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NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to www.tayosolagbade.com/sdnuggets to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule 
IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS newsletter is published online on the “reincarnated” version of my Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog, to which I have now successfully installed the MAIN database containing over 630 posts on my new domain: TayoSolagbade.com. Most links will now work normally. But I continue to put finishing touches to the content. If you encounter ANY instances of Spontaneousdevelopment.com, simply change them to tayosolagbade.com.

No. 143: Why Farm Owners Need Best Practice Education
Enquiries from livestock Farm CEOs regarding my Best Practice Farm Business Solutions continue to reach me – despite the recent loss of my domain. But I’ve noticed consistently, that most of them started out using haphazard methods to formulate rations for their animals.
Usually, they contact me using my website’s contact form or sometimes via email.
However, more recently, an increasing number of them are getting across to me via Facebook.
Now, I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. The ability to generate sales leads at zero cost will often be developed by creatively using a Web Marketing System like I do.
People often discover the solutions I offer via the search engine results pages that are returned when they come online to search.
And if you’re an active user of the web, you’ll find that even your content, if intelligently posted, with consistency, on Facebook, will eventually turn up in search engines first page results.
And that’s what will make those who need what you offer, find you. Based on my experiences and achievements, this is the “secret” that many who say Facebook does NOT work, do NOT know!
This year alone, I have had at least 4 persons make first time contact with me through that channel (i.e. Facebook).
And they ALL did it by first adding me as a friend. In my normal due diligence manner, I would check them out in many different ways, before accepting their friend requests.
Then, within a day or two after that, I would get a message from them stating that they wanted to buy my Feed Formulation Handbook and Software.
The most recent happened just last week. And it is noteworthy, because the rest of my online presence as is related to spontaneousdevelopment.com was GONE.
Aplus.net had taken over my domain as at 4th May 2014. So this person most likely followed the trail from my Facebook posts about those products – on my profile, and also on my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas page – to get to me.
Eventually we spoke on phone.
He asked me if he needed to buy the Feed Formulation Handbook along with the software, since according to him, he had already been formulating rations successfully.
That prompted me to ask him a few questions as follows:
1. When you say you’re been compounding rations for your animals, what exactly do you do?
He replied that he would simply measure out a particular amount of the different ingredients to be used in the ration, grind or mill them, and then mix all together.
2. Do you use any particular ration formulation technique – like Pearson Square, Linear programming etc?
He said “Ehm, I don’t really use any of such techniques.
I just take specific amounts of ingredients I want to use and I mix them to get what I want.” He admitted that he was not familiar with those techniques.
3. How do you check the nutrient composition of the ingredients you use, to accurately work towards the correct values in the final ration?
For instance do you conduct laboratory analyses of ingredients you use, or do you use values obtained from literature e.g. books?
He replied that he used values from books.
At this point I told him his answers indicated he would be better off buying the feed formulation handbook
I explained that he would need to study it to learn the theory and practice of ration formulation and compounding – on a best practice basis.
To illustrate, I used the example of his choosing to use nutrient composition values of ingredients, from books in his calculations.
Not only is this an unreliable way to derive ration formulas, it also exposes a farmer who uses it to the real danger of deriving rations that do NOT reflect the true nutrient compositions of the ingredient batches used.
I gave him real life example that’s occurred many times, regarding weevil infested maize or other cereal ingredients being delivered to an unsuspecting farm owner.
A farmer would most likely not detect that the supplied grains have lost major protein content, to the weevils that have eaten into the grains.
[NB: Unless s/he employs a best practice procedure or periodically subjecting supplied ingredients to laboratory analyses.]
Going ahead to use a book value for the grain’s protein content, in computations would therefore yield a misleading ration formula!
But the effects would only show up in the relatively poor performance of the animals fed with it, later on. By then both time and money would have been wasted.
Such negative outcomes can be avoided if the farm owners proactively educates him/herself by learning the theory and practice of feed formulation and compounding.
The investment required to acquire that self-education will pay itself back in form of high performing ration formulas the farmer will end up KNOWING how to produce.
Final Words: You Can Now Request Best Practice Educational Talks from www.tayosolagbade.com
It’s interesting to note that many farm owners – like the one mentioned above – get decent results using haphazard methods like the one he told me about.
If that was not so, they would not have stayed in business that long.
It therefore goes without saying, that with better know-how which can be obtained via best practice education, s/he can DO MUCH BETTER.
And that’s why I’ve launched the series of talks/learning events (FREE and Paid) specifically designed to provide time, effort and cost-saving best practice education to Farm CEOs.
If you’re a Farm CEO, or represent a group of Farm CEOs, visit www.tayosolagbade.com to learn more about the learning events and solutions I offer Farm Owners, and how you can invite me.
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Have a great week :-))