All posts by Tayo Solagbade

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others. Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organisations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners). Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™, the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook, and developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator - as well as the increasingly popular Monthly Poultry Farm Manager app. On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, writes and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, in the French Speaking Benin Republic on the first lap of his slow travels across the West African region. His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details). When he's not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog - on which he also publishes previews of paid issues of The Farm CEO™ Newspaper (, in addition to his FREE Weekly Public Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter - which he uses to promote Burt Dubin's Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts across the African continent. Visit Tayo's Flagship Performance Improvement website to download over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity. Join Tayo's international community of fans on his Flagship MS Excel Heaven Facebook page (click here). You can also connect with him via Twitter (@tksola).

“Most Parents in Africa, We Want to Have the Respect That We Do Not Work For” #TVC Femi Shofoluwe #3

This is the 3rd and final episode in my Reaction to #TVC Television Continental’s Toxic Parenting Video interview with Femi Shofoluwe.

In this episode, I highlight a VERY important point made by Femi by playing an excerpt from his response to a question by the host…

Then I discuss Multiple Real Life Case Study Scenarios one may be faced with, to decide ‘When It’s Wise to Give Respect Vs. When It’s Stupid to Do So’.


[VIDEO] 5 Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices [Best Practice Farm Business Management]

This video will interest you if you run a farm business (or are aspiring). With today’s tough economic conditions, any smart business person will be open to ideas that can help boost profits.

Consider the strategies discussed with an open mind. They are not based on unfounded assumptions or theoretical musings. Rather, they have been used to increase profits without raising prices, in real-life batch operations similar to farm businesses.

Adopt them today and begin to reap improved farm profits!


Will You Tell Dangote to Respect You, Just Because You’re Older? – Femi Shofoluwe #TVC [Toxic Parenting #2 of3]

This is Part 2 of 3 in my Toxic Parenting Reaction Video series.

This episode highlights the misguided perception, prevalent among many African parents, that :

1. They can DEMAND respect from their kids, instead of EARNING it.

2. Making their kids “fear” them will make such kids give the parents “respect”.


Watch Part 1 of this 3 part series – click HERE


Many African Parents Are Toxic – It’s Cultural – Femi Shofoluwe #TVC | These 6 Signs Make YOU a Toxic Parent! [True-Story-Based Examples by Tayo Solagbade]

I react to this #TVC (Television Continental) interview of Femi Shofoluwe, by providing additional information (including real life examples) of Common Traits of Toxic Parents.


You Need to LOVE Your Clients With ALL Your Heart & Soul [No. 3 in 10 Commandments of Web Marketing for Biz Success]

Can You Keep Creating Marketing Content EVEN If You NEVER Get ANY Inquiries or Sales?

Well, if you want to achieve sustainable marketing and sales successes, THAT is what you need to do.


And you have to LOVE your target audience with a passion to do IT!

In this podcast, I share Commandment No. 3 of 10 from my 10 week educational audio series titled “Ten Commandments of Web Marketing for Business Success”.

This series was originally produced (with verbatim PDF transcripts) for members of my Web Marketing for CEOs Club.

Featuring the quote below, from a book EVERYONE should read:

“You do not have to beat anybody in business. And if you are in a business which does beat people, get out of it at once.” – Wallace D. Wattles, Science of Getting Rich


Violent/Abusive People Are NOT Born: They Are MADE! My Reaction to #YourViewTVC’s “Does Provocation Justify Domestic Violence?

This is Part 1 of a 2 part series with the theme: A Root Cause We Often Miss -Which Can Help Us Nip Domestic Violence in the Bud.

In this 2 part presentation, I react to the episode of #YourViewTVC’s  Talk Show titled “Does Provocation Justify Domestic Violence” published on Nov 12, 2020.


“This new generation wanna breakthrough without suffering, mentorship!”: Sonnie Badu Scolds Youths

Listen to My Reaction to Sonni’s Advice to the New Generation

Sonnie Badu Shares 3 Secrets to REAL LASTING Success

Watch the video and listen to my reaction/commentary (Featuring Les Brown’s “Message to Young People”) via CLICK HERE.

Strange Pawpaw Tree Shows Root Cause of Nigeria’s Domestic Violence (DV) is a “People Profiting from Victims’ Pains” Culture

Nigeria’s DV problem has become a pandemic. And the reason why it’s that way is that we have developed a culture of PROFITING from PAIN.

I call it P4P for short.

In this video, I use the analogy of a Pawpaw tree with a peculiar fruiting behaviour to illustrate my point.

TIP: In Nigeria if your “abuser” is able to get those you complain to, to accept “money” or “favours”, you’re VERY likely – except in rare cases – to lose out (& even suffer secondary abuse at THEIR hands!) no matter how much proof you have.

Watch this video to learn more, as I explain why this happens, why it is the root cause of what is now a pandemic of sorts today – and what can be done to stop it.


If Your University Degree or PhD Makes You FEEL Superior, Watch THIS!

This story illustrates why Schooling is NOT the same thing as Education. In my commentary, I also explain why you need a Custom Education System to Prepare Your Child Effectively for ADULT LIFE.

The video ends with a short eye opening clip of a successful entrepreneur explaining why today’s school system is dead and what you (and/or your child) need to do to achieve authentic success in life.


Osinachi Could Have Been Rescued From Abuse, Like This Girl Was by Pastor Enenche

2 Men Stole/Sexually Abused a Girl & Tried to Use her to Defraud Pastor Enenche: How He Discerned & Exposed Them

Click here to watch..