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No. 123: Boost Your Marketing Success by Using the Web Differently
The massive name recognition and marketing reach/impact I’m getting via my zero cost Web Marketing System baffles many. Most believe if you don’t spend on online ads in some media, you cannot get enough marketing exposure.
My achievements on the web disprove that myth.
To boost your online self-promotion efforts in 2014 as an expert-who-speaks, adopt the mind set shift, and ideas/strategies I advocate in this article!
Using The Web Successfully Is Rarely About Your IT/Technology “Up-to-date-ness”
I like the sound of that…”up-to-date-ness”…:-))
I’ve found that some people think succeeding with IT depends on using the latest versions and models. Wrong! Anyone familiar with my elaborate online presence, will be surprised to learn that I use what purists would consider very outdated equipment and software.
For instance, I write and do all my Excel-VB coding on a VERY old Toshiba Satellite (at least by today’s standards. It was purchased 5 years ago.)
And I say this proudly. It gives me the results I want, and many times I deliver output that exceeds those of others who use more modern machines and software.
My philosophy is: if it’s not giving problems, and stilll produces the results I want, why change it?
That’s why you’ll find I have Windows XP installed on it, and there’s also a copy of MS Excel 2000 (that’s NOT a typo!) on it, in case I need to develop an app that’s downwardly compatible.
You should also see my Blackberry Pearl 9035.
It’s seen better days, as I’ve flogged it mercilessly since 2 years ago when I bought it.
Many times, I’ve had to teach clients using superior, newer models how to do what I do with my old horse e.g creating and publishing new posts to my blog, with graphics, and also using a blackberry as a modem for browsing via my laptop, saving over N4,000 monthly as a result.
So, it’s rarely about the “tools” and more about the competence, commitment and creativity of the user!
Think about it: Long distance runners from Ethiopia and Kenya who often start out training bare foot, without access to modern sporting facilities have for decades dominated World and Olympic competitions.
Their peers in developed societies, despite all their special diets and conditioning, with their aerodynamic running shoes and wears, are rarely able to match them!
It’s More About Your Ability to Find/Use The Right Mix of User-Friendly Tools and Resources
As an expert-who-speaks in 2014, the way you put PC and Internet technology to use will determine the degree of marketing success you achieve.
Too many of us still think we must get a “certification” in a particular vocation before we can consider ourselves competent to function in it. And we apply that same thinking to others we come across.
This leads to a bias that denies us the opportunity to benefit from the GENIUS of someone who, for example, studied Sociology in the university, but later discovered and developed his God-given talent for Web Marketing.
In trying to decide whose proposal to accept, we choose the person who sends a thick proposal endng with a listing of all sorts of IT qualifications. We tell ourselves “Aha. This person will know all there is to know about helping us use IT and the Internet to successfully market our products and services!“
We blind ourselves to the need to check for real-world relevance of each person’s know-how!
An IT graduate may NOT have a passion for creatively applying what s/he knows in a way that benefits his/her clients in the real world. In today’s world, technology makes it possible for anyone with the interest and willingness, to learn almost anything s/he wants to learn.
And that’s why today we have so many people achieving great successes in fields they did not formally study in. Look around you. I do not need to give any examples. They abound everywhere!
To me, that is a sign that we all need to pay more attention to verifying real world competence, instead of depending on academic credentials in isolation.
You, or Your IT Manager Need Not Reinvent The Wheel, to Market Online Successfully
I say this with confidence drawn from over 8 years of using the web to market physical and digital products/services to buyers within and outside Africa.
Knowing that my target audiences varied greatly in their familiarity with the web, as well as their purchasing power, I had to focus on low to zero cost ways to do it all, until I could be sure what worked best. Then using what I learned, I narrowed down to certain strategies, and this increased my rate of success.
Since I was short of funds, and of time, I had to find ways to do my online marketing faster and with less effort i.e. via Intelligent Automation. And I remain alert to any new opportunities to do that.
Around 2009, I discovered Content Management Systems(CMS). That marked a turning point in the way I used the web.
Before then, I’d learnt and used Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, Adobe Photoshop etc to create my designs and web pages from scratch. Discovering CMS like Joomla! and WordPress opened my eyes to the invaluable opportunity to focus my attention on what really mattered: CREATING and propagating USEFUL CONTENT for my target audience!
It took time. It took effort. It took persistence.
But today, I know what to do and how – combining the CMS with other Internet resources, to achieve high impact marketing mileage at low to zero cost.
Whenever I speak to others who want to use the web, I alert them to the need to avoid wasting limited time, and resources, manually doing stuff that I get done automatically.
For example: In CMS like Joomla! they are called “Extensions”. In WordPress, “Plugins”.
On my blog, I have a plugin that allows me create all sorts of contact forms, with powerful automation features, without any coding knowledge, and within seconds.
Another allows me automatically choose posts on my blog, and compiles them into a book I can immediately publish. Considering that I have almost 500 posts to plough through, you can imagine that plugin will be a time saver for me, since I plan to publish ebooks for sale on some of my blog categories in the near future.
Without the plugin, I’d have needed a developer, and a hefty sum of money to pay him/her!
In truth, I am yet to have a need for a special feature or function to aid my marketing online that is not catered for by an extension or plugin already existing. (My experience also indicates that if you search long and hard enough, you’ll find a FREE one too!)
So, when I see some people sweating for months to write code to do something they claim to be important for their website or online marketing, I often get saddened. When I point out the mistake they’re making, they conclude I don’t know enough IT (e.g. like a friend of theirs, or an IT employee), to advise them.
