Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

THE FARM CEO (Issue 52): Five Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records, Five Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health, Five Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices

In this week’s non-password protected issue of The Farm CEO newspaper, I feature 3 articles from my Cost-Saving Best Practice Farm Business Ideas series.


<h3>1. Five Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records</h3>


In this article, I discuss five (5) important farm production records a poultry farmer needs to diligently capture, to ensure s/he can take timely farm planning decisions that will result in the best possible performance.


The records discussed are operational in nature, and NOT financial. Relevant financial records – and related Key Performance Indices (KPIs) – useful for farm business evaluation will be highlighted in a future write-up.


At various points below, I have highlighted certain important farm production KPIs. The idea is to illustrate real world relevant…


<a href=”” target=”blank”></a>.


<h3>2. Five Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health</h3>


Sometimes you need to get a loan from a bank; win over equity investors or attract strategic partners. If you’re a big thinker, you could even have a vision to sell your farm business’ shares in the capital market. Or you might want to expand by buying another farm(s). And sometimes you may just want to ascertain that all is well with your farm. The requirements to be met for each of the foregoing will differ.


But one thing is certain: To do any of the above, you need accurate production records to generate reliable financial performance indicators! As long as you keep good production records, don’t be in a hurry to hire a potentially expensive expert.


This article discusses five powerful financial performance indication tools…


<a href=”” target=”blank”></a>.


<h3>3. Five Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices</h3>


This article will interest you if you run a farm business (or are aspiring). With today’s tough economic conditions, any smart business person will be open to ideas that can help boost profits.


Read the strategies outlined below with an open mind. They are not based on unfounded assumptions or theoretical musings. Rather, they have been used to increase profits without raising prices, in real-life batch operations similar to farm businesses. Adopt them today and begin to reap improved farm profits!



<b>1. Reduce Your Variable Costs: </a> Aim to spend less to produce the same farm output. I refer here to routine expenses to keep your farm business running.


Identify items responsible for up to 80% of your total…


<a href=”” target=”blank”></a>.




[Preliminary Highlights!] Maiden Edition of Efe Ohwofasa’s Lifestyle Business Conference, held Saturday 25th June 2016 in Nigeria’s Sapele!

It was a most exciting day for attendees at the first ever edition of Efe’s Lifestyle Business Conference, held this past Saturday 25th June 2016, at Peemos Place, Sapele-Delta state, Nigeria!

To say they were WOWed would be an understatement, as Efe literally poured out his heart to the audience!

To add more emotion to the event, there were among them some who knew him from back when he actually hawked groceries on the streets in that same city years back, while they schooled together.

What a reunion that was!

You can imagine how inspiring it was for them to see him stand and speak to them on stage in his new status as an internationally recognised business coach. Little wonder that the testimonials came pouring!

Read More – click here…

[Featured Article] Getting Started with VBA in Excel 2010 – from

[NB: The promised diagrammatic explanation (from last week’s tutorial) of the ExcelVB code for launching a URL in a browser will be sent to you during the week]


This week I feature an article published by Microsoft to introduce ExcelVB. Note that even though the title specifies Excel 2010, most of what is discussed applies to Excel 2007 upwards.


I encourage you to read it from start to end and print it out if you can – because it provides a useful foundation of understanding on which you can build your ExcelVB expertise over time.


<h3>Getting Started with VBA in Excel 2010 | Office 2010</h3>




Introduces Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel 2010 to the Excel power user who is not yet a programmer.


This article includes an overview of the VBA language, instructions on how to access VBA in Excel 2010, a detailed explanation of a solution to a real-world Excel VBA programming problem, and tips on programming and debugging. (14 printed pages)


Last modified: December 11, 2009


Ben Chinowsky, SDK Bridge


In this article:


1. Why Use VBA in Excel 2010?


2. VBA Programming 101


3. Macros and the Visual Basic Editor


4. A Real-World Example


5. Modifying the Recorded Code


6. More Things that You Can Do with VBA


7. What’s Next?


<a href=”” target=”blank”>Continue reading</a>


Tomorrow (25/6/16), UK Based Business Coach Hosts Entrepreneurship Conference in Sapele, Where He Once Hawked Groceries As a Teenager! [Invitation to Potential Partners]

Having flown in from the UK early this past Tuesday, Efe Ohwofasa, who once paid his way through secondary school by hawking garri, plantain and other groceries on the streets of Sapele, will host the maiden edition of his entrepreneurship empowerment event in that same city!


Below is a formal letter that members of Efe’s LSB (Life Style Business) event marketing team have been sending out to potential partners.


<h3>I share it here as my own contribution to this project. If you’d like to partner with Efe’s Lifestyle Business Academy, use the information provided below.</h3>



Dear Sir,


We write to propose what we hope will interest your organisation enough to result in direct contact being made with Efe Ohwofasa, regarding the work he’s doing via his Lifestyle Business Academy Conference.


We propose that yoz consider exploring opportunities for partnering with UK based Nigerian born Business Growth Coach, Professional Speaker and Marketing Consultant – Efe Ohwofasa.


