Tag Archives: Hint

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Spend Money (Hint: If You Worry About Paying More Than You Should, THIS Article is for YOU!)

Let me begin by stating that the ideas I offer here were obtained from studying Jeffery Meyer’s Succeeding In Business Newsletter issues. Adapting them to my purposes has actually helped me repeatedly convince prospects to buy from (or hire) me.

If you are an entrepreneur, understanding the ideas I offer here, if you apply them correctly, CAN help you close more sales. I say this from experience. Simply use the questions enumerated below to help them realise they NEED YOUR products/services.

But I’m writing here, NOW, for prospective buyers of products/services – the prospect or existing client, who is considering “buying” a product/service from a provider.

In the course of my work, I have learnt that some buyers only want one thing: The lowest price (s). To them, the lowest price means they’ve gotten the best value for every Naira spent.

However, even in the Nigerian market, it could prove severely wasteful to base your purchase decisions solely on price. There ARE other things to look for.

Are you scared of paying more than you should?

Well, there is something you can do, to ensure you minimise chances of making that mistake.

To spend “wiser”, simply make it a habit to think up YOUR answers to the following questions, before making your purchase decision.

I call them the “Prospective Buyers’ Decision Making Questions”.

1. Why do you need the product/service?

Another way to ask this question is “What do you want to use the product/service for?”

If you cannot think of a good reason to justify purchasing it, then it would be obvious that doing so, would be likely to be a bad decision – money wasted or poorly spent.

2. How did you go about deciding the kind of product/service you need?

Okay, so you have convinced yourself you NEED the product/service.

But just before you go out and get it, why not question yourself further about HOW you arrived at your choice of product/service.

For instance, a person could decide s/he needs a new vehicle for the company’s sales department.

However buying a luxury car (e.g. BMW) to meet that need might not be the way to go.

3. Why doesn’t the existing product/service meet your needs (i.e. assuming you already have one)?

If you already have something that addresses that need, why is it that you feel a need to purchase this other product/service.

Is it that you feel what you have does not fully meet the existing need?

Or is it that you anticipate future needs may outstrip the capacity of the existing resource?

Take time to carefully reflect on this, as it would go a long way to enable you accurately determine whether or not to go ahead.

4. Because the present product/service doesn’t serve your needs (or because you have none), how is this impacting on your establishment’s effectiveness?

This is related to the preceding question.

By implication, you will find reflecting on this question useful in further deciding on how relevant the product/service you are contemplating buying is to your real needs.

So, if you are able to identify and enumerate specific/tangible ways that the existing product/service is negatively affecting your company’s performance, it would provide further justification to purchase the new one.

Note however that one possibility you could equally consider is CHECKING to see if there is a way you can get the current product/service to IMPROVE, so that you do NOT have to purchase a replacement or addition, which would require more spending.

5. What will happen if you don’t purchase this new product/service?

Of course, if the existing product/service is not addressing the important needs of your company, the company will continue to suffer for it.

Failing to correct that situation will likely result in more negative impact.

So, ask yourself what will happen if this trend continues.

If the answer you get is NOT what you want for your company, then you’ll have to seriously consider purchasing the identified alternative(s).

6. How did you determine the price you said you want to pay for this product/service?

And this is the most sensitive one of them. Money!

Everyone these days is thinking of how to use less of it, to get more of what they want.

But who can blame them? It’s plain common sense!

The only problem is that some people tend to take it a bit too far. They begin to think of getting EVERYTHING for little or nothing.

Having gone through the process of reviewing the questions before this one, you should have come to terms with the reality that the product/service you wish to purchase is capable of FILLING the need you have identified, or SOLVING the problem you have discovered.

Either way, you will have accepted that it is worth paying for, and since it will be IMPROVING on what you currently have in place, there is a good chance it will not be “cheap”.

But it could be affordable. So, I suggest you aim to NEGOTIATE a good bargain, to get it.

7. What if the product/service you purchase doesn’t work properly OR what if it fails to serve the needs you identified?

But we must NOT be academic about this. No one is perfect, and no process is fool proof.

This implies that following the above outlined steps may not ALWAYS result in making the right purchase.

This could happen for so many reasons. One example is your understanding of the situation that created the need you identified.

