Category Archives: Public Speaking

My Recommended Blog Posts For Week Ending Saturday 9th Feb 2013

It’s taken me a while, but I’ve finally settled on what I believe will be a sustainable way to share links to stuff I read and find useful online. So, every Saturday (starting today), I’ll publish a post that lists (and links) blog posts I’ve read, which I recommend to others.

Do You "Speed Read" ?

By way of interest, I do a lot of reading. Both online and off the net. It’s important to keep abreast of issues and developments in one’s areas of focus and interest. Thankfully, my use of speed reading techniques advocated by Tony Buzan helps me plough through many write ups daily, without sacrificing comprehension.

Which reminds me: Speed Reading can help you boost your personal productivity many times over – especially if you have to read a lot (like most writers/bloggers do). So if you don’t do it yet, you might want to learn: Googling "learn Speed Reading" could be a good way to get started!

My Recommended Blog Posts For Week Ending Saturday 9th Feb 2013

Below are brief previews and links to blog posts/articles I read online this week, and found compelling enough to recommend for others to read. Remember to apply due diligence before putting any ideas to use for yourself :-)

1. Putting a Stop to Abusive Client Behaviour (7 Part Series) – By John Tabita

Like I always say, this is a subject I feel strongly about. Service providers are so prone to getting abused. And my personal experiences as a multi skilled service provider emphatically confirm it. After being subjected to a number of less-than-dignifying experiences, I began devising strategies to protect myself. And I succeeded.

Then I realised I needed to share my insights with others – because I kept running into colleagues who felt they had no choice but to accept the bad treatment. So, in 2006, I wrote my first piece on the above theme in form of an article titled "The Customer Will NOT Always Be Right: Don’t Be A Victim Of Entrepreneur Abuse™!"

Since then I’ve written a number of other pieces. 2 years ago or so, I discovered John Tabita’s comprehensive series on this theme. In them, I found validation for the opinions I’d expressed in my own articles, which not a few people out here had questioned (not that I’d listened to any of them!).

As you’ll find from reading John Tabita’s powerful series, it’s imperative that you stop letting clients walk all over you, if you want to earn their respect as a professional, and ultimately make tangible progress in your business.

2. Do You Refuse To Work for New Clients? – By James Chartrand

This piece about relating with clients also resonated with me – but in a different way from the one above. James reminds us of the need to act with honour and integrity in dealing with clients.

Even when there’s money to be made, we must ask ourselves if the client will get equivalent value for her investment. Some people feel they don’t owe a client the duty of telling her not to waste money on a project. I believe James is right: we do. Click here to read it.

3. This Deadly Mistake Cost Me a Five Figure Client – By Bamidele Oni

I think it’s safe to say that many people already know Bamidele Oni to be a teenage Guest Blogging expert. He’s proved his mettle by getting his guest posts repeatedly published on some of the most prominent blogs on the web.

That’s why when he writes a post about blogging, guest blogging or handling blogging clients, many people pay attention.

This young man, despite his success still remains humble enough to admit that he makes mistakes. In this article, he shares insights gained from one such instance that cost him a potentially profitable client project. Click here to read it.

4. The Guest Blogging Fails: Again (Video + Infographic) – By Ann Smarty

I’m preparing myself to give guest blogging outside the Farm Business industry another go. Last time out, I only tried three pitches (which were rejected) before I decided I still had a lot to learn.

I felt if I had to send anything to another blog owner’s mail box, I had to make sure I understood how to do it right. And this is why every time I see a write up that offers ideas on how to Guest Blog, I never fail to give it a good read (and re-read if need be).

The infographic created by Ann Smarty really helps to drive home the points she makes in her excellent article. Read it here.


5. The Top Ten Mistakes Writers Make When Self Publishing a Book – By Guy Kawasaki

Everybody knows Guy Kawasaki. In this article (written last month) published on Digital Book World, he offers "a list of Do’s and Don’t’s" for people like us, who (may) use self-publishing to get our books into the marketplace. Read it here.

A blog post (through which I actually found Guy’s article) also offers about 4 additional tips – following from Guy’s piece. Click here to read the blog post.

6. 3 Honest Ways to Raise Startup Money –

During the week – on Tuesday to be exact – I published a post titled 3 Ways to Quickly Raise Money. When 2 days later I came across a post titled 3 Honest Ways to Raise Startup Money on, I was naturally drawn to read it. And afterwards, I knew I wanted to share it :-)

7. Outreach Letters for Link Building [Real Examples] – By Peter Attia

Like I said, I’m constantly looking to learn as much as I can about how to succeed with guest posting. The use of Outreach Letters as a means of pitching guest post ideas is discussed by Peter Attia in a post on the Daily SEO Blog. One thing I (and 80 others who commented on the post) liked about the post was his use of real life examples of letters he had sent out. He also discussed other strategies he employed to achieve success. Very informative and useful piece. Read it here.

What Do You Really Stand For?

It’s said that “talk is cheap”. I argue (in this week’s issue of my public speaking IDEAS newsletter), that every speaker can use that popular saying to remind herself to stay true to the values she professes – even when no one is watching!

What You Do, And NOT What You Say, Defines Who You Are


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 4th February 2013

No: 75

Title: What Do You Really Stand For?

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2013. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click to view larger screenshot showing the applications NEW formula storing interface.

Testimonial from a User of The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

This new version allows you to:

1. Include 7 EXTRA feed ingredients in your rations.

2. Store 3 FORMULAS you derive for future recall/refinement

3. Export your stored formulas into a separate workbook!

A new PRO VERSION goes even further to enable you automatically generate a Least Cost Feed Ration Formula!

Email tayo at tksola dot com with your enquiry, then call 234-803-302-1263. If you already own the basic Ration Formulator, you get the new upgrade version FREE. Just get in touch!

See screenshots of the new interfaces here – click!


No. 75: What Do You Really Stand For?

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


It’s said that “talk is cheap”. I argue (in this week’s issue of my public speaking IDEAS newsletter), that every speaker can use that popular saying to remind herself to stay true to the values she professes – even when no one is watching!

What You Do, And NOT What You Say, Defines Who You Are

Maybe you’re a Workplace Performance Improvement expert-speaker. You likely go on the platform and tell your audience how to create a conducive climate to get employees to give their best on the job at all times.

One could however ask what working conditions exist in your own organization?

Do your high performers enjoy commensurate career advancement or rewards for their efforts? Or are they frustrated by an absence of a sincere commitment to giving the best people an opportunity to flourish – to the company’s ultimate benefit?

One example: Would you promote a deserving employee over an under-performing relative, if you knew doing so would be best for the progress of the business?

These are the kinds of hard questions I honestly believe speakers need to routinely ask themselves if they wish to be – and remain – authentic.

Sadly, For Some, Their Words Are Not Their Bond

Public speakers are generally regarded by their audiences as trustworthy sources of knowledge and information in their various areas of expertise. Therefore when they speak, they potentially wield a lot of power and influence over their audiences.

That privilege can however be easily abused by a speaker who chooses to be insincere.

It is for instance quite possible to recruit a pedophile to manage a school or children’s home, if decision makers or selection bodies depend only on his impressive credentials and rousing speech about children’s rights and empowerment.

His subtle character flaws that make him a potential danger to kids are unlikely to be easily detected when he’s in public view. That’s why background checks with associates from his past and present life can be quite revealing.

Sometimes of course, nothing obvious may jump out at you when you do that.

However, a tell tale pattern or trend in behaviour could be detectable with careful observation. And that could provide useful additional perspective from which to evaluate a candidate being considered.

What Beliefs & Biases Do You Nurse?

As an expert speaker, your beliefs and biases can greatly influence the views you hold about people and issues. The problem is that as human beings we may not always let others know our true feelings on issues – especially if we feel they may be potentially controversial or embarrassing.

In today’s hypersensitive world, many have therefore learnt to employ a little duplicity or two-facedness in order to get along with others. Sometimes they’ll do this to be able to put meals on the table for their families for instance. But deep inside they may nurse growing resentment at being unable to really act on their feelings.

