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Create Mini Information Products to Boost Your Passive Income

In line with my commitment to offer information to clarify the thinking behind the evolution of the Web Marketing System (WMS), I offer the following notes in this blog for use by clients.

In creating content for your online presence via a WMS, my primary purpose is to Define and Differentiate you from others who who do what you do, by using Power Positioning naming/branding principles in creating your response generating web content.

A key purpose of the WMS is to help you generate sales via passive channels to boost existing earnings.

So, apart from the goal of winning people over for various versions of your main products and services, the idea is also to explore ways to get people to pay to access aspects of your solutions packaged in a ready to use form that they can have without your needing to be involved.

Mini Information Products Can Help to Achieve the Above

Quite often I’ve found that useful benefit can also be had by creating mini PDF information products that visitors/prospects can download for as little as $5 upwards to $45 or more.

These would be products that contain useful information they can read and apply to achieve a useful outcome in the direction of their goals. Inside those PDFs they would still encounter subtle invitations to signup for your main or flagship offerings.

By then it would feel less like you’re trying to sell and more like you’re trying to help.
Using this strategy, you can have lots of little PDF goodies on sales pages we link to depending on the theme you write on.

I do this a lot and even sell some as compilations of my best 25 articles from a period at $25 USD in my online store at http://lulu.com/sdaproducts.

With the above, even when you have no client signed on to your big ticket offering, those smaller sales can continue to happen.

Every now and then you can do time limited promos in which you offer them at attractive discounts.

Note that some of the PDFs can be short (e.g 15 pages) so these are not meant to be books. But they would contain timeless eye opening insights people would love to have, which would hook them into your sales loop, so you can up-sell more offers to them.

These sales can add up when you have a subscriber mailing list of potential clients hungry for your stuff.

The reason is not all will be ready to commit to your big ticket solution, so they’d welcome an opportunity to access a bit of your stuff on a mini scale. When the quality of that content hits them, that may drive them to find a way to afford your main offer. Bottom line: you sell more!

Regarding the WMS on the whole, it’s important to take time to settle on the right content to use. My experiences have taught me to “test” a lot to see how the target audience responds to my web page copy/offers, and then use their behaviour to make more informed decisions about what else to say and how to say it.

Click here to contact me if you’d like to learn more

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