Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

The FARM CEO (Issue 96) – FEEDING SNAILS: Researchers Discover Moringa Can Do It Better & Cheaper!

If you’re interested in Commercial Snail Farming (like I am – due to my daughter’s passion for it – and the interest of some of my Farm CEO clients), then you’ll want to read this:

This amazing Moringa plant continues to prove itself to be a true all-purpose plant.

This time around, it’s showing researchers looking for more cost-effective ways to grow commercially reared snails, that it can generate potentially massive savings in terms of feeding costs, even as it delivers satisfactory nutrients supply to the micro livestock fed with it.

No wonder it’s called the MIRACLE TREE!

The foregoing is the conclusion reached by a team at the famous Songhai Integrated (100% recycled) Farming Centre based on Porto Novo, in a study they conducted.

Below, I share a preview of their report, with clickable links to read it in full on the Songhai website:


The residues of Moringa leaf extract can well replace the feed used in feeding snails. This is the conclusion reached from an experiment conducted by a Songhai team, seeking the best feed for a better growth of these mollusks.

Snails need a diet rich in protein for growth. Moringa is known for its medicinal properties and for its richness in protein. Fresh moringa leaves contain as much protein as an egg; dry moringa leaves contain four times more.

Read full report…click below


The Video Below Briefly Introduces/Discusses The Moringa “Miracle” Tree

[RECOMMENDED] DIY Africa: Empowering a new Sierra Leone – Kelvin Doe, Self-Taught Engineering Teenage Whiz From Sierra Leone, Wows MIT Experts (VIDEO) – As seen on CNN, HuffingtonPost, Wikipedia etc

In this special edition of my RECOMMENDED blog post series, I feature previews from high profile news reports about a young African’s amazing achievements – from when he was 13 years old – of using 100% self-taught engineering skills to innovate and invent PRACTICAL solutions to everyday problems in his own community.

His accomplishments have since led him to set records of all kinds – including becoming the “youngest person in history to be invited to the “Visiting Practitioner’s Program” at MIT” at age 15 – and meeting globally known public figures like the President of Harvard University – and even Hilary Clinton!

Below, I offer a menu of excerpts ending with links to the full reports


1. “Kelvin Doe, now 16, became the youngest person in history to be invited to the “Visiting Practitioner’s Program” at MIT, according to CNN….MIT discovered Doe during Innovate Salone, a national high school innovation challengeheld in Sierra Leone by an international organization called Global Minimum. Doctoral student David Sengeh recognized his skills right away.

Source: HuffingtonPost report – click to read in full

2. “Kelvin Doe (born 26 October 1996 in Freetown), also known as DJ Focus, is a Sierra Leonean engineer. He is known for teaching himself engineering at the age of 13 and building his own radio station in Sierra Leone, where he plays music and broadcasts news under the name “DJ Focus.” He was one of the finalists in GMin’s Innovate Salone idea competition, in which Doe built a generator from scrap metals. Doe would constantly use discarded pieces of scrap to build transmitters, generators, and batteries, as well.[1][2]

Source: Wikipedia entry – click to read in full


3. (CNN) — When Kelvin Doe, a then-13-year-old from Sierra Leone, saw that off-the-shelf batteries were too expensive for the inventions he was working on, he made his own at home. Kelvin did not have the privilege to do his project in a school environment. Rather, he was compelled to act by necessity and for the joy of solving practical problems. Kelvin combined acid, soda, and metal, dumped those ingredients in a tin cup, waited for the mixture to dry and wrapped tape around the cup to make his first battery. He failed several times before completing a final, working prototype. He hasn’t purchased a battery since.

Source: CNN report – click to read in full

4. [Maker Faire] Mention Africa and many of us westerners immediately conjure up images of war, famine, and genocide. But Sierra Leone’s 16-year-old Kelvin Doe is conjuring up something something altogether different.

Kelvin, AKA DJ Focus, helped create a DIY youth radio station made from discarded consumer electronics salvaged from local garbage bins. He designed his own generator to power the station’s amplifier and other components. The station’s 12-volt generator is made from a home-made battery which in turn is  charged by broken DVD players. In his spare time, Kelvin DJs at kids’ birthday parties.