Tomorrow, Efe will roll out the maiden edition of his “Launch Your Lifestyle Business” Conference with the theme: “Make Money Doing What You Love”


Date: Saturday 25th June 2016


Time: 10am – 4pm


Venue: Peemos Place, Sapele-Delta state, Nigeria.


The page below offers full details about it:


Download the print-ready PRESS RELEASE! published for this event, which we’re sending out to media houses and journalists from;


<a href=”” target=”blank”></a>.


To this end, he arrived Nigeria this past Tuesday, bringing with him a wealth of world class expertise to share with attendees of his Lifestyle Business Conference.


Just last week – 16th June 2016 – to be specific, he (in response to an invitation by Bournemouth University’s Institute of Directors,UK) delivered a presentation titled…”Passion 2 Profits”- How To Discover Your Entrepreneurial Potential And Achieve Your Career Success” at Bournemouth University, UK (See

<a href=”>” target=”blank”></a>)


Efe is rolling out the Lifestyle Business Conference as a way of giving back to society, to help others discover their purpose and succeed in life, inspite of their circumstances – just like he rose from hawking groceries on the streets of Sapele to become a respected Business Coach in the UK.


Initial plans are being worked on by his contacts in Sapele, to roll out the conference. But the vision is to continue across 7 Nigerian states, and ultimately the entire country.


We believe that collaborating with organisations like yours can enable us reach out to larger number of people who can benefit from exposure to valuable learning of this kind – hence the decision to reach out to you.


There is additional information about Efe, and what he does on (content updates in progress).


The LSB Team – <a href=”” target=”blank”></a>.



[RECOMMENDED] 5 Steps To Get The Best Eggs Possible (from

<I>[Tayo Solagbade’s note to reader: Every week I search the web for potentially useful articles on farm business management. This write up by offers practical wisdom that any poultry farmer looking to boost farm performance profitably will appreciate. By “TLC” the author of this article means “Tender Loving Care”]</i>


Treating your layer hens to a little TLC will mean delicious, golden-yolked eggs for your morning breakfast.


Back in the days before my layer flock came to enliven life on our farm, I would have picked the egg for sure—or maybe the egg carton. After all, the runny, pale-yolked eggs I cooked came from cartons sold at the grocery store, not from any chickens that I could see. My perspective changed, however, when I brought home our first fuzzy chicks, watched them grow into gawky pullets and waited—and waited—with bated breath for our first farm-fresh eggs to magically appear.


I eventually learned that not only did you first need chickens to have eggs (obviously), but to start getting eggs, you also needed your pullets to reach about 20 weeks of age. And to get an ongoing supply of good eggs, your chickens needed the right food, clean nest boxes, sufficient daylight and more. In other words, because an egg’s quality reflects the care and management the hen receives, getting good eggs takes some work—and not just on the chicken’s part. Take it from anyone who has ever kept a layer flock, the delicious results are well worth the effort.


<a href=”” target=”blank”>Continue reading</a>

If you’re In Nigeria’s Delta State or Environs, DO NOT Miss This Life Changing Learning Event (on Sat 25th June 2016) Hosted by Efe Ohwofasa – a Former Street Hawker Turned UK Based International Business Coach!

UK based Nigerian born Business Growth Coach, Professional Speaker and Marketing Consultant – Efe Ohwofasa.

is rolling out the maiden edition of his “Launch Your Lifestyle Business” Conference with the theme: “Make Money Doing What You Love”


Date: Saturday 25th June 2016


Time: 10am – 4pm


Venue: Peemos Place, Sapele-Delta state, Nigeria.


The page below offers full details about it:

<a href=”” target=”blank”>Click here</a>


To this end, he arrives Nigeria next week.


<blockquote>But before then, tommorrow – 16th June 2016 – to be specific, he (in response to an invitation by Bournemouth University’s Institute of Directors,UK) will do a presentation titled…”Passion 2 Profits”- How To Discover Your Entrepreneurial Potential And Achieve Your Career Success” at Bournemouth University, UK (See details: <a href=”” target=”blank”>Click here</a>)



Download a print-ready PRESS RELEASE! published for this event, for media houses and journalists from;


<a href=”” target=”blank”>Click here</a>


Efe is rolling out the Lifestyle Business Conference as a way of giving back to society, to help others discover their purpose and succeed in life, inspite of their circumstances – just like he rose from hawking groceries on the streets of Sapele to become a respected Business Coach in the UK.


Initial plans are being worked on by his contacts in Sapele, to roll out the conference. But the vision is to continue across 7 Nigerian states, and ultimately the entire country.


Learn more at <a href=”” target=”blank”>Click here</a>


[PRESS RELEASE] UK Based Coach Who Once Hawked Groceries to Survive Launches Life Changing Lifestyle Business Conference in Nigeria

EFE OHWOFASA [FOCUS GURU™]’s Lifestyle Business Academy

June 2016

Contact: Efe Ohwofasa
Phone: +447944426005
Email: efe at efeohwofasa dot com

Life Changing One Day Lifestyle Business Conference Debuts in Nigeria’s Sapele

Bournemouth UK based business coach,
professional speaker and marketing consultant, who grew up in Sapele hawking garri, yam, pure water, plantain etc, to pay his way through school, launches his Lifestyle Business Conference.

