6 Things You Need To Make Your Website Succeed – ANYWHERE!

Even a 5 year old can build a website today, using FREE tools. What’s NOT so easy is making the website generate sales leads/prospects who eventually buy: THAT, is when a website IS working/succeeding! Today, over a decade after I started up, I travel as a Location Independent Multipreneur, across West Africa, and have CEO clients within and outside Africa.

[FREE PDF] 6 Things You Need To Make Your Website Succeed - ANYWHERE! Click to download PDF!

My exposure and experiences over the years have helped me discover the following important FACT:

MOST African CEOs do not know they should be in the driving seat of their Website Marketing for Business Development.

For your website to WORK , YOU MUST be ABLE to create and propagate your website content for marketing purposes (or have a team member/in-house staff who can do it for you).

If you want to achieve sustainable, low cost, intelligent web marketing success for your business, you should NEVER be dependent on your developer to do your content updates. Except of course s/he is a member of YOUR team, NOT an external contractor taking a chunk of your funds!

If this is NOT the case, if you are not able to update your website content for marketing purposes, anytime and anywhere you want, then your website is VERY unlikely to be succeeding!

In reviewing websites owned by large companies across Africa, I have noticed that the same problem afflicts their CEOs too, as it does the SMEs.

It is for this reason that I have ALWAYS advocated that today’s business owners in Africa, need to adopt websites built with zero-cost…

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