Dig Your Sales and Marketing Well, Before You’re Thirsty (For Income)!

On May 16, 2011…

Prospect wrote: Hi Tayo, I requested a demo (ExcelVB software) download from your site and your condition was to add you as a (Facebook) friend first. Anyway hope to hear from you…

Tayo Solagbade (Me): Hello P. Thanks for taking the pain. Can you let me know what demo you are interested – and if possible what you are looking to achieve or learn. Look forward to your response.

May 17, 2011 2:41pm

Prospect: Hello Tayo, Thank’s for your quick response. The Demo I requested was the Auto-Cash book. I liked the ease of postings and the reports analysis. Straight to the point. Hope it will help me in my hardware shop. Will also be talking to you about fish farming. I saw you have quite some knowledge in this field. We are also trying to venture here even setting up our site www..com.

May 18, 2011 1:00pm

Me: Hi P.

Hate to tell you this, (and it’s a bit annoying that yours is one of those affected), but the Auto Cash Book is one of a few of my apps that got lost when my PC hard drive crashed last year.

I have been carefully checking my backup CDs to see which ones I can recover and so far, I have gotten back my Pond Construction calculator which was requested by another visitor.

See http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1951941674325.2114919.1116136884.

You can click http://www.spontaneousdevelopment.com/uploads/Pond-Construction-Calculator-Report.xls to download the auto-generated report.

I’m thinking you might want to download and test drive the General Accounts Manager(GAM), which actually incorporates the Auto Cash Book, with major improvements on the data entry interface.

There really is no problem. If you wish, I can always customize the GAM to include any features from the original auto-cash book that you like.

This is what I do. I believe what is important is that you get a feel for how my apps work.

Let me know what you think.

The download information is as follows:

[Note to Reader: Send email request to Tayo at tksola dot com with “GAM download” in subject line, and I’ll send link and other details to you]

The zipped folder contains a README first text file with basic instructions for making your copy of Excel ready to work with Visual Basic driven applications like mine.

Better still, you can download this PDF guide I give out to every client once I deliver their application to them:


Note that this app will work in Excel 2007 or higher, however the chart manipulation controls provided in it, which allow the user to view and export a dynamic, scrollable chart, may not function properly.

See the Youtube video for this app at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUl4_RAja-g

The application (once enabled) starts with a custom login screen form. Use the following login details to get in:



[Note to Reader: Send email request to Tayo at tksola dot com with “GAM login details” in subject line, and I’ll send the username and password to you]

Then you click login. Watch the video, then follow the demonstrated steps to explore using the app. Like I said, it can be customized/modified to suit your specific needs.

My youtube channel showcases vides of other apps I have built for clients at http://www.youtube.com/user/TKSolagbadeSDAc

I can always prepare a detailed, customized PDF user guide for the user, on request.




1. Love what I saw on your work-in-progress website. We need initiatives like this in Africa. It’s the kind of thing that excites me!

2. By the way, I’ve just re-launched my Speaking Service website – http://www.tksola.com, and am now promoting my customizable talks/other learning events on Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas, and others which are reflected on my various websites as well as in my 157 syndicated articles. You might want to take a look.

May 18, 2011 1:56pm

Prospect: Hi Tayo, Thanks so much. I am going to try it and give you a feed back. You have so much goodies to offer I know now I have to stick around you. Thanks again – Patrick

May 18, 2011 2:02pm

Me: Many thanks for the kind comments, P. Wish you well. Cheers

At 4.00a.m on 18th March 2014 (3 Years later!), he returned to post a request on my wall (see below):

March 18, 2014 4.00am

Screenshot: At 4.00a.m this morning, a chap who’d had a Facebook chat session with me, a year ago, about buying my Payslip Generator (or learning to build it himself), returned to post a request on my wall

So I posted a comment asking him to send his phone number to me. About 12 hours later, he responded by posting his phone number.

Why did I not just respond to his request? Why did I need to call him?

Well, past experience has taught me to verify that I’m not dealing with misguided persons who go around making phony enquiries and playing mind games on website owners. Considering that he had not gotten back to me since 2011, I felt a need to connect with him to be sure he was for real, and also to see if I could get a better idea of what exactly he wanted.

At 10.30a.m, I called him using my mobile line, and we spoke like old friends, for about two and half minutes.

By the time I was done, I came away feeling it would be okay to respond to his enquiry. This is not to say I’m sure he will eventually make a purchase. It’s just that I got the feeling that he is indeed a serious minded fellow with a real interest in what I do. To me, that’s great, because I am keen to build relationships with prospects, till they get to a point that they trust me like they would a friend, and eventually feel comfortable doing business with me.

I ended the call by telling him I would send details in response to his enquiry, by email. Below is the text of the message I sent him via Facebook:

March 18, 2014 9:34pm

Me: Hi Patrick,

It was nice speaking with you today

The advanced Excel-VB driven Pay slip Generator sells for N50K as is (I just add your company name, logo, and help you transfer your records from your Excel file into the app – at NO CHARGE).

See http://www.tinyurl.com/PayslipTutor

If you need major modifications made, I can customize it for a fee that starts from N50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand Naira) upwards – depending on scope of work to be done.

Payment options:


2. GT Bank

This will probably be a more convenient alternative for you.

You now have GT Bank in Kenya at:

See other GT Bank East Africa subsidiaries at:

Find my GT Bank account details below:

You can convert the Naira value to USD using www.coinmill.com

Email me the transaction details if/when you pay, so I can check.

Once your payment is confirmed, I’ll email you the app, with a detailed screenshot PDF user guide. The app will be personalized with your name and other details (including your photo, if you send it in).

Hope this helps, and do let me know if you need further details or require clarification.

With kindest regards.

Tayo K. Solagbade

Interestingly, it was while doing a response to him via Facebook message, that I saw the transcript from our previous correspondence.

That was when I realized that I’d mixed him up with a chap who connected with me on Facebook over a year ago, to make detailed enquiries about my Payslip Generator. That other person was a Nigerian. This gentleman is from Kenya!

Thankfully, I noticed my error on time. Otherwise, I’d intended to posted this link in my response, as a reminder that I’d given him the information he requested before! And he would have wondered what on earth I was talking about!

In essence, I’m saying I get many enquiries, and engage in many different conversations with enquirers regularly.

And this can sometimes make one mix up names and details, as almost happened above. So, one needs to exercise some caution.

However, a good side to this is the fact that you know you’re actually working towards a possible sale!

What I wish to emphasize though, is that these opportunities only keep coming the way they do, because I do NOT stop doing what I’m doing.

And that is consistently putting up useful new content in creative ways, to attract those who need my products and services!

This is what makes potential buyers notice me, and go out of their way – even jumping through hoops I put up – to get access to me.!

But What Do I Do It Exactly – and How?

Well, I use what I call a Web Marketing System. Read my 3 part article series that explains what it’s about, and why it is useful.

I’m getting increasingly better results every year.

And that’s what convinces me it’s an effective tool for digging your Sales and Marketing well, to effectively quench your income thirst forever!

If you need help putting yours in place, or you would like to learn how to do it yourself, email tayo at tksola dot com with your name, phone number, country, and request details.

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