BOURNEMOUTH, UK – All is now set for the maiden edition of Efe Ohwofasa’s Lifestyle Business Conference, with the theme “Make Money Doing What You Love”.

This event will give job seekers, career persons, the self-employed and even retirees an exciting opportunity to learn how to make their dreams come true, by learning from a man whose life story has touched many for years within and outside the UK.

Efe, whose new book “UNLEASH YOURSELF” tells his amazing rags to riches story of going from hawking groceries for years as a teenager in his home country of Nigeria, to become a respected international business coach in the UK, will be launching this event across 7 different Nigerian cities, in line with a vision to help many find their own purpose in life.

“The question is: what steps are you taking to ensure that for the rest of your life, you do not die in poverty, or unfulfilled, BUT end your journey as an accomplished personality getting highly paid for doing what you love and making a difference in the world?” – Efe Ohwofasa, Focus Guru™

The maiden Lifestyle Business Conference will hold as follows:

Date: Saturday 25th June 2016

Time: 10am – 4pm

Venue: Peemos Place, Sapele-Delta state, Nigeria.

To learn more about the event and how to attend, or to partner with Efe’s Lifestyle Business Academy in the roll out, go to to read a special message and signup to watch the video.

To Demonstrate Real Faith in the Creator, You Simply Cannot Use “Safety Nets”!

Some people readily announce – at every opportunity – that they BELIEVE or have FAITH in the Creator. Yet in the way they LIVE, especially privately, in thought and action, they often fail to show it.

What’s more, despite what they profess, these same people, in speaking about their goals, and/or problems they face, they complain about “enemies”, “forces”, “agents” holding their “progress”, “blessings” or even their “destinies”!

How is it possible for a person who truly lives with faith, to be at the perpetual mercy of such evil or ungodly influences?

That just does not add up.

As a result of their above described mental attitudes, many of these people go out of their way to put all sorts of “safety nets” in place, from a just-in-case disposition!

Examples: cutting corners while rationalising that you’re just being realistic; compromising to lower your ethical or moral values/standards in exchange for a concession you seek etc.

Truth is you either believe whole-heartedly (it’s called “blind and unquestioning faith”) or you don’t.

You need no safety nets if you do.

Simply let go and take daily action with confidence based on your faith, to pursue your goals.

This has nothing to do with religion. It is simply a spiritual principle. Every human being is capable of exercising faith and can therefore apply this principle successfully in his/her life!

Like the gentleman whose 2 Facebook post previews and links I share below:

1. Lonnie Robinson story of “being through hell and back” is real and amazing. You need to read it to fully appreciate it.


Lonnie Robinson

My Testimony:

“I do not have the Right—to remain silent!”

The Trophy was given to me by the students at the School of Justice for “enriching their lives!

Every student (800), faculty and staff member has heard my Testimony. They witness me excel in class. I chose to take this picture with this Trophy (over my degree or academic award) because it is inscribed to Mr. Lonnie! And it say’s—you are One in a Million!

You see, this is so heartfelt—because it wasn’t long ago—when I use to “literally” be called—a piece of shit! Thank you Jesus! For miraculously transforming my life, from—Shit to Sugar!

My Testimony;

I’m a 62 year old ‘poor’ black male who has literally been through hell and back—to get to this juncture in my life! I was born raised and still reside in district 5—the most impoverished and crime infested district within the City of Miami Florida. District 5 is an inner-city Ghetto!


2. In this 2nd post, he publishes a definition of FAITH in form of a photo illustration that’s spot on!

Make the World Better by Being Beautiful Inside, Long After Your Outer Beauty Has Faded [Tribute to Muhammad Ali]

“The shoot produced haunting, intimate photos of a champion ravaged by age and Parkinson’s disease, though the spark clearly was still there”


The above is what I choose to take away from this Washington Post article titled “Muhammad Ali’s final photo shoot captured a spark that still lingered – The Washington Post“.

The writer himself knew it mattered enough to mention it (I.e the “spark”), not just in the article, but in its title.

The truth is Muhammad Ali remained a fighter long after he’d left the ring. Many lose that spark with age and illness less severe than the one he battled most of the rest of his life after retiring.

Ali defied it – just like he defied attempts to shut him up or put him (or his people) down. That’s why he’ll remain the same beautiful man in the memories of millions the world over.

We all age. It’s inevitable. But only physically.

Ageing does not – indeed cannot – “ravage” our minds, like it can do to our bodies. Which is great because it is that which resides in our minds (I.e our thoughts) that ultimately makes us who we are – or indeed who we become.

This is why I recommend we all work hard to become, and remain ‘beautiful on the inside’, like Muhammad Ali did until he passed on!