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[Video 4 of 9] MS Excel Heaven VB Competition: But Why a Competition on MS Excel-VB Automation?

[Read this text transcript & watch the full video below] MS Excel is taught as part of basic computer appreciation in many schools today (even primary level). And most persons in paid/self-employment use it for various aspects of their work.

Based on the above, adding Excel VBA programming education to what is being taught is only a logical progression.

My achievements prove ExcelVB training confers ready-to-use income earning application development skills useful in ANY socioeconomic environment.

Excel-VB programming works so well because MS Excel, the development platform, is familiar to most computer users across the world.

The best part is that just like any other programming language using in coding, Excel-VB proficiency can be developed by anyone with interest – who can read and write/type!

Now, there’s ONE unique advantage of developing apps with VBA compared to other programming languages

You can even start with the Macro Recorder – using it to record the steps you follow in carrying out your spreadsheet tasks, and then studying the code it generates to Learn How to Write VBA Code!

Click the links below to watch other videos in the series:

Videos 1 & 2: Spreadsheet Automation Can Boost Your Success [What MANY African Professionals Are Missing]

[Video 3 of 9] MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Competition: To compete, you must be a member of SDAc’s Excel-VB club

You can download the FULL 9 page slideshow from http://tayosolagbade.com/excelcluboffer

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