So when one day they see or hear of an opportunity to act in line with their true feelings they are likely to take it. And if those who know them later learn of it, they’ll naturally be surprised.

“I never knew he felt that way of held such views!” some would exclaim..

Public speakers by the very nature of their vocation are perfectly equipped to operate in the above described manner if they choose to. And some do: They woo their audiences into believing they stand for one thing, while in reality their loyalties lies elsewhere.

We see enough examples of this during political campaigns for instance, wherein candidates mouth valued ideals only to have damaging evidence from their past and/or private lives expose them to be unfaithful to those same ideals!

The word “integrity” is unfortunately a word that’s been badly abused in recent years. Even people well known for being crooked have sometimes been referred to in some societies as having “integrity”!

To me, having “integrity” means being able to stand for what what you believe no matter what happens, or regardless of whose Ox is gored.

Consider this: If you overhear “colleagues” on a selection board talking about discriminating against a best qualified candidate based on her gender, what would you do?

Would you look the other way, and one week later deliver a moving speech on equal rights and opportunities for women, to rousing applause at a women’s conference?

Any speaker who does the abive cannot lay claim to having integrity!

Final Words: Questions To Help Us Stay Grounded In Our Values

This brings me to the following questions that I strive as often as possible to ask myself:

What do I stand for?

Is it consistent with what I say and do in my personal life?

Or am I just acting out a script of sorts and taking my (listening and reading) audience for a cruelly misleading ride?

These are questions I constantly ask myself in order to stay grounded.

Another is: What would the audience think/say/do find if they could read my thoughts every time I stand before them to give a talk?

And here’s one more: What would I do if I knew no one would ever find out?

You can also ask yourself these questions.

The answers we individually settle on, if we’re honest with ourselves, will determine what we really stand for.

You and I must strive never to be found wanting in this regard as experts-who-speak.

Click now

Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

Share this issue!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF

Make Your Best Talk The NEXT One!

Are you getting rave reviews from speaking at events? Does your name ring a bell more often in certain circles? Maybe someone who attended your last talk even recognized you in a shopping mall recently.

And she probably greeted you excitedly, telling others around who you were, so that you left the mall feeling taller :-) That’s great. However, it don’t take it as a cue to put your feet up and stop trying to come up with a BETTER talk or speech to deliver at your next outing!

In this issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter, I highlight the need to avoid getting carried away once you begin reaping success from your speaking efforts.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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View it in your browser.

Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 28th January 2013

No: 74

Title: Make Your Best Talk The NEXT One!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2013. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click to view larger screenshot showing the applications NEW formula storing interface.

Get The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

This new version allows you to:

1. Include 7 EXTRA feed ingredients in your rations.

2. Store 3 FORMULAS you derive for future recall/refinement

3. Export your stored formulas into a separate workbook!

A new PRO VERSION goes even further to enable you automatically generate a Least Cost Feed Ration Formula!

Email tayo at tksola dot com with your enquiry, then call 234-803-302-1263. If you already own the basic Ration Formulator, you get the new upgrade version FREE. Just get in touch!

See screenshots of the new interfaces here – click!


No. 74: Make Your Best Talk The NEXT One!

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


Are you getting rave reviews from speaking at events? Does your name ring a bell more often in certain circles? Maybe someone who attended your last talk even recognized you in a shopping mall recently. And she probably greeted you excitedly, telling others around who you were, so that you left the mall feeling taller :-) That’s great. However, it don’t take it as a cue to put your feet up and stop trying to come up with a BETTER talk or speech to deliver at your next outing!

In this issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter, I highlight the need to avoid getting carried away once you begin reaping success from your speaking efforts.

Success – No Matter How Small – Can Be Intoxicating If One Is Careless

There is something intoxicating about success, no matter how small.

My 79 year old father recently told me in a moment of deep reflection, that suffering and hardship fade rapidly from the human mind once we experience a little relief.

I agree.

That probably explains why persons who go from rags to riches can often be prone to losing their wealth: their success blinds them to the memory of the hardship they’ve passed through. And they end up not taking enough precautions to avoid having a repeat of such experiences – with sometimes disastrous consequences.

When some people are struggling to get by, and living from hand to mouth, they are unlikely to spare a thought for luxuries like flashy clothes, expensive cars, parties or other pleasures.

However, as soon as a little success shows up at their doors, they begin acting out unhealthy fantasies e.g. buying flashy cars, eating/dressing expensively, becoming loudmouthed etc.

They eventually get into one trouble or the other – through financial indiscipline, bad relationships, extra marital affairs and so on. And while doing all those wrong things, they would have neglected to improve themselves – leading to eventual failure.

Some are able to recover from such setbacks and do a better job of managing their success the next time around. Others are not so lucky.

We’ve all heard the stories before.

You Need To Know Where You’re Going

“The world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going” – Abe Lincoln

As stated above, some people achieve local fame and success, and immediately lose their focus, and sense of moderation. As human beings, we are prone to making the mistake of getting carried away when things are going well for us.

It is however much better to think ahead, and envision where you would like to be in the distant future in your business. This way, even when you achieve your victories/short-term goals, you will be able to stay focused on maintaining your performance to achieve the longer-term goals.

When you work this way, you will be much less likely to fall into the common trap of getting carried away with your successes.

Keep Yourself Relevant And Up To Date

“Just like a movie star or musician, your potential value to your target market will be judged to a considerable extent by your past accomplishments and especially, your latest works.” – Tayo Solagbade

Successful businesses constantly work at renewing and reinventing themselves. They know it’s the key to staying successful.That’s why we hear of new products, new versions, new packaging, new content, revised versions, latest updates, free upgrades etc.

The need to improve on what exists is crucial. You must cater for new developments and needs that have arisen over time.

Burt Dubin points out that he spends thousands of dollars annually researching the speaking business to discover the latest developments/trends and incorporate them in his Speaking Success System. That way, all who get mentored by Burt always find that nothing they learn from him is outdated or obsolete. And it ensure their success.

The above is also why I have recently created a FREE upgrade version of my popular Ration Formulator software which I began sending out to license owners about a week ago at NO extra charge. While doing that, I’ve also been telling them about the new PRO version, which enables “multiple storage and export of derived formulas” and auto-computation of Least Cost Rations.

Final Words

Don’t make the mistake of taking your last awesome speaking outing to signify your arrival (even if it is). Aim instead to surpass your own achievement.

Break your own “records”! Do that to make a definitive statement to potential clients – and more importantly, your competitors. Let them know that you’re NOT done yet…that there’s still a lot more where what they’ve seen comes from.

You may wish to do this for reasons I’ve already outlined above in this piece.

You may also want to do this because every now and then, decision makers may ask if you have “anything new” that fits the theme for their forthcoming event.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to answer YES each time. Otherwise, you’re headed for the obsolete speakers’ hall!

Asked which of his works he would select as his masterpiece, architect Frank Lloyd Wright at the age of 83 replied, “My next one.”

Have you downloaded Burt Dubin’s Frequently Asked Questions Slideshow?

In it, he discusses the question about whether or not to speak for free – and why – in at least 2 different sections. And he provides other eye opening questions about how initial steps you can take to get started in your speaking business. Click here to download it now.

Click now

Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

Share this issue!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF

You Cannot Know Everything

If you’re lucky enough to learn from a seasoned mentor of highly paid international speakers like Burt Dubin, one of the core objectives he’ll guide you to strive for is absolute mastery of your subject.

“You must eat, drink and breathe it…Know it forwards and backwards, inside and out.” he’ll say

And if you follow his advice diligently, you will achieve significant paid speaking success – the outcome which Burt is renowned for delivering.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

Is this email not displaying correctly?

View it in your browser.

Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 21st January 2013

No: 73

Title: You Cannot Know Everything

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2013. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click to view larger screenshot showing the applications NEW formula storing interface.

