All posts by Tayo Solagbade

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others. Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organisations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners). Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™, the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook, and developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator - as well as the increasingly popular Monthly Poultry Farm Manager app. On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, writes and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, in the French Speaking Benin Republic on the first lap of his slow travels across the West African region. His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details). When he's not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog - on which he also publishes previews of paid issues of The Farm CEO™ Newspaper (, in addition to his FREE Weekly Public Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter - which he uses to promote Burt Dubin's Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts across the African continent. Visit Tayo's Flagship Performance Improvement website to download over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity. Join Tayo's international community of fans on his Flagship MS Excel Heaven Facebook page (click here). You can also connect with him via Twitter (@tksola).

[VIDEO] Payslip & Salary Schedule Generator Mobile Phone App version of my Excel VB software – Demonstration

In this video, I show you how the Web App version of the Mobile Phone App I’ve built works. First I show you the Excel template that’s directly exported from the Excel-VB version of the Payslip Generator.

So it’s not like I had to build something else. It was just the same thing. It’s just that I had to do some spreadsheet redesign to get the contents up to it.

Click here to watch the demonstration.

Notice that “Super heroes” like Incredible Hulk, Black Panther, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, The Flash Superman, and ehm Batman are listed as “employees” with Black Panther Payslip generated during the session :-)

[DC&A REVIEW] Breed Insects, Save 75% In Feeding Your Farm Animals [FARM PROFITS Boosters: 3 Zero Cost Replacements for Fish Meal You Can You Can Grow On Your Farm – FREE PDF Transcript]

The UNITED NATIONS says eating insects could boost nutrition + reduce land cleared to grow crops/raise livestock.
Farmers in Uganda are being encouraged to use insects as livestock feed to enable them more nutritious protein alternatives for their animals.
Farm Biz Owners outside Africa are also breeding insects to feed their animals


You want to know HOW?
It’s quite simple:

Click the link below to watch a video trailer which features TV news stories about Poultry, Fish and Pig Farm Owners in and outside Africa, who breed insects to feed their animals – reporting up to 75% savings in feeding their animals:



You can do this to different extents in various areas e.g. for livestock farmers ONE area where you can make MASSIVE COST-SAVINGS is in…FEEDING your livestock!

1. Imagine not having to worry about left over feed and how to clean it up to avoid spoilage and prevent infection to your animals?
2. Imagine being able to feed your animals high quality LIVE protein everyday at low to zero cost?
3. Imagine Imagine being able to cut down your current cost of feeding your livestock (or running your farm business) by as much as 25 to 75%?!
4. Imagine the improved PERFORMANCE your animals would give AND Imagine what you would do WITH the EXTRA income you would get?!
My 5 Part Audio Podcast Training Series for Farm CEOs describes TRIED and TESTED strategies used successfully in Farm Businesses worldwide to achieve such outcomes.

It’s titled : “Tested Strategies to Save Money and Grow Your Profits from Running Your Farm Business”

The philosophy behind their use is what the largest batch production (manufacturing etc) companies in the world use to stay profitable in the most competitive markets.
Delivery Mode:
Five 30 Minute audio files emailed to you for playback on phone or PC
Farm CEOs who correctly apply these secrets will experience increased success with fewer reasons to fret or stress daily.
There are several strategies, but the most powerful of them all yields multidimensional rewards at low to zero cost.

And THAT Strategy Is: VARIABLE COST REDUCTION i.e. “Find Cost-Effective & Efficient Ways to Cut Down Your Spending On Inputs Your Farm Uses!”

Many Farm Businesses need these powerful strategies. But their owners are so busy trying to get their farm businesses to run properly, that lack the time to discover them, thinking of how to use them + take action to implement them on their farms!
As a Farm Business Support Specialist, with a Best Practice focus, I help people to do that – Identify what you may be missing and try to throw them up to catch your attention – then guide you to make use of the ideas I offer.
It does not matter what kind of business you’re into. Even if you’re into crop farming. Everything I’m saying here – the logic, the ideas, can be applied successfully to your use.
The simple requirement is your understanding of what it is you do as a business  – or farm business.
So once you understand your farm business model AND the inputs that go into your process i.e what it takes to run it profitably, then thinking up ways to apply the ideas I propose here will be so much easier…because you’ll know where to look and how to go about IMPLEMENTING the ideas and strategies.