If you are not well informed about the dynamics of that situation, you could draw the wrong conclusions about what the need is!

The moral here is that you MUST strive to be conversant with whatever aspects of your operations you are evaluating.

Be honest with yourself in this regard, and if you are unsure about your ability to do this, consult one or more persons that have the competence (your staff, colleagues etc) to help you make the right assessments.

Final Words

To end, I now share some details of additional information I provide to my prospects or clients, to further “educate” them about why buying from (or hiring) me would be the right thing to do.

a. We believe in establishing long term relationships.

“A customer who is only interested in doing business with the supplier with the lowest price has no interest in developing long term relationships.” – Anon

For the person contemplating making a purchase, this has already been addressed in the preceding discussion.

If you focus only on getting what you want at the lowest possible price, you are likely to end up getting what you don’t want i.e. lower quality.

Or the supplier could walk away. If s/he decides to sell to you on that unfair basis, s/he may not be forthcoming when you need after sales support etc.

So, be careful!

b. We want to help you become better at what you do.

Jeffery Meyer recommended politely informing the prospect or client that you “are not just a vendor selling products/services”.

You will tell him/her that “your vision is become a valued advisor whose knowledge, training, education, and experience will enable him/her get better results”.

For the prospective buyer, the above statement is just as relevant.

You should carefully study the “provider” of the service/product you are contemplating, to see if s/he shows signs of abiding by a code of ethics that makes him/her willing to be a “Valued Advisor” to those s/he serves.

If YES, that gives you more confidence to do business with him/her. If NO, the logical line of action is obvious!

I believe if you as a prospect buyer of product/service adopt the above steps in your decision making thought process, you are likely to make more accurate purchase decisions that you used to.

Good luck!

PS: This article was first published online on 9th August 2010 via www.spontaneousdevelopment.com and Ezinearticles.com.


Why You Need to Mix Things Up Periodically – Even in Business (Hint: There Are Many Ways to Get Results You Want)

Even though you use the web for marketing, it PAYS to periodically connect with “humans” offline e.g. via phone and face to face. BUT not with intent to sell. Doing so once got me invited – in May 2012 – as Guest Speaker at Yaba College of Technology’s Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture in Lagos.

Quite often, you’ll be better off connecting offline with people to boost your name recognition, and credibility as an authority at what you do.

I do this all the time, and every now and then, and it wins me the expected results. Sometimes it ends up winning me income earning opportunities even though I did not start out with that in mind.

The above is why I recommend mixing it up every once in a while. Don’t just stick with one way of doing things. Change things up after a while, and you may be pleasantly surprised by what happens.

Note however that you must truly go out with an honest intent to serve or help others. Really make up your mind that you WILL give of yourself without being bothered about whether or not those you give to, choose to reward you in any way.

I do not know what you do. But I offer an example of what I do, below, so you can use it as a basis of deciding how to go about doing it for yourself.

Yesterday, while waiting to meet with an old client who hired me to setup a blog on his website, with articles I’ve ghostwritten for him, I flipped through the pages of a popular newspaper, and came across a interesting column on using Email Signatures.

The author was a young lady, and she did a great job of it.

After reading it I checked the contact details she provided and noticed her office address was just a walking distance from my client’s office, in the Allen avenue area of Ikeja, in Lagos-Nigeria.

When I left my client’s office, just before making my way to Guaranty Trust bank, I stopped over at the address, and used the lift to reach the 4th floor she’d supplied.

However, it turned out that she was not around – the attendant at the serviced offices firm told me to try calling her on phone.

This morning, around 10:30a.m, I called and spoke with her on her mobile line. Our conversation went well, and she expressed an interest in getting to know more about me, and the ideas I proposed, which she found interesting.

I promised to send her URLs to a few resources, in an email later on.

Below are excerpts from that email, which I have now dispatched to the email address displayed on her column. I share them here to help any persons interested in adopting this strategy for their own purpose. If you need help getting started, click here to let me know..

Hi ,

It was great speaking with you earlier today.

Like I told you when I called, I believe VERY MANY business owners in our part of the world are shortchanging themselves in the way they use their online presence.

By this I mean NOT just their websites, but the other web based resources they periodically make use of in a bid to promote the products and services they offer.

