Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

[MP3 Audio] The Secret to Succeeding Financially As a Service Provider

Preview: Why it never pays to price yourself cheap, and how to confidently offer fees that make you profitable, to clients you carefully recruit based on their need (ability to pay) for the solution you offer.


Format: MP3 Audio


Duration: 15 minutes


Filesize: 6.9 MB


Author: Tayo K. Solagbade




E-Mail: Tayo at tksola dot com


Target Audience: Tayo Solagbade’s Inner Circle Members


Tip: The ideas discussed here can be successfully adapted for selling products as well.


Click here to request the audio



[Tutorial 01 – ExcelVB Coding Tips & Tricks for Accountants: How to Enable Macros in different versions of MS Excel I.e 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013!

[*Hint: See PDF tutorial attached to email sent to you announcing this blog post]

To get started using Excel Visual Basic you have to access the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) interface in your copy of Microsoft Excel.

The VBE and related tools are not visible by default – you need to know how to get them to display.

The steps described in the attached “ExcelVB Tutorial 01 for Accountants” PDF will guide you to do it for any version of MS Excel you have to work with, from 2003 up till the latest version.

Note that the steps for enabling macros in Excel 2003 apply to earlier versions.

Next week, in Tutorial 02, I will describe the steps involved in Creating a Macro to do a simple task like formating a cell or current selection using the Currency style and Accounting Format to improve the appearance of Excel reports you prepare.

Below: Two Real Life Examples That Confirm Excel-VB Coding Skill Will Make ANY Accountant Highly Valued In Paid or Self-Employment, Worldwide!

For those still not sure how useful Excel-VB coding skills can be to them on the jiob, and in boosting their careers to the next level, below are links to 2 different websites that offer concrete evidence of the value placed on possession of Excel-VB coding competence by an accountant.
1. First is this introductory course priced at approximately £1,000.0 GBP.


Preview: You could make Excel work harder, particularly repetitive reporting tasks. This course introduces Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) – the language used to write macros.  

Through the use of hands-on examples the course will illustrate the process of creating bespoke reports from large quantities of data (no previous programming experience required).

2. Secondly, this article offers information about learning institutions that teach coding to accountants, as well as high profile international organizations like KPMG, that regularly scout for competent accountants with real world relevant coding skills.

Title: Sure, Accounting Students Should Learn How to Code (And a Lot of Other Things, Too)

Preview: While very few accounting programs require students to learn to code, some strongly encourage students to consider it. Brigham Young University’s School of Accountancy is creating several master’s-level classes on dealing with data in accounting.

These classes will focus not only on manipulating, analyzing, and reporting data, but on coding as well.
David Wood, Ph.D., an assistant professor who is one of the faculty members designing this coursework, said the classes will include learning some SQL and Visual Basic for Excel, and other programming concepts.

“Writing code is a tool, and if you have that tool, it provides you an opportunity to do things that others can’t,” he said. “Would coding benefit an accountant? There’s no question it can help.

[Recommended] Sleep 7 Hours: Young CEO’s Demise Teaches Great Lesson About Importance of Sleeping Enough!

Preview: It was certainly a wake-up call for corporate India. However, it was even  more disastrous for runners amongst us. Since Ranjan was an avid marathoner (in Feb 09, he ran Chennai Marathon at the same time some of  us were running Pondicherry Marathon 180 km away ), the question came as  to why an exceptionally active, athletic person succumb to heart attack at 42 years of age. “

The above is an excerpt from a 2009 article – linked below – about the unexpected death – due to massive heart attack – of Rajan Das, then SAP India CEO, after a Gym Workout.

The article titled “What killed SAP CEO Ranjan Das and lessons for corporate India” analyzes the late CEO’s lifestyle and warns of the need to give our bodies enough rest, as we push ourselves to do more, to achieve our goals.

I’ve shared the link to it below, to alert those who may not know, to the dangers of not sleeping long enough.

