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Practical Guide To Important Feed Ingredients (Pictures, Prices, Nutrients, Uses etc)

E-flyer: Annotated Pictorial  Introduction To Feed Ingredients

When I posted information about my new report (shown in the above -e-flyer on my Facebook timeline yesterday (9th August 2012), someone posted the question: “Are you into agriculture(?)“.

I gave him a short answer first, and then went on to elaborate for the benefit of others who would come across the post in future.

I believe YOU will find my response potentially beneficial. Which is why I’ve reproduced it below.

But just before you go on to read that, you should know that every person who has (or WILL) ever purchase(d) a copy of my Feed Formulation handbook from me, gets it at no cost. You pay absolutely NOTHING. Just send me an email via tayo at tksola dot com, to get details of what you need to do.

If you do not own my handbook/do not wish to buy it, but still want the new report, email me via tayo at tksola dot com to find out how you can get it for N5,000 instead of N7,500.

So, here’s the response I gave to the question about my work.

My response to a facebook enquiry about my Cost-Saving Farm Biz support service


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