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Fearlessly Share Your God Given Genius and Experience Superior Success

In certain societies announcing your plans to others can attract resentment, envy and criticism (e.g that you’re a show-off). Some may even plot to pull you down. This explains why a childhood friend recently expressed concern about an update I posted on Facebook of my plans to move my family to Cotonou.

Read my response below, in which I explain that I’ve done it for years, to defy haters, and also inspire others to do same, so that society can progress.

Good point .

However what you noted is EXACTLY why I do things the way I do them. You see certain aspects of our culture, for me, need overhaul. One of them is what you referred to about people’s attitude. I’ve successfully defied them for years (not without struggle/pain of course) and will continue doing so.

The Americans especially are my role models. Everything Nigerians see me succeeding at today is because I refuse to let negative attitudes of others dictate how I do my thing.

My heroes (like Fela, Branson, Dan Kennedy, Kiyosaki) had the habit of breaking rules and being contrarian, yet succeeding despite bad belle.

My Facebook postings are aimed at showing others how to deal successfully with society’s negativity to achieve worthwhile goals in life.

We in Nigeria fail often to understand that we need to look beyond ourselves, and seek to make a difference in society for the benefit of others.

The irony is that Facebook is being used by millions all over the world to do just that!

In my case my Facebook presence is an extension of my Web Marketing System. Unlike many others, my Facebook is a key component of my business marketing arsenal.

Proof of this is evident in the fact that over 25% of my Facebook friends actually started as buyers of my solutions and/or subscribers to my website (including several non Africans).

A look at my Facebook profile and cover photos both indicate that I want my business interest to feature on my Facebook presence.

For me therefore, anyone who wants to be in my Facebook space will simply have to put up with whatever I post. If they dislike a particular one, they can either click away, or unfriend me. No be by force ke!

You see, there’s no value to be had in keeping friends who cannot accept you unconditionally and share in what pleases you, as you do with them.

My plan to relocate is not just personal. It is the next step in the evolution of my plan to boost my growing name and brand recognition in a way that will win me speaking invitations across the continent.

The young man I’m mentoring on Web Marketing here in Lagos was with me yesterday evening and we discussed his balance payment to join my Inner Circle, and next steps on learning Joomla and WordPress. He earns a living selling GNLD and similar products from door to door.

When he found out how I sell without even going around physically, he told me he wanted to be able to do the same. And that’s how we started!

By deliberately posting news of my plans and progress (as I’ve done for years) I document real life examples of how I built my brand for others like him to learn from. The timeline helps me show my success did not happen overnight!

There are many like him across Africa looking for guidance like the one I offer.

So, for me, being on Facebook is not an ego trip.

Indeed this is bigger than me. What I’m doing is based on a God given vision and mission. Most of what you see me post are often stuff that I just get inspired to write on the spur of the moment.

Over the years, I’ve come to realize that God is using me as a vessel to pass messages to others, to wake them up to do what he expects of them.

And what he expects is that each of us will not “hide our lamp under a bushel” but instead boldly maximize our God given potential for others to be inspired, and for Him to be glorified.

I think the quote below perfectly sums up what I’ve tried to say above

=start quote=

 Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ― Marianne Williamson

See original quote at : https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/17297.Marianne_Williamson

=end quote=

Click below to read my personal philosophy paper, written way back in 2003, about why I do what I do, the way I do it:

Click here

Once again, thanks for your concern, and I hope the above gives you a better perspective to understand the motives behind what you see me do online. I’m working a life long plan my brother!

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