Download my print-ready FREE PDF Transcript Ebook titled “3 Zero Cost Replacements for Fish Meal You Can Produce on Your Farm”. [It’s based on Part 1 of my 5 Part Audio Podcast Training Fill/submit the form at HERE!

You will also get details of HOW TO GET MY 5 PART AUDIO  PODCAST TRAINING FREE

Fill/submit the form at:

Click the link below to watch a video trailer which features TV news stories about Poultry, Fish and Pig Farm Owners in and outside Africa, who breed insects to feed their animals – reporting up to 75% savings in feeding their animals:










Download my print-ready FREE PDF Transcript Ebook titled “3 Zero Cost Replacements for Fish Meal You Can Produce on Your Farm”. [It’s based on Part 1 of my 5 Part Audio Podcast Training Fill/submit the form at HERE!

You will also get details of HOW TO GET MY 5 PART AUDIO  PODCAST TRAINING FREE
Fill/submit the form at:


[DC&A REVIEW] Secrets to Raising Baby Chicks Without DEATH – Watch to DOWNLOAD FREE PDF TRANSCRIPT!

Excerpt from Tayo Solagbade’s VIDEO REVIEW for Daniel’s Farm Up Video titled “Secrets to Raising Baby Chicks Without DEATH”:
======= Starts =======
Farm CEO “Daniel” – in this video, shares LOADS of very innovative practical/hands-on ideas, techniques and strategies for cost-effectively raising Day Old Chicks – with ZERO MORTALITY/DEATHS – into broilers or layers while working with very limited resources.
At almost every stage of raising the chicks, in which a lack of money or access to needed resources could prevent you from making progress, Daniel provides a tried and tested strategy you can use that most times costs little or nothing e.g. feeders made from cardboard you fold and cello tape in place of expensive plastic ones if you can’t afford them.
Read the PDF transcript and watch the video*, to appreciate his ingenuity and then study/ adapt his ideas for your use.
*TIP: Use the TIME CODES I’ve inserted in the PDF to jump to specific points you want to watch in the video.

To download my FREE “Pimped” PDF Transcript version of Daniel’s excellent video, go to:

To watch my review of Daniel’s video, click the link below:


1. Watch the Practical Poultry Farm Business Performance Calculations [FREE STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL] video at:
2. Watch the Floating Pond Poultry Farm Review video at:
3. Watch the Top 9 Tips to Travel Successfully In Africa video at:
TIP: Give a Thumbs up, Comment & Share TheVideo if you like it


1. On YouTube:
SUBSCRIBE to my “Discover Cotonou – and Africa!” YouTube Channel at:
Click on the Notification Bell so you are alerted soon as I drop my latest videos
3. On Facebook:
4. On Twitter:

Join my DC&A Travel Club

1. You get a FREE PDF Transcript Ebook of EVERY Top Africa Travel video I review.
2. You also get PDF Ebook transcripts of ANY videos you choose!
3. If you’re a Podcast/Video Creator, YouTube Channel Owner, Journalist, Lawyer, Student, or Professional Transcriptionist,
HINT: Every person who signs up as a club member will get my Special Report titled “New Ideas to Use Old Videos to Generate Sales Leads and Make Money While You Sleep” – $25 USD value  [Nope. It’s NOT What You Think.]

For details of what you need to do, fill and submit the form linked below:

…and I’ll send you the full details you need to start enjoying multiple benefits.

[DC&A REVIEW] Practical Poultry Farm Business Performance Calculations – FREE STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL

This popular article was first published online in July 2009 via (defunct since May 2014) and


Go to


This new step-by-step subtitled video TUTORIAL uses elaborate visuals and detailed subtitles to demonstrate in a step-by step fashion, how to calculate 3 very important Key Performance Indices (KPIs) you can compute daily, weekly, monthly (and at the end of year) to accurately determine at every stage whether your poultry farm business is operating optimally.

