Tag Archives: In 30 Working Days

Recession-Proof Income Generating Product at Zero Cost for YOU [In 30 Working Days] !

Note: This Service is FREE for Club Zero™ members and FBSC™ partners
If you are a member of Club Zero™ or a Partner in my Farm Business Support Centre(FBSC)™, you pay NO MONEY for this service. Simply tell me you’re interested and we’ll get started. TIP: Read full article for details of how to get it FREE even if you’re NOT a Club Zero™ or FBSC™ partner.

Quick Take-Away: Are you looking for new ideas to grow your income and cushion it against the negative recession pressures?

The product-creation-offer I describe below can help you. I call it the Ultimate Anti-Recession-Insulator(ARI)™.

What if I could create for you something that you could go on to repeatedly sell, to make money, without have to buy anything or incur any costs whatsoever?

Sounds unbelievable?

Well it’s true.

If you sign up for this product-creation-offer, at the end of the 30 working days delivery period, I will hand over your own Cash Flow Generating Product to you, and commence the process of helping you with Marketing Support ON and OFF the web to attract buyers.

This product is one that you will be able to continue selling to earn useful income 24/7, including after work hours, as well as during weekends and on public holidays.

This is an opportunity for you to OWN an income generating product that you can sell even when you have no client projects in hand, or no farm products to offer customers.

It is the ultimate Anti-Recession-Insulator™ – the perfect answer to your search for new ideas to grow your income and cushion your earnings against negative recession pressures!

Virtually everyone needs a product of this kind.

The Best Part Is That Your Kids Can “Inherit” It!

I OWN such products, and I’m especially excited that I will soon be able to pass them ON to my kids.

The 2 eldest already help me out in sending marketing broadcast messages, and also in following up with prospects who make email and phone inquiries.

It’s only a matter of time before they learn to sell it to make money on their own – and they will also learn to create other products of their own for sale.

Can you see why this is the ultimate solution for today, and indeed the future?

It gives YOU an opportunity to not only secure your financial future, by growing the library of such useful resources you can offer a target market or markets.

But it also provides you the best possible form of inheritance you can will to your offspring: evergreen products/solutions that they can learn how to sell from you, and then use to build their financial security early in life.

In other words, they can start with you, long before they arrive adulthood, earning income on the side, while they still have no dependants to spend on. So they’ll grow up building their bank accounts and learning to make smart use of their money to grow it.

That will prepare them to function as financially independent, competent adults later on in life.

Would You Like to get Details of How I Can Create Such a Product for You FREE In 30 Working Days, even if you are NOT a Club Zero™ member or a FBSC partner?

I’ve written about it before, and I’ve created it for other clients in the past. No two people can ever create the same of this product type.

It is based on each individual’s uniqueness – and I help you narrow down to what you confirm people who fit your target audience profile are willing to pay money for, in building the product.

Once that happens, it will only be a matter of time before quality marketing and sales efforts, applied with diligence and persistence, triggers a sustainable stream of sales for you.

To get this solution FREE, click here to send me a message (or Send your full name and email address to tayo at tksola dot com – with ARI in the subject line) and I’ll get back to you with specific details.