Your write-up in the in which you shared tips for using an Email Signature told me you possessed insights that indicated you would appreciate the bigger picture of web marketing that I paint for clients I work with.

As I said, I am NOT trying to sell anything.

Instead, my purpose for reaching out to you (and others I’ve connected with in the past) is to point out other complementary tools, techniques and strategies that can be used in an integrated self-sustaining manner to generate a continuous stream of quality pre qualified prospects/leads, that one can convert to buyers/sales.

To address your request for details about me, I’ve included links below to some of the generic resources I use in my work…

1. Below is a link to an article on my blog that offers prospects insights into what I mean by a Web Marketing System (WMS):


2. Click the link below to view a 2 page PDF that uses a mind map to provide an overview of who I am, and what I do – with links to related resources including a resume that describes my background from a past life over a decade ago, in paid employment.


3. Here’s a link to a PDF speaker-one-sheet for a talk I’ve recently begun offering, following my observation that so many CEOs still do NOT get it:


Click to download - PDF Speaker One Sheet for Tayo Solagbade's ONE HOUR TALK titled 'Spend Less Money & Time to Make Customers Find & Contact You, Even While You Sleep!'

The contents of the PDF highlight additional ways I advocate more business marketing decision makers THINK, and ACT if they want to reduce their Cost Of Sales/Cost of Customer Acquisition (COCA) – which is a useful way to BOOST PROFITS without needing to raise prices of one’s products/services.

Okay, , that’s all I have…just my humble suggestions of possible perspectives you can adopt in informing and educating your readers to make more successful use of the web for their businesses.

As I noted when we spoke, I’m hoping you’ll find something useful in the materials relating to web marketing that I’ve referred you to, that may help you better articulate other ideas you decide to share with your column’s readers.

The results I get from using this approach, at zero cost, convince me many African business owners are denying themselves TOO MANY zero cost opportunities to make the most profitable use of the Internet access and websites they PAY good money for.

If you have any queries or need clarifications, let me know.

With kindest regards,



a. By the way, I should add that I came up with most of my own ideas/concepts from YEARS of trial and error trying to apply what I learnt from studying some of the top web marketing minds in the world.

What I now call a Web Marketing System is the condensed version of what I found worked for me, as a business owner in Africa’s peculiar market, dealing with Africa’s peculiar buyers (whose web based buying behavour is VERY different from that of counterparts in developed markets/economies.)

To achieve the above, I had to become comfortable with BREAKING the rules and coming up with my own ways of getting the results I wanted. It is, for instance, why my signature is often VERY long (I have several signatures, for different target audiences).

I mention the above because of the tip you gave in your write-up, about the length of an email signature. The one I’ve used here is the generic version that goes out with ALL my website contact forms’ auto response messages.

b. Once again, I must emphasize that there are no strings attached to this offer of mine. I’m NOT trying to sell anything to you. You do NOT even need to mention me. What I hope to see is MORE information and education being given out to readers from informed columns like yours, so that more African businesses can get better results using PC and Internet technology.


Achieving Your Goals Requires This ONE Ingredient (Hint: It’s Not What You Think)

“You may be on the right track – but you will get run over if you remain there” – Anon

5 questions for you to ponder:

1. How come NOT every Harvard graduate becomes “successful” in life?

2. Why do we all have the same MS Excel software on our laptops, yet some of us (like me) can do stuff with it that most others – initially – argue are impossible?

3. Why do people attend the same learning event, get the same handouts and yet perform differently from each other afterwards?

4. Why do some people complain they achieve less than a colleague (who does the same job) because they don’t have “time” (makes no sense does it)?

5. Why do people want to learn to speak French like you, until they learn how much time and effort needs to be devoted to achieving it like you did?

The answer to all those questions is the will (or lack of it) to practice Diligent Self-Development!

That is what ultimately makes the difference between the performer and non-performer.

Or the achiever and non-achiever.

Nine times out of ten, it is what EACH individual goes out of his/her way to learn, and which s/he puts to diligent use, in addition to what s/he has been taught along with others, that gives him/her a competitive edge or comparative advantage.

Look around you at those who out-do others based on merit, in an environment devoid of deliberate manipulation by any persons with vested interests, and you will see it’s true!