Let me note, however, that contrary to what this article reports as research based medical recommendations, I’ve personally thrived quite well with 4 to 5 hours of sleep since my teens.

I’ve tried sleeping longer, but often with little success. My body clock just won’t let me sleep up to 7 hours (at least not at a stretch) even if I’d worked 24 hours.

It would appear that we all have different biological systems. So I may struggle to do that 7 hour sleep that seems to be the standard medical recommendation.

Having said that, the tips in this article reinforce what I’ve known about how to let my body recover when I push it hard like I do.

I hope you find it useful reading.

Read full article:

What killed SAP CEO Ranjan Das and lessons for corporate India.

Article Writing Success Depends On Quality of Insights – Not Word Count!

I recently came across a blog post by a famous writer/thought leader that was MUCH less than 200 words – yet still communicated powerfully useful and life-changing insights.


By way of interest, the author is one who readily churns out write-ups over 2,000 words long, with deeply impactful messages. So it’s not like he has difficulty writing long pieces.


<b>That fact lends credence to the view I’ve always had, that one can make his/her own rules in any chosen vocation.



You don’t have to stick with any particular format or formula all the time. Not even those recommended by experts or so called Gurus.


This is because YOU are a unique human being, and your thought processes are peculiar to you – different from what any other person is capable of.


As a result, when you diligently apply yourself to a thinking-dependent activity like writing, there will be times when your original thoughts come in a manner that demands they be penned “as is”. No padding or fluff. Just the raw -even if comparatively brief – form.


<blockquote>Here’s why you need not resist this impulse if/when it comes upon you…


You see sometimes it won’t be the number of words you write and publish that counts. Instead it will be the quality of insights contained in them!</blockquote>


My advice: don’t hold back, if you feel the urge to share – publish your new thoughts and ideas in your blog, and help more of your target audience find their way to success.


They’ll be grateful to you for it!


<B>Having said the above, it goes without saying that you need to apply due diligence in putting the ideas I’ve shared here to use.



Deciding how brief (or wordy) any of your writeups should be, will ideally be influenced by YOUR sound understanding of your target audience, and your intended purpose.


Remember: even the rules can be broken by you, if need be, to achieve your goal.


PS: This article would NOT be complete, if I did not share the less than 200 word insightful article by the author I mentioned at the start of this piece. There is a lot you can learn from reading it. <a href=”” target=”blank”>So click here to do so now</a>.


I wish you well

[RECOMMENDED] Comparative Feed Values for Swine



Feed costs represent 65%-75% of the variable costs of swine production. As a result, feed costs play a major role in determining the profitability of a swine enterprise. While corn and soybean meal are the industry standards for supplying energy and protein, there are many suitable alternatives that meet nutritional requirements while reducing the cost of the ration.


Price relationships vary greatly depending on seasonal variability, global and local markets. Pork producers must be able to evaluate the cost effectiveness and nutritional value of various feed ingredients in order to supply a nutritionally-balanced diet at a minimal cost.




Relative Value

Protein Quality

Nutrient Availability (Digestibility)

Anti-Nutritional Factor


Inclusion Rate

Nutrient Variability


Relevant OMAF Factsheets

Nutrient Composition and Suggested Maximum Inclusion

Factors Affecting Inclusion Rate of Alternative Feed Ingredients for Swine


<a href=”” target=”blank”>Continue reading</a>

NEW FRAUD. PLS BEWARE!! [Phony Kidnappers Playing Mind Games Over The Phone to Get Money]

Last week I heard the audio of a truly audacious 419 fraudster trying to impersonate an online banking support officer over the phone (click link below to listen).

419 over the phone. What an embarrassment to Nigeria! – YouTube

Since then I’ve become convinced that anything is possible in today’s Nigeria.

That’s why I share this on my blog – better safe than sorry as they say.


Given below is what happened to someone & he has narrated this in his own words:

” I received a call from someone claiming that he was from my mobile Service provider and he asked me to shutdown my phone for 2 hours for 3G update to take place. As I was rushing for a meeting,I did not question, but just shut down my cell phone. After 45 minutes I felt very suspicious since the caller did not even introduce his name.

