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Reading This Ultimate Story of FAITH Can Help You Succeed Everytime

Many people claim to believe in “God”, yet their actions suggest that their willingness to act based on that belief they claim to have in this all-seeing, all-powerful being depends on how well what they are “required” to do conforms to what they are “prepared” to do.

The same thing applies to the way they react to what happens in their personal/work lives.

Especially when it’s (seemingly) “bad”.

The more “bad” it “feels” to them the LESS willing they are to BELIEVE it has anything to do with the WILL of the God they say they believe in, for THEM.

This is why most of them NEVER like to read stories like those of Job in the bible.

Suggesting to them that they APPLY lessons available from Job’s story during periods of adversity in their lives is therefore likely to upset them.

And YOU could end up being branded an enemy, or even a “devil”.

For them, their professed faith or belief in God is supposed to exempt them from such extreme forms of testing as those Job passed through, before he achieved his second level of breakthrough.

Or the prolonged and painfullly extreme form of suffering in isolation that Nelson Mandela had to endure for 27 solid years BEFORE he emerged from prison, and arrived on the world stage as an icon and living legend.

This unwillingness to pay the price to achieve what we want is why some of us cut corners and/or compromise so readily.

Too few people are willing to “stick with it” for the long term. They want quick success. Quick results. Quick benefits, Even as they want to invest LESS effort and LESS time to get all they want.

It is also why we betray one another so easily, making our societies today so susceptible to chaos. Causing those with potential to excel among us to fail and fall too often.

All this denies our societies the needed benefits of quantum leaps those people’s efforts could produce.

That’s why I LIKE Job’s story. A lot.

Job’s story proves that even when everyone stops believing in you and desert you, YOUR FAITH in the Creator’s purpose for you, coupled with your UNRELENTING self-belief and passion to achieve/succeed can make you unstoppable.

You can become one who turns around the worst looking circumstances of pain, lack and suffering, to achieve ANY goal you set your mind on.

Funny thing is you really don’t need to read Job’s story many times to know it well.

Once or twice will often be enough, because it’s details are so shocking, and compelling.

You cannot escape feeling the despair that must have engulfed Job. And you will definitely marvel as Job’s unyielding refusal to denounce the Creator as others challenged him to do.

That’s why I like his story so much. 

It’s the ultimate story of FAITH. The kind that “moves mountains” or makes the impossible possible!

I LIVE based on that kind of faith.

I do so because I recognise that even though I may be good, I am NOT perfect. Therefore I need faith  to help me get around any limitations my imperfections may otherwise impose on me.

And that’s why it is impossible for me to fail. Not now. Not ever.

No matter what comes my way, I will always find a better way.

Now, I want YOU to end by thinking of this article as being YOURS.

Read it as if you are reading your own words. Take ownership of the message for yourself.

Do that till it becomes a mental habit, and you WILL become like Job – unstoppable in your ability to exercise FAITH in God, and in yourself, to achieve ANY goal you set your mind on.

PS: This is not an article on religion. I simply made use of the Job story to pass a message across. Hopefully, I will succeed with at least a few of those who read it, and they will “go out into the world and MULTIPLY” by way of their unstoppable achievements :-)

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