Watch the Practical Poultry Farm Business Performance Calculations [FREE STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL] video in my channel at:

Click the link below to download a PDF version of the article that you can read offline:

Read the 2009 version published on at or



1. Watch the Practical Poultry Farm Business Performance Calculations [FREE STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL] video at:
2. Watch the Floating Pond Poultry Farm Review video at:
3. Watch the Top 9 Tips to Travel Successfully In Africa video at:
TIP: Give a Thumbs up, Comment & Share TheVideo if you like it


1. On YouTube:
SUBSCRIBE to my “Discover Cotonou – and Africa!” YouTube Channel at:
Click on the Notification Bell so you are alerted soon as I drop my latest videos
3. On Facebook:
4. On Twitter:

Join my DC&A Travel Club

1. You get a FREE PDF Transcript Ebook of EVERY Top Africa Travel video I review.
2. You also get PDF Ebook transcripts of ANY videos you choose!
3. If you’re a Podcast/Video Creator, YouTube Channel Owner, Journalist, Lawyer, Student, or Professional Transcriptionist,
HINT: Every person who signs up as a club member will get my Special Report titled “New Ideas to Use Old Videos to Generate Sales Leads and Make Money While You Sleep” – $25 USD value  [Nope. It’s NOT What You Think.]

For details of what you need to do, fill and submit the form linked below:

…and I’ll send you the full details you need to start enjoying multiple benefits.

Amazing Floating Fish Pond Based Poultry Layer Farm System Lowers Costs & Boost Profits [FREE PDF DOWNLOAD]

Download my PDF review (23/7/2020) of a video that showcases an Amazing Floating Fish Pond Based Poultry Layer Farm System Lowers Costs & Boost Profits.

I discuss three REAL FARMS shown in videos to be using an integrated system of layer chickens reared in poultry houses built on fish ponds, to churn out 900 to 4,000+ eggs daily and over 4,000 kg fish Per Annum at low costs.

Click here to signup - and request a FREE PDF Transcript of the Floating Pond Poultry Farm video...NOW!

Click here to DOWNLOAD THE PDF + learn more…!

Click HERE to watch my video review in a new window

Story: The Best Place You Need to Work During Lagos Traffic [Subtitles by @tksola]

This video’s informative and at the same time entertaining message resonates strongly with me, because it accurately captures my sentiments regarding living and working in Lagos as an income earning adult.
And it ends with a conclusion that I settled on in 2012 and which I’ve actively advocated for others to adopt.
To give non-Yoruba speakers access to the witty wisdom it offers, I’ve prepared THIS English Subtitled version.
Have fun, learn and be sure to share FREELY!

