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Can Someone Really Steal Your Business Idea?

My answer to the above title-question is NO, for the simple reason that short of their being psychic, others around you are unlikey to be able to "see" an idea you originate in exactly he same way you see it. Worrying that someone will "steal" your idea will only cause you needless anxiety, and could even discourage you from taking your idea to the next level.

Read this article to understand why you must not let this happen to you, if you want to be able to look back in future and feel that you lived a truly fulfilled life.

As far back as I can remember, I have always had an intense desire to explore and investigate the way things are, with a view to discovering what new thing(s) could be developed.

This usually meant that I sometimes found a need to challenge traditional ways of thinking and/or doing things.

That offended many people.

Unfortunately (for them), I was never someone who feared confrontation. I’m not sure how this will come across to the reader, but if I were to be honest, I would say I usually feel better, and perform at my peak, when I know that most people around me do not agree with what I’m trying to do.

I honestly often get the motivation to do something which others say is not possible, but which I believe in, just from the knowledge that they don’t think I’ll succeed! :-)

How does this relate to worrying that someone will steal your idea?

A lot I tell you! The truth is that whenever I expressed my new ideas to those around, most people simply reacted by disagreeing. Few would try to really consider what I had said/proposed in an objective light.

In fact, some would say they understood me, and then proceed to try and make me “see” why what I was proposing was wrong!

So, you see, when you come up with YOUR idea for a business, oftentimes, only you might see the idea in the way you see it. No one else (or VERY few others) can possibly see it exactly the way you see it – and even those who see what YOU see would NOT be capable of thinking about implementing it EXACTLY the way you intend. That’s where – and why – you’ll always have the edge!

Evidence that the above is true abounds in society, and even influences story lines used in movies – which in truth, quite often mimic real life occurrences in society.

For instance, the "evil genius" in a movie, who wants to own the secret of the new formula being developed by the "famous" chemist finds it necessary to kidnap the latter and force him to work in a hidden fully equipped laboratory until a breakthrough is recorded.

Very rarely will you find a person who has a bias for "ideas theft" willing to expend "intellectual glucose" to independently arrive at the potentially valuable end s/he suspects another person is aiming to arrive at. Such people are just too mentally lazy – and are always on the lookout for shortcuts to getting what they desire.

That’s also why they CANNOT steal YOUR idea.

Even when you hand all that you know to them, they still would not be able to take it and run to the finish line. The simple reason is: they lack the unique insight into the subject, and would really struggle to understand it the same way YOU do, talk less of implementing it the way YOU would.

The implication: they would not be able to get the results you could. In essence, they cannot really "steal" your ideas successfully from you!

The reason why the foregoing happens is that you are unique as a human being. And depending on how well you have trained your mind to work, you will be able to take your idea and implement it in a way that only you could possibly conceive.

Yes, it is true that this line of thinking or argument is not fully applicable to all situations.

In certain cases, it is logical that the first person to get into the marketplace might reap the greatest rewards. However, it is also true that many times someone has entered into an existing market, and carved a very profitable niche by doing what others are doing a bit differently, and in a way that is difficult to copy.

An example is Fred Smith’s overnight delivery service idea – Federal Express (Fed Ex).

As I said earlier on in this article, that’s where – and why – YOU have the edge!

So, stop worrying that someone is lurking around trying to steal your ideas.

Don’t fret when you learn that someone is trying to launch a new product or service that (appears to be) similar to, or exactly the same as that you are about to start. They cannot think about(or implement) it exactly the way you would.

By all means take every possible precautionary measure to protect your work from prying eyes, and maintain as much confidentiality as possible about it for as long as you deem necessary.

However, DO NOT let the thought or fear of others doing something similar to what you are doing "paralyse" you.

Remember at all times, that except they can gain direct access to the thoughts that you have about your work so as to discover how best to go about developing and implementing your idea, they CANNOT possibly do it the way you intend to, or as well as you would.

You owe it to yourself to develop and implement your unique ideas to the fullest possible extent.

Don’t deny yourself – and the rest of society – of the opportunity of adopting a new way of thinking and/or doing things, that could change all our lives for the better, possibly even forever.

So take action to start that new business today, or work harder to develop that new idea or invention. It might just be the next revolution the world is waiting for.

PS: If you still have any doubts about whether you have what it
takes to take your idea to great heights, maybe the words of Thomas Edison can encourage you to believe more in yourself:

"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." – THOMAS A. EDISON

NB: This article was first published online in 2007.

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