Get The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

This new version allows you to:

1. Include 7 EXTRA feed ingredients in your rations.

2. Store 3 FORMULAS you derive for future recall/refinement

3. Export your stored formulas into a separate workbook!

A new PRO VERSION goes even further to enable you automatically generate a Least Cost Feed Ration Formula!

Email tayo at tksola dot com with your enquiry, then call 234-803-302-1263. If you already own the basic Ration Formulator, you get the new upgrade version FREE. Just get in touch!

See screenshots of the new interfaces here – click!


No. 73: You Cannot Know Everything

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


If you’re lucky enough to learn from a seasoned mentor of highly paid international speakers like Burt Dubin, one of the core objectives he’ll guide you to strive for is absolute mastery of your subject. 

“You must eat, drink and breathe it…Know it forwards and backwards, inside and out.” he’ll say

And if you follow his advice diligently, you will achieve significant paid speaking success – the outcome which Burt is renowned for delivering.

But Burt Dubin Will Never Teach You to Be a Know-It-All

Having said the above, I can tell you that Burt does not teach his students to claim to know everything.

Mastery of a subject does not imply having a monopoly of knowledge about it. As a master you may have a higher percentage of knowledge or information compared to others in the business.

However, it is highly unlikely that you will have seen and experienced everything all other speakers in your niche market have.

There will always be something new or different that you do not know. And you will not always be the one who comes up with all the new good ideas that result in advancement or progress.

The above is why even Bill Gates’ Microsoft, Steve Jobs’ Apple, and other thought leaders at different times identify a need to buy over a newer or smaller company they’ve seen to have a profitable future relevant concept.

It’s Also Important To Have Respect for Other People’s Knowledge & Experience

Sometimes however, the danger may not be claiming to know-it-all.

Instead it could be an unconscious insensitivity to the abilities of our audience to keep up with us.

One of the great lessons I learned about leading others effectively as a manager in a large multinational, was the need to be sensitive to the knowledge and experience of those I had to relate with.

Back then, due to my early exposure to high profile career advancement opportunities, I found myself rubbing shoulders with – and sometimes having to lead – more senior colleagues in carrying out certain tasks and assignments.

The challenge I encountered was that because of my relatively greater familiarity with the work to be done and/or the advantage of my unique skills/abilities (e.g. typing speed, spreadsheet programming, and work related stamina), I was sometimes guilty of being impatient.

I tended to be unwilling to “wait” for others to bring their own contributions to the table.

They Said “Slow Down Tayo!

I still recall attending a Workplace Coaching Conversations International Facilitators Workshop in Hotel Aqua Palace, Douala, Cameroon. After a group exercise one afternoon, the course instructor asked each participant to write down one feedback item for each of the other members of his/her group.

With the exception of just one person, all 4 remaining members of my group (not in the exact same words of course) wrote “Slow down Tayo“!

It wasn’t that they felt I looked down on them.

But I was often pushing for us to move on to the next stage because I felt I’d already understood the current stage. What I was often blind to at the time was that people have different learning styles and speeds. And that I needed to be considerate and let them achieve their own understanding, before demanding that we move on!

It is important to note that people being that way does NOT however make them less intelligent or competent than others. I understood that even back then.

My youthful exuberance just tended to get the better of me. Following that experience, I gradually learned to be sensitive to the needs of others in my interpersonal teaching and learning interactions.

I must note here however, that I’ve discovered that some people – especially when leading teaching/learning situations – readily conclude people who seem “slow” to be less intelligent.

If you want to succeed whenever you speak as a professional, get that kind of thinking out of your mind – completely.

If you don’t, it will taint your presentation. Your audience will pick it up in your manner. And you will not win them over!

Final Words: Emulate Barack Obama – and Burt Dubin’s Examples

A good example of a speaker who understands the above truth is Barack Obama, current president of the United States of America.

Read this article linked below, for a useful analysis of how Obama achieves frequent speaking success by (among other things) acknowledging that he does not have all the answers.

On a final note, and to buttress the point I made at the start of this write-up, that even Burt would not ask you to present yourself as being all-knowing, click here to visit the Resources page on his website.

There you’ll read about speaking business service providers heartily recommended by Burt, to his website visitors. Note how he emphasizes the benefit to be had from one, urging you to signup to their mailing lists.

It is my considered opinion that any professional truly worth his/her salt will readily acknowledge contemporaries in the same manner, without needing any incentive whatsoever.

You may therefore wish to follow the examples set by President Obama and Burt Dubin.

Have you downloaded Burt Dubin’s Frequently Asked Questions Slideshow?

In it, he discusses the question about whether or not to speak for free – and why – in at least 2 different sections. And he provides other eye opening answers about initial steps you can take to get started in your speaking business. Click here to download it now.

Click now

Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

Share this issue!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



Should You Speak For FREE?

I answer this question with a big YES, based on my personal experiences/achievements, and also drawing from my study of the writings of experts like Burt Dubin, Les Brown, and Dale Carnegie.

Certain experts find it difficult to understand why they need to get some “speaking” experience under their belts, before they can command respectable remuneration for their speaking efforts.

For those who have that difficulty, I offer the following insights in the hope that you might see the justification.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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View it in your browser.

Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 14th January 2013

No: 72

Title: Should You Speak For FREE?

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2013. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click to view larger screenshot showing the applications NEW formula storing interface.

Get The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

This new version allows you to:

1. Include 7 EXTRA feed ingredients in your rations.

2. Store 3 FORMULAS you derive for future recall/refinement

3. Export your stored formulas into a separate workbook!

A new PRO VERSION goes even further to enable you automatically generate a Least Cost Feed Ration Formula!

Email tayo at tksola dot com with your enquiry, then call 234-803-302-1263. If you already own the basic Ration Formulator, you get the new upgrade version FREE. Just get in touch!

Remember that in less than 48 hours (i.e. from 16th January 2012) the price goes up to N12,500.

You can still get it for N10,500 (with my Feed Formulation Handbook) – here.


No. 72: Should You Speak For FREE?

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


I answer this question with a big YES, based on my personal experiences/achievements, and also drawing from my study of the writings of experts like Burt Dubin, Les Brown, and Dale Carnegie.

Certain experts find it difficult to understand why they need to get some “speaking” experience under their belts, before they can command respectable remuneration for their speaking efforts.

For those who have that difficulty, I offer the following insights in the hope that you might see the justification.

(NB: At the end of this piece I provide a download link to a slide show version of interesting answers given – over the years – by Burt Dubin to questions – like “Should I speak for free?” sent in by aspiring/expert speakers.)

Let’s Start With A Simple Analogy

When a law student graduates from university, the next step is (usually) finding a good job with her newly acquired qualification.

At the risk of stating the obvious, she is unlikely to be able to join any law firm as a Senior Partner.

There’s a reason why they are called “Senior”, and quite often it has less to do with age, and a lot more to do with quality time they’ve had arguing real cases in court.

That’s why a junior partner is made to spend time understudying seniors before she can take on certain roles or responsibilities.

This requirement to acquire real world relevant experience under controlled conditions is not limited to law practice obviously.

Soccer Professionals Undergo Similar Preparation

Before he got where he is today, as a footballer of legendary accomplishments, Lionel Messi started out as a junior player in his club’s feeder team.

The scouts, coaches and club management had already noted his amazing abilities.

But they knew he still needed time (corrective surgery) and more training to develop further and mature better as a player.

They were still investing in him. And so during that time he got paid what was more of a stipend – peanuts compared to the fees he commands now!

Messi is not the only player with great potential to have been made to start this way.

Both Diego Maradonna and Ronaldo (aka “The Phenomenon”) of Brazil also went through the same preparation.

So did Messi’s perpetual Ballon D’Or running mate – Christiano Ronaldo.

One thing common to all these players is/was the ability to consistently deliver superlative performances when in the spotlight!

A Paid Speaking Gig Is Not Where You Experiment Or Fine tune Your Performance!

As a paid professional speaker, you’re in the spotlight when you mount the podium to speak.