Source: Maker Faire report – click to read in full

Feeding Pigs Cheaply Series – PART 2 [Fact Sheet titled “Making Nutritious Silage From Sweet Potato Vines” – STEPS To Follow]

Below are excerpts from an email update I just sent to clients who signed up for my series on “Feeding Pigs Cheaply”.

TIP: Get Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and 4 in the FULL series, with MP3 Audio for N5k. Fill/submit the form on the page linked here (click now), to request your copies.


Find attached Part 2 of the Feeding Pigs Cheaply Fact Sheets Series.

This one is titled “Making Nutritious Silage From Sweet Potato Vines [STEPS]”


To create this second mind map based fact sheet, I have had to READ and synthesize key information from MANY different websites, to give you a concentrated reference guide you can reliably follow to try your hand at making silage from SP.

Let me know if you need help making use of the information provided.

In your service,



Fill/submit the form on the page linked here (click now), to request your copies of the Fact Sheets.

[RECOMMENDED] Magufuli’s Salary One of Africa’s Lowest, If Not World!

Magufuli’s Salary One of Africa’s Lowest, If Not World!

[MP3 AUDIO UPDATE] You Need a WIN-WIN Relationship That Helps You Succeed [Revised Guidelines for Service Provision by Tayo Solagbade’s SDAc’s Creative Business Solutions – with VERBATIM TEXT TRANSCRIPT EXCERPTS]

Learn How YOU Can Enjoy  a WIN-WIN Relationship, With Me, That Helps You Succeed – in this short audio message in which I announce revised guidelines for provision of/access to some solutions I offer.


The revised guidelines discussed in this audio notification take effect from Monday, the 9th of October 2017.

The first one mentioned about my PROMO offers is the most important, but I strongly advise that if you plan to work with me, you download and listen to the full audio (click link at bottom of this post) to know what the other 2 are.

This is because they define how I will work from now onwards, to ensure I can serve ALL my clients and followers effectively and efficiently in a WIN-WIN relationship that ensures I stay profitable even as I help them achieve their goals.


===Start of Transcript Excerpts====

Hi there, this is Tayo Solagbade and it’s about 4.54a.m. I’m recording this special update just to announce some slight modifications to the way I’ll be providing my solutions to everybody in my network.

Now please note that what I’m about to say here applies to you whether you’re already a client or whether you’re just a subscriber in my network, or maybe you’re just on my contacts list and I sent it to you.

But in the email I would have spelt out the same terms I’m about to describe in this audio, and it’s just designed to let everybody be on the same page.

Starting from Monday, the 9th of October 2017, I will be launching a new system for sending out offers to people in my network. And this will be a blanket system. In other words I will NOT be making special concessions to ANY particular groups of people anymore.

Instead I’m going to just be giving a blanket system of offers to make what I used to call “Crazy Promos”…there will no longer be called “crazy promos.

Instead I’m going to just have promos, because like I said I’ve tested all kinds of things this year, and what I’ve learned is that at the end of the day, the most important thing is that you should make your offers with integrity, but at the same time make them to have as much of a human face as possible.

Incidentally, it was some of you who told me this – who requested for this and asked, “Oh why can’t you make it a bit longer. These are short” and all of that. And what I found out over the years, from experts that I studied in developing my model, is that it’s always a smart thing to test. If people tell you they want “this”, TEST it! Don’t just be (like some clients used to tell me I was…lol) “rigid”.

So I said, OK – they say I’m rigid, let me see – just how flexible can I be, that they will be able to take it up…

So, I tried being flexible, and I noticed that the more flexible I tried to be, not everybody would respond to the effort being made to be flexible.

Some people still, there was always something!

So I said OK, the African and Nigerian environment is peculiar. People have challenges they are facing that are not normal. Because they are not like Americans, where everybody has their credit cards and you can just be charging their credit cards, every month, like some of my Oyinbo mentors that I’ve studied.

Some people are dealing with price changes of maize every week. So when they are talking about subscribing to your offer – when they say YES last week, by this week, they’ll say “Ol boy that YES don turn to MAYBE” lol!

