[DVAM] Your Silence May Cause Your Son, Brother, Uncle, Dad or Other Male Loved Ones to Suffer Avoidable Domestic Violence [Hint: Read These True Stories from batteredmen dot com]

Do you ignore efforts to Identify and Stop Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM)? Let’s hope your silence (or indifference) does not cause your son, brother, uncle, dad or other male loved ones to suffer like those who tell their stories on batteredmen dot com featured below:

“It(DVAM) doesn’t happen.” “It only happens to a few guys–puny, little guys.” “Women who batter only do it in self-defense.” “I wonder what he did, to make her do that?”

There are a lot of myths floating around.

In these pages, we present men’s stories, in their own words.

Story 1:

Another man, whose story is not here e-mailed me:

“I have a problem.

I feel that, if I report my wife, I will be the one that winds up in custody.

When I mentioned dialing 911 while my wife was hitting me with a skilet this morning, she told me to “Go ahead – I will just tell them that I was defending myself”.

Story 2:

“My wife—in one of her drunken rages—took our daughter’s baseball bat and used it to smash the locked door to my study, where I was trying desperately to meet a deadline. And since I’m over 6 feet tall and muscular, I wouldn’t get much sympathy posing as a “battered man!”: I had thought of calling the police that night. When I recalled this incident to my divorce lawyer some time later, his response was: “It’s a good thing you didn’t, because the police probably would have arrested you.”

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