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PII 147: Narcissists Can Harm Those They Live With – Especially Children [What You Need to Know]

I’ve recently begun writing about Narcissism and how a Narcissistic person can cause great damage to others – especially his/her intimate partner and more importantly, ANY kids they have to parent.

Read PII 142: Ideas for Unmasking and Dealing With Narcissists Anywhere, Anytime [Featuring “Inside the narcissist’s wicked mind and their make-believe world of illusions” – from HigherPerspectivesDotCom]

In fact the damage a Narcissistic parent can do to a kid, which I have seen firsthand, can be quite serious – which is why I’ve chosen to draw attention to it.

Sadly, Most of Those Responsible for Social Work Are Clueless About Narcissism – Yet The Words /Actions of Narcissistic Persons Often Influences Their Decision Making In Working With Such Person’s Families!


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 17th December 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


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PII 147: Narcissists Can Harm Those They Live With – Especially Children [What You Need to Know]

I’ve recently begun writing about Narcissism and how a Narcissistic person can cause great damage to others – especially his/her intimate partner and more importantly, ANY kids they have to parent.

Read PII 142: Ideas for Unmasking and Dealing With Narcissists Anywhere, Anytime [Featuring “Inside the narcissist’s wicked mind and their make-believe world of illusions” – from HigherPerspectivesDotCom]

In fact the damage a Narcissistic parent can do to a kid, which I have seen firsthand, can be quite serious – which is why I’ve chosen to draw attention to it.

Sadly, Most of Those Responsible for Social Work Are Clueless About Narcissism – Yet The Words /Actions of Narcissistic Persons Often Influences Their Decision Making In Working With Such Person’s Families!

My resolve to do this stems from a scary discovery I have made, that MANY supposed experts/professionals/social workers I have come across out here seem to be completely unaware of what that serious personality disorder is, how to identify it in a person, and the damage such a person can do to those s/he relates within the home.

Their gross ignorance causes them to miss valuable opportunities to STOP the (often emotional/psychological) abuse being visited by a Narcissist particularly on the kids they parent – and also on the partners they co-parent them with (who they sometimes subject to Parental Alienation).

[NB: I argue, in a separate article to be published soon, that if a person is correctly assessed to be Narcissistic, if s/he decides to have kids, the case could be made for his/her parenting of such kids to be closely monitored to prevent possible harm to them.]


Title: The Real Effect of Narcissistic Parenting on Children [Narcissists raise children who suffer from crippling self-doubt.]

Why does it matter if a parent is a narcissist? How does that hurt a child? You may be asking these questions if you are a person co-parenting with a narcissistic ex; someone raised by a narcissistic parent; one who is in a relationship with a narcissist; or maybe a divorce professional working on a case that involves a narcissistic parent. Given my research and clinical experience, I want to provide some education and awareness about how this disorder hurts children.

URL: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-legacy-distorted-love/201802/the-real-effect-narcissistic-parenting-children

Author: Karyl McBride Ph.D. | The Legacy of Distorted Love


I say the above from VERY personal experience with Narcissists in my relationship with a co-parenting Narcissistic partner and also as an offspring to a Narcissistic parent.

Neither of those experiences is one that I wish on my worst enemy (if I had anyone I thought of in that manner).

The Most Dangerous Tendency Narcissists Have Is Their Pathological Lying & Penchant for Re-Writing Your Real Life History to Suit Themselves

In other words, they tell cold blooded, brazen lies to your face, about what they did to you, as well as what happened between you and them, in ways that benefit them at your expense (making you look bad).

The article previewed/linked below highlights a dilemma that a person in dispute with a Narcissistic partner is likely to face.


Preview: The opposing party started making wild accusations. She said I had been abusive. She said I was unsafe with our children. She said I took money. My ex-wife was literally re-writing our history and lying under oath.

How can I disprove something that never happened? Do judges really believe wild accusations with no proof? The worst part is that my soon to be ex-wife would take an event that actually happened and turn it into something it wasn’t. If we went to a family get together and the adults were drinking, now she was saying everyone was fall down drunk.

She is telling the kids I’m an alcoholic, and since they have seen me drink, they believe her. This is the worst sort of deception. What can I do?

URL: https://mymodernlaw.com/what-happens-when-someone-lies-under-oath/



Not everyone can deal effectively with this kind of behaviour. Especially since Narcissists do what they do without remorse.

They simply have no capacity to feel for others. That’s why they speak and act without consideration for their impact on those they relate with.

Like I have said in the past, they have close to zero Emotional Intelligence. This makes them toxic – persons one would be better off not staying in prolonged contact with.

Imagine the challenge therefore, that persons who have to live with them – especially kids that have to be parented by them! – will face every single day.

And this is why I feel this is driven to share as much information and education about Narcissists, to enable others use self-education to empower themselves towards handling such persons they have to deal with in their lives,

This is more so as it relates to protecting kids from serious emotional damage that could stunt their development into healthy functioning adults.

The Narcissist and His Lies: How They’re Different [The psychology of deception and the narcissist’s skillful mirages]

I knew that he and I had a different relationship to the truth but I didn’t really understand it. We joked about it—how I was a moralist and he was more of a relativist—but I didn’t get what motivated him. Because he had been a lawyer for over thirty years, I chalked it up to the hidden costs of his profession—that peculiar zone that resides between truth and what might be true.



The articles previewed/linked in the body of this write-up are the latest in the series of recommended pieces I will feature on this theme.

At the risk of stating the obvious, Domestic Violence can be physical, verbal, as well as emotional/psychological.

The non-physical dimensions are the kind that readily occurs when a Narcissist is involved. Indeed, it is practically impossible for a Narcissist NOT to be abusive. In other words, they subject those around them to DV frequently through verbal, emotional/psychological means.

This is why those who have to relate with them need all the help they can get, to handle them effectively.

Watch out for more recommended articles to follow on this theme.


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Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

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1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

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