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What Should You Really Give to People at Christmas?

Written by Tayo Solagbade

Topics: Self-Development

“What! Giving again?” I ask in dismay.

‘And must I keep giving away?”

‘Oh no’ said the angel looking me through.

‘Just keep giving till the Master stops giving to you!”

Source: “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude”, by Napoleon Hill

NB: This article should have published yesterday 25th December 2013…but I was back in “school learning how people spend Xmas in Benin Republic…and forgot to schedule it” :-)))

Don’t think of ONLY “money” and “things” when “giving” is mentioned.

Many times, the best form of giving is when you GIVE OF YOURSELF…!

If you don’t know how, here are some examples:

1. “…stand up for the rights of others against the undersirable influence and coaxing of friends and threats of enemies…”

(this example also from “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude”)

Have you ever seen or heard someone get accused of doing or saying something which YOU knew s/he did not?

Did you speak up or at least send some anonymous tip to warn those involved using information you had. Did you make reasonable effort to spare that person avoidable pain and suffering due to a false accusation. Or did you conveniently look away because it was “not your business” or “you did not want trouble”?

If you did your best, then the creator knows and will reward you accordingly. If you failed to do so, be sure that he has laws set down in nature that will be applied to you at the appropriate time.

2. Be nice. Be compassionate. Be considerate.

BUT…not just to people you expect can do something for you (e.g. the relatives/friends of some money bag you hope to get close to…LOL)!!!

Be the same way even to the (seemingly) inconsequential doorman at the fast food restaurant…the floor mopper in your office…the office boy….the refuse disposal chap…you know, all those people secretly look down on.

3. Be Fair, Impartial, and truthful in all your dealings

For instance, do not bear false witness. I know some people will quickly say they’d never do that.

But here’s a quick reality check. Any time you keep quiet when a lie is told, you bear false witness!

For instance, if you did not see something happen, don’t stay silent when your friend says “Tayo was there, he saw it happen!”. If you did not see it happen, don’t let him use you as a false witness against another person.

If you do, you set yourself up to be so treated by that person in future. And when you complain s/he is likely to shut you up by saying you once joined to do the same thing to another person.

So, even if it means losing a friend, stand on the side of truth at all times. Be fair and impartial even with a person you don’t like. That’s what the creator expects of you.

Final Words: But It’s Not Just on Xmas Day!

This is probably the most important point to keep in mind. Do all the above every day – not just one day. Make every day special!

In other words, act with Emotional Intelligence. Anyone who does will understand why this should be done daily. Read my article to learn more about Emotional Intelligence – which unlike IQ is not fixed from birth and can actually be IMPROVED with deliberate effort, over time.

Remember that your creator, the master, watches you, and knows your thoughts. And what he KNOWS about you is what really matters…not what people around you think about you.

You see, there’s NO special season for doing the above. Forget the adverts and special church services, TV programmes etc.

Doing stuff like this should be a DAILY habit for every decent human being!

So, give of yourself in as many ways as you possibly can. As you can see from the above, even when you (think you) don’t have, there’s a LOT you can still give – by giving of yourself. Most times, that will be a better gift than anthing money can buy.

Forget about making somebody happy, or saying something nice at Christmas. Do it EVERYDAY!!!!

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