I have a deep passion for analyzing success stories, and extracting useful learning points from them. My most recent obsession has been ESPN’s video about how a guy, born without arms, rose to world class success as a vehicle engineer.
The video however lasts only 7 – short – minutes.
But It Actually Took That Guy 22 LONG Years to “Make It” That Far
That’s how long Richie Parker, and his wonderful parents, worked hard to get where they are today.
And I dare say that those must have been very lonely years too.
T-w-e-n-t-y T-w-o LONG years.
The video makers could naturally not capture full details of what really transpired during those 2 decades.
Yet, for those who wants to know how the Parkers really did it…THAT LONG PERIOD IS what we need to examine!
See screenshot below – which I took from the video.
Above: My kid would have used her hands to caress the dog. Richie, as a little child, had to settle for using his legs!
The video does not say it. But this guy had to contend –right from the day he was born – with the reality of what should have been a crippling disability.
Most people don’t want to endure LONG – and sometimes LONELY – periods of hard work to succeed.
Oh…they love to hear stories of those who did it, and will heartily applaud, even idolize them. But they’d rather NOT have to go the same route to their success!
Which is why quick and easy “formulas” for success sell so well in our world!
Unfortunately, success that is had “quickly and easily”, often departs just as “quickly and easily” 
Richie’s kind is however an excellent example of authentic success – the one that lasts, and is reproducible.
But whoever wants it, MUST be willing to pay the price of working hard, and long…most times at least.
Other Victories Richie Has Won DAILY (for Decades), Which the Video Did Not Show Us
It’s possible most people have NOT considered it. But there are other realities Richie has successfully dealt with for 30 long years.
Get this: The ESPN video does NOT tell us, how Richie Parker ALSO successfully does these UN-AVOIDABLE tasks – daily – without arms…
1. Brushing his teeth…applying toothpaste takes two hands for most of us…how does he do his?
2. Taking his bath…how does he turn the tap or shower on…and off?
3. Putting on his shirts, trousers, shoes etc…every day…?
4. Unbuttoning or taking off his trousers to use the toilet…?
I could go on, but so can you. Just think how he does ALL the stuff YOU do without even thinking about it.
For him, it must take him great effort to do each of those things.
And yet, he still does them (otherwise he would not be where he is today).
And in addition to doing them, he does his work just as well as others who HAVE arms, in a field as demanding as vehicle engineering.
Watch the Video and Listen to Richie speak. He is so self-assured!
Listening to Richie Parker, one is left in no doubt that he is supremely aware of his capabilities.
Yet, I’ve lost count of many able bodied persons I’ve ment who are insecure about themselves!
Why is this so?
It’s partly – often mostly – the result of how they were brought up by their parents.
What Mr. and Mrs. Parker did for Richie is what all parents should do for their kids from DAY 1 – to paraphrase Richie.
Make your kids develop and independent and confident mindset.
Let them know they can go through life not .looking to continually lean on, or need others to do stuff for them!
But We Must Not Fail to Give Rex Stump Credit for Making Richie’s Success Story Happen
You see Rex was smart enough to LOOK BEYOND Richie’s (seeming) disability, to see the potential he had, to ADD VALUE to Hendrick.
That’s the way a competent decision maker acts. S/he will always take decisions in the best interests of the organisation, and those he manages!
No room for bias or discrimination here.
Richie’s parents are, to me, the greatest heroes ever!
They coached him to believe in himself and achieve. And they painstakingly documented EVERY way he overcame his disabilities to do just that.
I happen to LIVE for my kids – and I mean that literally.
And when I see other people’s kids, I FEEL towards them, what I feel for mine: a strong desire to help them BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE…and to refuse to live below one’s full potential.
And Richie’s life, to me, presents us all a massive challenge to DO MORE With Our God-given Potential!
And I’ve chosen to respond to that challenge, by LEARNING from his story, and telling others to do the same.
For myself, my kids, and any others who may be interested, I’ve created a FREE, Printable Power Point Slideshow(see cover below).
In particular, I have considered many in my part of the world, whose circumstances probably make it impossible, or difficult to use the web.They may never see the video unless someone takes an offline version to them. I plan to do what I can with the offline version I’ve recorded. But I believe printing out, and sharing this Power Point version I’ve created, will go an even longer way. Even those of us who’ve watched the video will find it useful to read through the transcript version. I published it on Slideshare.net since last Saturday 19th Octover 2013 – click here to view it. The download link appears in this blog post (click here).Download, print out, and share it FREELY with people OFF the web, who may probably never “encounter” this story otherwise! EVERYONE NEEDS TO “HEAR” THIS STORY, and BE INSPIRED!!!! |
That is a great tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere.
Brief but very accurate info… Thanks for sharing this one.
A must read article!
Thank you :-))