On page 36 of the Daily Sun (Nigerian Tabloid) of Tuesday June 21, 2005, a report was published titled “Our System can’t produce millionaire writers”. It was written by Amaka Adetula based on an interview with Nduka Otiono – a Poet and Secretary of Association of Nigerian Writers (ANA).
[NB: This write-up is based on an original piece written/published online on spontaneousdevelopment.com (in 2005)]
Nduka’s commentary on the state of writing in Nigeria was indeed illuminating.
He explained that :
1. “Remuneration is very discouraging”. This is due mainly to a bad reading culture amongst the people. It is further compounded by socioeconomic constraints such as poverty, which, for instance, forces many people to live together, whereby a person who wishes to keep the lights on at night to read would encounter difficulties with room mates wanting to get some sleep.
2. “Publishing in Nigeria is almost comatose”. In a bid to perpetuate their passion, many Nigerian writers are settling for self-publishing using traditional printing techniques i.e. the writers do their own editing and publishing without engaging professional establishments. It was especially intriguing to read his added comment that “At times the ones published by the authors are of even better (quality) than those published by publishing houses”!
3. “Some of the publishers do not want to invest their money on creative writers, rather they want to publish textbooks and school texts.” This may not be unconnected with the publishers’ desire to ensure continuous patronage for their publications, since educational institutions will always need to purchase textbooks.
4. “Sometimes when you read reviews, you will not find the book anywhere to buy” i.e. Books quickly go out of print or are unavailable in adequate numbers often due to lack of funds to produce as many copies as necessary.
The good news is that a viable, practical, and affordable alternative option exists for African writers to profitably pursue their passion. I have written this article to reveal to practicing/aspiring(and potential) writers, as well as their associates, HOW today’s Computer and Internet Technology have made it unbelievably easy for them to become and/or remain writers who earn a good living from their published works.
What I describe here are based on my personal experiences acquired from using the solution I advocate – so you can be sure it works. I provide detailed evidence to support my claims – including relevant web URLs – as the article progresses.
Let me start by explaining HOW the solution(which ironically, has been available for over five[5] years) FULLY addresses all the problems identified by Nduka Otiono: Regarding Nduka’s
Point 1: The solution enables ANY African writer become a real-life self-published author who earns income in foreign currency. S/he would maintain an internet bookstore from where physical (and “Electronic” if the author so desires) book(s) can be purchased and shipped to paying customers worldwide.
In addition, each writer will have special access to purchase his/her own book from the online store at huge discounts, so s/he can distribute physical copies within his/her local environment. The author would be able to do all this without having to incur ANY publishing costs(i.e. FREE). Recall I have stated that the above is not based on conjecture. I am living proof that it works – details provided below.
Regarding Nduka’s Points 2 – 4: The solution ensures that EVERY single copy of a writer’s book(regardless of the writer’s status or pedigree) is of impeccable international quality. And the writer even gets to choose book sizes, and binding formats etc – which are automatically effected online, real-time.
Most importantly, the solution ensures that :
(i). Your book NEVER goes out of print;
(ii). You can always revise and edit your manuscript anytime, and instantly have ALL your changes reflected in the very next copy of your book that is purchased;
(iii). Anyone, from housewife, to school leavers, unemployed graduates, retirees – even cybercafé 419 e-mail scam artists aka “Yahuu! Boys”! – can use it.
In fact, I believe it could make many “Yahuu! Boys” adopt writing careers, which would redeem Nigeria’s image “as per” Internet Scams!
(iv). Anyone who wants to use it only needs to acquire some new knowledge and skills. And they can do this at ZERO cost if they are willing to do the learning themselves!
The solution I advocate in this article for adoption by African Writers is what I call “Self-Publishing Using Internet Based Print On Demand(POD) Companies”.
I must emphasise here that what I propose is very different from Self-Publishing done using traditional print publishing techniques. In the USA for instance there are people who Self-Publish using Non-Internet Based POD Companies – which is more expensive than the Internet based Version, and often cannot be accessed FREE.
