How To Increase Your Respect & Reputation [A PROVEN Law You Need To Obey]

Listen to this ONE MINUTE clip that describes a simple yet powerful strategy you can use to increase your respect and reputation.

[Click here to watch a version I’ve created with enlarged and bold subtitles]


PREVIEW: If you’ve noticed, when a celebrity arrives at a party. they leave within 5 minutes, claiming they need to go to another event – even though they really don’t have another event.

Click HERE to listen to the full clip.

Explanation Of 5 MS Excel Developer Categorizations: Mind-Map Representation [FREE DOWNLOAD]

I prepared this mind-map, back in 2016, as a basis for explaining the 5 levels of Excel-VB Solutions Development Competence I offer interested persons my experience-based coaching support to achieve.

This mind-map was conceived based on categorizations made in Professional Excel Development – the massive Excel-VB programming bible written by 3 of the world’s foremost developers i.e. Stephen Bullen, Rob Bovey and John Green.

1. Click to watch the explanatory video


2. Click HERE to download the print-ready (.PNG) image version of the mind-map.


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VIDEO | “Mogliani, Braque & Picasso Said The New Art They Devised in the Early 1900s Was Influenced by Nigeria’s Benin and Yoruba Sculptures” – Maya Angelou

Right, what Maya Angelou said in this video, will shock many Nigerians and Africans generally, if they were to know just far back it applies – and how widely it applies.

  1. WATCH THE VIDEO: Click HERE to listen to the clip, which is followed by a short reaction I recorded to it.
  2. READ THE PDF TRANSCRIPT VERSION: Click HERE to download the print-ready PDF transcript version of this video presentation.



This 30 second video clip in which a man tries to ask a woman curating an art gallery out to dinner passes a powerfully instructive message that EVERY woman (and girl) needs to hear.


Click to listen to their conversation – which is followed by a short reaction I’ve recorded to it.

GIF/VIDEO | Get THIS FREE ‘Income & Expense Manager’ MS Excel-VB Software for Your Daily Cash-flow Tracking/Reporting

In 2022, to help members of her Royal Siblings Entrepreneurs Club (RSEC) who may not be ready to invest in her full fledged Agro-Processing Business Manager Spreadsheet Software for Operational/Financial Data Analysis, Performance Trending and & Report Generation, Fausat Sanni-Yusuf (CEO of RSV Limited) purchased a Reseller License to this Excel-VB Cash Inflow and Outflow Tracker Custom Spreadsheet Software (aka Income & Expense Manager), which she then made available – 100% FREE – for download and use, by every business owner who joins her Royal Siblings Entrepreneurs Club (RSEC).


The GIF ANIMATION Teaser shown on this blog post announces the screenshot video demonstration published to Fausat’s YouTube Channel (on 20th November 2022), which provides step-by-step instruction on how to use it.

Click to watch the video now.

TIP: You’ll also learn how you can download and start using your own FREE copy of this nifty application. Click HERE to send Fausat a message.

Feed Formulation: Understanding Methionine and Lysine Usage [FEAT: Ingredient Prices @ Lagos Feed Mill, Explanation of Nutrient Requirements]

This video trailer is in 3 parts and is a preview to the complete version that will be made available to ANY members of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas Club who indicate interest in having it by letting me know PRIVATELY, via WhatsApp.

  1. Click to watch the video trailer
  2. Fill and submit the form below (or HERE – click) to request access to watch the FULL video and download the PDf that accompanies it.