Pete Edochie is frank and unapologetic in expressing his views. I find that to be a refreshing quality in any man or woman. Someone who refuses to be bothered by the supposed need for political correctness. Continue reading…
Read This Report & Discover What REALLY Happens to Your Empoyees’ (AND YOUR OWN) Mental Abilities With Ageing. What You Learn Will Shock YOU!
Includes TRUE STORY About How The Retirement At 60/65 Years Rule Come AboutIncludes TRUE STORY About How The Retirement At 60/65 Years Rule Come About.
Excerpts from my 57 minute long phone conversation with a UK based Nigerian Psychiatrist who has been involved in helping resolve several Domestic Violence cases in a professional capacity. *Personal details removed to protect identity.
Some so called Feminists are fond of saying “ALL MEN are scum”. That ALL men are bad. I always tell them that THAT includes their own male loved ones e.g their sons, cousins, brothers father’s etc. The narrow mindedness they display is of crazy proportions! Yet many influence thousands.
I argue – and I KNOW I’m right – that there are simply good and bad people who are either male or female.
Watch this video to learn how a client who spoke with me in November 2019, about buying my Excel-VB driven Poultry Farm Manager software, went away without buying, only to return mid-March 2021 (16 months later) to take up the offer I made to him 2 years earlier. Click here to continue…
What you’re about to read is a verbatim text transcript PDF based on the MP3 Audio Introduction for my Audio Podcast based Coaching Program titled “How to Sell ANYTHING to Anyone – Online or Offline”.
This is the true story about how I made a sale (on 29th December 2020 i.e. 2 days before New Year’s Day – January 1st, 2021 – of my Excel-VB driven Poultry Farm Manager software, to a Poulty Farm Business based in the Caribbean. Click here to watch the video…
Produced by for Temi and Oluomachukwu SOLAGBADE. This is a series for my Best Practice Parenting and Schooling (BPPS) Mini-Magazine based on what I’m doing for my kids.
The original concept was developed within the first month of my relocating to Cotonou in April 2013.
The saying “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” is widely used both online and off the web – and based on my experiences and achievements, as well as over 25 years of studying the lives of hundreds of successful people on the planet, I can tell you it is quite accurate.
…a multi-disciplinary blog for people passionate about reaching their goals!
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