A prospect once asked me to explain how a degree in Agric. Extension qualified me to advice him on Web Marketing 
That would have been be a valid question, IF I did not have a verifiable trackrecord of success in developing Web Marketing Systems that generate quality sales leads for clients. I tried to show him…he paid little or no attention.
So I asked him: “Which is more important? My academic credentials, or the income generating web marketing results I’m getting online in the real world?”.
He gave no answer, but his body language was enough.
I felt so sorry for him, as I often do for people who let petty biases deny them valuable growth opportunities. The programming done on us from school can be that strong!
A Few Years Later, His IT Manager Requests My Advice on Real-World Use of IT/Internet Technology!
If you’ve been reading my writing a while, you know I do NOT share this to brag. It’s just an example I feel effectively drives home the point I’m making.
What follows below is an abridged version of a Facebook chat conversation session I once had (in 2010) with a young IT manager. He worked with the above mentioned CEO I’d discussed providing web marketing systems development service with.
Like him, and his boss, if you and/or your IT personnel fail to take heed of what I’m saying, your company may be unable to develop an effective online presence that delivers the results you want.
Take a few minutes therefore and read – it could save you a lot of wasted time, effort and money in future!
———–START of chat————-
8:19pm is online : Hello Sir
8:19pmMe: Hi
8:20pm: I suppose u remember me?
8:20pmMe: You work with the real estate company I visited
8:21pmMe: Yes? No?
8:21pm: not real estate, IT company
8:22pmMe: My apologies – I do over 10 sales visits each day. Sometimes gets hazy. Your pix looked familiar, so I accepted your friend request
8:23pm: <types company name + address here>..remember now?
8:24pmMe: Yes – I do. Spent quite a while with your boss that day…
8:24pm: I’ve been trying to learn PHP & MYSQL bt it`s kinda tedious for me…So I was wondering if u could help me out
8:27pmMe: I told your boss – coding PHP and MYSQL are not competencies one needs to dwell on to deliver the kinds of solutions I offer – except you want to go on an ego trip…I use content management systems that make developing web solutions cost and time efficient. In using them, I only need to know how to TWEAK php and mysql code where necessary.
8:30pm: I don`t understand wat u mean?
8:32pmMe: For my work, there is no need to really “know” PHP or mysql in depth
8:33pmMe: What you need mainly in basic knowlegde of html, php, etc that will allow you make adjustments to the code produced by powerful content management systems like Joomla (which is php based)
8:35pm: really?
8:35pmMe: Today what is needed are expert developers of solutions that work, not expert programmers who know how to write program code.
8:37pmMe: The problem is Nigerians believe they must write code. My focus is on helping clients develop web solutions that do what they want. Go to joomla.org and LEARN what it means to use CMS like it (there are others) to deliver web solutions for the most sophisticated client needs you can encounter
8:38pm: so how can I be getting the codes since I don`t know how to write??? r u serious?
8:40pmMe: Once you understand basic html, you are well equipped to learn how to develop web solution using the NEW generation of tools like CMS. The world has moved on. Programmers are a dime a dozen (common). They have automated the process using CMS. Learn how to use CMS to solve problems, and you will become relevant
8:41pmMe: Forget about becoming a code writer or programmer. It would be a waste of time. What you want to code is likely to have already been coded out there into a powerful all-in-one software like a CMS. Find that software and save yourself the hassle. Then spend quality time THINKING of how to USE that new tool to serve clients, and solve their problems
8:45pm: u mean I would be able to develop database driven sites like WAEC, JAMB and all that???
8:47pmMe: Please go to joomla.org, then read and learn. The world has moved on. Nigerians need to learn to do more THINKING. We need to stop trying to prove we are good at writing code. It is NOT about writing code. It is about SOLVING real life problems. Just like GSM phones have replaced the dial phones, so have CMS come to remove the drudgery from development of dynamic database driven websites!!! (This was sent as a message, when his net connection broke off)
(May 29 at 9:26pm) Replies via FBK message :facebook chat is really messing up dat`s why I`ve to resort to mailing u…….
I really appreciate ur help…….u r the right man I`ve been looking for all these while. Pls I need u to enlighten me on these CMS and JOOMLA u are talking about. I also need ur phone no. and ur yahoo messenger id so we can chat better. I`m into networking, engineering, I also do web design but I really wanna develop myself in the web engineering part. I`m studying computer science in UNILAG. I`m only doing some sort of part – time work in that company where we met. These are some sites I designed:
So basically, I want to go into web engineering. I want to be developing database-driven sites(PHP & MYSQL) and all that. This is why I need u to show me the way as to how to make use of CMS and JOOMLA.
(May 29 at 9:32pm) I reply via FBK message : I would encourage you to search using Google for many of the very useful resources for learning how to use CMS like Joomla, Drupal and WordPress. In my opinion Joomla and WordPress are the ones you should focus on learning – and I learned to use them FREE online. Just search using “where can I learn to use Joomla” for e.g. Believe me, there are hundreds of manuals and videos available online FREE
…May 29 at 9:33pm I send another FBK message : If I have to teach you, I charge an hourly rate of N3,000. I am not sure that would be a cost effective way for you to go about it. Though you are likely to learn faster.
———–END of chat/FBK messages————-
Final Words: Change Your Thinking About Using the Web
In 2014, I challenge you to change your thinking and begin to use the web the way it’s meant to be used: CREATIVELY.
That is the first step towards achieving web marketing success.
I have supplied a few tips to help you in this article. If you need help to progress further, get in touch with me.
Good luck!

Tayo K. Solagbade*
Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist
*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa
Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)
Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist – Tayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.
He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.
He earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).
In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.
When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).
For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit www.tksola.com to learn more.
Connect with him on Twitter @tksola.com and Facebook.