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Selling Skills Development in Tayo Solagbade’s Personal Achievement Coaching for Kids (PACK)™ Project [Hint: Finding Buyers for Cakes Made Without Oven]

Tomorrow – Wednesday 27th August 2014 will be a BIG day for my 3 boys (9, 13, and 15 respectively). As part of my Personal Achievement Coaching for Kids (PACK)™ project, during their holidays, they now embark on “sales calls” to develop their selling skills, and learn to deal with rejection.

My kids have been making and selling these Pineapple peel based drinks and cakes since I taught them the production methods, and “pushed them” to try selling them to friends, in September 2013.

It soon occurred to me that this is a good formula for a micro business that anyone can start with very little money: Waste fruit peels as a zero cost key ingredient for easily reproducible low cost drinks and cake making! They sell these products to school mates, during break time.

Below are JPEG image versions of “flyers” they will take – in a presentation folder – with them.

In it, those they approach are requested to engage them by asking questions about the product and making them defend it, justify their price etc.

This is so they can  LEARN that getting money takes diligence, perseverance, integrity and commitment.

Flyer for the Selling Skills Development Project


Flyer for the Selling Skills Development Project

I am sharing this in the hope that others may feel encouraged to organize a similar project to EMPOWER THEIR OWN kids. – Tayo K. Solagbade, Lagos-Nigeria | 26th August 2014.


“There’s a world outside school that your child must be ready for, if she is to succeed. Because you arrived in it, before her, YOU are an expert in it, compared to her. If you truly love your child therefore, you can – and should – share YOUR EXPERTISE about succeeding in the world, to help her learn how to EXCEL in it. This book uses narratives of true life childhood experiences of a brilliant but wayward child, who later reformed himself, as a basis for offering practical tips and insights you can use. Don’t. I repeat: DO NOT…leave that role for her teachers to play, because they will seldom be able to do enough, compared to YOU!” – Tayo K. Solagbade | Best Practice Parenting Advocate™ & Location Independent Performance Improvement – Author ofKUKURU DANGER™ – 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life”. Download a FREE 20 page PDF preview of the book fromwww.tayosolagbade.com/buy-kukuru.htm


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