Following from the above explanation, I believe the answer is already obvious. To succeed, on a continuous basis, you MUST practice DELIBERATE, RESULTS-FOCUSED Self-Development.

NB: I said “deliberate, results-focused” because too many people claim to do Self-Development, when in actuality what they do is mostly wishful thinking, with little or NO ACTION TAKING. And that of course does NOT equate to real Self-Development!

Here are 4 good reasons to practice deliberate, result-focussed Self-Development…

a. To ensure you always have an edge – a little extra where/when it matters most – to out-perform your rivals or competitors.

b. To ensure you always deliver desired results, or to be able to under-promise, so as to over-deliver, no matter the odds (well almost always).

c. To keep yourself from getting run over (or overtaken by your competitors) as this quote implies:

“You may be on the right track – but you will get run over if you remain there” – Anon

d. So you can recover quickly (“bounce back”) when things go wrong.

Success Comes “Easy” When You Practice DILIGENT Self-Development with Commitment…

Note that word – COMMITMENT!

It is the key to success in life. When you say you want something, quite often it may mean nothing, until you demonstrate that you are prepared to go out and do whatever it takes, for a long as it is necessary, to get it.

Commitment can make you stay up till 4.19a.m (like I am doing RIGHT this moment in my new apartment in Cotonou, Benin Republic) to get an article finished, and published on your blog – that should have gone out before 12 midnight, just over 4 hours ago.

Question: Why did I wait till this late?

Answer: Because I had to work over 18 hours, to put finishing touches to, and dispatch an urgent Poultry Farm Business Plan, to a Nigerian client, who has a meeting with a prospective investor less than 16 hours from now. And I made it.

Yes. You would tell yourself, I AM going to get it done no matter what. Late I may be, but it will not go undone.

In my case, recently having to meet multiple client needs, due to a rapidly growing demand for my services, and products is proving to be a new learning experience for me.

But I trained myself to be a fast learner years ago. So, it’s unlikely to be long before I develop a strategy to permanently address this new need.

Indeed, I’ve already settled on a solution I anticipate will succeed.

And it has to do with building what I call a “publish-ahead” buffer of new write-ups.

If truth be told, I always knew this time would come.

Over a year ago, when I was planning to relocate here in Cotonou, from Nigeria, I’d had to write a whole month’s worth of (Monday to Saturday) articles – about 25 – to use in case I was unable to find time to write while trying to settle down in my new country.

That turned to be a very useful proactive step. I simply used my blog “automated scheduling” feature, to set most of the articles to publish at dates I chose in the future.

During that period, I sometimes stayed 3 or more days at a stretch, without coming online, and yet my articles kept popping up as and when due, on the blog.

Plus the RSS syndication I’d set up as part of my Web Marketing system automatically republished them to my Facebook and Twitter feeds.

Most of my friends probably did not notice I was away all that time – because my wall always had new posts popping up!

Today, I now know I was practising ahead for when I would need to deal with increased work loads.

Like now.

Thankfully, I already possess the self-development discipline to drive myself to step up my game in the face of such challenges.

So, in a few weeks, I should have sorted this all out, and freed myself to be more and do more.

The message to you is that you also may need to critically examine yourself, to identify what is holding you back from getting more done than you currently do.

Why Farm CEOs Need to Read Non-Farm Related Articles (Hint: Like the multidisciplinry articles on THIS blog)

I believe, from over 2 decades of observation/experience, that one major mistake being made by conventional farm support specialists is that they focus mainly – sometimes exclusively – on farm related issues, in serving farm business owners.

This can be self-defeating, because other aspects of the farm owner’s life can – and do! – interfere with his/her ability to make progress with the farm!

Farm CEOs are human beings like the rest of us: they have to balance different aspects of their lives!

That means virtually everything that we have to contend with in life, outside their core vocation is what they most likely also have to deal with.

Most people do not think about it, but many times stuff that happens in other parts of our lives can – and do – affect our ability to function effectively and successfully in our chosen vocations.

Indeed, many of the most successful people in the world get to be that way because they develop strategies to keep firm control of other areas of their lives, so that nothing interferes with their ability to focus on the core purpose they have.