That’s not the kind of place you want to be if you’ve not gotten your stuff properly together – especially when you’re getting paid handsomely to deliver powerfully!

You must make sure you’re ready.

Sometimes your desire to start earning income may cloud your judgment about how ready you are.

This is why you may find it useful to seek objective feedback from a competent and experienced speaking professional – or better still, a coach/mentor. To ensure you can consistently and reliably deliver your best at paid gigs you need plenty of practise.

By speaking for FREE, you gain useful opportunities to safely test yourself and identify areas you need to improve. If you really apply yourself at every outing, your audiences won’t notice you’re “practising” and will often enthusiastically applaud you.

You’d consequently be able to legitimately boost your resume by mentioning most, if not all, of such talks you give(no need to state that you spoke free).

How much time you need will naturally vary from person to person. You – possibly with guidance from a coach or mentor – will ultimately decide when you’ve done enough.

At that point, you’d “feel” confident enough to approach meeting planners with speaking offers stating your professional fee – consistent with industry standards.

No matter how academically sound, or theoretically grounded you are. No matter how skilled or talented you naturally are. You’ll likely need to spend time honing your newly acquired skill before you can safely (and responsibly) request payment to speak.

Final Words: If You’re Still Not Convinced, Download Burt Dubin’s Answers Instead

I feel your pain, but if you just put yourself in the shoes of those who hire speakers, you’ll appreciate how great the risk they take is every time they decide to hire a new speaker.

And that’s why putting yourself out there in a way that allows them a low risk opportunity to see what you can do – by speaking free – can be a smart strategy to employ.

Still not convinced?

Then maybe you need to hear it from a mentor or master speakers himself – click here (no opt-in required) to download the slide show version of the Frequently Asked Questions page on Burt Dubin’s website.

In it, he discusses the question about whether or not to speak for free – and why – in at least 2 different sections.

Take it from me: You will be wise to heed his advice!

Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

Share this issue!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF

Get People Talking About YOU!

So, you have a limited budget to spend on promoting your speaking business? Well, the strategy described in this first issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter for 2013 is perfect for people who have that challenge.

Read on to learn how to get yourself favourably noticed by potential buyers of your speaking services, without burning a hole in your pocket.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

Is this email not displaying correctly?

View it in your browser.

Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 7th January 2013

No: 71

Title: Get People Talking About YOU!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2013. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click to view larger screenshot showing the applications NEW formula storing interface.

Get The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

All existing owners get FREE Updgrade(terms apply) : Happy New Year in advance to you all. This new version has additional error handling.

And it allows you to store 3 RATION FORMULAS you derive for easy future retrieval.

By 16th January 2012 the price goes up to N12,500.

You can still get it for N10,500 (with my Feed Formulation Handbook) – here.


No. 71: Get People Talking About YOU!

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


So, you have a limited budget to spend on promoting your speaking business? Well, the strategy described in this first issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter for 2013 is perfect for people who have that challenge.

Read on to learn how to get yourself favourably noticed by potential buyers of your speaking services, without burning a hole in your pocket.

First, Be Clear About Your Target Audience & Purpose

Who is your target audience? And what exactly can you do for them that others who do what you do cannot? You need to be clear about these two important issues from the start. Otherwise you could end up (as they say) barking up the wrong tree.

Then consider where/how you can reach your target audience most easily, and in their largest numbers. (I suggest a mix of online and offline strategies – more on this later.)

NB: If you need help doing the foregoing, Burt Dubin offers tested and proven guidance.

Once you’ve got the above sorted out, it becomes easier to develop and implement the strategy I propose below to reach and impact them, and get the response you want.

Next, Think and Act Differently From Others

Define and differentiate yourself from others who do what you do. Even if you know 1,000 other expert speakers in your chosen niche, you CAN still set yourself apart.

It starts by thinking and acting differently from them.

 “Who’s that?” is what we usually ask, when someone steps out from the crowd and does something previously unseen or unheard of. It could be something “exceptional” – or even “bad”. And sometimes it could just be “controversial”.

For our purposes doing something “good” or “controversial” will probably be best :-)

Example: Richard Branson & His Virgin Group Of Companies

Branson has revealed that he gets his company prime time news exposure by thinking and acting differently, so as to get favourably noticed.

Examples include his well publicised attempts to do things not done before e.g. attempting to set records in sailing etc.

It rarely matters whether Branson succeeds or fails in any of his audacious bids. By simply publicising his intention to achieve what most may consider an impossible goal, he often successfully gets himself into the news.

Ironically, some of the activities he engages in are sometimes not even directly related to the business he’s trying to promote. But they will often be relevant to current or future high profile interests (e.g. space travel) and therefore attract media attention.

What Branson does is to skillfully weave a message linking his company (e.g. by way of values) with the activity he’s getting attention for. That exposure then rubs off on his company – drawing attention to the products and services he promotes.

Another benefit is that he gets more invitations to speak. People want to hear (and ask him) how he did/does it.

Tools You Can Use To Get Yourself Noticed & Talked About

You don’t need to attain Branson’s celebrity status before you can use the same strategy to cost-effectively achieve your unique marketing goals.

I suggest developing and utilising the following resources:

  1. Your Branded Website: Marketing your speaking service can be enhanced by using a website. It can be done on a shoe string budget too. Clearly state the benefits to potential clients – and include your About, Contact, and other pages.
  1. Your Branded Blog: Don’t stop at having a website. Add a WordPress based blog to it. (Bold emphasis on WordPress is deliberate. It’ll make things easier!). Publish new updates and interact with visitors/prospects who read your writing.
  1. Your Branded Content: Commit to constantly creating NEW articles, newsletters, books, as well as video and audio resources. Distribute them via 1, 2, above as well as 4 and 5 below.

    NB: Keep in mind the need to “stand out” from the crowd. Many people write articles and books. But it’s what you write. The ideas you put forward. Your unique message – and the VALUE it adds to readers. That’s the key to ultimately getting noticed and talked about.

    Add to that your demonstrated consistency in churning out new content to the same or possibly higher standard – and sooner than later, people WILL start talking about you.

  1. Your Branded Social Media: Be sure to integrate social media into the above. For instance, get your new updates to appear on your social media profiles.
  1. Your Branded Offline Marketing: Make sure your calling cards, flyers and other print marketing media refer contacts to your online resources (1 to 4) above.

My use of the word “branded” in 1 to 5 is for deliberate emphasis. Remember that the whole idea is to stand out from the crowd. So, let your branding be unique: Logos, taglines, graphics – all should enhance your uniqueness and appeal.

There should be little chance of a potential client mistaking someone else for you!

It’s NOT About How Much Money You Have!

Like I said at the start of this write-up, the strategy I advocate you adopt is perfect for people who have limited funds to spend promoting their speaking services.

(Psst: It actually leaves more money in your pockets. And that would possibly be better spent getting guidance from a competent mentor on how to find the right market to promote your speaking service to! Remember what I said about not barking up the wrong tree?)

We periodically hear of people achieving fame simply by putting up a creative video clip on that subsequently goes viral (or publishing an e-book that becomes a bestseller).

Today’s PC and Internet technology makes it possible for any willing person to cost-effectively get noticed and talked about.

Final Words: How This Strategy Got People Talking About My Farm Business Support Service

I feel a need to end with a personal example. Not to brag. But just to illustrate the many REAL ways in which using this strategy can work well for you.

In 2006 , I decided to set myself apart from other providers of support services to farm business owners and other stakeholders. Instead of offering the same general services, I identified areas I could help them develop and implement concepts/tools to manage their farm operations more productively in line with best practices.

First I published an authoritative handbook on how to use the diagrammatic Pearson Square Computation technique to formulate rations for livestock. Later I developed a Ration Formulator software (with tutorial videos) to accompany the handbook.

I then invested hundred of hours in regularly researching and writing what I labeled “Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas” articles on a similarly named website. Some of those articles were submitted for syndication to the directory.