CREDIT: Original Video and Voice by: @lekan_kingkong

I relocated to Lagos from Benin City in 2009.
Since then, I have learned several things: Some good, and some were really bad. The bad ones were more.
Like I was saying, one of the things I learned was that every Lagosian has 3 places s/he “lives” – their rented accomodation, their workplace/office as well as in traffic jam on the highway.
The place that costs us the most money among these 3 places, is the one we spend the least time in, while the one that has no meaning in our lives is the one that wastes our time the most.
Sigh. You see Lagos is divided into 3 main areas namely: Mainland, Island and Lowland.
You can stylishly ask any friend of yours who lives in Lagos, which of those 3 areas we’ve mentioned s/he resides in Lagos…then sit back and listen as s/he lies through his/her teeth to you!
As for me, I live in a part of the Mainland, but I won’t tell you the address because NEPA staff are still on a manhunt for me, as a result of the last video I made.
But back then I worked on the Island. Let me tell you: What is worse than working on the Island and living on the Mainland, is for one to reside on the Lowland and work on the Island!
You wake up at 4a.m, leave home at 5a.m, get to work by 7a.m, start work by 8a.m, leave work by 5p.m, get home by 10p.m, pound yam to eat at night and still wake up at 4a.m the next day, including Weekends!
Don’t be fooled, 90% of Lagosians suffer from High Blood Pressure. No – This is no joke at all.
For a person to sit uncomfortably in a vehicle for long hours, on a wooden/metal bench, while enduring the unholy body odour from 14 other people, who you cannot be certain all had their baths!
Yes, it’s a mouthful, Conductor: it’s you I’m looking at!
At the same time your mind will not be at rest because any of your fellow passengers could steal from you, if you make the mistake of dozing off.
They would not care if you’re late or whether you could lose your job because you slept for 5 hours instead of 4 and you spent one hour at the car park before getting transportation to work.
Remember not to get into a quarrel with anyone because you’re already late. Unless of course if the conductor refuses you to give you your change. Now THAT we’ll understand. You can get into the mother of all fights with him.
Now don’t make the mistake of assuming that all your problems will disappear once you buy a car of your own. [Laugh] I once saw a rich man who jumped out of his Range Rover and hopped onto a Commercial Bike (Okada) to avoid being late for a meeting he was to attend!
Or you could sit in your car staring at your house 20 feet away, but it takes you 1 hour to get there. Those who take the bus can still quickly get down and trek the remaining distance, or take shortcuts to get home.
But you who drive your own car? My friend, you’ll have to wait it out! The best place to be in a traffic jam  is however not in the bus or your own car. It’s in your friend’s car.
And why is this so? It’s not hard to figure out at all. The fun you’ll have in your own car is the same you’ll get in your friend’s car – but without needing to be the one gripping the wheel driving.
You can even doze off and sleep soundly, since  it’s a free ride. If the traffic jam  gets worse you can even get down and tell him “See you later!”
[Laugh] I’ll never forget the day my boss helped me by giving me a lift from work, when I had to leave him behind in a traffic jam. All sorts of Night Vigils and events were happening in Lagos that weekend. Lagos came to a standstill!
That was 3 years ago. My boss is still stuck there till today. And I believe none of my friends can hear me now, because the friend with whom I was last in a traffic jam  had to watch me longingly as a I downed a bottle of Fanta with Gala, knowing he could not ask for some because it was an offence to eat/drink while driving!
He was deeply pained and almost cried because he dared not ask for some to eat because doing so was risky. Someone that LASTMA, Police, VIO, Road Safety, and some dark/evil spirits are watching from their hiding places, waiting for him to make the mistake.
They would simply pounce on him – no matter how small his offence. Er, but it’s not so bad all the same. You can buy whatever you want in the Lagos traffic jam : Food, pets, chairs and other household items, life insurance. I’ve even had someone try to sell land to me in the traffic jam .
You can even meet and befriend a total stranger in the traffic jam. I remember the day I hooked up with a pretty girl in the traffic jam  who gave me her number. You can also listen to latest music on radio – and various programs.
But I think the root cause of traffic jam  on Lagos roads is the lack of patience of the drivers. When one driver puts on his tailight indicating intention to make a turn, one would imagine the driver behind would have enough sense to understand that s/he needs to slow down – that the one in front intends to make a turn.
But no. Instead of waiting s/he would stubbornly refuse to give way, by stomping on the accelerator pedal. For this reason you must drive without indicating you wish to turn or change lanes, because when you’re at “war” you must not give your “enemy” any clues about what your next move is!
After driving in Lagos city for a long time, I was shocked to discover when I traveled to another city and saw how road users interacted patiently with one another while driving. I wondered if my eyes were deceiving me, until suddenly a car screeched impatiently past me, only narrowly failing to hit me.
And when I looked at the license plate? It was once again a Lagos driver! We’ve gone mad I say! To the extent that in Lagos state, people will even tell you off for actually patiently letting another vehicle go ahead of you! Let me give you a tip.
Here are 2 kinds of people you must avoid at all costs in Lagos traffic jam: First are the Danfo Drivers – because they are really hot headed and act like they own the roads.And the second group? It’s the temperamental female driver. Don’t contest for use of the road with a temperamental female driver! A lady once knowingly hit a police officer standing in her way. After he’d rolled helplessly across her car hood for a few seconds, he fell into a gutter at the side of the road.
I’m sure he’ll never try doing that again for the rest of his life! Please don’t get me wrong. I love women a lot. Infact women have played a monumental role in the successes I have achieved in my life.
For instance when I used to work on the Island, there was a day I went on a date with a girl – remember the one I hooked up with in traffic jam the other time? You know those kinds of gorgeously attractive girls that make you EVEN ask yourself “Wow…but how did I get her to say YES to ME???”
Anyway, she and I agreed to meet for a meal and drinks. Being the smart guy that I was, I ensured the spot was close to where I lived. Hehe…Then I made very sure on the D-day that I finished all the work I was assigned by 4p.m. Then I pleaded with my boss to let me off early, claiming I needed to see the Doctor.
At exactly 4.30p.m I hopped on to an Okada and took the first vehicle so as to avoid the rush hour traffic jam. My dearest in the Lord, would you believe I got home at 10p.m?! I quit my job the very next day. You see, the best place to be during Lagos traffic jam is in your bed at home!
That’s why I love the new job I just started – which involves Working From Home. The only problem with being a young man working from home sitting in front of a Computer from morning till night is that he is likely to get labelled a YAHOO BOY!
Please! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!!
Busola, Iya Ayo, and all you gossips in the neighbourhood. listen to me.
I am not engaged in any crooked vocation. The next time you come asking me silly questions about whether a “maga”(name for person duped by Yahoo Boy) has paid, I will smash a laptop on your heads.
Did you get that?
Errr…although the girl I talked about the other time no longer speaks to me…


True Story – Selling the Excel-VB Ration Formulator to a Success Focused Farm CEO client from Pakistan

Click here to download and continue reading...