My research into this subject over the past three years, reveals that a typical self-published book by a non-Internet Based POD company usually requires initial capital expenditure to cover editing, cover design, typesetting, distribution, print costs, publicity costs etc.
See http://www.authorspublishing.com for details of typical fees required by a non-Internet Based POD Service Provider in the USA.
I believe the Self-Publishing which Nduka Otiono says Nigerian writers do, falls into the “Non-Internet” category. But it is not POD – else he would not complain of the problems he mentioned.
Some of the writers who use Nduka’s method, may struggle to go beyond typing/editing their own manuscripts. There will likely also be many who lack the know-how to do typesetting, or the skills to design their own book covers, to meet professional standards among other things.
NB: I designed my book’s front and back covers in Adobe Photoshop, simply by following instructions provided on my POD publisher’s website.
Even if you engaged individuals/freelancers to handle the different aspects of your book publishing project, it would still cost you a decent amount of money(that you could well do other things with) using traditional self-publishing methods.
That’s why I advocate becoming a self-taught POD Self-Publishing Writer.
No one taught me how to do any of the things I did to get my book published. By using the online resources provided by the Internet Based POD Service Provider I discovered, I have learnt so much about book layout, pagination, sizes etc.
All I had to do was dedicate some time and effort to reading about and learning to use the various software/resources, over a period of time. It was not easy, but then anything worthwhile and long lasting never is.
Let me elaborate a bit. For every purchase of my Self-Development Bible print manual in one of my online stores (I have two stores located at http://www.lulu.com/sdaproducts andhttp://www.cafepress.com/sdaproducts) , I get at least $4.24 USD.
Yet, after converting my one-hour talk, delivered across many organizations in 2002, into a 113 page self-help manual in MS Word, I had to go through a turbulent, frequently disrupted, learning phase covering nearly three years, before finally being able to – in May 2005 – set up the online store where it is now on sale.
I have since held in my hands two(2) physical copies of my 113 page glossy front/back cover self-help manual (titled “Ten Ways You Can Use Self-Development To Create The Future You Want”).
They were delivered to me from the USA on Saturday 22nd October 2005 – courtesy of a family friend based in the USA who used his credit card to purchase them from my online store – and brought them with him to Nigeria.
It cost him $35.00(including shipping/handling). I sent one copy off to a friend in Ghana. I would be glad to meet with/show you the second copy still with me.
After giving the matter of writers remuneration a lot of thought, I have come to one conclusion.
And it is that an increased focus of African writers towards writing about African History/Folk Tales, Biographies, Culture and Tradition, Tourism etc for audiences in developed societies can guarantee individual writers access to good/lasting remuneration(royalties) in foreign currency.
This would ultimately benefit the individual writers’ countries. I therefore recommend that writer(s) who adopt this solution write MORE on areas/subjects relevant those I have mentioned, so as to ensure the greatest chances of “remuneration” success.
Taking it further, established authors can earn additional income – this time without paying huge amounts to publishers, while at the same time gaining access to an international buying audience.
Once this happens, foreign educational institutions, libraries and other organizations interested in African literature/studies in search of such text would readily place orders online.
I believe the point I’m making here is clear.
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write. They will be those who cannot learn, un-learn and re-learn” – Alain Tofle
To get maximum benefits from using Self-Publishing via Internet Based POD companies, especially for the long term, every writer that chooses to adopt it, MUST commit to acquiring the skills needed to do most, if not all of it him/herself – so as to avoid spending as much as possible.
This is important because, in any business endeavour (by an individual or organization), the less of your revenue you spend, the more income you will be able to retain as profits.
In my case, I designed my book’s front and back covers, did the manuscript typing/editing/ typesetting, and also set up the online store.
I also built (and will continue to build) ALL my own websites, each of which I make sure, announces the fact that I have a book on sale and provides links to the online store etc. So you see, I did not have to part with ANY money(other than that to pay for website hosting, and to purchase copies of the printed book). All I did was spend some extra hours doing what I loved doing!