The results have been phenomenal. I’ve come across farm business discussion forums where links to my website were posted in response to an enquiry by a user.

I’ve personally had many visitors to my website type “Referred by a friend” into the “How did you find this website?” field on my contact forms over the years.

There have also been phone calls, emails and face to face meetings. One day I walked in for a first meeting with a CEO. On seeing my face he said “I know you!”. A ew seconds later, he turned his laptop screen around to show me my Speaking IDEAS newsletter (with my picture in the header image), which he told me he read weekly!

Some people have contacted me after watching my videos, reading my articles, and then purchased products from me. Others have written to thank me for doing what I do…

Here’s a message sent in by a visitor (and later buyer) via my Farm Business Support website contact form:

“I would like to be notified when i(n)formation on rabbitry is published, and i would like to thank you for all your works they have been a source of inspiration for me and some of my friends.” – Burhan Akhalid, Accountant, Zaria, Kaduna State – Nigeria.


To put it simply: this strategy works. I therefore urge you to use it this year, to get more potential clients to discover you, and talk about you.

Happy New Year – and have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

Share this issue!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



Manage Your Relationships Smarter, To Succeed Better!

It’s the last day of the year today. In this final issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter for 2012, I discuss the importance of managing your relationships, to boost your chances of speaking success.

Your eloquence, qualifications, certifications or even talent or natural abilities matter. But most crucial to your success in ANY area of endeavour – including paid public speaking – will be your mental attitude! And THAT can often be directly affected by what you see and hear around you.

Consider this quote:


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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View it in your browser.

Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 31st December 2012

No: 70

Title: Manage Your Relationships Smarter, To Succeed Better!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2012. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click to view larger screenshot showing the applications NEW formula storing interface.

Get The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

All existing owners get FREE Updgrade(terms apply) : Happy New Year in advance to you all. This new version has additional error handling.

And it allows you to store 3 RATION FORMULAS you derive for easy future retrieval.

By 16th January 2012 the price goes up to N12,500.

You can still get it for N10,500 (with my Feed Formulation Handbook) – here.


No. 70: Manage Your Relationships Smarter, To Succeed Better!

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


It’s the last day of the year today. In this final issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter for 2012, I discuss the importance of managing your relationships, to boost your chances of speaking success.

Your eloquence, qualifications, certifications or even talent or natural abilities matter. But most crucial to your success in ANY area of endeavour – including paid public speaking – will be your mental attitude! And THAT can often be directly affected by what you see and hear around you.

Consider this quote:


Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence; Talent will not; nothing is more
common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of
educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent
” – Ray Kroc (Founder of McDonalds)


The truth is you REALLY need to pay serious attention to anything that can affect your state of mind – an important example being your relationships with others.

You May Have What It Takes To Succeed – But Your Relationships Can Hold You Back

It’s possible you have all the attributes required of a good speaker. And that if – under normal circumstances – you found yourself before the right audience, you would WOW them with your performance.

But you have to find the client willing to pay you to speak first don’t you?

Are you going about it the right way? Who are those you spend time with? Are you able to get good advice from them, to help you along (like a tested and proven mentor would give)? Would you be willing to keep going for as long as may be necessary to find the clients you need?

And what about when you finally win that paid speaking invitation? What if on the VERY day you have to speak, someone upsets you before you leave home?

Maybe your spouse says something nasty that REALLY gets to you. I mean REEALLLY NAASSTY, that you have to go away to calm yourself down :-)))

Or maybe it’s not your spouse.

Maybe someone runs into you from behind as you’re driving to the venue of your speaking event :-)))))))

Yet you have to speak in a few hours from then, at an important event!

How well would you handle yourself out there? Would you be able to deliver at your best?

What can you do to PREVENT such a thing happening to you, and potentially messing up your big opportunity?

I say the key is to control the relationships you have with others.

Thomas Alva Edison – the great inventor – when asked for advice about success did not talk about mastering scientific principles.

Instead he said:

“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”.

Edison did not say manifesting genius required a high IQ, a university degree or some other unique academic qualification. Instead he recommended 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

Considering that this great man was home-schooled by his mother, it goes without saying that one would be wise to believe his words!

Here’s why:

According to an online biography I read some years back, when he was in school, Edison’s teachers concluded he was “addled” (a term used derogatorily to mean a person’s brain was not functioning normally).

Thankfully his mother refused to accept what they told her, and angrily withdrew him from school, to tutor him at home.

If she had agreed with those “lazy minded” teachers, we probably would not have Edison’s 1091 inventions with us today – including the light bulb and electricity!

The above illustrates an example of a beneficial association between a child and an adult – in this case, the parent.

But others have it the other way round. At least Edison’s mother believed in him. Those closest people to us can sometimes be the greatest unbelievers in our abilities.

Some successful people failed to get support from home, and actually found total strangers more willing to believe in them!

Cynthia Kersey (Author of UNSTOPPABLE 45 Powerful Stories of Perseverance and Triumph from People Just like You) wisely noted in her book, that sometimes the negative – unbelieving – person in your life may be someone you cannot eliminate.

A good example is your spouse or father/mother/sibling!

When you share your dream of speaking success, they may feel they’ve known you for so long that nothing you say you’re trying to do can improve on the blunders they’ve seen you make in the past.

As Kersey noted, the saying that a prophet is without honour in his own home is relevant here.

If you have the mental capacity to deal with that kind of situation, and still get on competently with your work, then there’s probably nothing to worry about.

However, if you feel staying exposed to such persons will significantly affect your state of mind, take action to limit your contact with them.

This is not the time to be needlessly sentimental. It’s your life we’re talking about here!

You have every right to make the most of your God-given ability. Letting some insensitive person toy with your feelings and ruin your enthusiasm for pursuing your dream is simply not acceptable.

I Was Ridiculed For Thinking I Could Sell My Excel SoftwareBEFORE I Started Doing It!

It’s not enough to be competent or qualified; you must also have the right mental attitude to deal successfully with the challenges/difficulties that will come up when you are engaged in your chosen endeavour. “ – Tayo K. Solagbade

Towards the end of 2004, I had a painfully raw experience of being used as the butt end of jokes – to my face – over an ambitious goal I’d set for myself.

A friend of the family – who had worked for years as a self-employed IT professional – heard I was visiting at the office of a relative and stopped over.

Within minutes of arriving, he began making jokes about my expressed intention of developing software solutions using MS Excel that people would pay for.

When I explained that I believed I could get paid N100, 000 for an app I was showing my relative a demo for, he said Tayo, we must sell this your software O…we must!”. He repeatedly said this in a mocking tone, bursting into laughter intermittently (and joined by others who sat around – including my relative, and his employee).

You can imagine how that “demonstration” ended for me…:-)

But today it’s on record that I’ve been paid twice that amount by companies, to develop custom spreadsheet software for them.

Like Napoleon Hill noted, people sometimes resort to tactless attempts at humour without considering the impact on the person it is directed against. That singular experience NEVER left my memory. And I successfully used it to push myself to achieve a breakthrough.

Today, I have literally single handedly created a niche for myself as a provider of custom Built-In Excel solutions in Nigeria.

What’s more, I have also achieved name recognition as the developer of certain unique Excel-VB driven spreadsheet software products e.g. my popular Livestock Ration Formulator (built to facilitate automated computation of livestock rations based on the Pearson Square Computation method described in my popular Feed Formulation Handbook) and my Payslip Generator respectively.

Both applications have been purchased by individuals and organizations across the country – and in the case of the former (i.e. the feed formulation software), by international buyers.

It’s possible the family friend who mocked me now realizes how wrong he was.

But whether that will be enough to stop him from treating someone else the same way in future is however a different matter.

And that’s why it’s important for people who set challenging goals for themselves, to adopt what James Cook called a “guiding philosophy” that will help them persist no matter what obstacles they encounter.

