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[Recommended] The Art of Shameless Self-Promotion

[Tayo Solagbade’s comment: If you’re not doing Shameless Self-Promotion (I call it “SSP” for short), you are short-changing yourself BIG TIME in your business marketing. This excellent Copyblogger article explains why SSP works, and how to do it] Here are some excerpts:

The Art of Shameless Self-Promotion”So self-adulation is something I try to stay away from. But self promotion? That’s a whole different story.If you take a look at the most successful (or talked about) people in any field, you’ll almost always see someone incredibly talented in the art of self-promotion….If you implement this plan successfully, you’ll probably take some flak. People might label you over-confident or cocky.That’s good. Define yourself in such a way that people either love you or hate you.There are fans out there for every self-promoter. Your task is to find them. That, and to make it easy for them to bring a friend.Your ideas need you. If you have a vision, don’t let anyone stand in your way.”Read the full article at:http://www.copyblogger.com/shameless-self-promotion/

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