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Friends and Relatives May Not be the Right Target Audience (on Facebook) for Your Solutions

Like every other person on Facebook, I periodically get invitations to LIKE Facebook pages from friends and other contacts in my network.

If truth however be told, I generally feel those who send such invitations will most times not be sure of getting as much quality connection with people fitting their target audience profile as they need.

The reason for this is that they may not be engaged in activities that appeal to people on their friends list. Your friends, relatives and associates may not have interest in your product or service – and will often have connected with you based on their personal relationship with you.

They may LIKE your page and help you spread the word about solutions you offer via the page, but you will not be wise to expect mayjor activities and sales leads to come from them.

I have no difficulty LIKING any page I’m invited to, but I generally try to challenge people to aim for QUALITY engagement, as opposed to focused on just VOLUME.

The question to ask is how do you get the RIGHT people who fit YOUR “ideal customers” profile to LIKE your page?

This is because the LIKE is NOT an end in itself, It is meant to be a MEANS to the profitable end of winning buyers for your brand ultimately.

As a result, some people have only a few hundred buyers, but boast more SALES LEADS that convert into SALES/REVENUE that those who have thousands or more.

So, my suggestion to you is that you develop and implement a strategy to attract the right kind of people, fitting the profile of your ideal clients/customers, to discover and LIKE your page.

I say this because that’s how my pages have grown – to win buyers for me. I NEVER send out invitations for people to LIKE my pages (like this and this). Instead, my Web Marketing System leads them to find and LIKE the different pages, based on their own needs and interests.

I’ve found that working that way makes me so much more productive in terms of the results I get.

Some page owners also settle on placing paid ads to promote their pages

I believe this can be effective, but one must go about doing it the right way to be sure of getting rhe needed results.

Indeed in this part, I believe paid ads etc are often to be left as a VERY last resort in building followership on social media in my part of the world (Nigeria/Africa), for solutions that are of the nature I offer i.e. digital solutions.

What you want to do is use low to zero cost creative content based marketing to attract pre-qualified prospects.

Here’s a 2005 article I wrote based on this theme:


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