Get this: All your degrees and certifications will NOT help you deal with the potentially crippling psychological/emotional effects of mockery, ridicule, and repeated setbacks. You need to “protect” your state of mind, by controlling the environments (relationships with others) you expose yourself to.

Who Do YOU Spend Your Quality Time With?

Demand integrity from all associates. Would you go sailing in a leaky boat? Would you drive on a tire that would not hold air? Then, steel yourself: In cold blood dump unworthy others. Burt Dubin (Internationally acclaimed mentor of some of the world’s highest paid speaking professionals)

This self-examination must begin from your homes – those closest to you. Your spouse – and kids if any. Then the larger family comprising siblings, parents, uncles, aunts, half-siblings, grandparents and so on.

Next we have your friends, coworkers, and former colleagues, as well as business associates, partners – and also neighbours!

Which of these groups of people do you spend your quality time with? And how do you feel AFTER you’ve been with them?

Do you come away feeling more excited and rearing to give your set goals another go? Or are you left reeling from exposure to multiple put downs or outright ridicule of your ideas and ambitions.

Maybe you find yourself drained of enthusiasm from being told by some that it’s taking you too long to “succeed” – and that you need to pack it in and do something else.

Note those who leave you with negative feelings. Or those who refuse to respect your need to create time to pursue your valued goals.

Resolve to spend less time with them.

In my case, I resolved to keep my distance from all those who’d been involved in making fun of me about my Excel-VB software development. I knew from past experience that THAT was the only way to keep my mind free from distractions, discouraging thoughts and doubts.

However, sometimes your circumstances may limit the options open to you. And you may have to endure remaining in contact that negative person for longer than you want.

For instance it may be difficult to avoid contact with your spouse if you live together!

In that case, you may find reading books that nurture your self-belief (like Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich) very useful.

Anytime you’re feeling deflated, pick up that book and read, and I guarantee you’ll soon feel better – and rearing to go again!

Final Words

Let me summarise as follows:

Your eloquence, qualifications, certifications and status matter. But most crucial for achieving success in ANY area of endeavour – including paid public speaking – will be your mental attitude!

And THAT can often be directly affected by what you see and hear around you.

Therefore your RELATIONSHIPS matter very greatly!

When you see and hear people dismiss your ideas, it can have a lasting negative impact on your mental attitude. Your academic degrees, certifications, and talents will STILL be yours. But you’ll find yourself feeling LESS capable of succeeding!

You do NOT have to let that happen. Don’t let others impose their limitations on you.

Give yourself the best possible shot at speaking success in the New Year: Adopt proven strategies – like those shared above – and start managing your relationships smarter from today!

Here’s wishing you a happy and truly prosperous New Year in advance!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

Share this issue!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF

You Will Be Sorely Tested

Tomorrow is Christmas day. A day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. In the bible we are told of the suffering Jesus endured to fulfil his purpose on earth.

The theme of this week’s issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter is partly related to the above i.e. understanding how adversity and suffering help YOU achieve success as a paid speaker.

I’m not talking religion here though…

As those who’ve been reading my writing for a while will know, I stopped attending Church back in 1989, in my third year of study in the University.

My reason for taking – and sticking to – that decision will probably be the subject of a future article :-)

Instead I focus here on how having to lead bible study sessions – and come up with my interpretation of the passages for discussion with others – shaped my values systems – and character – as an individual.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 24th December 2012

No: 69

Title: You Will Be Sorely Tested

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2012. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

General(XMAS END OF YEAR PROMO)[Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click now for details about Burt Dubin's speaker mentoring for experts based in Africa

Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


No. 69: You Will Be Sorely Tested


NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out:

Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)

Update (26th Dec. 2012 @ 12.36 pm Nigerian time):

I feel compelled to note here that I did NOT author the phrase which titles this writeup (I.e. “You Will Be Sorely Tested”). I came across it while reading James Cook’s “Startup Entrepreneur” years ago.

Tomorrow is Christmas day. A day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. In the bible we are told of the suffering Jesus endured to fulfil his purpose on earth.

The theme of this week’s issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter is partly related to the above i.e. understanding how adversity and suffering help YOU achieve success as a paid speaker.

I’m not talking religion here though…

As those who’ve been reading my writing for a while will know, I stopped attending Church back in 1989, in my third year of study in the University.

My reason for taking – and sticking to – that decision will probably be the subject of a future article :-)

Instead I focus here on how having to lead bible study sessions – and come up with my interpretation of the passages for discussion with others – shaped my values systems – and character – as an individual.

Stories In Religious Books About Trials & Suffering Can Be Therapeutic

I cannot speak for my siblings, but having to prepare for – and lead – those bible study sessions was quite therapeutic for me. The stories were especially instructive for me in terms of the morals and values they taught.

That was mainly because I was often getting into trouble at school, so that stories about David doing wrong and then singing his way back into God’s heart, for instance, tended to resonate with me. It taught me to forgive myself, and act better in future :-)

Then there is the David Vs. Goliath story. I’ve used it to educate many people – adults and youths – about why they must never let anyone (no matter how powerful) intimidate or oppress them.

And I practice what I preach – by using it to inspire myself to fight back successfully against abusive powerful persons (e.g. politically connected clients with abusive tendencies).

Guess what? In every instance, I found help (by taking relentless personal action) from totally unexpected quarters to the surprise of my opponents! (Google “Science of Getting Rich” and download the FREE PDF ebook to learn more about the philisophies I susbcribe to, which help me achieve these kinds of results).

Another story I have always drawn inspiration from those I read in the bible, is that of Job.

He had so much, then lost it all, and suffered humiliation, insults, from friends and his own better half, for a prolonged (seemingly hopeless) period.

But he stayed strong and firm in heart and mind – refusing to give up hope or faith in the God he (and those who rebuked him for continuing to believe!) worshipped. And eventually his circumstances were turned around to the embarrassment of all those who’d mocked and scorned him.

I STILL draw inspiration from that story today.

As matter of fact, I am so keyed into that story that I’ve used it many times, to remind some persons who actually profess Christian beliefs NOT to give up in the face of adversity!

So much so, that some have told me I should be a pastor…

But again that’s where they MISS the point: It’s not about me becoming a pastor.

It’s about ALL of us learning to take the lessons from the stories and using them to improve our abilities to achieve our valued goals!

For me, I view those bible stories the same way I regard stories told outside religious circles (e.g. the boy who cried wolf). They are to be used to teach useful lessons that guide behaviour.

But it’s not just the Bible that offers useful stories.

The story of the life of Mohammed – the Muslim leader – is one that also demonstrates the power of persistence in the face of adversity.

For over ten years, Mohammed endured hardship, poverty, and exposure to ridicule, before becoming a wealthy and powerful leader. A great story and truly inspiring story!

Similar Stories About Today’s People Are Also Helpful

Robert Kiyosaki wrote about having to (as he put it) “become comfortable with being nobody and having nothing”, to recover from a massive business setback.

He had gone from running an international multimillion dollar company to having no home and sleeping in his car.

Why did this happen? Well, just like the bible’s David, he made some costly mistakes in personal decisions he took. He was a bit reckless with the wealth he acquired early in life.

In his second coming as a millionaire, Robert is a changed man. And that’s the man most of the whole world now knows – and learns from – about building their own financial fortunes.

Burt Dubin also has a compelling story, which he shares readily.

On his website, he makes it known that he is a high school drop out. He had to deal with that handicap to get where he is today as a highly recognised mentor of paid international speakers.

Now, that’s not all. During his journey to higher levels of success, Burt reveals he has also been bankrupt twice.

But each time he dug in and persisted until he bounced back to reckoning. And he made sure to use the lessons he learnt, to keep from making the same mistakes again.

Then again, maybe I’ve drifted too far away from home to get examples you can relate to. Right here in Africa, we have one of the world’s most inspiring stories of triumph over prolonged periods of adversity.

I refer to the the story of the life of Nelson Mandela: 27 years in prison – standing firm on his belief in equal rights for his people. And eventually today, living as legend and icon of freedom recognised the world over!

