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Feed Formulation Software Will Not Guarantee Livestock Farming Success (Here’s Why…)

“Hi Tayo. I’m Eugene from Malawi and have been following you on and off for quite a while now…”(Full email below).

Eugene emailed me to ask if my Ration Formulator™ could be used for ruminants (e.g Beef/Dairy Cattle, Goats, Sheeps) and Ducks etc. YOU Can Get Potential Buyers  to “REPEATEDLY CONTACT YOU” Without Placing Adverts, Using a Web Marketing System - CLICK HERE to ask me how!

Eugene asked if  my Ration Formulator™ could be used for ruminants (e.g Beef/Dairy Cattle, Goats, Sheeps) and Ducks etc. The short answer: YES. But I wrote him this long one…

==Email Starts==

Hi Eugene,

Thanks for your message.

It’s nice to know you’ve found my work of interest/potential use.

To your question…

Since 2004, when I began selling my Feed Formulation Handbook and the Ration Formulator, I’d say over 90% of my buyers, have been owners of Poultry and/or Fish Farms.

My app uses an improved version of the Pearson Square Computation Technique, to do weighted average ration formulation. And it has proven to be quite accurate in the results it turns out for those two groups of animals.

BUT, the farmer MUST ensure s/he gets “accurate” and preferably reasonable updated nutrient analyses done for the key ingredients used in rations fed to animals. Without this, anything you “formulate” would be a potential waste of time.

Now, in the last 2 years an interesting trend has developed in which MORE enquiries have been coming in from owners of Dairy/Beef Cattle Farms, and others that rear commercial Sheep, Goat and other ruminant operations.

For instance, a Canadian farm project manager who bought it wrote back to say he’d found it quite useful for his work. And he has poultry, ducks and other animals like those you mentioned in his stock.

What I’ve learnt over the past 20 years is that when it comes to feed formulation, it’s best to stick with the basics.

Feed formulation AND compounding are VERY practical activities.

One need not complicate them unnecessarily.

Ruminants (which you listed) for instance, happen to be more effective in making use of what they are fed, than other animals, because of their “enhanced digestive systems.

So, one would aim to achieve least cost ration formulation as often and consistently as possible. And the animals would do the rest.

For least cost formulation, you must actively identify and use locally available and cheaper alternatives to complement (or if possible replace) conventional but expensive feed ingredients.

You must also continually look for ways to combine ingredients most cost-effectively, to yield balanced rations at the lowest possible cost.

Apart from the above, the only other thing to pay attention to is the NUTRIENT REQUIREMENT of the target animal in question.

It’s good you mentioned the animals you wish to formulate rations for.

The question is: Do you know the specifics of their nutrient requirements? Especially their protein, minerals and energy needs?

These three are crucial elements for proper ration formulation. There are of course others – like fibre content, calcium etc.

I’d however say that from what I’ve seen with different animals reared, and what I’ve read about different farms, for most smallholder farmers, chasing those other finer parameters can be needless overkill.

And many won’t have the resources to do a proper job of it anyway. What’s more, quite often the difference in animal performance is often not noticeable.

On a final note, I’m currently working on an improved version of my app, which aims to allow elaborate amino acid balancing.

This is to meet the needs, mainly of farmers who rear animals like pigs and rabbits, which demonstrate noticeable performance sensitivity to amino-acids balancing in their rations.

I’m still testing that version to be sure it does what I want.

But since you’ve not mentioned (that) you have pigs on your farm, I can say my existing app will competently handle ration formulation for the animals you mentioned.

All that’s required is that you have a sound understanding of the science of feed formulation.

AND also ensure you obtain the correct/complete data on nutrient requirements for EACH of the animal groups you want to formulate rations for.

I believe it also goes without saying that you must check that what you obtain agrees with the breed/strain of animal you actually have to work with.

You cannot, for instance, simply adopt data from a generic nutrient requirement published for “Dairy Cows” for instance.

Hope this helps…and sorry about the “lecture”…I sometimes get carried away ;-))))

With kindest regards,


PS: Given the kinds of animals you mentionend you rear, I feel the linked article below will prove informative/educational for you:


==Email ends===

I’m Not Into The Business of Selling At All Cost!

No I’m not.

You see I want people to only buy what will be useful to them. I also try to properly “inform and educate” them, so they can make the best use of what they buy.

I do this based on a 10 item code of ethics that guides me in ALL my dealings. Click here to read it.

If you notice, I did not just zoom in and tell him how well the software would work for the purposes he’d asked about.

No pushy salesmanship in this “space” :-)

I want people to come to a firm conclusion that the solution I offer is actually what they need.

When people are convinced YOU are the one that can help them, they will trust you to help them get the results they want.

And that’s often when it will be a pleasure to do business with them!

Getting a software app for feed formulation is just one part of what it takes to get your animals to perform.

Other considerations – mentioned above – carry just as much weight.

That’s why I make a point of telling those who connect with me that important truth. If they go on to buy the solution I offer – GREAT. If not, I’d have at least added value to them in one or more ways.

And that would be a great feeling!

Final Words: The Power of a Web Marketing System

Let me end by saying this:

I love periodically sharing real life correspondence I have with enquiriers and clients via my website for 2 main reasons:

a. I believe they provide excellent medium for communicating valuable practical information. The above email is a good example.

b. Another reason I share them is to demonstrate the power that using a Web Marketing System like I do, can give you, in terms of your business promotion.

Using a WMS makes pre-qualified sales prospects (i.e people looking for what you offer) come to you, on their own. They will often be already pre-sold on the usefulness of YOUR solution.

Most times you’d simply have to provide payment details and they just go ahead and buy. This happens to me all the time!

If you want me to help you develop and implement a Web Marketing System for your business, click here to send me a message.

NB: You can read my 3 part series titled “Why You Need a Web Marketing System” – HERE.

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