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NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to www.tayosolagbade.com/sdnuggets to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule 
IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS newsletter is published online on the “reincarnated” version of my Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog. I continue to put finishing touches to the content. If you encounter ANY bad/dead links, and you can spare the time, email them to me via tayo at tksola dot com. Thanks in advance 

No. 160: Perceived Website Beauty Won’t Guarantee Success (Hint: The Value You Offer Matters Most – 2 Real Life Examples)
What if you could do web marketing that yields superior profits, at low to zero cost? We all want that! This write-up uses 2 real life website case studies to explain what you need to do, and why.
Example 1: www.google.com makes millions annually.
But it is more or less a blank page with a search field, and funny images. Ugly website I call it. Most of us would NOT let ours look like that.
But millions of us use it daily, and pay to advertise on it, because it gives us what we want i.e useful search results! As a result it’s more successful than pretty websites of the biggest brands in the world!
That realization made me decide I would not sweat too much about website “attractiveness” or “beauty”. That is NOT to say I do not strive to deliver aestetically pleasing website. What I am saying is that over the years, I have learnt not to go overboard.
Example 2. www.burtdubin.com and www.speakingsuccess.com has won experts from across the world – as High Paying buyers – for decades!
Both websites belong to my US based business partner and mentor – Burt Dubin.
He clocked 80 years old few months ago, and the Las Vegas Chapter of the National Speakers Association (NSA) in the USA celebrated with him at an event.
Burt has been an NSA top member for over 3 decades.
He achieved great success as an international speaker, before becoming a renowned mentor to some of the world’s highest paid speakers (including, among others, a past president of the International Federation of Speakers).
Now, when you look at his websites do they really come across as “works of art”?
No they don’t.
Instead, they are aestetically appealing and professionally laid out.
Yet, Burt tells me he uses ONLY his online marketing to promote the products and service he offers.
His telephone mentoring costs thousands of USD per month, and he also sells products to experts-who-want-to-be-speakers across 6 continents – including Africa.
Many have never met Burt in person. They only related with him via his website, email and phone from start till end.
As one who markets his products/services, I recruited a UK based Nigerian born business coach to be mentored by Burt, and it was still those same websites the gentleman used to make up his mind!
When compared to the websites of many who may be considered his competitors, Burt’s website is unlikely to score high on the “attractiveness” scale.
But when it comes to useful life changing content, for experts-who-speak, that is another matter!
You’re unlikely to find ANY website offering anything close to what Burt has provided on public speaking from his websites for decades on end!
Note that Burt uses key components of a WMS – a website, a blog, a VERY powerful and highly subscribed newsletter etc. He did LOTS of article marketing in the early years – so 3rd party websites feature lots of his work – as part of his web marketing.
This WMS variant has worked for him.
[NB: I know several business owners who pay crazty sums just to get a certain look, then the website sits and ages with obsolete, unchanging content for years afterwards. You then wonder, why spend all that money to make it so pretty, if they were not going to keep it updated to stay relevant?]
You do not need your website to be a work of art – or to match the beauty or impressive appearance of another person’s
Get it to look good, but don’t waste valuable time trying to make it prettier (or as pretty) as you think a competitor’s is.
People who visit websites often come looking for a solution or answers.
Yes, the apearance of a website can help to draw them in. But that is never a guarantee they will find what they are looking for.
Like I always point out, scam websites sometimes even look more impressive than legitimate ones. Yet they only offer harmful content!
Having said the above, experience has taught me that some people will always insist on having their way in this regard. Generally, I avoid letting such persons hire me, because they are unlikely to appreciate why a WMS is more important to focus on.
This is why I offer to build FREE websites for my clients I agree to work with, while I only ask payment to create the web marketing content.
That way, if they want, they can hire someone else to build what they consider an “attractive” website, and only pay me to integrate a Web Marketing System into it.