Now THAT is a great story that many people will draw inspiration from.

Many Great People Were First “Sorely Tested”. To Become Great You Most Likely Will Too!

It’s not a curse :-)

I’m just making a statement of fact.

And I do so with reference, not just to my personal experiences (Lord knows I’m paying my dues in that regard!), but also to different true stories I’ve read – like those mentioned above.

It’s important – IMPERATIVE in fact – that you accept that seeking TRUE greatness in any area of endeavour (including the business of paid public speaking) may cause you to be “sorely tested”, with “frequent bad experiences” which James Cook correctly referred to as “shrewd instructors” in his New York Times bestselling book titled “The Startup Entrepreneur”.

Nelson Mandela, as we all know was “sorely tested”…physically, emotionally and psychologically – for decades BEFORE he achieved greatness.

If he had cracked under the pressures mounted on him by government agents through those years, we would not be celebrating him today. In the same way, if YOU crack under pressures of adversity, there will be nothing people can celebrate you for. Period.

In the bible, Christians are told of how Jesus got a point when he was so tested that he asked “God” that the “cup of suffering” be made to pass over him.

But then he added ‘Let thy will be done.”

Prolonged heart breaking struggles (as Cook described them in his book) will not be uncommon experiences for you, if you desire greatness.

To achieve speaking (or business) success for example, you must be willing to relentlessly “smile and dial” to get clients to hire you, no matter how many rejections you encounter.

Just in case anyone tells you suffering is bad, or “not your portion” or meant only for others, I want you to reflect on the examples drawn from the above stories. Some of the greatest people in the world are agreed on this point: There is benefit to be had in every adversity.

Four Quotes To Inspire You To Grow – By Embracing Adversity – In 2013!

In a week or so from today, we’ll be in 2013. Your mental attitude towards adversity may determine how much progress you make towards your goals, from the start of the year.

We have the benefit of access to experience based wisdom about suffering and adversity (and how to respond to them), offered by people who have achieved greatness.

I’ve compiled four of them for your consideration, as you get ready to hit the ground running in the new year…

1. James R. Cook, author of “The Startup Entrepreneur” wrote as follows:

My study of entrepreneurs so far seems to lead to the conclusion that a correlation exists between suffering and success. Entrepreneurs with modest objectives undergo moderate stress and adversity.

Those with larger ambitions will, before they succeed, endure painful struggles and overcome long, bitter periods of intense anxiety. The greater the suffering, the greater seem to be the inevitable rewards” – James R. Cook (in The Startup Entrepreneur)

2. Here’s what the late Jim Rohn (another great man) said :

Life is destined to be story of achievement in spite of adversity, not in the absence of adversity; for without adversity, achievement could not exist…. Smile at adversity and act quickly to eliminate it. Expect adversity, for it shall surely appear. Be grateful for adversity for it forces the human spirit to grow – for surely the human character is formed not in the absence of difficulty but in our response to difficulty. All things, even adversity, have their worthy purpose.” – Jim Rohn.

3. The great Emerson also offers useful insight into the inherent benefits of adversity:

When man…is pushed, tormented, defeated, he has a chance to learn something; he has been put on his wits, on his manhood, he has gained facts, learns from his ignorance, is cured of the insanity of conceit; has got moderation and real skill.” – Emerson

4. And Burt Dubin (2 decade veteran mentor of paid international speakers) provides a fitting end to this Xmas edition of my speaking IDEAS newsletter message, with these words that have inspired me since 2001, when I first read them:

Surrender to your mission. Let it have you. Your time, your energy, your total focus, your resources. Everything you’ve got. Everything..Work resolutely, tirelessly, endlessly. Nobody said it would be easy… Never give up. Have
bulldog blood. Have bulldog blood. Have bulldog blood! One morning you awaken to find your vision of the future, rooted in the wisdom of the past, is your present reality.
” – Burt Dubin

I know I said this was not a religious piece…but you might want to say a loud “Amen!to the last sentence in the above quote I’ve credited to Burt…:-)

Have a very Merry Xmas!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

Share this issue!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



What If You Need To “Do It Yourself”(DIY)?

This week, I discuss the potential benefits of adopting a mental attitude that has helped me overcome (or get around) many obstacles in my personal and business endeavours.

The obstacles I refer to would probably have stopped me permanently if I had not possessed this thinking habit.

Indeed, this newsletter and my website – my entire business life in fact – would have long “died” an early death, years ago, if I had not had it.

What I refer to here is my passion for learning how to do things myself – even if just a little bit. That is, being a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast or what some call a DIYer.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 17th December 2012

No: 68

Title: What If You Need To “Do It Yourself”(DIY)?

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2012. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

General(XMAS END OF YEAR PROMO)[Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click now for details about Burt Dubin's speaker mentoring for experts based in Africa

Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


No. 68: What If You Need To “Do It Yourself”(DIY)?


NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out:

Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


This week, I discuss the potential benefits of adopting a mental attitude that has helped me overcome (or get around) many obstacles in my personal and business endeavours.

The obstacles I refer to would probably have stopped me permanently if I had not possessed this thinking habit.

Indeed, this newsletter and my website – my entire business life in fact – would have long “died” an early death, years ago, if I had not had it.

What I refer to here is my passion for learning how to do things myself – even if just a little bit. That is, being a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast or what some call a DIYer.

(NB: In a related article some years back, I described myself as a Jack of Many Trades.)

How Much You Need To DIY, Depends On Your Part of the World

If you live and work in a developed society, the need to do things yourself sometimes, may not readily appeal to you.

However, for people – like me – in less developed social environments – like mine – one often has to develop multiple interests and competencies to make up for the shortage of RELIABLE solutions.

The following true story illustrates the above scenario perfectly.

A few years ago, I met a Nigerian gentleman who had just returned from the USA where he’d been away for about 5 years. During that time he had made a bit of name for himself as an author and speaker. His published book had sold quite well in the small town he was based.

And the local media had given him enough coverage to make him close to being a celebrity of sorts. From what he and his pretty Austrian wife told me, it was at one of his book signings that they met – and fell for each other.

My friend wanted to republish one of his popular books from the USA with a local printer. He also wanted to produce an audio version of the book. This was part of the plan he had to launch himself into the Nigerian market.

According to him however, the problem was that there seemed to be no standard service providers like those in the USA that could do what he wanted. He said back in the states he would simply hand over his manuscript to his agent, and virtually everything needed to get the book published would be handled by the latter.

Out here, he complained about having to run around looking for business centers to type and typeset his manuscript. And then there were countless errors that he had to sit with a computer operator to work through and correct.

To make matters worse, by the time I got involved I discovered they were typing his manuscript in Corel Draw!

My friend had no idea the business centre operator was using an inappropriate software application for his work.

He saidI just want it done! Back in the states I never had to get involved like this. I know nothing about all of this stuff”.

To cut the long story short, I had to really get involved in helping him find the right places to get the help he needed.

And that included going out of my way to locate a studio where he and his wife could produce the quality of recording they wanted for the book’s audio version.

Here’s what he asked me at a point:So how come you know about all these things? You’re not even a book publisher or anything!

My answer was that I’d learnt the hard way that it was better to know a little about most things I planned to engage others to do for me. That equips me to assess what they do for me – and also contribute intelligently to the process – even do a few things on it by myself, should they be unavailable.

That Doesn’t Happen In Your Country? Great! But What If One Day, It Does?

Now, what my friend went through can happen to anyone in one form or the other. Maybe you won’t be coming to speak here in Nigeria. But right there in your base things can still go wrong.

How ready will you be when that happens? (NB: I recall reading New York Times stories that described the experiences of people who’d failed to heed warnings issued about Hurricane Sandy. Some of them got trapped – a few even lost their lives, because they failed to prepare for the unlikely but possible!)

So I ask you: What are the things you currently depend on others to do for you? It could be a service provider or even a friend you have great confidence in. Maybe she’s a tech savvy person who prepares all your PowerPoint presentations for instance.

