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01:16 “…Thank you so much Thank you to Ehis, Chris, eh Richard. Thank you Mr. P. Thank you all for getting me out safely. I don’t want to talk too much. I just wanna clear a few things that I’ve been seeing online.
To our leaders, I urge you, please, do not minimize the suffering of families. Do not insult the grief of Nigerians. Do not insult the intelligence of Nigerians. Do not insult the pain that families are facing.
02:15 (Voice trembling) People were falling left and right. Yes, there were soldiers there. Another part that people are not really talking about. The police also came – the SARS people we’re talking about, they also came. Some maybe 40 – 45 minutes after the soldiers left. We were tear gassed (voice trembles)…” – DJ Switch, Lekki #ENDSARS Protesters Killings: Report by DJ SWITCH
Download the FULL PDF Video to Text Transcript from HERE
“Intelligence is the ability to make finer distinctions” – Robert Kiyosaki.
I continue to advocate the use of CRITICAL THINKING. It aids accurate analysis of any issue. Some of us are mixing things up.
There are DIFFERENT groups of youths we see acting out in Nigerian society today. It’s VERY important to differentiate between them.
This video – CLICK HERE TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE – presents a WhatsApp post forwarded by “Adebayo Olajide” an alumnus of the university I attended (UNIBADAN) to the Association’s WhatsApp group.
The post’s author has done a good job of defining four (4) categories of youth we have based on available information. I totally agree with his intelligent analysis + align with his view that the first group is the one we should support.
When you want to voice opinion about “Nigerian Youths”, you need to decide which of the youth groups you are referring to.
It’s wrong to use blanket reference to ALL of them as one – because THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!!!
Tayo K. Solagbade (@tksola), Lagos @2.30p.m on 23/10/2020
VIDEO: Beat Me Up. I Married a Wife, Not a Man. You’re a Reproach to Womanhood [Says Husband to Angry Wife]
Contrary to popular stereotype, this video clearly shows that the woman is the aggressor.
Her body language as well as her words show she is threatening and trying to intimidate/dominate the husband.
Without the video, the man would find it hard to prove this!
If we did not have the benefit of watching this video, it would be hard to believe a WOMAN could speak and act this AGGRESSIVELY in challenging her husband, and that he would NOT react to the provocation.
What you see happening in this video is VERY similar to what my own ex-partner used to do to me. (e.g. “I will kill you!” and “I’m an Igbo woman – we don’t take nonsense from any man!”).
And she would often attack and inflict injury on me at the slightest opportunity – hence my many injuries, hospital visits and police reports.
But when I reported to police, or relatives/3rd parties, she would deny it all and claim she was no match for me physically.
This video is a FREE Public Education Service about Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM)
The look on this man’s face has haunted me from the first day I watched his video story, and it drove me to create THIS TRAILER video asking key questions.
He looked so broken – so devastated.
His blood pressure shot up upon hearing that his wife was getting married and he suddenly began stammering.
This video is a FREE Public Education Service about Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM)
DISCLAIMER: Brief excerpts from 3rd party video clips featured – with attribution – in line with “Fair Use” requirements. Full URL links provided to each original source video.
Disclaimer – This lady – Jane Felix Ogbonna – does NOT know me and I do not know her. We have never spoken. She has no idea I’m posting links to her videos. I just believe her videos can help GOOD men – and those who love them. – Tayo K. Solagbade, Lagos @04:11 on Saturday 19th September 2020 [Updated: Monday 20th June 2022]
The point made by Robert Kiyosaki in the above screenshot of his Facebook post is valid – and underscored with emphasis by:
(a) my personal experiences, some of which I’ve described in the true story narrated below AND
(b) the powerful quote I have appended to the bottom of this piece.
During my Startup years (from 2002 to well into 2007), people laughed at me for daring to think I could sell “ordinary Excel files” or get hired to build what I told them were “Custom Excel-Visual Basic driven Spreadsheet Software”.
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