I quickly turned on my cell phone and saw several missed calls from my family members and the others were from the number that had called me earlier –I called my parents and I was shocked that they sounded very worried asking me whether I am safe.

My parents told me that they had received a call from someone claiming that they had me with them and asking for money to let me free. The call was so real and my parents even heard ‘my voice’ crying out loud asking for help.

My father was at the bank waiting for next call to proceed for money transfer. I told my parents that I am safe and asked them to lodge a police report .Right after that I received another call from the guy asking me to shutdown my cell phone for another 1 hour which I refused to do and hung up.

They kept calling my cell phone until the battery had run down. I myself lodged a police report and I was informed by the officer that there were many such scams reported. MOST of the cases reported that the victim had already transferred the money! And it is impossible to get back the money.

Be careful as this kind of scam might happen to any of us!!!Those guys are so professional and very convincing during calls. If you are asked to shut down your cell phone for updates by the service provider, ASK AROUND!

Your family or friends might receive the same call. “Be Safe and Stay Alert!Please pass around to your family and friends !!!v
1 min ·
Source: Click here.

THE FARM CEO (Issue 52): Five Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records, Five Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health, Five Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices

In this week’s non-password protected issue of The Farm CEO newspaper, I feature 3 articles from my Cost-Saving Best Practice Farm Business Ideas series.


<h3>1. Five Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records</h3>


In this article, I discuss five (5) important farm production records a poultry farmer needs to diligently capture, to ensure s/he can take timely farm planning decisions that will result in the best possible performance.


The records discussed are operational in nature, and NOT financial. Relevant financial records – and related Key Performance Indices (KPIs) – useful for farm business evaluation will be highlighted in a future write-up.


At various points below, I have highlighted certain important farm production KPIs. The idea is to illustrate real world relevant…


<a href=”” target=”blank”></a>.


<h3>2. Five Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health</h3>


Sometimes you need to get a loan from a bank; win over equity investors or attract strategic partners. If you’re a big thinker, you could even have a vision to sell your farm business’ shares in the capital market. Or you might want to expand by buying another farm(s). And sometimes you may just want to ascertain that all is well with your farm. The requirements to be met for each of the foregoing will differ.


But one thing is certain: To do any of the above, you need accurate production records to generate reliable financial performance indicators! As long as you keep good production records, don’t be in a hurry to hire a potentially expensive expert.


This article discusses five powerful financial performance indication tools…


<a href=”” target=”blank”></a>.


<h3>3. Five Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices</h3>


This article will interest you if you run a farm business (or are aspiring). With today’s tough economic conditions, any smart business person will be open to ideas that can help boost profits.


Read the strategies outlined below with an open mind. They are not based on unfounded assumptions or theoretical musings. Rather, they have been used to increase profits without raising prices, in real-life batch operations similar to farm businesses. Adopt them today and begin to reap improved farm profits!



<b>1. Reduce Your Variable Costs: </a> Aim to spend less to produce the same farm output. I refer here to routine expenses to keep your farm business running.


Identify items responsible for up to 80% of your total…


<a href=”” target=”blank”></a>.




[Preliminary Highlights!] Maiden Edition of Efe Ohwofasa’s Lifestyle Business Conference, held Saturday 25th June 2016 in Nigeria’s Sapele!

It was a most exciting day for attendees at the first ever edition of Efe’s Lifestyle Business Conference, held this past Saturday 25th June 2016, at Peemos Place, Sapele-Delta state, Nigeria!

To say they were WOWed would be an understatement, as Efe literally poured out his heart to the audience!

To add more emotion to the event, there were among them some who knew him from back when he actually hawked groceries on the streets in that same city years back, while they schooled together.

What a reunion that was!

You can imagine how inspiring it was for them to see him stand and speak to them on stage in his new status as an internationally recognised business coach. Little wonder that the testimonials came pouring!

Read More – click here…