That’s why many top sportspersons have personal managers, and other people they pass their routine chores to. Down to getting their laundry done, these guys readily pay good money to have someone else handle such tasks.

Farm CEOs can also get very busy, and quite often their work may require spending long periods trying to set standards in place, and study trends to take the right decisions. If they have other areas of their lives going out of control, this becomes more difficult to do.

That’s why this blog’s articles categories are multidisciplinary: I like to see the big picture and offer complete solutions

It goes without saying that some visitors to www.tayosolagbade.com will have wondered why I don’t just write ONLY farm business related stuff all over my website.

Well, the above case in point is the major reasons.

My multidisciplinary write-ups are designed to offer potentially useful best practice information and education, on different aspects of life, in a way that enhances people’s ability to succeed.

Those who pay attention will notice I often use farm related explanations in most of the examples I discuss in my articles.

But as with everything else, the lessons offered can be applied or adapted to suit the needs of people in other fields. And they are. Which is why I also get feedback and enquiries from prospects and clients in non-farm related fields.

Below, I discuss each of my blog categories, and how they are relevant to farm business owners, and their workers.

NB: It’s quite likely that many of them who have visited in the past probably never thought of it this way before. So, I guess I should say: “Now you know!”

1. Parenting

With the exception of those yet to have offspring, Farm CEOs typically have spouses and kids they live with. Whatever happens in that home can – and does – affect the farmer’s state of mind.

Kids in particular, can be a challenge for any adult. I say this as a father of 4 boys and 2 girls. And I also say it as one who has had to endure years of being unable to independently provide for them – while struggling to establish myself as an entrepreneur in Nigeria.

Parenting has little to do with how financially well off you are. After all we know of many people who are financially successful today, whose parent(s) raised them while battling crippling poverty.

However, the training instilled in the kids by the parent(s) helped them develop the character needed to later achieve financial success in life.

The story of Ben Carson, the famed American Neurosurgeon in his book – “Gifted Hands” – describes an excellent example of what I call World Class Parenting – by his mother.

My articles are experience based.I draw from what I went through in my childhood years, as a very naught teenager, before I reformed myself. And I add to that what I did to coach other people’s kids to achieve excellence in my early adulthood.

Lastly, there’s the VERY challenging experience I’m, having currently as a parent to 2 teenage boys, and their siblings.

Some of those who have read my articles on parenting have commented on how useful they found them. Several of my articles have been syndicated on parenting websites outside Africa – in the USA for example. I believe that’s a sign that there’s value to be had in them.

As a farm CEO, with kids, these articles are for you to study, in order to do a better job of parenting your kids. Make use of them.

2. Career Development

I have noted in the past that a growing number of Farm CEOs purchasing my products are persons who hold day jobs. A good number actually work with large companies (e.g. oil service multinationals), and run their farm businesses on the side.

They often use the salary they earn – and/or loans or grants from their employers – to finance their farm businesses. It goes without saying therefore, that their continued good performance at work is crucial to the long term survival of the farm.

Of course, at some point, with good management, the farm business is bound to become self-sustaining. However, depending on the kind of enterprise it is (e.g. poultry layers, broiler, piggery etc), some need for the security of “extra income” to meet periodic shortages may remain for a while.

And even if that’s not the case, discussions with some such farm CEOs suggest they are planning to keep running their farms on the side till retirement – which is not due for 5 or more years.

I have a track record of high performing success from my 7 year stay in a world class multinational. I started as process manager, and later become a people manager  – competently holding senior management positions.

What’s more, I received exposure to a wide variety of high profile training on best practice performance improvement and people coaching in the workplace. All of this equips me to help others.

So, Farm CEOs pursuing careers during the day can really benefit from reading my Career Development write-ups.

Many of them have been extensively syndicated online. Some got me invited to speak in places like the Centre for Management Development, while others have been published – with my permission – in international journals.

3. Entrepreneurship

I have written severally in the past about the need for farm CEOs to realize that they need to think like entrepreneurs, if they want to succeed – indeed excel.

My ideas have gotten me invited to speak to audiences at events like Yaba College or Technology’s Centre for Entrepreneurship Development.

That’s apart from many which have been republished across the web, since I began using article marketing in 2005.

