development As A Tool For Achieving Career Advancement(A Practical Guide Based On Experience)" which you can request a copy of via

“Let me tell a short story to illustrate the point I want to make here. I bought my first car only about 4 months
ago, and yet in the last 3 months since I began driving it between Lagos and Benin City, I have had quite a number of major car problems. There was the case of a burnt alternatorcut-out (resulting in a battery rundown around Ore in Ondo state), which combined with major engine valves failure, to cause me and my wife and two sons to arrive Benin City after

Then there was a
master clutch failure on Benin-Sapele highway which took over 7 hours to resolve (by now you must know the car is “Tokunbo”
i.e. “imported second hand”!), and a serious accident in which someone ran into me from behind and almost drove the trunk of my car into its back seat.

The last one took
us two weeks to get the car back in shape. By that time, Nkechi (my wife) had become quite familiar with panel beating
and spray painting, having developed a rapport with the workers from staying with them while I was away at work.

In each case, after coming to terms with the reality of the problem, we simply settled down and got involved with the mechanic, panel beater,
painter etc who were engaged to carry out the repair work on the car. I would help hold the spanner, wrench, torchlight etc – and keep asking them questions about why they were doing what they were doing etc.

My logic
was this:

If I was going to be stuck there from 1.00pm till 10.30 p.m. (as happened with the Ore incident) watching these guys take my engine apart and put it back again, I could as well come away from it with some new knowledge and skills that would prove useful tomorrow, to me – or someone else. After all, it’s not everyday you get to "enjoy" the luxury of having you car engine stripped down for you to see the insides!”

That was the story.

Now, about 10 minutes
after seeing the bashed-in "behind" of my Toyota Carina, I was back to my usual self – cracking jokes and making fun of the guy who had run into me – telling him how I symapthised
with him (his car was a write-off)! I later overheard one of my wife’s friends (who had stopped by upon seeing us) say to her: "And your husband can still laugh?!".

Of course I could laugh. Fela Anikulapo Kuti, the late Afro beat Music legend, once sang(in his usual pidgin english):

"Why I dey laugh? I no fit cry"(translated "Why am I laughing? I cannot cry!").

Yes, why not laugh
it off? It’s happened already, so you might as well review the damage done and decide on the next line of action. There’s nothing to be gained by dwelling on time-wasting arguments or worrying about how it could have been avoided etc

: To avoid worrying, control your thoughts!

Some of us have a natural tendency to worry about what "people" say (or will say) about us. For instance someone we know (or think?) dislikes us suddenly makes friends with one of OUR own "friends". We immediately begin to worry that s/he might "poison" our friend’s mind against us. I’m sure you know what I mean.

In the corporate world for instance, there is what Robert Kiyosaki called "vicious
backstabbing" that perpetually goes on between and amongst managers, executives etc. The fact however remains that you can
NEVER know who is going to do that to you next – or when (except you’re psychic!). As such you won’t be helping yourself in
any way by worrying about it.

What you CAN do is to keep doing what you do as well as you can, and it will only be a matter of time before you’re vindicated through your work.

By then, your detractors would have been identified and known for what they are. On the other hand, sometimes things are not always as they seem and your fears may actually be unfounded. Maybe what you think is happening is not actually so! My advice is: Control your thoughts, and steer them away from the negatives that will cause you to worry.

A healthy level of self-esteem will enable
you permanently eliminate the influence of what others say or do on you – whether it be good or bad. Back to top

more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation
is merely what others think you are"
– Dale Carnegie

FINAL WORDS: Your personal situation may differ from those under which these ideas have so far been applied.

As a result, it is impossible to guarantee you will get the same results I have every time. Nevertheless, I would say that EVERY SINGLE THING I have said in this article is based on what I have done VERY successfully from my days as a process manager in a challenging fast-paced manufacturing workplace (before then I was a "WCW" i.e. World Class Worrier!), right up till this moment in my own life. It works, and I continue – today 3rd December 2014 – reaping great benefits from having applied this same philosophy since becoming an entrepreneur. I repeat: IT WORKS, so USE IT!

PS: This article is based on excerpts from Tayo Solagbade’s 113 page paper back(physical) Self-Development Bible titled: "Ten Ways You Can Use Self-Development To Create The Future You Want"

It is available for purchase from (e-book and in print).

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