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Why A True Entrepreneur Cannot Fail

“There is no such thing as an entrepreneur who failed. Only one who gave up.” – James Cook, author of the Startup Entrepreneur.

There will always be good and bad times in life. But during hard times, the mind can play tricks on you. The successes you’ve achieved before could even begin to look ordinary. Negative remarks about your situation can really deal your self-belief a blow. Especially, when they come from those close to you. What will YOUR story be? This article offers insights to help you intelligently persist in pursuit of your dream.

Carry Yourself with Confidence at All Times

Anywhere you go, display infectious enthusiasm in relating with others. The confidence you have in yourself should show in the way you carry yourself, and also how you speak.

No one will believe in you if you cannot show that you believe in yourself!

Therefore keep your chin up at all times – even when things are bad (in your estimation). Be proud of yourself for having the guts to do something meaningful with your life.

“Without enthusiasm, one cannot be convincing. Moreover, enthusiasm is contagious and the person who has it, under control, is generally welcome in any group of people.” – Napoleon Hill

When You Refuse To Give Up, People Will Talk About You – Get Used To It!

When you persist in pursuit of your dream, you’ll be around longer. That means more people will get to know about you – and what you’re trying to do. And if you keep acting with confidence and enthusiasm, you’re bound to attract scrutiny from people who feel intimidated by your unwavering self-belief and faith.

That’s why I believe one of the best signs that you’re making progress is when people start talking about you. And they may not always have nice things to say!

“Talk good about me, or talk bad about me. So long as you’re talking about me, it’s all good”.

I’ve heard/read the above saying in varying forms over the years. And I’ve found it to be true. So, don’t let it bother you.

Tuface Idibia and M.I did a song together that I love for its lyrics. Especially the part that goes thus:

“If nobody talks about you, then you are nobody.”

And they’re right.

Think about it, if you did not matter; if you were not making an impact that was being felt, would they devote their time and energy to talking about you?  The fact that they’re doing that means you matter. And it also suggests what you’re doing directly or indirectly challenges them in one or more ways.

Quite often I’ve found that those who talk about me, sometimes with malicious intent, are those who see that I’ve carried on in spite of myriad setbacks. They see that I’m never going to stop. That probably explains why some have even plotted/schemed with others to bring me down. No exaggeration here.

That’s the way of the world. You need to understand that everyday that you get up to go after your goals, you WILL prove such people wrong. And some are bound to be driven to try and redress that imbalance.

How far they will go, will depend on how desperate they are, and the nature of checks and balances existing in the society you operate.

But one thing is certain. No matter what they do, as long as you never give up, your success is inevitable.

Keep that it mind. And you’ll never fail. Period.

Get Coaching Support

If you’re passing through a difficult phase and need guidance to enable you persist intelligently signup for my Performance Improvement coaching.

You’ll learn how to use every period of adversity you experience as a stepping stone to the next level of success you desire. And suddenly, you’ll find yourself welcoming adversity anytime it makes an appearance, because you’ll be confident of your ability to overcome it to get where you want to go!

Click here to learn more about how I can help you.

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