This is my latest guest post published last week at Read here
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2 thoughts on “Top 10 Ingredients Used in Livestock Feed”
The blog doesn't necessarily mean ranking of ingredients by frequency of use but instead lists it in such a way that these ingredients are used simultaneously and in combination to form a complete meal. The top percentage of the mix is still corn.
However you'll notice that at the start of the post I indicated that the items were the "most frequently used".
Take energy sources for instance. Out here "Corn" is the most frequently used of the different energy contributing feed ingredients. And it often makes up the bulk of most animal feeds compounded by the farmers.
The listing I put up was NOT meant to rank the 10 ingredients relative to one another in terms of their frequency of use.
Rather, I looked at the "three key groups" of feed ingredients used for feed formulation, and chose the most frequently used individual ingredients from each group to feature in the top 10 list – but in a way that (as you correctly noted), a complete meal could still be prepared.
The "sample feed formula" – as I noted – at the end of the post, was mainly an "illustration" for the benefit of readers (e.g. aspiring farm owners) who may not be familiar with how the 10 ingredients discussed come together to make a balanced ration.
Hope I managed to make some sense with the above…think even I got lost at some point…lol
Thanks again for sharing Karla
PS: (1). By way of interest what would be an example of a typical ration formula for poultry layers at your end?
(2). I was excited to see that you deal with Rabbits as well. It so happens that my next blog post is on Rabbits as inexpensive high protein Biological Refrigerators…and why Africans need to rear them (i.e. micro livestock) MORE than large livestock, if we really want to boost protein consumption per capita to WHO standards. I might be touching base with you on your views on optimal feeding approach for rabbits. I have some slightly unconventional ideas from stuff I did while rearing them years back, but am looking to find out what more I can learn. Will let you know when it's up…if you're interested!
(3). Love your website – the home page does a good job of stating what you offer etc!
…a multi-disciplinary blog for people passionate about reaching their goals!
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The blog doesn't necessarily mean ranking of ingredients by frequency of use but instead lists it in such a way that these ingredients are used simultaneously and in combination to form a complete meal. The top percentage of the mix is still corn.
Hi Karla,
I see the point you're making
However you'll notice that at the start of the post I indicated that the items were the "most frequently used".
Take energy sources for instance. Out here "Corn" is the most frequently used of the different energy contributing feed ingredients. And it often makes up the bulk of most animal feeds compounded by the farmers.
The listing I put up was NOT meant to rank the 10 ingredients relative to one another in terms of their frequency of use.
Rather, I looked at the "three key groups" of feed ingredients used for feed formulation, and chose the most frequently used individual ingredients from each group to feature in the top 10 list – but in a way that (as you correctly noted), a complete meal could still be prepared.
The "sample feed formula" – as I noted – at the end of the post, was mainly an "illustration" for the benefit of readers (e.g. aspiring farm owners) who may not be familiar with how the 10 ingredients discussed come together to make a balanced ration.
Hope I managed to make some sense with the above…think even I got lost at some point…lol
Thanks again for sharing Karla
PS: (1). By way of interest what would be an example of a typical ration formula for poultry layers at your end?
(2). I was excited to see that you deal with Rabbits as well. It so happens that my next blog post is on Rabbits as inexpensive high protein Biological Refrigerators…and why Africans need to rear them (i.e. micro livestock) MORE than large livestock, if we really want to boost protein consumption per capita to WHO standards. I might be touching base with you on your views on optimal feeding approach for rabbits. I have some slightly unconventional ideas from stuff I did while rearing them years back, but am looking to find out what more I can learn. Will let you know when it's up…if you're interested!
(3). Love your website – the home page does a good job of stating what you offer etc!