An Eye Cannot See Itself (Hint: Are men by their nature promiscuous?)

“An eye cannot see itself. That’s why it’s best to look in the mirror often!” – Tayo K. Solagbade

I always try to look in the “mirror” – literally and figuratively speaking – as often as possible.

By this I mean FREQUENTLY doing a hard and honest self-evaluation.

It helps me identify areas I need to “make a change” for the better (to paraphrase Michael Jackson, from his “Man in the mirror” lyrics).

Sometimes life’s storms (or pleasures!) cause us to forget why we are here. If you’ve discovered your Magnificent Obsession, you’ll understand what I mean. If you’re yet to do that (i.e discover your magnificent obsession), read this article for ideas you can use.

In your freelance writing – or any other vocation you’re engaged in – it’s important you stay true to your purpose, and core values. The things you hold important, and which define you.

People who succeed in life are often those who stay true to themselves.

They typically refuse to betray their consciences in order to gratify selfish desires. They never let themselves forget why they do what they do. And they always strive to put their best efforts into every endeavour they are privileged to partake in.

Simply put, they want to be (as Zig Ziglar put it) “meaningful specifics”, and to make useful impact.

Nothing, in my opinion, beats standing for something worthwhile in life.

It’s about having HONOUR!

But sadly, in today’s world, honour seems to mean increasingly little to most people. The desire for easy advancement has seduced people into forgetting that integrity is worth preserving.

That’s why we keep hearing disappointing news about people we thought were great achievers. They are getting found out for being frauds.

People we have previously celebrated for achieving legendary sporting feats are being asked to return the medals given them. They’re being stripped of titles awarded them. Not because they did something wrong elsewhere, but because it was discovered that they “cheated” to win the medals!

Some even denied for years – boldly too! – till undeniable proof finally emerged.

But Why Do People Feel a Need to Cut Corners So Much?

I’ve written about this in the past. I’m writing about it again, because the trend persists…even grows!

At work, in school, and even in personal relationships. More people seem to  find it hard to stay true to themselves. And to those that place trust in them. From bosses, to clients, friends, and spouses!

So many seem so keen to engage in naughty, soon as they think no one will find out!

And it seems not to matter that they’ve heard about another person getting caught. Indeed sometimes, like Edentu Oroso, a friend, noted, that “sweet taboo” is what really drives some into naughty acts!

In other words, they get a psychological high from being able to do it without getting caught!

What About those Who Cut Corners In Marriage?

The environment in the home, shapes behaviours and habits members develop.

Building homes is therefore key to raising people who value honour and integrity.

If a father and mother lie habitually, their kids may likely grow up seeing lying as normal.

And when it comes to infidelity, the same rule applies!

Lots of people know this. Yet it continues to happen. Sometimes to the most unlikely people too e.g. smart, intelligent, (supposedly) God-fearing!

Edentu Oroso recently started an online discussion on this. And it provoked interesting contributions. He asked “Are men by their nature promiscuous? Why do men cheat on their wives or girl friends?”

At a point, I decide to jump in and offer my opinions. As usual, I ended up writing one of my LONG epistles!

I recently decided to “archive” my ideas on issues to help resolve problems in society in PDF format. My maiden PDF (No. 1.0) was titled Generate Ideas to Solve YOUR Country’s Problems (Hint: Time for a female president in Nigeria?).

The thoughts I expressed on how to prevent marital infidelity, will soon be in PDF format. Once it’s ready, I’ll link to it HERE, and also send to my mailing list.

The Right Mental Attitude Can Help Spouses Stay Faithful!

In the PDF, I advocate a mental attitude for adoption. 14 years of successfully using it (despite storms!) in MY marriage, convince me spouses who do so will effortlessly remain faithful to one another.

Psychologically healthier home environments will result. And they will turn out their kids as “better” human beings into society!

Final Words: Look In the Mirror, and Change Your Ways Where Necessary!

Form the habit of looking in the “mirror” of your life DAILY.

Whenever you do, carefully ask yourself what you see.

A cheating husband or wife? A phony friend, or dishonest business partner?  An exploitative client?

Or do you see an uncommitted freelance writing service provider…who rarely meets agreed deadlines?!

If what you see in the “mirror” is GOOD, then keep doing what you’re doing.

But if it’s not, then – as Michael Jackson sang…MAKE THAT CHANGE…today!

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