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Show Others How to Succeed!

In 2002, I worked as a volunteer maths tutor in an NGO’s weekend(secondary school students) tutoring project.. Having overcome a severe math-phobia (with the help of a private tutor) to get a distinction on my second exam attempt, I had a passion for demystifying maths for students.

I Dreaded Maths in Secondary School…

You see in my family, everybody knew I always struggled with Mathematics. When the results of my first school leaving certificate exams came, I scored a P8 (pass) in maths, but got decent grades in the remaining subjects. It was not much of a surprise to me or others…

That P8 was naturally not up to the required credit, for entry into university. So, I had to prepare for the November/December 1986 General Certificate of Education (G.C.E) exams.

My parents Registered me in Mr. Tony’s Translat Training Centre

Mr. Tony, the maths tutor, was an extremely gifted, and mild mannered Igbo gentleman (who ran Translat Training Centre, a Lagos-Akoka based remedial studies outfit for pre-university students, with his partner. It was quite close to University of Lagos.).

Mr. Tony helped me discover the secret for beating Maths hands down – anytime.

I did not have to learn new skills or read new textbooks. What he taught me was the “strategy” for answering questions. He also outlined guiding principles for coming up with comprehensive “study plans” based on the current West African Examinations Council (WAEC) syllabus.

Anyone who abided by what Mr. Tony said passed. Indeed, most of us scored distinctions!

By the time I took the G.C.E exams, I knew I was going to do quite well in all 5 subjects I’d sat. But I was especially sure of my performance in Maths.

Mr Tony has so drilled me on the preparation strategies that when I took the exam, I actually felt like I’d seen all the questions before!

I recall how my mother smiled indulgently, when I told her I would get the highest grade possible (A1) in maths. She said, “Hmm…just get a credit. That’ll be enough.” I said “Oh you don’t believe me? Well, you wait and see then!” When the results came out I scored A1 in maths, C4 ion English and A3s in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

None of the other subjects mattered though. I’d already gotten passing grades in the May/June exam.

My mother was pleasantly surprised!

In my case, I gained a whole new level of self-confidence. You see, I realised Mr. Tony had been right. He had told me to “forget my fears”, and stay focussed on doing what he taught me. I would go through the rest of my formal schooling life applying this same strategy, with repeated success. And each time I cannot help being grateful for having met Mr. Tony’ who shared his know-how in Mathematics with me.

I can still hear him saying “Tayo, maths is a simple subject.”

When I coached the students at the NGO tutoring project, I told them the same thing!


To Mr. Tayo Solagbade.

I appreciate all your effort. It is through you I knew the difference between Schooling and Education and its also through you that I knew that mathematics as a subject can be answered in many ways. I am very grateful.” – Ifeanyi Okeke, SS3 Student, Volunteer Corps (VC) Tutoring Project: Handwritten Comment in memoirs section of VC Year Book published in 2003.


My experience with Mr. Tony, is why I have a passion for demystifying my successes in any field. It is why I write articles – daily – on this blog on my different areas of interest and expertise.

I want others to learn how I do what I do!

We All Need to Strive to Demystify Success

“The world would be a better place to live in if each person would leave, as an inheritance to posterity, the philosophy, and know-how that brought him happiness, physical, mental and spiritual health and wealth, as did Andrew Carnegie” – Napoleon Hill, in “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude”

This above quote communicates such a potent truth.

Robert Kiyosaki had already made his millions before deciding to write his best sellers. Today, he makes more money from his investments than he does from selling his books…and with less effort too.

So why does he STILL write and teach? Indeed, why do so many AUTHENTICALLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE (emphasis deliberate!) keep sharing what they know with us?

It’s because they know the above truth. Carnegie’s example is worth emulating. Those who “hide” their know-how and philosophies do themselves a disservice.

People Who Mystify Success Often Have Something to Hide…

Here’s one thing I’ve noticed: Some celebrities in my part of the world, when asked how they made it. One answer they give REALLY annoys me:

They say “Na God O!” (i.e. “it’s God’s work etc”)

For me, that makes no sense whatsoever. Is that supposed to imply God loves only them, and so rewards them with unexplainable success?

Why do they mystify success in that manner?

To me, ANY person who answers the question about his/her success philosophy that way is either hiding something naughty s/he did to succeed, or is a flash in the pan who just stumbled into success.

Such people when posed the same question asked of Henry Ford would most likely NOT have an answer.

Ford was asked what he would do if he lost his entire financial empire…

He replied without hesitating: “I’d have it all back in 5 years!

How could be so sure?

Because he had achieved authentic success. He knew what he did to get where he was. There was nothing crooked in there!

His was the kind that is repeatable, and reproducible. It’s the kind that you can teach others and if they follow it exactly, they are bound to succeed the way you did if not better.

Another Person Who Demystifies Success Is Burt Dubin

His Speaking Success System in recognised worldwide for helping aspiring speakers go on to become some of the world highest paid/most recognised international speakers.

This is not a sales pitch.

That’s why there’s no URL to click.

But I felt it would help if I added that contemporary example.

Final Words

However, if you have even the slightest interest in improving your speaking expertise in 2014, I strongly suggest you Google Burt Dubin’s name – now, while you’re still thinking about it. Click the Google results page link that appears to visit his website (speakingsuccess.com and/or burtdubin.com) and send him a message.

Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a surprise FREE gift offer from him 😉

You’ll probably thank me for suggesting you do this!

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