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NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to www.tayosolagbade.com/sdnuggets to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule 
IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS newsletter is published online on the “reincarnated” version of my Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog. I continue to put finishing touches to the content. If you encounter ANY bad/dead links, and you can spare the time, email them to me via tayo at tksola dot com. Thanks in advance 

No. 165: Achieve Your Book Writing Goal Using This Proven Strategy (Hint: 135 Page Speaking IDEAS Ebook LIVE tomorrow!)
[Photo below: My 135 page Speaking IDEAS book goes LIVE tomorrow]
Most experts author books, to share their expertise and establish authority status. But writing can be tough when client projects demand your time. That’s why smart experts write their books in chunks e.g. an article at a time. I explain how…

If you’re proficient in ANY vocation or subject, the truth is you have useful expertise that others interested in that area may want.
It may not even be what you do for a living. Instead, it could be a hobby or your in-depth understanding of a language (e.g. proverbs in Yoruba – a language spoken in West Africa).
Your unique insights, if creatively prepared, packaged and presented can make those who seek them willing buyers – or at the least, your fervent advocates.
However, if you’re like most “experts” (which is what being as described above makes you), it’s likely – as I said earlier – that you may consider yourself (or are indeed) too busy to find time to write that book or article or report.
My purpose here is to share with you ideas about probably the EASIEST way to get your writing done.
I’ve written an ebook titled “Proven Techniques to Start & Finish Writing Anything” – which offers various ideas.
However, this time around I’m focusing on ONE strategy that I have found to be the most reliable, and easy to sustain of ALL that I have known and used.
And it’s actually quite simple….
It’s the HABIT of writing a book ONE article at a time – without necessarily “thinking” about the book.
But the problem is too many of us are too rigid in the ways we think.
We’ve been taught to look at issues from what is often a one-dimensional perspective.
However, the truth is that to go to through life, we often find ourselves constantly forced to consider a variety of perspectives.
As you leave home for work, you have to drop the kids off at school, then remember to order drinks for the party to be held at your home.
Then there’s the client update report you need to finish and dispatch via email. And after that there’s some other task…
You get my drift.
It’s simply impossible to tell “life” to hold on till you’re ready before it introduces another “variable” in the “equation” of activites you’re trying to solve!
As they make themselves apparent, you simply have to attend to each and every one of them.
This analogy applies to getting your book written if you decide you want to write one.
And why not? There is a lot you know, that others can benefit from, if you were to properly articulate it in writing (and other relevant forms).
I do this kind of writing all the time – so much so that I’m now publishing new books ranging from 50 to 140 pages in a matter of days.
But rather than go on to give you a lecture, I’ll simply give you 2 examples I just finished within the last 7 days…
This is a 4 part series comprising a collection of top performing articles on Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas I’ve written over the years.
The 4 e-books cover different themes:

b. Farm Business Start-up

2. My Speaking IDEAS Ebook: 25 Articles & True Stories for Experts-Who-Speak (& Those Aspiring) – Volume 1
This 135 page book will be available in print as a paper back and also an ebook.
It goes LIVE in my online store tomorrow

This book is based on a collection of 25 top performing past issues of my Weekly Public Speaking Ideas™ newsletter i.e. THIS newsletter you’re reading right now.
Today’s issue is No. 165.
So, if you work backwards, you can see that I’ve been writing it weekly – without fail – for 3 years.
That gives you an ideas of the VOLUME of material I have to choose from. And I can tell you that a lot of the stuff I’ve written has gotten good feedback to me, so I know they are perceived as useful. It’s far from being fluff!

That is the beauty of the technique of writing ONE article at a time, that I use – and which I recommend to you in this piece!
What makes it even better is that I NEVER have to pressure myself to think of writing a particular e-book.
Instead, I let situations and circumstances – and in some cases my intuition – guide me to write articles on various categories I have expertise in.
Day in day out, I scribble insights, ideas, and thoughts in my diary, on pieces of paper, and on my Blackberry.
Then over a period of days or weeks, I flesh out my ideas. At some point, one or more of the articles would appear “ready” for publishing in my estimation – and I would put it online…often on this blog.
Afterwards I would watch the level of interest from the number of views it gets. And that would help me gauge the interest level or popularity – guiding me on what to write on in future.
When I see that I’ve amassed enough new articles, to make a book or two, then I then choose a selection and publish – like I’m NOW doing!
People who have been watching me publish article after article Every Monday to Saturday (sometimes Sundays) over the past year, for instance, may have been wondering what “madness” I was about…ha ha!!
Well, as it turns out, there was some purpose in the “madness”. Always has been!
Apart from the fact that my articles have boosted my search engine visibility and won me new subscribers/buyers, they have also been adding to my “bank” of articles, for my new book projects.
I kept researching my topics and writing on them knowing that one day I would be able to pool them together into a comprehensive body of knowledge (i.e a book) that I could offer for sale.
It’s not the first time I’ve done this. I’ve had a 25 articles e-book on sale since 2006(click to see).
Apart from that, I’ve sold several of my individual articles in the past, on different platforms.
But my plan has always been to amass a collection of written works that would boost my passive income earnings, even as it further cements my credibility as an authority on the subjects I’ve written about.
The approach I’ve described is one that ANY expert can easily use to start and finishing writing ANY book s/he wants to author.
It’s a system that makes you motivated to write a little bit on a regular basis. An article per week or per month.
Whatever works for you.
Just be sure to choose a topic or theme you have passion for, and deep interest in.
One that you know well enough to NOT have to strain yourself to come up with what to say about it from different angles or perspectives.
Here’s a TIP: As an expert-who-speaks (or aspires to), imagine a journalist comes to interview you on a different aspect of your subject each day or week or month.
Then try and write down what your answers to those questions would be. From the stuff you put down, the essence of your book’s contents will eventually emerge.
This is what I have done for years. And now I’m simply picking and choosing which articles to publish in what volume of each book I plan to publish!
For instance the above mentioned Speaking IDEAS E-book that goes live tomorrow, has 25 past issues I’ve chosen from about 75 issues in my archives that I’ve reviewed.
And now, they’re due to publish in print and digital form as a book!
Once the book is published, I’ll simply add it to my newsletter display, and promote it along with the others, while I write MORE articles for future books.
The interesting thing is that apart from the 75 past newsletter issues I’ve reviewed, there are still over 80 others I have yet to even look at!
Now, for those who think the sales from one’s book may not be much, if one does not write a “bestseller”, you must understand that you have nothing to lose.
First of all, there’s is great prestige to harvested from being the author of an authoritative body of writing in your field – bestseller or not. If some people find them useful in your target market, they are worth having and keeping.
Once the articles are written they can just sit there on your PC or website…or you can try and make the most of them – like I do!
And as for the aspect of sales, a lot of it has to do with the effort one puts in.
Before now, I’ve not really paid much attention to promoting my books, and yet I’ve been making sales!
However, I intend to begin promoting my books more actively now, to increase the passive income I already earn from book sales.

When you have many of them, over time, the sales DO ADD up…!
Here’s another benefit: When you have a speaking event, back room sales and orders from attendees can ramp up your earnings!
Would it not be great to stand before an audience and tell them to check out your library of books they can purchase from you??
If nothing else, that’s likely to put you ahead of many other experts they may come across!
Let me know (click here to send a message) if you need help getting started with this.
Meanwhile, look out for my announcement tomorrow of the new Speaking IDEAS E-book as it goes LIVE!
Have a great week :-))
“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”
In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.
Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….
Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.
The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.
In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!
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