[Hint: This on-demand coaching program will benefit business owners/CEOs, organizational decision makers, career persons, independent consultants etc]
Knowing what you want is only half of what you need to achieve your set goals. Developing the ability to take the necessary action, as and when required, to achieve your set goals is an even more important requirement for success.
Without this latter ability, all our visualizing and goals setting will likely to amount to nothing.
And THAT is what separates mere dreamers from real life achievers. The former are those who indulge in wishful thinking, instead of adopting repeatable and reproducible strategies that they diligently implement to achieve their ultimate purpose.
I enjoy the unique privilege of being exceptionally skilled in the art of getting things done like that, no matter how difficult the circumstances under which I have to operate.
My verifiable track record in this regard dates way back – over 3 decades – to my days in secondary school, when I did it all intuitively.
At that time, especially between the ages of 10 to 16, I would engage in prolonged periods of truancy with gang members, skipping classes and playing dangerous pranks, getting into trouble with school authorities, to the extent of being suspended etc.
Despite all that, I always scaled through in my classwork – including exams. I never failed and always kept my grades up. Going on to university, I channeled this ability positively into sports, so that I graduated top of my class while getting multiple awards from the university sports administration authorities.
During 7 subsequent years in paid employment I did the same thing, working in a multidisciplinary capacity adding value to co-workers by going way beyond the call of duty to develop solutions to help them work better, without letting my own job suffer.
That earned me wonderful career rewards and rave reviews when I chose to leave and start my own business.
Since becoming self-employed about 14 years ago, I can confirm that this ability, which I have never stopped refining, has been instrumental to my success in serving clients in various industries as a Location Independent Multipreneur, without burning out!
In all the above situations, the results I’ve delivered have constantly made others (who today include clients in/out of Africa) express amazement at my demonstrated capacity for getting things done – especially considering the far-from-friendly socioeconomic environment I work in out here in Nigeria/Africa.
Many tell me they would love to be able to get things done the way I do.
To help such persons, I’ve written articles over the years – like the two linked at the bottom of this piece – sharing insights about what I do and how I do it.
However, I’ve now come to the realization that I can help most people better by providing a more personalized form of guidance and support.
Something like a personalized hand-holding coaching session to enable them develop basic mastery they can improve with time.
That’s why I now offer my On-Demand Spontaneous Coaching™ Program for persons interested in getting such personalized support to learn how to boost their personal productivity by getting things done at will, like I do.
Click here to request details if you’d like to signup.
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1. To Effortlessly Do More, Get Into Flow (Or The Zone)! | SD Nuggets™
2. Become a Habitual Peak Performer: Learn How to Get Into “Flow”(Or…”The Zone”) More Frequently