Download this PDF ebook to read the true story of how I literally single-handedly created a market for my Excel-Visual Basic solutions development service in Nigeria/Africa.
Click here to download this Quote-Story™ No. 2. Then study and share it with those you care about.

Click here to download the above Quote-Story™ No. 2. Then study and share it with those you care about.

Follow me for my next Quote-Story™







The following 52 screenshot images, tell the story (starting early May 2020 – during the lockdown) of how a new Farm CEO client from Pakistan interested in buying my Feed Formulation Bundle, contacted me via email and followed my response to call me on phone so I could ask him my Needs Analysis Questions.

After our phone conversation, he took up the Flash Promo Price Offer I made to him and after one failed attempt on Saturday, due to lockdown restrictions at the Western Union Outlet in his country, successfully sent me payment on Monday 11th May 2020.

When I’d successfully cashed the money via the Western Union outlet at the Ojodu-Berger-Lagos, Nigeria branch of First Bank Plc, I sent him the personalized version of the Excel-VB Ration Formulator and Feed Formulation Handbook.

Not long after, he asked for help deciding how to handle a batch of weevil infested Maize meant to Feed Formulations – which I created a video response to.

And most recently, just a few days ago, he complained of a faulty section in the Ration Formulator’s Ration Computation Table – which I have since fixed and re-sent a CORRECTED version of the app to him.

I share the following screenshot thread to give you a real life example of how I have continued to both sell my Digital Cash Flow Generating Assets and also provide RELIABLE on-demand support to EACH buyer no matter how long after the purchase s/he requests it.






Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.





Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.





Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.





Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.






Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.





Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.




Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.



Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.




Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.



Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.



Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.





BELOW: He returns weeks later to ask for help rectifying an error in the Ration Computation Table










Click here to send me a message if you have any problems using YOUR COPY of the Ration Formulator.




[BPP VIDEO] Secrets to Raising Your Child Successfully (Features Smart Parenting Tips from Steve Harvey)

Watch this video to learn what most modern parents today – possibly includ,ing you – are doing wrong in raising their kids to achieve success in adulthood.
Click below to watch:

[BPP] Nigerians must learn to combine handwork with white-collar jobs

What this expert recommends is very similar to the strategy I advocated for adoption in my 62 page 2018 paper (titled “Schooling is a Means to an End, and Not an End in Itself”  Click to read it here
) for use in our education system if we want to eliminate unemployment post-schooling.


Mrs. Elizabeth Osinsanya, the proprietress and chief executive of Elegant Twins School of Cosmetology, comes from the parentage of Mr. P.A. Okubadejo of Ijebu Ode and Princess Alake Kosoko of the royal family of Lagos. She remains a reference point and a force to reckon with both locally and internationally as a beautician.

Her outfit, Elegant Twins School of Cosmetology in Lagos has churned out great beauticians scattered all over Nigeria and beyond. In this interview with EFFECTS, the astute hairdresser, foremost cosmetologist and entrepreneur spoke about life and others.

Continue reading:


I’m a very proud and passionate believer in the ideas and philosophies advocated for adoption by Robert Kiyosaki on money making and what I like to call Best Practice Parenting.

And my attitude is based on the fact the success and personal advancement I enjoy today is mainly due to my diligent study and application of Mr. Kiyosaki’s teachings.

For instance, my creation and promotion of what I call Digital Cash Flow Generating Assets is a direct result of adapting the idea of building cash flow generating assets that he constantly advocates.

My personal experiences using this strategy convince me that if a person is NOT making money this way, s/he is very unlikely to maximize his/her income earning potential.

This is why I NEVER hesitate to recommend Robert’s learning events and resources (like books, videos etc) to others. The one he announces at the link below is another example. I urge you to check it out. I gain NOTHING by doing this – so it’s not like I stand to earn a commission or anything.

Free Workshop + Free Book – CLICK HERE

Wishing for a stable income? Here’s how to do it WITHOUT a 9-5…
❗ Getting a JOB is for LOSERS ❗
When you ask most people why they are working so hard in a job, they will tell you it’s for the money – a steady PAYCHECK.
The problem is, working a job can give you a FALSE sense of financial security…