That’s why the tagline I use for my company is “Acquire Self-Development Skills. Create The Future You Want™”.
Every true writer, who feels the way I feel about writing will have no problems doing what I have mentioned here, and enjoying every minute of it.
Incidentally, I believe Nduka Otiono also shares this passion for writing. This is because he was quoted in the Daily Sun interview report as having said: “The moment one realizes that one writes to live, nothing will stop you”.
But for those who cannot spare the time, they will probably find it worthwhile to take advantage of freelance self-publishing support services provided by people like Otiono – and myself.
“..the biggest challenge facing most African nations is to creatively adapt ideas to their unique environment.” – Mr. Patrick Boateng, Adviser for Africa, US Federal Communications Commission”
It is my strong conviction that we need to empower of individuals to be multi-skilled, independent minded creatives, who are able to leverage technology and the Internet in ways that require little or no capital. Their purpose will be to offer value adding products and services for which they will paid.
I believe this the most realistic, and viable solution for Africans living in Africa.
Adopting POD Self-Publishing as proposed in this article is one way individual Africans can easily adapt foreign ideas to achieve financial independence – and prosperity for their countries.
Every time we talk – in Africa – about poverty reduction, unemployment, economic downturns etc, people keep asking the government to “do something” about these problems.
For so long, governments have been unable to deliver. The solution I’ve describe here makes it possible for every willing person in Africa, to take greater control of her financial future by writing – even if part time – for pay .
I began by reviewing some of the challenges facing majority of Nigerian/African writers currently.
Then I explained how Internet based Print-On-Demand (POD) companies enable Africans – like me – publish PHYSICAL BOOKS At ZERO COST, and earn foreign currency from their sales
I now end this article with a personal challenge to the reader. You now know, for a FACT, that it is possible for you to take your book idea and bring it into tangible form that your readers can relate to – AT ZERO COST.
I therefore urge you to take ACTION. I recommend you start by visiting http://www.lulu.comand http://www.cafepress.com.
Why not make this the last year you ever have to say: “lack of time or money is keeping me from publishing my book”?
No one is keeping you from becoming a published author BUT YOU! Take that first step – You have it within your power to start this very day!!
“I want to be part of a South Africa and Africa sending out a new message to the world, of taking responsibility for our own challenges. The world has got used to a picture of Africa asking for support, with cupped hands. It’s time we create a new image of Africa. It’s time that we ourselves start giving and assert our sense of dignity. We deserve respect. It is time we stop apologizing for ourselves and acknowledge our achievements”.
NB: This write-up is based on an original piece written/published online on spontaneousdevelopment.com (in 2005)
UPDATE: Read the article linked below, which I wrote several days ago.
Publish & Sell Your Books at ZERO COST to Earn Income (True Story)
It explains how I’ve grown my library of passive income generating information products using Print On Demand Publishing.
My latest print/physical book is shown below…you can download a 20 page PDF preview:
Get a FREE 20 page PDF preview of my new book (available digitally, and in paperback physical book form): “KUKURU DANGER™ – 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life“
Click here, to request the FREE PDF preview of the new paperback book now.
You will be taken to a request form. Within seconds of filling and submitting it, the download link will be sent to the email address you supply.
I urge you to share it as far and wide as you possibly can!
If you are a parent, teacher or school owner interested in getting my help with regard to Best Practice Parenting, click here to contact me!
“There’s a world outside school that your child must be ready for, if she is to succeed.
Because you arrived in it, before her, YOU are an expert in it, compared to her. If you truly love your child therefore, you can – and should – share YOUR EXPERTISE about succeeding in the world, to help her learn how to EXCEL in it.
This book [Kukuru Danger™] uses narratives of true life childhood experiences of a brilliant but wayward child, who later reformed himself, as a basis for offering practical tips and insights you can use.” – Tayo K. Solagbade. Best Practice Parenting Advocate™ & Location Independent Multipreneur.