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Make It Impossible for Anyone to Badmouth You Successfully

What I am going to say in this article may rub some people the wrong way. But it needs to be said. It’s funny.  Sometimes people periodically resent others for no justifiable reason. They may even subtly engage in acts aimed at bringing those they resent down, by discrediting them.

No one – regardless of age – can escape having this kind of experience.

The only way you can avoid it is probably if you choose not to live in society.

Some people actually begin having such experiences before adulthood. It happens in schools, and other environments.

There’s a good chance you have already had one – or more – of such experiences.

For some strange reason, one or more persons may decide to see you as a threat to be eliminated.

A threat to recognition they desire, or a position they wish to occupy.

Ironically, you may even be unaware that they see you as a threat

Or you would probably have no interest in whatever they think you’ll take from them.

But even if you told them so, people like this are often very insecure. They would never believe you. Your “potential” will often be what scares them. What they see/know you would be capable of accomplishing, if you were to set your mind to it.

They would ONLY feel at ease when convinced they have destroyed any chance of your beating them to it!

And that is why they would make it a prime objective to discredit you.

To them, that would ensure they can go up where they want to be.  Many times you may not even know who feels this way about you.

But, if you’re lucky, the rumours they spread could provide useful signs of their ill will. Also, the reactions of others to you would provide further proof.

People giving you funny stares as you walk by. Some bold enough would walk up to you and say "Shame on you Tayo! How could you do such a terrible thing?"

And you would ask "But what did I do?" in honest surprise. To which another would sneer "Oh come on, who do you think you’re still going to fool with your good guy act. It’s all out in the open now. We know you’re not better than the others. Don’t pull any innocent acts here!

If You’ve Never Experienced This Problem, KNOW That It’s Real – and Prepare Yourself

I realise not everyone can relate to what I’m saying here. Maybe you were raised in society where this does not happen – or you’ve never seen it happen.

But there are places where it’s almost a way of life.

You never know where you’ll find yourself in future. Or who you’ll have to relate with.

People are products of their environments and experiences. And they carry the habits formed from exposure to their society and culture with them.

Not many will be able to avoid acting based on their formed habits. Character, as my people (the Yorubas) say, is like smoke.

No matter how hard you try to keep it hidden, it always finds a way to reveal itself.

That’s why I suggest you use what you learn from this article to prepare yourself. That way, if/when you do have such an experience; you’ll know how to handle it.

What You Can Do

Refuse to let them get you down or stop you from being who you are.

Instead, every day go out with courage, faith and determination to excel regardless on what anyone says about you.

Rest assured in the firm knowledge that falsehood can never overcome truth. And you will succeed.

It’s really simple, and easy to understand.

But I’ve discovered that it can be notoriously hard to remember and diligently apply.

However, if you are to arrive, you MUST learn to do it.

If it’s already happening to you, understand that it’s very likely a sign that you’re headed for great things.

So many quotes by people who achieved greatness warn that on the way to that TOP, lots of negativity may be channelled in your direction.

It’s actually nature’s way of making you qualify for the reward of success and greatness!


1. Do You Know How to Deal With People Who Mock and Ridicule You

2. How To DEFEAT Haters – Permanently!

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