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Attract Profitable Paying Clients (With This Thinking Habit)

Written by Tayo Solagbade

Topics: Entrepreneurship

The habit I describe in this post is a silent weapon used by smart thinking salesmen and business owners to record highly profitable sales even when they are dead broke (especially then).

Its successful use is based on the practicing individual’s self-belief. It does not matter what line of business you are in or how many years you’ve been in it. Once you can display unshakeable self-confidence in relating with others about what you do, you will attract people who will gladly reward you handsomely for your product or service.

You will discover that the clients, who come to you through the use of this strategy, will often not even try to negotiate your fees or prices. That’s how “sold” they would be.

Note that the clients may come via offline and/or online channels. I would say – based on my personal experience – that smart use of this thinking habit in your online marketing can yield greater returns.

But What Is This Amazing Thinking Habit?

What can make seemingly heaven sent clients come your way as described above? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s the ability to habitually hide your need, and show your skill in marketing your products, services or yourself.

I’ve used the concept for over a decade. But a simple yet powerful quote credited to the late business philosopher – Jim Rohn – puts it quite eloquently in words:
Learn to hide your need and show your skill” – Jim Rohn

Mr. Rohn’s admonition is simple common sense isn’t it? But the human mind is such a stubborn creature. It can be so difficult to tame – and control – if you’ve let it do what it likes for most of your adult life. That’s why some competent service professionals find themselves getting literally pulled around by the nose by unappreciative clients.

How Difficult Can This Be To Practice You Wonder?

Well, when we’re all together in our cosy meeting point talking about it in a relaxed manner, it rarely sounds difficult to do. But what about when you’re short of work – and you’re looking for new clients? Especially during those periods when your pockets are almost empty – or your bank account balance is hovering dangerously close to zero?

Do you feel confident at such times? Be honest now!

There are many people who – when feeling fairly financially safe – would confidently say NO to a client offer they find less than adequate. But these same people can be surprisingly willing to work for next to nothing (out of sheer desperation), when they find themselves going through a rough financial patch.

Like I wrote in an article about six years ago, never let your bank balance determine the level of self-confidence you have at any point in time. It’s a sure to damage the credibility and respect you have before clients. If you harbour such a weakness, it will be eventually uncovered by a client – who may readily play on it, to his own advantage.

Become Skilled At “Strategic Management” Of Your Personal Information

In war, opponents play mind games, and never let the other party know the true condition of things in their respective camps. Why? It’s common sense. Hiding your true situation puts you in the best position to compete effectively.

When your forces are depleted, the last thing you want to do is announce it – otherwise the other camp may change their battle plan to exploit your resulting weakness. Strategic deception has been used by war generals for centuries. And the same principles have been successfully applied in business for years as well, by the most successful companies.

A good book that teaches the importance of using strategy in war, in a way that is applicable to business is Sun Tzu’s “Art of War”. Get yourself a copy of that book.

It’s filled with nuggets of wisdom that can help you win battles without breaking a sweat. I should know. It helped me do just that less than three months ago with an old client.

(Most) Prospects/Clients Won’t Show Their Need – So Why Should You?

This is the one that I feel too many struggling (and desperate acting) entrepreneurs forget too often. While you’re busy thinking you need the money the potential client you’re meeting with is offering, how can you be sure s/he is not desperately in need of YOUR services as well? How can you be sure she’s not pretending so you won’t be able to tell that she badly needs your help to solve the problem she’s having?

The answer is you may never be able to tell. And in the same vein, she will also never be able to tell about you, unless you show your need to her.

In other words, quite often both of you may need each other equally – or the prospect could even need you more. However, when you go to her acting subdued or being too eager to please, she will naturally assume the opposite is the case i.e. you need her more than she does you!

See how a slight change in mindset can dramatically affect how much you earn as an entrepreneur? In just a few seconds you can sell yourself short to win a new client by presenting yourself approaching the client from a position of weakness.

What You Can Do: Develop a System to Hide Your Need & Show Your Skill

I have tried to be flexible, in response to pressure from seemingly well meaning clients. Guess what I found out? The more “flexible” I tried to be, the more they demanded that I try even harder – and the less willing they became prepared to pay to have that?

It did not take me long to realize that kind of relationship made no sense whatsoever. I asked myself some hard questions and I realized that I’d actually done what they asked NOT because I felt they were right, but because I wanted them to see how cooperative I was, so they would give me the job.

Unfortunately, what I failed to realize was that if I was going to make any decent profits, I could not afford to let my clients see that I was prepared to bend over and even break to have them hire me.

From the day I stopped working like that, and began relating with both clients and prospects more self-confidently and professionally, something wonderful began to happen. I suddenly found that I got what I asked for more often.

And the clients in many cases went on to give me more work. For instance, some initially hired me to build an automated spreadsheet application, later called me in to build another, or to develop a web marketing system for them.

TIP: Decide How You Work, and Stick With It

To achieve the progress described above, I (among other things) developed my own documentation spelling out how I did business (including payment options, terms of service, standard delivery durations and conditions for handover). Once I send it to prospective clients I rarely have difficulty getting them to pay for work I do.

There’s something magical about putting something down in writing or print – even if it’s digital i.e. in form of a PDF document. Add your logo to it. State the name, job title and contact details of the client. Indicate advance payment required; delivery duration (where applicable stating conditions e.g. “Assuming there are no strikes or other delays etc”).

But even more important were the conversations I had with potential clients/customers.

Like I’ve said elsewhere, I began asking prospects to pay a specific fee 100% in advance if they wished to meet/speak with me (after reading my stuff online), to discuss their project. I made it clear that the money was 100% deductible from my fees if they went on to hire me.

This singular strategy helped me get rid of people who were simply curious, and at the same time attracted those who were looking for a reliable provider. My insistence of such an unusual condition, in spite of the risk of loss of business apparently inspired confidence in most of those who really needed my help.

When you have good systems setup to present you from a position of strength to prospects and clients, it can be a great confidence booster – for both parties!

However, the best way to build your own self-confidence is to ensure that you know your stuff inside out. Be competent, and strive perpetually to stay on the cutting edge of new developments in your field. When you meet a prospect or client that will show through. And your need will never show its ugly face to a prospect or client again!

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