With Farm CEOs, I have hammered on the need to develop competent sales and marketing know how. Too many of them still thing traditionally. They focus on producing and then start waiting for buyers to come. If you want the best prices, and you want to make timely sales, so as to maximize your farm output capacity, this is an aspect you cannot ignore.

My articles on entrepreneurship can help you.

4. Writing/Blogging

If you’ve been reading my writing for a while, you will know that I have repeatedly stated that farm CEOs need to adopt writing as a strategy for “farm business promotion”. Apart from being zero cost, more or less, it also helps them develop marketing credibility and ultimately achieve authority status.

Why is this important you ask?

Well, we are not all equally ambitious. But why come to the match if you don’t intend to give it your best shot? I argue that farm CEOs should aim to generate income via multiple channels – including those NOT directly related to farm product sales.

How? Well, sell your expertise as a Farm Business Expert. You are effectively already a consultant, by virtue of your being a farm CEO!

Get started by WRITING regularly, to share your experiences. Use a blog – at the least.

Don’t stay on paper – you’ll achieve less reach and impact. Tell readers about successes and failures and what you did to get there. As your writing evolves, package yourself to offer solutions to those aspiring to do what you do, or others who have begun, but need help.

E.g. business plan preparation, farm start-up consultations, feasibility studies, farm personnel training. You could write manuals to help others who come to you – they would pay – gladly too.

Because you already have a farm, they are likely to take you seriously. And when you ask them to pay, they will.

I say this as someone who still has not started a farm business, and yet get farm CEOs from within and outside Africa sending me payment for products and services I offer them.

Want to know more – or need help? Click here to send me a message.

5. Public Speaking

And lastly, people may wonder what concerns Farm CEOs with public speaking. Some may even ask how a farmer can possibly expect to be a speaker.

Well, I argue that if tie-wearing agriculture experts, who only lecture and do not run their own farms, can get paid to address audiences of farmers on farm business, then Farm CEOs can do the same too.

The thing is that too many people fail to think outside the box. Should farm owners, with the right training and preparation, not be able to SPEAK to audiences about what they do. Should they not be able to SHARE their experiences with researchers and farmers from other parts?

Think about it. Some farmers are making smart improvements in the way they run their businesses that others could benefit from.A Farm CEO who can prepare, package, promote and present his/her ideas attractively CAN get invited – as a paid speaker – to international conferences, to share his/her story.

You can plan to do it locally, and also internationally, making intelligent use of the web. And this can open doors to finding better (and bulk) buyers for your farm products in the process.

This is why I offer articles on public speaking. Read them and apply what you learn.

Want to know more – or need help? Click here to send me a message.

6. Self-Development

The study of 1 to 5 above will more or less be an exercise in self-development.

But it goes beyond that. Your physical, mental and emotional fitness also need attention. Regular physical exercise, along with diligent investment in leisure to eliminate stress is crucial to keep yourself going. You cannot afford to let yourself break down.

So many of my articles on Self-Development have been widely read and republished. You would do well to study them.

Final Words: As you can see, Farm CEOs will find some of the above useful at various times in life.

As with everything else, you may not have career concerns today, but a parenting challenge could be on your mind as you drive to your farm.

If you’re lucky, browsing through the parenting articles archives on this blog may turn up something useful (try it now).

Some other day, you may have received an invitation to deliver a talk on Poultry Farming to students in a university…..and you may be wondering how to go about it. The archives section of my Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter may come in handy.

In other words, I am saying that if you’re a farm CEO, virtually all the major products and services on tayosolagbade.com are created with YOU in mind. (No offence to my other clients in various industries, but farm businesses are my primary target audience.)

So, even when you see an article title that does not relate with farming, REMEMBER that you are first and foremost a human being. And you well being, your state of mind, will have an impact, directly or indirectly on your ability to run your farm business competently.

As such, anything that can affect you inn that regard needs to be carefully nurtured. This is why feeding yourself with useful tips, and information, to take care of those areas of your life would be a wise thing to do.

www.tayosolagbade.com offers you a continually growing library of potentially useful resources you can tap into.

Don’t be a stranger – visit daily and learn. In fact, go a step further and subscribe/join the mailing list, so you get notified when new stuff is published. You can only get better that you currently are!