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[Podcast] Real Reason Why Well Schooled People Commit Fraud (Tayo Solagbade’s “Difference Between Schooling & Education” Series)

Why do people who have acquired decent levels of formal schooling, up to tertiary level (and even beyond) keep getting caught engaging in fraudulent acts in their personal/work lives?

What makes such otherwise intelligent people stoop so low as to engage, for instance, in (what Fela once called) “pen robbery”, tax evasion, taking/giving bribes and other forms of financial misconduct?

You could say GREED, but that would only be scratching the surface. It goes MUCH deeper than that!

This audio explains the root cause of this strange self-destructive behaviour exhibited by people who by their exposure to formal schooling would have been expected to know better.

If you have ever wondered why all those gurus in the banking industry indulged themselves in abuse of their positions to access customers’ funds for personal enrichment, then you want to listen to this charged half-hour presentation.

Disclaimer: Tayo Solagbade’s “Difference Between Schooling & Education” is a no-holds barred audio podcast series.

In each audio recording, I mince no words in speaking what I consider truths to make my points.

If you know you’re sensitive to hearing a person speak harsh truths with brutal frankness, on issues you feel strongly about, then do NOT request that I send you this FREE sample audio.

I’ll however say this:

Any person who listens to these recordings will come away with life transforming real world relevant insights that s/he can apply to advance financially in life – and also teach his/her kids.

Do you want that?

If YES, you’ll love THIS maiden podcast in my educational series titled “Real Reason Why Well Schooled People Commit Fraud“!

Format: AMR Audio = 2.2MB [MP3 = 6MB]

Duration: 0.5 hrs

Price: FREE [Let me know if you want MP3 or via Whatsapp]

To get it, send your full name, marital status, email and phone number to me via +229-66-122-136 on Whatsapp – and I’ll send you the 30 minute audio in return.

Alternatively, simply signup for the “Difference Between Schooling & Education” series (and others to come) by requesting access to Tayo’s School of Mental Emancipation and Personal Achievement on Facebook.

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