I hate to think negative too…:-)

But what if for some reason, she becomes temporarily unavailable?

Do you have ready access to someone else you can reliably reach out to? And if not, do you have any idea of how to prepare a PowerPoint presentation as impressive as those she does for you by yourself?

What about preparing your speaker one-sheets?

God forbid you discover a wrong phone number or mistyped email address on the newly prepared speaker one sheet you want to give a meeting planner!

If you had requested a copy of the raw Corel Draw or Photoshop file used to prepare it, maybe you’d be able to edit it, and print out a corrected version. If not…you’d risk making a poor impression!

Anything can happen. Don’t Be A Fish Out Of Water When It Does!

It happens. Even the most reliable of people – your trusted assistant or highly reputable provider inclusive – can make mistakes or fail to come through for you when it matters.

Will you be prepared with an alternative plan if/when that happens? Or will you just try to wing it?

People often value a professional who can improvise and adapt effectively. If you come across as being that way, meeting planners may conclude you are a more “reliable” performer who can deliver no matter what goes wrong.

Translation: More invitations, even referrals, likely from them for you.

Ironically, you may only need to know a little about most things, to achieve this significant impact.

And learning those little things may just require PROACTIVELY spending a little time with those who do those things for you normally. Or it could mean making out time to read – and practice what you learn from – a self-help (or DIY) tutorial!

Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



Improve Yourself For Your Audience’s Sake!

So, I Guess This Is Something Of A Rant…About People Who "Arrange Success" For Themselves

I’m writing about how certain people churn out mediocre content dressed in pretty packaging, with massive backing from what I’ve called "arranged networks". My decision to write this piece arose from having a flyer for one such publication handed to me about 2 weeks ago.

What was wrong with it? Well, if one were to go by the details in the well designed flyer, nothing that I could see.

In fact, the outward appearance was quite impressive, and the content well composed. Which explains why I excitedly went online to see if I could learn more about the book, and its author using the URLs provided in the LEARN MORE section..

But to my amazement, there was NOTHING on the website on that day, except for a clock counting down, with a notice that it would soon be ready!

I thought it odd that a product so well introduced in a flyer did not have a website ready BEFORE promotional activities began.

But I let it go.

Listed just below the URL for the book’s website, after all, was the author’s website address.

"There has to be at least a mention of the product on the author’s personal website" I thought.

So, off I went to the latter via another tab in Google Chrome. But alas, there was NOT even a single mention of the new book on the author’s personal website!

That was when I lost it. And I decided it was time to say something about the unhealthy trend I’d observed for a while.

This post is the product of that decision.

The truth is that certain people use their "arranged" networks to get their written works presented as the ultimate solution to "trusting" audiences. These audiences sometimes lack the ability to discern "content quality".

As a result, the mediocre writers have a field day "selling" their works. But knowing that they lack "depth", these individuals often avoid operating outside their "networks".

(NB: I just revisited the book’s website NOW, while typing this. It’s been updated to a one page offering, of essentially the same contents from the flyer. Again, the same problem of the author’s lack of depth is exposed!).

To Achieve Relevance, You Must Show Up Where The Best Are Found!

If ANYONE aspires to excel, she must be willing to do what it takes to QUALIFY to rub shoulders with those who excel (or have done so).

When the Indians wanted to step up their game in software development, they brought in the best experts from across the world. Their kids began learning programming right from primary school level.

When the USA decided it wanted to become a force to reckon with in World Soccer, she threw her doors open to the best players and coaches on the planet.

The American NBA boasts the best pro basketball players in the world, because it seeks out the best talents worldwide. Then it "develops" them into marketable assets in the league.

Nigeria’s outing in Basketball at the last Olympics was its best ever showing. And that was because over 80% of the players who represented us were either playing in the American NBA or had had stints there before moving elsewhere.

The point I’m trying to make is that those who use "arranged networks" do NOT want a level playing field. One where merit reigns, and fair/impartial opportunities to succeed are given to those aspiring to success.

What’s more, it appears there is a carefully orchestrated effort to ensure only persons who belong in their circles get acknowledged by them, and the thousands they influence.

Note however that this does not mean that the person who does not belong cannot command the attention and interest of those influenced by these people. It just means it may take him/her much longer to achieve that goal.

"Arranged Networks" Are Unhealthy For Society

What upsets me however is that through their actions, these "arranged networks", where they exist, keep society from progressing. Just because they want to stay relevant – even when they are not prepared to improve the quality they offer!

They use the access they have to financial and other resources provided, to create opportunities preferentially for their members.

Out here for instance, in Nigeria, we have so many public speaking geniuses who keep publishing works they class as best sellers, but which one cannot find people reading!

It pains me so much to see this happen so often. And that’s a key reason why I publish my weekly Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

I am so hungry to see authentic professional speakers from my country command the respect and attention of people from OUTSIDE Nigeria through independent evaluation of the quality of their "content", and competence. And I would really love to see such speakers get invited to speak outside Nigeria, without the involvement or intervention of ANY Nigerians or groups of Nigerians in Diaspora.

What we currently have is a situation where a group of "friends" or associates talk to others in Diaspora, to get their public speaker friend to fly to London and speak to a group of Nigerians in Diaspora – possibly with few non-Nigerian friends attending.

This was the same thing that used to happen with our musicians in the past, but has now changed. Ten years ago, or even further back, most of our musicians would say they’d gone abroad to do international shows.

The problem was that unlike ours, the Jamaican musicians got invited for real LIVE concerts in public venues to entertain truly international audiences. In contrast, our musicians often went to abroad to perform at specially arranged private parties for Nigerians in Diaspora who wanted music from home.

There were very few of them like Fela Anikulapo Kuti, the multi-instrumentalist Afro beat maestro, who regularly got invited to performed at real life international concerts to audiences across the world. Just like his 2 sons (Seun and Femi) now do.

You Cannot Give What You Do Not Have

The above is the truth about what’s happening with our public speakers here in Nigeria. I’m being brutally frank here. There’s no point being subtle about continued proliferation of poor quality works by mediocres backed by "arranged networks" of influential personalities.

These people fail to aspire for higher standards, and yet seek to dominate the industry using their network of contacts!

Like I’ve said earlier, this is one of the reasons why I continue publishing my weekly Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter : To provide an example of how passion can be used to pursue achievement of thought leadership.

I do it to help myself just as much as I do it for the readers.

Every day I publish a new issue of that newsletter, I use it to tell myself that I am BETTER off than I was a week before. Because with that new issue, I have added NEW  and ORIGINAL content of my own creation, to the web, in my name.

The implication is that I have a growing wealth of content to draw from towards promoting and marketing myself as a speaker. Some of which may even prove useful for earning passive income (if I combine them into an ebook for instance).

In the meantime, since people are discovering and reading the newsletter on an international platform, I’m gradually achieving name recognition as the "Publisher of the Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter".

Final Words

To me, the above is what any professional expert worth his or her salt should do i.e. put your stuff out to impact the world, and in the process improve yourself, for the benefit of your target audience.

And that is what many authentic experts in many other parts of the world actually do. I know, because I have studied them – and interact with a number.

I do NOT see much of that happening out here.

Yet, ever so often, someone passes me a pretty flyer like the one I’ve described above, and tells me some speaking genius produced it for use in selling a masterpiece of a book on Public Speaking.

Then I visit the website for the so called product and find it BLANK!!! – once again confirming my belief that most of what they do is "arranged success".

Or how do you explain a person producing flyers for a supposedly top class product described in a sophisticated flyer, but neglecting to put up ANY content on the website for the product BEFORE going live to announce its availability?

I’m not perfect, but I’d like to think I am not that reckless in presenting my products and services.

And that’s the problem. When one offers to "teach" others, and then goes on to make such glaring omissions, it raises the question about whether s/he has truly mastered the principles s/he wishes to teach others!

There, I said it. Now it’s off my chest – and I actually feel better.

I hope you found it to be a useful read…:-)