And so I said to myself, that I have to find out something. that will be convenient for everybody and that would be FAIR! But I realized in the process of trying to do that, testing all kinds of approaches, practically with each person, especially those people who were already my clients and I felt I knew them and that it would be unfair not to give the guy a chance. I found out that there could be a varying degree of commitment even after you’d made these modifications.

So, eventually what I’ve come to is the conclusion that a person who really wants something (and that’s something I’ve actually always known), if he wants something badly enough, he’ll find away to get it. 

All you have to do it to be fair in how you make the offer. Once you’ve done that, then your own part is played and it’s left to the person to decide.

And so, long story short, what I’m announcing to all of you is:

Starting Monday (9th October 2017), there will not be any crazy promos. They will just be FLASH PROMOS – which are promos that are (tightly) time limited.

So, the time limit can be in 3 forms.

The first form or first dealing will be 24 hours

That price will be crazy but I will not call it a crazy promo.

It’s just going to be at a flash promo price. You take it up in 24hours you get that price. You go beyond 24 hours, you’re going to have to deal with DOUBLE that price which will be applicable for 24 hours.

Then after that it goes back to (for instance if the thing was supposed to be ) N100k and I gave it to you at N5k, then you would actually have to pay N10k if you missed the 24 hour deadline, and then after the 48 hour deadline, you would have to pay the N100k…or comot eye lol!

Now, it’s important to note, that what I’m talking about here, there are no exceptions to it.

It does not matter if you’re a member of my Farm Business Ideas club or Web Marketing for CEOs club or whether you’re just a subscriber or you’re a member of my Inner Circle. It won’t matter.

(Not) even if you’re a member of Club Zero – because (unlike how I initially started it) I have revised the terms of Club Zero to be SPECIFICALLY for farm business owners.

The reason is this:

I would say that about 80% of my clients are Farm CEOs!

So those are the people that helped my brand to be what it is today, and it is for those people that I offer Club Zero – PRIMARILY.

It took me time, but I eventually decided that THAT was how I wanted it to be.

So anything outside Farm Business Support Solutions would NOT be a Club Zero thing. Therefore you won’t be able to get it at a zero price.

===End of Transcript Excerpts====

NB: The audio continues to the 2 other updates that you need to be aware of – but I do NOT offer a text transcript version.

Instead, like I noted in the preamble for this post, I strongly advise that if you plan to work with me, you download and listen to the full audio (click here NOW) to know what the other 2 are.


Tayo K. Solagbade

Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist & Multipreneur



[RECOMMENDED] The new face of farming: youth making agribusiness ‘cool’!

It is important to make agriculture ‘cool’ in order to attract more youngsters to the sector.” – Botswana’s Mavis Nduchwa, 33 year old founder of Chabana (Animal Feed) Farms – a grantee of Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme (TEEP)

The above quote, credited to a successful young Female African Farm CEO accurately captures the important need for African nations to make agribusiness more appealing to younger members of their populations.

Unfortunately, in some countries, like Nigeria, the youths continue to see and hear about farm businesses struggling to stay afloat or closing down e.g. poultry farms affected by scarcity and/or prohibitive prices of key inputs like Maize, Soyabean etc.

We need to create more opportunities for those bold enouch to venture into farm business, to record success stories like that of this young lady!

Read her full story in the interview previewed/linked below…

The new face of farming: youth making agribusiness ‘cool’!


Botswana’s Mavis Nduchwa, 33, owns an animal feed farm that grows grains and legumes
Run a quick Google search on African women making it in business, and you will rarely find a young woman engaged in rural farming. But Mavis Nduchwa has challenged norms by founding and successfully managing a commercial animal feed farm in Botswana.
Continue reading…

[RECOMMENDED] Why online courses are trending

This report highlights a reality that people are coming to accept all over the world – including Africa – about the increasing popularity of online courses amongst people seeking tertiary level education. As tuition fees keep rising, those who cannot afford them are embracing the use of remote learning web based resources that a growing number of institutions now offer.

Why online courses are trending

Hundreds of university students in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa and other African countries took to the streets last year to protest against high tuition fees, lack of equal access to education and inferior learning environments at their learning institutions. The clashes, which disrupted the universities’ academic calendars, highlighted the harsh conditions students face on the continent.

