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Secret You Need to Succeed Despite Facing Storms of Adversity in Life

[If you’re reading this, you’re likely to appreciate the private and confidential coaching support service I offer titled “Spontaneous Coaching™* for Mastery of Adversity & Personal/Career Success Achievement!” and my article titledWhy You Need to Become a Master of Adversity to Achieve Long Lasting Success“. Learn more about them at the end of this piece]

The principle discussed in this article is a key reason I am successful at what I do today, using my Web Marketing System to attract and convert buyers for my custom Excel-VB software, from within and outside Africa.

Any person who does intellectual work (like Excel-VB coding or freelance writing for clients like I do) knows that you’re unlikely to do your best work when you are worried or upset.

And that is often the state of mind one has when experiencing storms in one’s life!

Countless people fail in life when they try to go after their dreams because they let the storms that erupt in their lives stop them!

I offer ideas to help YOU make your story different, based on what I have done – and continue doing!

Without this understanding, I would not – today – have the international following I enjoy at zero cost, from clients and potential buyers. Neither would I be on record for making total strangers from various countries find my work compelling enough to send me payment for what a Nigerian CEO once asked me; “Who’s going to pay you for that?”

Storms will come and go in your life.

Lots of things can – and may – go wrong at various stages in your evolution as a human being. Your best friend or partner may betray you. The investment you make could turn out bad. A client project could go badly wrong.

As Murphy’s law states: “Anything that can go wrong will!”

And that’s why you need to have an unshakeable belief in yourself – and in your creator, no matter what happens to you. Those are the 2 most important things to do!

Once you achieve that highly evolved state of being, in which you understand that NO EARTHLY STORM (imaginary or real) can change your fortunes for the worse, unless you let it, you will have the courage to stay focused at getting back on track regardless of what goes wrong.

This is why NOTHING has ever kept me from taking my brand to the next level over the past 15 years.

I have experienced all sorts of adversity, pain, suffering, delays, disappointments, setbacks – some causing me extremely humiliating embarrassments – in my personal and work life.

Sometimes those I could call loved ones were responsible for visiting severe hardships on me!

But in ALL of it, I always knew that I just needed to focus on what mattered most – and that is NEVER QUITTING i.e staying focused on doing what I LOVE doing, with even more passion than before!

For me, THAT meant continuing to diligently build and market my custom Excel-VB software and other solutions to the right target audience with my trademark infectious enthusiasm and my unrelenting passion/determination!

Guess what?

This strategy has NEVER failed me!

Indeed, quite often, my periods of greatest tribulations have brought out the best in me in terms of the QUALITY of work I do, resulting in better rewards from clients I connect with!

The same can be YOUR experience if you apply the ideas I’ve shared here, in your own life.

I wish you success!

TIP: This article’s topic is actually one of 5 Guiding Philosophies I recommend for adoption by anyone looking to achieve authentic, reproducible success in Making Money Developing Commercial Quality Custom Excel-VB apps to Sell Internationally. Click here to read it.




1. Spontaneous Coaching™* for Mastery of Adversity & Personal/Career Success Achievement!


2. Why You Need to Become a Master of Adversity to Achieve Long Lasting Success

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