I wrote the article below, years ago. It offers valuable insights into what I’m saying. I urge you to read it – click below…
A Website That Works Wins You Repeat Visitors, Leads and Sales: NOT Admirers and Complements
To illustrate how powerful this WMS based approach can be, see – below – verbatim excerpts from a Facebook sales conversation I had 2 days ago.
That CEO – who I have never met – came to me based on my promotional content (for my farm software) which was auto-published to my profile wall months ago.
- Conversation started Thursday
<Name Removed for privacy>
I saw sometin like that on ur Facebook timeline, I don’t know if u can still develop/ design such for a farm
Tayo Solagbade
That is what i do. See my most recent Poultry Farm Manager video demos at http://tinyurl.com/15pfmVideos . My vision is to work with willing Farm CEOs to develop apps that can help them plan for and manage their farms with less effort and at the same time more proactively/profitably.
[Update: Saturday 2nd Aug. 2014 – NEW VIDEO shows auto-generation of Hen Day Percentage charts using modeless floating form – see below] Last saturday (26th July 2014), an Abuja based Farm CEO who’d been discussing with me for close to a month, regarding my Poultry Farm Manager(which he saw on Youtu…
<Name Removed for privacy>
Am thinking partnering with you
I have two big farms in mind that will actually buy the idea of using ur package to run the farms
In one of the farms, my wife actually is working with one where they have issue.
They are into plant production and animal production including feedmill
Tayo Solagbade
That sounds ok. The article linked below describes the kind of marketing I favour (Joint Venture). Basically, I am willing to team up with anyone who has access to potential buyers of my products or services. S/he will introduce my offer to them in exchange for an agree “share” of the NET proceeds from the sale. It’s a strategy used by seasoned biz owners across the world. Bot parties come away HAPPY. if that kind of “partnership” appeals to you, we can take it the next level; you call me on +229-66-122-136 so I can ask you specific questions. http://tayosolagbade.com/sdnuggets/use-joint-venture-marketing-partnerships-to-achieve-greater-marketing-success/
The use of Joint Venture Marketing Partnerships to boost sales is a time tested strategy. Sadly, not many people understand how it works, and/or how to use it successfully. This article offers explanations and insights interested persons can use.
Tayo Solagbade
I returned to Cotonou yesterday p.m after staying over 40days in Nigeria to complete a Web marketing project for a client in Ota.
I’m typing this from a cafe in Cotonou right now…
Tayo Solagbade
If you’re comfortable with my above mentioned preferred approach to partnering, call me on the number I posted in my last message. I’ll need to ask you some questions…so we can take this forward
Tayo Solagbade
That’s why you need to call me. It’s too much work doing the explanation while typing. Both parties need to discuss and agree what is to be done. Call me anytime it is convenient for you, and I’ll explain in full. The cafe needs to shut down now.
The above is an example of a sales lead generated by my WMS, without my conscious effort or attention being invested in it. I was doing something else online when this CEO came calling.
In tomorrow’s article on Entrepreneurship, I will share another example.
In it, I will use recent real life data, to show how a WMS can generate high quality leads that convert into valuable sales, that you DO NOT need to chase by yourself.
It simply happens i.e. PASSIVE INCOME dropping on your laps – even for products you created years ago.
And it WILL keep happening, for as long as you continue using your WMS the right way.
Wouldn’t it be great to have that kind of wonderful resource at your disposal?
Imagine, for a moment, how much better your marketing and sales would fare, if you had this kind of timeless WMS, that tirelessly promotes and propagates your content to be seen by the kinds of people YOU want to serve?
Not only would it save you massive time, and effort, it would also help you LOWER your marketing and sales costs. And you would actually do less worrying as a result!
I can tell you, as one who has used a custom WMS for years, with growing success, it’s like living a dream. I AM living my dream.
YOU can live yours too: developing and implementing your own variant of a WMS can help you get there faster, with less effort, and with less expense!
If you need help, let me know.
“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”
In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.
Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….
Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.
The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.
In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!
CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets
Have a great week :-))