To put it into perspective, only about 6% of young people in sub-Saharan Africa are enrolled in higher education institutions, according to a 2015 report by the Africa-America Institute (AAI), a US-based organization that seeks to foster relations between Africa and the United States through higher education.


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[RECOMMENDED] The importance of key performance indicators for profitability

The article linked below echoes a message I’ve been screaming through my Cost-Saving Best Practice Farm Business Ideas articles (like THIS one – click to view) for over a decade, to my Farm CEO target audience 

That’s why my Custom Spreadsheet software are designed to auto-compute and report, in tabular as well as charted format, commonly used KPIs for farm businesses they are built for e.g the Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager, and the Excel-VB Catfish Farm Business Manager.

KPIs are crucial tools for monitoring the performance of a business in operational as well as financial terms – and EVERY Farm CEO needs to make smart use of them, to be sure s/he achieves efficiency and profitability repeatedly and consistently.

Without KPIs, you would effectively be working blind – which means you would have no means of accurately determining whether your business is doing well or not, in a reliable and sustainable manner. Definitely not a smart thing to do.

Now, even though this article uses Pig farming as the basis for discussion, the insights it offers can be successfully applied to other livestock farming enterprises. And that’s why I’ve chosen to share it here.

Hope you enjoy reading it.


PS: I’m preparing to produce a new Audio Podcast Training (APT) Series designed to educate Farm CEOs about How to develop and use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for records management. It will come with PDF tip sheets and spreadsheets loaded with ready-to-use report generation formats for the KPIs discussed. This is to help those of you who may wish to adopt these powerful tools, but do not know how to go about it. Click here to join my list so you get notified in your email once it goes LIVE.

The importance of key performance indicators for profitability
Research and development into many areas of commercial pig production has fuelled improvements in productivity and output. Yet, it is still questionable if profitability on farm is increasing, or even being maintained, in-line with these advancements. 
Industry experts advise that remaining profitable is imperative, and the way to monitor this is through key performance indicators, which ensures a unit is reaching its full potential through maximum production efficiencies.

Continue reading…

[RECOMMENDED] Nigeria has a culture of not paying workers and it’s not about to change anytime soon

Many government bodies and private companies in Nigeria can leave workers unpaid for several months. In this 2012 photo are protesting employees of This Day newspaper. (AP Photos/Sunday Alamba)


Lagos, Nigeria

Taiwo Olatunji is tired.

Tired of waiting. Tired of excuses. Tired of not knowing exactly what he needs to do next. He’s been teaching high school financial accounting in Nigeria’s southwestern Osun state for the last decade. He enjoys his job and gets on with his colleagues.

Continue reading…

The FARM CEO (Issue 95) – RECOMMENDED: 5 Ways to Make Money Online as a Farmer –

This Kenyan blog (screenshot below) features a guest post from a Nigerian expert (Stephen OlorunNi) who makes money online, providing in-demand products and services to farm business owners and those aspiring.

My Farm CEO clients and subscribers will attest to the fact that the ideas he advocates for adoption in this article echo – very loudly – those that I’ve preached via my Cost-Saving Best Practice Farm Business Ideas articles on this blog ( for years.

Read: No. 109: Earn Extra Non-Farm Income at Zero Cost

I strongly recommend you read this piece and TAKE action based on what you learn!

5 Ways to Make Money Online as a Farmer

If you follow the world’s economic trends related to our dear continent, Africa, you will observe one significant thing; Africans are getting back to the farm (or we’re being forced back to the farm).

This is good news if you consider the fact that the African continent is importing billions of dollars of food every year. To be specific, we imported food worth $40 billion in the year 2015.



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Spontaneous Coaching™ Program: Monetize Your Expertise to Make EXTRA Money With LESS Effort by Creating Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™

Learn How to Create Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™ to earn you income [Below: Downloadable Flyer Image]…

(1) even on public holidays

(2) even when you have no client projects in hand

(3) even when you’re on annual leave

(4) AND…even when you’re ASLEEP!

Just Like I’ve done for YEARS!
