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You Need Thinking Power to Generate Ideas (3 Tips)

Written by Tayo Solagbade

Topics: Writing/Blogging

Ideas they say, rule the world. Coming up with new, original and/or unique ideas is therefore a good way to make an impact in the world. As writers, generating new ideas for articles, reports, newsletters, books and other channels is a critically important task we need to carry out regularly. Without it, our work gradually loses its appeal to our readers. This article explains how visualization can help you generate ideas for your writing – or in other areas of life.

1. New & Fresh Ideas Help Us Maintain Our Appeal

As writers – and as experts in our fields – we must constantly have a well of new and exciting ideas to draw from in order to add value to our readers – or clients/customers.

Your ideas must come from within you. It does not matter what your area of interest or vocation is, the process of generating ideas remains the same. As long as you understand that your need to visualize what you want, you can make it come to you.

I consider this a most valuable lesson every human being needs to learn about his/her God-given ability. Master this skill of getting ideas by picturing what you want, and nothing you do can EVER fail!

2. Discover & Improve Your Thinking Power: Just Picture What You Want

Picturing what you want mentally is a powerful tool. It involves communicating with your subconscious mind. If you do it right, you’ll continually amaze others who are not aware that it is possible. Those who understand what it entails will acknowledge you.

There is no one who does not have this power.

Go into battle with whatever will stop you from visualizing what you want. You must see it inside your mind before it gets out. You have to believe it before you see it.

If you don’t know what you want, you will never know when you get it. Once you get your picture, stick to it.

Warning: If you go out of your way to manipulate people because of this skill, you are likely to suffer negative consequences.

3. Maintain a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)

Never go into business with the intention of cheating others. Anytime you want to do something that is contrary to what you have accepted as good, remember the foregoing rule.

One book I will strongly recommend you read, in order to fully grasp the importance of what you have read here is “Science of Getting Rich” written by Wallace D. Wattles.

That book describes a very simple mental process that anyone, who diligently applies it, can employ to make what s/he desires happen.

This may sound strange to you, but it is based on a simple time tested principle. It took me years to learn to really use it effectively, but today, I enjoy the amazing benefits of doing so!

Read my article titled “Stop Hurrying – And You’ll Get Anything You Want” to learn more about this powerful concept.

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